i I PACTH TWO "Vanity Maid" OOTWEAR For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45 , ,$5.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes It takes Time to make Coal It takes Time to mine Coal Now's the time to buy Bulkley Valley Coal Coal Coal Coal Foothills . Xanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley mTfor' nr?i p your fuel cost down this TrW coaI ht you more heat c a cT7t and ,ess w1 Our special coals give you more heat for your money, Just phone 651 or 653 and we will gladly advise you which coal is best suited for your furnace, range or heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Men's and Youngs Men's Fancy Worsted TROUSERS Tailored By "Northwestern" Colors Blues, Blacks, Browns Waisl Sizes 30 to 41 $C.OO Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. P.O. Box 622 WEATHER IS I STILL POOR Official Figures Make Dismal Pic-lure Here, October Adding To General Dreariness I The ranlest and. except for January, the darkest month Prince ( I Rupert has had so far this yeax.i October added Its part toward making the year 1939 one of the I most rJLAnal Jn)m a weather stand -point this city has ever experi- ienced. i j The precipitation here In October, according to the ofHeW flf-jures of the Dominion meteorologist. S. J. llflfor of Di$W Isl-jarid, was N.'SS Inches, brinain" 'he total preeiDltatiftn for the year to date un to 83 57 inches as eom-nared with 74.58 inches In the entire year 1933. I During this October sunshine amounted to only 353 hours which was little brighter than mid -winter January with its 2S-3 hoars. Th sunshine so far this year ajgre- ates 773.7 hours, a far cry frots the 9632 hours recorded in the first ten months of last year. To add to the general discomfort of the month1 just ended. October also had the first frost of the fall which came rather early when 29 above was recorded on October 25. The detailed weather summary for October was as follows: Highest barometer reading. 30.481 n October 28. Lowest barometer reading. 29.154 dn October 16. Maximum temperature. 60 October 31. Minimum- temperature. 29 October 25. Mean temperature. 445. Precipitation. 14.68 inches. Sunshine. 35.3 hours. on TH daily jnrwt Wednesday NoVf TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourwtr SD, Jofcbtoo Co.) New York Allis-Chalmers. 424-American Can, 104V American Car afcd Foundry. 37. American Locomotive. 26. American Sattsttnc. M4. American Tet Sod Tel., 157. Anaconda. 33. Baldwin Locomotive. 18V Bethlehem Steei M. Bjd-Warneri ,2. Catefaiar Tractor. 57. DupoaC I80 General KJeric. 40 General Motota, 51 . Good year Tire & Rubber. 274. Inland Steel 90. International Nickel K'nnectrtt Copper 3S-National BtetuK. MS New York Cental. 21H. Nrrtti American Aviation J7. Pnrcvtrnnto. 25s! PuWk- St. of New Jenrtf. . Rvllf CornoraHon 5. Remtblie Steel. 5?oonv Varnam oil. 13. Standard Oil of California. 2?H Standard Oil of New Jersey. 46. United Pratt. 8. rPied State Rubber. 41. United States Steel. 74. Ubyssey Wins Football Cup win the Hardy Cup. emblematic of western intercollegiate football DODGE COVE ! WORK GIVEN Sktena River Pile Drhrlnc Co. U Awarded Contract Tor F.x tension of Float Approach there were applications for $7660 of building Including the erection of a city business block Kamloops Sends Clothes Abroad . .... . . Ship Two Hundred Articles to lakes WcAtevn Intereolletlate . . . ,, ... England 'or I'' o' Kxacuatol Soccer Title ..-. ith Two Victories i .- , , Children ,T Over Unlversllv of j Saskatchewan chamoionshiD. Winning the first . Dally advertlslni tn Maximum wind velocity. 46 miles -a me last Wednesday 16 to 0. U3. News Is sure to bring per hour, easterly. October 19. C s aesregate vi torv was 27 to 0. "lt There are no 'picky appetites when we have Fish at our house ... and we have it often, too, because it can be served in so many interesting ways that we never get tired of its new delicious flavours. "The children love it. and Dick and I like it too. especially when we think of the nourishment and energy it provides for the kiddies." Serve good Canadian Fish to your family. They'll enjoy it, every time, and thrive on it, too. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA; MacKenzie's Furniture BAKKVsrOHE CAHPETS and HAItDlsn 16 arpets-0xlOi. From ' 6 Carpets 9x12 18 Carpets 6' 8x 9. From 14 Carpets 4 f'xT'6 From Carpet Throw" KuSFrom Phone 775 COAL Grahn Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and $58 .. $45.00 $220 $15.00 $1.00 327 Till III) AVeMJE NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FltO.M $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 h.q. Box 196 the Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert H. 8. Keiser. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. T Johnson and R. Nicholson Port Edward; S. A. Cunliffe and C. Morris. Smlthers; Dr. and Mrs. H. J MaMctejohn. Winnipeg; Mrs. R, Otanwr. Shirley; A. L. Brunton. Th Skeena River Pile Driving 0.Zta orders, of Os- C mOm Colquhoun " Silverman. Vancouver; land has bee awarded a contract ypwSrt Department of Pub- Jgg . Vlcieda; J"" Mrs. 3. I karutock, Vt Wartcs f an extension of the approach to the float at Dodga j Cove. Difby Island, the contract flure being about $3900 Trail Building This Year High High School j Girls' Clubs MIm lle!en Ormitton and MUs Alice Friesen are Presidents In Hrst Nine .Months of 19J9 Per- mil Total $131,000 Ja1" wbs have been oT- wutlsed at Booth Memorial lllth TRAIL. Nov 1 CPi Trail hool on in Beta House and belldiftg uearaHs ir the ftrat nine "r in da. Both these are un-mooihs of 19 exercd $134,000 lo ipoworship of Miss Irene value. During the last week alone "lltlKU At th? first meeting the alms of. 'he cluk were outlined to the mem- Monday and VAvrouvEB Nov i tiniver. hundred artlei at HosMm Tuesday York commodity Drtces closed yes terday as foHows December wheat 1 M- D-cember cotton. 9.4: De- 0 DtportuMitt ( ftiti, Ottawa. J a J - i. , (rtsus rtrnr unm hmmii) j A44tnt j ' OH . J Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. Rrltlsh Columbia CMMONIES tALLtU OFF State ad SOfUI(Xrrj lfie inter,, r,lt1 Governor Set, Voru, VICTORIA. Nov . lause of the wr h nd social affairs with the. Mutton !r " which opened tcAa . '7' JSsM curtailed. The M,, ; 4 crnor set the ,ke latlve style ailrt circumstances ( ,-mornlns attire pendent Wind the representativ wily wears a- H dence ci..- Phone Black LOOOINO Ou- and 1 .vit-:.' r by !2. 73 r-.-,. loot earrv'- t i Lines and B;- k glng equlpm by 20 and 18 ' r 16 men. In..-. r i 2 by 40. i ove. 1 cordt hdue 14 by : blacksmith t 'eet. in good c 1 . t b bers and then elections were heldiNKW Amen aiv ar t I KOtt HEM "tty ci Brittth Columbia Thunder been shipped rrOm Kftfntooia for YORK Ct)MMODIT1l2S UAK) AND KQ0J1 on Biros anraica uoiprwiy oi oas- wic m cimhk finwrcn m NEW YORK November 1 New rrfttit , kAtchewan by a score of 11 to 9 to England with th folhmlng results: lleta PreaWent. Helen Orwlston. Viae-Preaidtnt. Flora Leslie. Secretary. Nura Thomas. Trwuwrer. Kay O'Neill. C.smma President. Alice Friesen. Vtea-PraaUlent. Joyce Klelback. Secretary. Charlotte Balagno. Treasurer, Emily Yamanaka. Mas tings are held every second I , on' nl three E. FDR BALE- Who,, Ing trtitfit compir-, khr at hojpitaj A- FOR SALE- 5-r' -ir i )iizt room, good b- . P Phone Red 75 f FOR RENT fn' nat 7JJ 5th Ave n tr,i fc Dalb cember rubber I9M; March sugar IOR SALK llY TFVIiri daily re- Ho. 3. 178 March sugar. No. , , 1 40; NUrch copper. 11.45. r i 41 1 . A sad guy lines. I gisbv ST t-f U'l horsepower T Meekln , Si PKFflNil. " DOMINION C ..; -v tw'i-tion fnr c; M expected in : formation r. 'orPostme:. t 6teno . tc : C c 8ch: Oldest in Cs , f. r i r . . msi Elirlfittt rt;:r- It W & A -1 Net Time Voa Ak Tor Ston Polhh Siy- 4 ICT"';0K HOT Jill STOVES At All B.C Stores CENTRAL HOTEL KOOM8 and CAFE Phone SI For Bt IIcohM Coil MILS. C F- BMfK R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BUCK J ?ia Flhth Avenue n"i TUP SEAL QUALITY 1) GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the cinnlnf company wn " the year round pip