i nn i , tme& All i n r n ii i riiiiirv wn i HP C i.L II II III 1IIIU1II Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mann at as well as Mr. and Mrs Ern- 'est Brown. 1 At Kamloops three old timers 'Harry Smith. BUI Burken and Nick; I Coulter are enjoying life at thei to be remembered to the It's the cumulate e crieci oi an- S IIUUCIT IXVDIC; illCJ w . ... . 8 TUBES $139.95 SIT1RLL DOWn pflvmeni Balance on Easy Terms NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Inrovinrlfll home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe! Northern ir- a - . ! . . , r . i urown ore living ui rwamiuups uu ' also Mrs. Smith, formerly of Port and Mrs. S, E. Parker and Esslngton. The party also met Mr. i. r, .. ,v and Mrs. Robert Lloyd-Jones at! A contract for the making lo, iwmioivi. ..-.v ---- - . ... , ... t,.i r... f r , r fwirfnrn nn- nciunua otitic mki hv w.v, . u (" w xiumaivui ui p - . . , , w. -AA Coiumhla trtl of haVlnz met a wiirt wr. uiuju-juucs ya.r..w. i"-' cv.w . . a viifMamiif irtrmmr Krinrn rtiniiTL i inr iviii Liiriii lueats of Lieut. Colonel and Vancouver. McMordl both of whom Local Elevator Being Repaired Construction Co. Carry ing Out Work on Local Grain Handling riant Of Construction Co.. it Is announced. Work- has already commenced and will be pushed to conclusion ar the plant is to ajalnj become active during the coming , winter season. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD NOTICE All persons cJrportinp: property from Canada, or importing property into Canada, or receiving any foreign currency in Canada or abroad, or dealing jn any way with foreign securities or other foreign assets should take notice that activities of this character are subject to the provisions of, the Foreign Exchange Control Order. This Order was passed under tho authority of the War MeAsures Act, and it is encumbent upon all concerned to become familiar with the Order and the Uegulations of the Board. Penalties have been established for infractions of the Order or Kegulations. Under the Order any resident who had in his possession, ownership or control on September 15th, 1939, any foreign exchange valued at more valued at than $1,000 is re-qufred than $1,000 or any foreign securities more Xo declare them to the Hoard. Notice is hereby given that any resident who has not filed Buch declaration with the Board by November 15U, 1939, will .be considered to be in default under the provisions of tho Order. splice is also given that the Board has provided a special form of permit for exporters who are being allowed to make exports for payment in Canadian dollars. Temporary arrangements previously made in this regard' will be terminated on November 30th, and any exporter who has not "Control I'ermit-Canadian Payment" from the then obtained n special Board will h6t be able to make any further exports otherwise than lor payment In foreign exchange. Any exporter who wishes to make shipments for payment in Canadian dollars and who has not yet made application in this connection to the Board should do so immediately, giving full particulars of the nature of the transactions. For the information of the public, the Foreign Exchange Control Order and Itcgulations 1 to 31 of the Board arc contained in special issues of the Canada Gazette dated September 15th, 17th, 23rd and 25th and October 23rd. Copies niay be obtained from tho King's .Printer, Ottawa. Farther Information may bo obtained from the Board, from Collectors of Customs and Excise and from Canadian banks. First aid classes under compet ent instructor will commence shortly In St. Peter's Hall, Seal Cove, provided sufficient interest is shown by adults over 18. Organization meeting in hall Wed. November 1, 8 pjn. (254) Clarence O. Campbell, Emery Thurbec Stanley Goddard and John Richardson, all well known local halibut fishermen, are leaving on this evening's train for Nova Scotia to spend the winter. Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Thurber go to Freeport and Mr. Goddard and Mr. Richardson to Lockeport. POPPY WREATHS Oreanlza Hons and Individuals wishing to nurchase Poddv Wreath for ReR 'membrance Day ceremony should place their orders now through the Canadian Legion. Prices on re quest CARD OF THANK! The friends of the late Miss i Blanche Harte wish ts thank all I.. -A . .1 uiose wno sent i lowers or extended' other curtesies during the time of their recent bereavement PHONES 18 and 19 i POPPY TAO DAY, Saturday, November 4th. j The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was In special business session at its regular weekly luncheon today to consider a number of matters re quiring auenuon mciuuing me re-i port of a special committee on war time activities. President W. M. Watts was in the chair. LEGION BAZAAR Legion Bazaar, Friday. Tea room, fancy wark, home cooking, Scotch dancing, raffles, grand drawing in evening. Music by Mrs. Black's orchestra. t.f. ! Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, will give a moving picture display at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Hupert Rotary Club tomorrow. Honor the dead and help the livingBuy a Poppy. Announcements All adrerUseiaenU in thu col-tans will be charged lor k full month -t 55c a word. Eagles Bridge November 1 Canadian Legion Bazaar. Nov ember 3. Scotch and Canadian Dance, Metropole Hall, November 8. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nor. 18. Vaudeville. November 17. Dance. Moose Hall. St Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance, .Nov. 30. P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated Fry's Cocoa li-lb. Un Mb. tin . for Tea Eureka Bleach-Large bottle 21c 39c Cut Green Beans Better Buy Brand. IAa 2 tins lut Bartlett Brand. 2 tins Better Buy 25c OsiMe Cereal Flakes 8-oz. carton 10c Old Dutch Cleanser Reg. size tin. 2 IAa 10c Bathroom Bolls Leader Brand. QQn 6 rolls Sufar-Krisp Corn Flakes Each 8c Kreme-Whipt Salad Dressing 32-oz. -A7o bottle IV Klim Powdered Milk) 1-lb. tin 2'i-lb tin 5-lb. tin Matches Perfection .Large pkt. Potato Chips . Cello bag 69c $1,69 $3.19 Brand. 23c 10c Eating rears D'AnJou 9flp Brand. Dozen ..... ...d"' Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. for Hot-House and firm. 2 lbs. for 21c Tomatoes -Large 25c Prompt. Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention HWIWAV I I STIAMSMiPl I I COMMUNICATIONS I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-raclf ic To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Ftlday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th S.S. "PRINCESS NORAU" November 6th, 16th. 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 $9 00 Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolfic Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C RiHrotd His Kerer Starts Bis Ron Witiont BucWeg's Mixture as Protection Atpisst COUGHS, COLDS Wh n railroad men vh an crpoMrd to rain, snow, and bitter f retting cold drfwnd on Buckley' Mil ture you Vould be triie to follow their example Mr. B. Hjrrold, Moom Jaw, SasL, uyc "I find Buckley' Mixture the finest cough remedy I have ever lifted, and never fo Out on the road without a bottle in jay grip for protection against colds." Buckley' Mixture it a time-tested, proven remedy uted in thousand of Canadian home whenever coughs, colds, grippe, bronchitis, etc., are troublesome. It eases the cough almosc instantly, turn tough phlegm into easily expelled fluid, soothe the air ducts, correcta orcr-acidity. Don't expert' jnrnt Buy Buckley's. OVER 10 MILLION BOTTLES SOLDI 17 mtiH : IMPROVED FORMULA ALKALINE' SWEETENS THE STOMACH 8. C. Furniture Co. Nfcw And Used Furniture 1 Rebuilt hes'terfieirl In tapestry and veloiir 1 Rebuilt Chasterfield All tapestry 2 3picce Chesterfields $36.00 10 $39. 1 Chesterfield Couch At 1 Imperial Oil Burner With new sleeves and pump 1 Reconditioned Kitchen .Range At...... .....:... 3 Mirror Vanity and Stool At 4 Reconditioned Radios Of various makes, from 1 Singer Sewing Machine At...... Phone BLACK 34 (Next Door to B. C ClothieTs) $65.00 $69.00 00 16.00 23.50 $25.50 $10.50 $16.00 $16.50 THIRD AVE. PLIOFILM A New Material Of Many Fascinating Uses. PLIOFILM A miracle of modern chemistry 100 per cent waterproof, non-porous, washable, scwable, fusible and durable as well as beautiful. Use PLIOFILM to make your own shower curtains, aprons, rain capes, hat protectors, mothproof and dust proof bags, refrigerator rjlsh covers, vegetable bags, Etc, Etc. (Ask for circular) PLIOFILM comes in rolls. 20 Inches wide. 60 Inches long. Clear transparent and transparent colors. Roll Metallc colors and opaque. Roll PLIOFILM Sealing Iron. (Electric) 35c $1.25 Gtt Arqualrtted With This New Exciting Material X)f a Hundred Household Uses J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bnk Bldf. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN DAIRY PUONE 627 o . WnVemtaer 1. 1639. r hs Dray iron . , PAiiZ. THMX 1 1 i on i i-l ij tsv IILKt I IU ALL I lit WORLD'S HAPPENINGS! This new GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-WAVE Radio brings the World o your fireside at the touch bf a button! Don't miss a single act in the ever-changing drama oi world ail airs. A new G-E AH Wave Radio will bring you news direct from the capitals of Europe and America. These easy-to-tune models offer you everything a good radio Bhould have beauty, tone and value. Choose the G-E Magic Tone Radio that will best suit Your needs. A small down payment puts one in your home. p LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N. meeting tomorrow. (255) Give generously for your poppyj ' this year. j Let every citizen wear a poppy : and every auto carry a windshield poppy. Sonja Dance, Friday Nov. 3, Oddfellow4 Hall, 9 p.m. Refreshment, drawing of tickets. Admission 50c, soldiers 25c. 256) I WMlam J- Cavanaugh, for the past couple of years a member of : the staff of the Dlgby Island wlre- lei! station here, is transferring to , Alert Bay. his place here to be tak jen by F. J. Croquet of Alert Bay. j Mr Canvanaugmh will leave this , Friday night on the Princess Louise ; for Alert Bay. Mr. Croquet, accom panled by Mrs. Croquet and Infant twins, will arrive next Sunday night on the Catala from Alert Bay. For prompt and courteous er-j vice Phone 15 Taxi, tf.i V1