Thursday. June IjJM,.. . Blended For Quality MIUUIA TEA MAKES CASE prince Rupert Should Appreciate Indian Neighbor! More Fully, UetUtm Her. W. II. Pierre If the people of1 Prince Rupert the Indians-of this district as hould good neighbors, they The Indian Is a good custom - TIjc smooth richness you notice immediately when Carnation is used to cr earn cereals arid coffee, is there, also, in cooled dishes cream soups, cream sauces, pud dings, frozen desserts. Carnation is just whole milk with pan of the natural water taken out; sterilired so it kecpl on the pantry1 shelf1 indefinitely; ljomogenied to give every drop equal creamy smooth llM imDIATElf")? .Ivuaiaii. deal. Today found them climbing I up in enlistment and education. "Let us endeavour to Influence the T?rT)f 1 k TFf T ffjundlan department to do even more rUl lift?! IV LA0 th Indbn l)Ie'" Mr We The speaker gav as his belief, through study of the Bible and otherwise, that the Indians on this coast had originated In Asia, cross-tbr 81beri to Alaska and thence southward: All the coast Indians he classed as one' nation. First had been founded' the villages of the" find them true friends and a,NaM R,ver 4UCn fl Alyaiuh. Cancel to the city In a business.?" c,lv and awnHM. then the declared Rer. W II. Pierce, - r in coast missionary In ad-: msj the Prtnee Rupert Oyro h at luncheon yesterday. "Treat iy rough and they will do the - to you. Let me tell you the i . u m resentful as any per-wiien he feels he Is not reeelv-square del. The native man ir Kood neighbor. Let us open urt to receive him. You ulll that it will repay you many 8keena River villages and to- the coast. ' Mr. Pierce recounted some aboriginal Indian customs and conventions such as the marriage rite uhlcH was Quite as strict and bind ing as that of the whites. He told of the marriage of his father. Edward Pierce, a Scotsman, who had been a member of the crew of the old steamer Beaver, and his native mother at Port Simpson. Continuing, the speaker deserlb- "ju city. He Is Industrious e totem pole lore and customs, how uleuendent and he brings all these Poles were made and painted, -urces to Prince Rupert." The most valuable collection of to- Pierre' subject was In eon- rjMm with early native history. Ho v:d how. before the white men terns to be found in the country today were the fourteen erected at Prince Runert. There were worth r.r here were 48.600 virile ln-!t-lt 114.000. he conservatively CL- people living along this coast estimated. be m--n Queen Charlotte Sound ! Mr. Pierce was thanked for his j:i Pi ka At Port Srmpvm alone Intertwine talk by the Gyro presl- ud been 4m The Indians :-". w- M. Watts. Guests at the tr vilUd before the white msn luncheon re A. E. Mackney and .tnd rould stand up to any ; Donald M-Donald of Vancouver and t T an They were capable of ;Capt. W. P. Armour of Prince Ru-nJ: is their own living from the .P- - f the country and need-: ,p from no one They were : :t '"caty Indians They were not ' Keep up to date. Advertise regu-t- rs but only asked a square larly. Cereal in Top Hat and Tails by Maty BlaVe I suppojc ertning dress Is hardly the thing for a brealcfsst food, Dut I don't Inow any better way to describe cereal "creamed" with Irradiated Carnation Milk. There's a rich, creamy flittxir to Carnation that just nutes'iny meal taite better. ncis; irradiated for extra "sun-ihinc" vitamin D. The same processes which male Carnation Milk jo good for cooling, male it a safer, more digestible milk for babies. It grm' them in extra helping of "sunshine" vitamin D which all babies and children should have. ' ' if There are glorified recipes of all kinds In the beautifully Illustrated Carnation Cook Book 15c 'postpaid. Carna tion Comnany Limited. Abbott St.. Vancouver. B.C. RADIO Ibtfti to the rContente3 Hoor" mry'MovJiTwl. S r lofj ne-rtprer for ttitioni afil time. . """""" rTrr-E MK M.J ua -1 rt.e"T -wna: a- - r.U -:; , CANADIAN PRODUC-''roxa Coatsated Qom" V Mrs. H. O. Funston and child sailed yesterday afternoon pri the Prince George for a visit to Stewart Mrs. N. M. McLean left on last evening train for a trip to Jasper Park and Vancouver. R. C. 8t. Clair, district forester, left on last evening's train for a trip to Hums Lake district on official business. Jack Wrathall left on last rc nine's train for a trip to Terrace where Mrs. Wrathall has been visiting for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Thuma, from far north Palmer, Alaska arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and proceeded by the evening train to Kansas City-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson of Massett are paying a brief visit to the city. They arrived on the Prince John yesterday afternoon and will be returning home tomor row night by the Prince Charles, i Miss Margaret McLeod was one of a party of guests on the yacht Sue-la IIL In Victoria this week to Join In greeting Their Majesties. She Is the guest of Captain and Mrs. James Griffiths of Seattle. HOTEL ARRIVALS Hoy a I R. W. Rapp and D- Ferguson, Vancouver: C. F. Duke, Qiieen Charlotte Islands; Esther Merchant, Ketchikan; D. Richards, city. Prince Rupert D. S- McDonald, Vancouver; W. F. Chlsholrri and Lefty Marsh, P6rcher Island: M. A. Hulson, Vancouver; E. Inglls. London, Oht.; J. B Barclay. Blllmor; Mr. and Mrs. Dbnoho. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, Dr. J Cecil S. Dunn and Mrs. O. White. Masse tt; Dr. A. L. Prltchard and W. M. Cameron; Nanaimo; A E. Macmlllan, Casslar Cannery. Central Dan McDonald, J. O'Gormah and Isit Frlsno. city; II. Lander-son. Vancouver; J. H. Rutleds Klrkland Lake. Ont. Knox II- John Butler, Vancouver; P. C. Blckvold. city; Phyllis Moon. Msmsett. Fred La gulf re. PaeofL Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Henry A Butt of Usk will take place Friday afternoon from the chapel of the B C Undertakers at 2 o'clock. Do You Know? SUNDAY IT'LL COURSE CIIICKKX DINNER At The Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Thone 1 win tiii: MTitr.Mi: coi kt or mutism i iiu inii I in iMtoimr. llh' flie Matlrr of The -AdmlnMration Aft-And III h Mattfr of thr Matt of Albert lTtrt 1'rrrK DrrtHlvtl TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU l!6nor. W. E. ntlr. the 15th day of May. A. D 1939 I waa appoint 1 Aa-;jn-iMtrlor erf Ui ut of Albert 'Enwat FrrrU. dmwd, and all parf.ra havlnc rUlmt aaloat the aald estate are heretoy requlrm to furnish ame, prorxfly m-lfled to me on or before the 19th day of June. A. D. 1939, and Bit parttea Indebted to the eatate r requtred to pay the amount of thlf tndebtediteM to roe" forthwith. DATED the 16th day of May, A.D t9M OnVTU K. SPENCER. Eareutor, Alyanah. B. O. CiT 1 I'lMNCR HttPEKT Notice1 . The Provincial aovemment has approv'ed and' will guarantee the repayment' to1 the Dominion Gov ernment of a' loan which It has agreed' to advance to tho city of forty thousand ($40,0001 dollars at two per cent Interest for a period iof thirty years for the purpose of 'replacing certain wooden water 1 pipe mains with cast Iron and It Is (my Intention to take advantage of this loan. I Any property1 owner objecting please advise in writing "The Honorable Minister of Municipal Affairs" at the City-Hall; Prince Ru pert on or, befQre the twelfth day of June next'. W. J. ALDER, Commissioner. (tf.) TOT DAILT 5lrT3 FAOB THRf u i 11 LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8. O. N. Meeting tonight 8 Sea Cadet Tag Day Saturday; O'clock. . June 3. i i Mrs J. t. Olllts returned to the Tonight' train, due" from the city on the Prince George yestef- Hast at 11 o'clock, was reported i day from a.monih's visit In Van- this afternoon to be on time. couver, Victoria and Seattle. , Rt. Rev. W. A. Oeddes. Anglican Father O. Edgar Gaflant. well Church Bishop of the Yukon, was a known parish priest of the Roman passenger aboard the Princess Catholic Church at Skagway. was uUe yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. I a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south. pioneer barrister of Whltehorse. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Prpltu Many Sufftr Low Blood Count And Don't Know It, Th Uffllins tunc -Usat low Utx4 Dt l tkt ra ni iit- .boat track at 7 mnraU rra look -tk- 4 itronc frt joa emu tut M If foa hut lt4 I- 7 r kn, d-fr, Urri s4 pt&n. Low Mood count mnu J9 fcivra't tet mtmtk t4 bkond mrpurln. It U tbrir viutl U tmrrt lu-fiiB( xrem tram yur n UuuBout your bud jr. Awl i t t it utn eiyr to txtbaA gttalittt ia yaor car 4 make Ike povrr U tarn th bl. m rtm ut hate TttntT of oxyr l njAti tt tmrrtr la Jomi bod aad (Ire cetaf &'Dr, WaUaiM Kt TTOt Uday. Tkrr ar Hd-raOMMit tor U -tip Otty r'" I tnmmrliif Ut BumWr ah4 trruta of ti wvrowKn, Tbca itk jrour Uaoi count VP. yauTX frl like bka4! up Uc lUlrt u if ra acre flutiinf oa air. Atk yur ru(2Sjt lot Ir. WntiaM rk Hilt Uxlmr. Winner of a raffle In- connection with the Seal Cove parish hall ex tension fund was Lena Liheseth with 392: Trie prize was a hand-Kome cedar chest A surprise prize, im aland dock, was won by O. W. Inch. Dr. Neal Cartel was thtJ speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. He told of the recent district convention at Juneatr which he attended; W L. Crates, president; was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Bi Houzan. weir known rancher of Tatalrose inline Francois Lake district, arrived In the city from the Interior on Tuesday night's train and will sail next Monday morning on the Princess Louise for the north. He expects td spend the summer In either the" Tulsequah or Mayo mining districts. I Alfred E. Mackney. manager of the firm of Macdonald St Macdon-ald, analytical chemists of Vancouver, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Princess Louise on his return south after spending a few days In the city. Donald S. McDonald arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince George from Vancouver to be stationed here' as Inspector for the company of materials used in the fortifications being erected at Prince Rupert for the Department of National Defence. A fifty cent classified ad. wUl often rriake you many dollars: HOLIDAYS Try SANCAN lllVEifc HOLIDAY CAMP" Tlils Year Situated' on trie Finest' Sea-Beach in Canada-Apply tb MIlS. DUNN, .Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands; for Full Particulars to TlIM (sl'IMCKMli roi'RT Ot HHITISli rOLVMBI. IN I'KllltATC Tlie' Mitirr if Th "AHnlnWrlon And In I lir Matlrr nl tlir Tilate of 'rnV Prlrr Ifcilinrr lnmfn, iuvrta. InlnUte TAKE NOTICE Uua toy order of Ilia Honor, w e. riswr. uu imu oy or May. a. D 1839 I tu appouura w nilntatrttV' ol Ji etw of Jtn Ptr Dolmer Thotnpon 0cmn), uid tl partlw ravtnx rltUns -s-Uut the ta'd relate re lurrby required to lurnliS niw, proprlT 'TU'led U me on or I?th Hav nt Juim. 1B39. and .VI V " . . . all parUn Indrbtod to th eUt rc roqulrod to py " uvuoi 01 u UulrbtMliMva to tn rortbvtth. DATED the 16Ux Jday of May, AJJ 1939. - . - 6IONA LOUISE THOMPSON. (Administratrix. Prlact Rupert, B O. 4 Mrs. Walter Thompson returned' to the city on the Princess Louise! yesterday afternoon from Ketch!-! ... , t kan where she has been visiting fori Whltehorse were passengers aboard . r the Princess Louise yesterday af- ternoon going through on a trip to Vanwiuver and eUewhere In the Norman L. Freeman of the Inter- south. Mr Phelps Is a well known national Fisheries Commission re turned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from a trip to Ketchikan on official Dr. J. C. S. Dunn of Sangan Beach, Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived in the city on the Prince John last evening and Is returning home tomorrow night. He Is arranging for the opening of the usual summer camp at this favorite resort. Phone 62 Phone 63 v -vt a m i i i Eggs Brookfield t doz. 73(J 'A' Grade Large in Cartons -foiled Pot Rst. fffn-Heer Lb. . . . L,l' Pork Butts 25C Rolled ltst. Veal 2g( Sho. Veal" fQo TriuunetLXb. JLq1 Butter First grade. T-sf lbs Swiff s- Cottage 9Q Ro!I-Lb. Diamond 'A' OQp Hacon Lb: rJt PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Kinjf Balogna Lb Garlic Sausage Lb. Liver Lb Sausage 30C Blood Sausage 2)C LI) Veiners . 2tlC FresbKilletlFryfiAp Chickens Fa UUt" FKESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Itemember! You Can Oet It at The Sterling Announcements Ail advertisements in t-lr col tnn will be charged for s full month at 25v a word. Women's Auxiliary Canadian -Legion Spring Sale June 2. High June 3. School Tea and Display; Eagle's Dance June 7. Anglican Tea Mrs. C. V. Evltt's, June 8. Alberto Guerrero Piano- Recital, June 14. First United Church. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. chell's June 15. J. R. Mlt- Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall. June 16. ... United Tea Mrs. Armour's, June 22. NEW STREAMLINE WHEELG00DS Airline Wagons Sturdy bolted construction no rivets". Canadian Hardwood box Disc wheels Rubber tired 22-lnch box 24-lneh box .. $5.50 28-lnch box . SJ.ofc The Clipper Wagon Extra large, 34-lnch fiJSU Tricycl es A The Monarch A low priced well made Jrlcycle. 12-lnch size $5 14-lnch size l.l.zU. -j.- 4.4.,., $C-5 Children's Wheelbarrow 30-inclf hardwood, extra strong r..$lj KIDDO IUKES. PEDAL CAKS Fun and' exercise for younger children. Three sizes $iS3j SWO; $5.75 SCOOTEItS $35; $5JZ MacKenzie's Furniture TRADE-IN FURNITURE C-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Walnut vanity with full lengta mirror and two side mirrors. Chiffonier with two extra drawers on top, full panel Bed, Simmons 100 coll Spring and Osier-moor Mattress. SECTIONAL BOOKCASE In solid Oak with 10 sections with' Secretalr. Act Quickly on These Items PHONE 775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. . Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Tm8.S- CATALA EVERY TCES- T.S.S. CARDEN'A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thun. am. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK" J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent. Third Ave. Phone 56 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling a! OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaven Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR ' For fares, etc. caU or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Avb. v-n-: NEW AND BETTER j! COLD CURED ICE jj For the Halibut and Saimon Fleeti '., Following the lnvestleatlons of the Fisheries Research Station. the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements In ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered into the hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold a the storage room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy J. to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kupcrt J. H. BULGER Optometrist Co. Ltd. Itoyal Bank Bldr. Britlih Columbia Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 if