DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. ritlNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenue 1L P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations .. 98 86 02 .25 Saturday, September 9. 1939. EDITORIALS THE GRAIN OF SALT We suggest that all our readers take the news that is published with the proverbial grain of salt. It may be true or it may not Announcements are being made that we know well must be untrue. Yesterday Germany declared her forces had entered Warsaw and Poland declared they had not. One was wrong. In many other respects there are contrary reports published. The best thing to do today is to doubt until confirmation has been received Just at the commencement of the war such as this there is hope of influencing neutral nations by claimimr victories. There is also the idea of keeping home people happy, especially in the case of Germany where unrest ha? already been reported. Just now 'the newspaper reporters are keen to make records in sending in first news of happenings of movements. That means that occasionally a man may take chances on being right. However, most of the errors occur because of definite misleading statements by government propagandists of officials who wish to definitely mislead. On the whole the most of the news that is published in this country is correct or approximately so. The Canadian Press, which is the chief Canadian news gathering agency, is very careful. VERY FEW LOSSES There have been very few losses so far of British ships since the war commenced. The moment var was declared instructions were sent to all British ships telling them where to go and how to act. German submarine? have been kept from showing much activity. Considering the number of British ships engaged in trade, the losses have been so small as to be negligible from a national standpoint. Food is moving steadily into Great Britain land will continue to do, so. On the other side of the picture so many German vessels have had to take refuge in neutral ports that Ger-,man overseas trade has been entirely stopped and, in spite iof a supply coming from Russia and possibly Italy, the effects of the stoppage will be felt very soon. Britain has 'copimand of the high seas. Turkey has the Dardanelles. Egypt, France and Britain have the Suez Canal. We cannot expect much more just yet The situation is not wholly unpleasing from a military and naval point of view, i DEPENDS UPON THE PEOPLE Just now Prime Minister Mackenzie Kin if defines the The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership j, in inese organization!!. By FRED BACKHOUSE Canadian Press Staff Writer call Theatreland that lies some where around Piccadilly Circus. ! This time the threat to proc I and quiet was strictly professional. It seems that a Nordlc-lookln young woman from Prince George B. C. named Inga Anderson, docs far more clever things than Is healthy for the rest of the pro- i f esslon. j She sings, dances, acts, plays tho I violin if necessary and does them all well. Radio, films, cabaret, stage, tele-I vision; they all come alike to this 25-year old dynamo from British So that the critics say Miss An-1 derson isn't a star, shes a whole, constellation. And the back-stage prophets tell us that, li Equity doesn t ban the girl for being a one-woman agency the boys and .girls in Denmark Street and Shaftesbury Avenue will have to See Canada House or the Home Office or someone about a deportation order before the Jobless figure Increases. Cafe Favorite Nightly, and in considerable up roar, La Anderson sings songs that are topical, witty and a bit naughty In places like the elegar.; Cafe de Paris on Coventry Street. She has glossy blond hair, blue eyes and just that right mixture of syrup and vitriol in her voice to please the most sophisticated supper crowd In the world. Tall and willowy, she across the stage, singing in a Her volce the main source of her Income nowadays reveals something of the grit It took to get to the .top of a road littered with the wom-out dancing shoes of those who didn't. rated t0 British Columbia. Dad Is still in the lumber business in Prince George. Copywriters for correspondence school ads ought to erect a grate ful memorial to her. She's the original Olrl Who Be came a Star In 15 Easy Lessons. Tried Hollywood A natural talent for dancing in duced an Intelligent father to send away for a cheap postal course in the art Just to "keep the kid quiet." policy of the federal government and doubtless he has'lessons to th neighborhood child jrood' reasons for any action he may take. If this policy l"" k not pleasing to the people he can quite easily fa forced to change it. We arc not suggesting that he is not doing 'that's brought her to the top, she trie ngnt thing. He nas more Knowledge ot the situation than have any of the rest of us. trekked to Hollywood. It was the promised development of the Easy Lessons. There were some small parts In Cincinnati Reds Down Pitts, bur Pirates I PITTSBURO. SeDt. : CP - Pitrher Rurlcv Walters nrcttv well lisht swell. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Cincinnati 5, Pittsburg 2 St. Louis 10, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 2-1. Brooklyn 11-3 American League Cleveland 12, St Louis 1. Boston I, New York 4. Washington 4, Philadelphia 5. . RATES ARE INCREASED To Cost Much More Henceforth To Receive Treatment At Priure Rupert General Hospital On recommendation of the finance committee, the hospital asrd. having found that cors have mounted since the building of the new hospital, U t night adopted an Increased schedule of rates. Public ward rates are increased from $2:50 to S3 per day. seml- private rates from 83.50 to $4.50 and ptlvate from $5 to $7 per day. Henceforth there wili be a case room charge of $5 and newborn babies will be charged for at th rate of 50c per day. The new rates are effective forthwith. I It was left with the finance pom-mittee to deal with the matter of existing contracts with such organizations at the Canadian Mn. a"" tlonal Railways Employee' Asso- voice that can be heard at th I and department Workmen's Com- oacK dui suu seems aesisnea per- pensatlon Board. suiiany jur rucu coruna-curuna I customer. I When laughter punctuates herlHpnrv Npntt p III ge V1 lines she bites her IId and tries t. J look sort of shocked herself. They eat It up. The accent makes It hard fci them to tell Just where she comes from "over there" so Inga lets out between wisecracks that she's Canadian. She helps to write the lyrics cl most of her numbers. "Spare-time" work this. They have Utles of sugar-coated malice like "That's How I Feel About Love," "Flowers at the Bottom of My Garden" and "Put It Down to Glands."' Earlier in the evening she can be seen at the Lyric Theatre playing the part of the physical training instructress In "The Women " Claire Booth witty all-female castlgatlon of womanhood, which Is having a big success here. Off duty she is a cool, attractive young person who lives In a modern little .apartment high above Mayfair's Cork Street. Miss Anderson made good coffee for the writer and told her story in a voice that reminded us of Oarbo, also from the North Terrace Dead Henry Scott of Terrace passed away this morning at the Prlnc Rupert General Hospital at the ige of seventy - four years. He had been a patient In hospital since July. Born In England, he had resided at Terrace for many years and was well known. A son, Fred Scott, survives. A fifty cent ciasstneo - ad. often make you many dollars. show. v.ll $75. - After more woVk In' pictures came an offer to tour the Unltrrt States with an Albertlna Raseh froUDe. When the tour ended In Netf Orleans, there was a fresh offer tc -lay in 'Girl of the Oolden West" In New York. Plenty of fodder for a burning ambition. On Three Continents She Joined the Zleeflld Follies. went on tour with Fred 8tone In "Smiling Faces," then returned o Broadway In "Ballyhoo." This show hadn't been solh long when a cabled offer to come to London arrived. Albertlna Rasch Inga was born in Buenos Aires I wanted her aealn as chief assist of Danish parents who later mig-jant and solo dancer In "Wild Vlo- !" 1 ! . . Duenunienaiiy succeuiui When that ended she stayed In London to play a stellar role In "Jack and Jill." A short holiday In Denmark followed and then she dashed off to 8outh Africa with "Wild VloleU," producing the ensemble scenes, doubling the comedienne' part and, though she dldn'ti know It, preparing for a breakdown. 8he returned to London for shows at the Palladium and pror- Encouragement and advice from'lnclal houses mother and a lot of practice found Then she gave out. For months Inga at 14 able to give dancing she was desperately UL The solidly-1 established reputation seemed' threatened. Doctors' ordered a lorlj rest. Recently the dynamo was back with a stepped-up voltage, giving Londoners a very fine vocal' antUi dote to "crtsk nerves." Since she was choserr to sins before the Duke and Duchess of Hollywood. She studied dancing Kent the other night, Inga Ander with Albertlna Rasch until one day Mme. Rasch, who liked the long-legged kid from B. CH gave er a Job. Two days' work In pictures. Pay: son is thinking .seriously of con-, centraung on the "sophisticated" stuff. : Shaftesbury Avenue will be glad ' to hear It. ... COAL east fifteen miles per hour: light chop. Langara Island Raining, southerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer. 29.95; temperature, wj I won his own game for the Clh-I Dead Tree Point - Showery. Iclnnatl Reds yesterday. He held : southeast wind, five miles per ih Pttt.hnro Ptt rtnwn tu flveihour; barometer, 30.03. tempera- LONDON. Sept 9: CP-Untl! h,u and made a home , him.ture. 54: light chop. n.MW .Aa4 tti.m .v . i trin.4. .... . I n..ii lln -hw-.r rv&rrn it ennth- ..o - sen. si. louu caramais. ttiu roen- (" .new female menace in the greasr nrM fh R A . .nnant lead bv west wind, two miles er hour; paint and neon square mile thei downing thp rhiraeo cubs araln. .barometer. 30.20 "steady!; tern- tnerature. 50; light swell Alert Bay Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.35;; temperature, 4(1; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northeast wind,' five miles per hour; barometer' 3118. Victoria Clear, northerly wind. five miles per hour; barometer. 3a 14. Vancouver Clear, northwest wind, ten miles per hour: barometer. 30.13. Prince George Cloudy, Southerly wlnd4 two miles per hour; barometer. 30.20. Mai) Scberiuli Fr me Eal Monday. Wednesday, and Friday i pm From the Fa it-Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday 11:00 pm For Vancouver-Monday 2 pm Tuesday .... 12:30 noon Wednesday 4 pm.l VrlHnv 0-S.O nm --j - - - Saturday From Vancouver- 4 pm Sunday , , 4 pm Monday am. Wednesday 10 am. Friday 10 p m. For Anroi and Stewart-Sunday 7 pm. Friday 2 pm ilation, Indian Department, marine ,'r"m nyo and Tuesday U:J0 am . Saturday 5 pm , For Naas River and Port Simpson ; Bunday 7 pm 'From Naas River and Pirt Simpson drain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPKRT FRED CO. Phones in and Ul Harold Davey Teacher of I'iano Popular Music 20 years experience in Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now! At the News THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prlnc Rapert 'JET' STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All ll.C. Stores TODAY'S STOCKS (CUurtmJ 8. D. Johrntoo Oo.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .12. Bralorne. 9:50. Carl boc Qjarti. 1.80. Dentonla, .02. Falrvlew. .02. Gold Belt. .15. Hedley Mascot, .21 Minto. .014. Noble Five. JMfc.'. Pend Orel 2.40.4 Pioneer. 2 10. j, Premier. 1.22. 'i Privateer. .94'. - Reeve McDonald. .40. Reno. JI. Relief Arlington. .11. Silmon GoM. & Sheep. Creek, 105. Oils A. P. Con.. .18. Calmont, .33. C & E... Ul. FrehoW. .02. Home. 2,10. Roynl Canadian. .17. Okalta. 1.00. Mercury. .09. " Prairie ItayuUle. jo. J Toronto Aldermac, .48. Iknttle. 1.00. Central Pat Z2&. Con. Smelters, 54 00. Fast MalarUc. 2.12. Fernland. .03. Praneorur. .23. God' Lake. .43. Hardrock. .85. Int. Nkkel. 51. i. Kerr AddUon. 1.T5. LUUe Umn Lac. 2.50. McLead Cuckahutt, 1.7ft. Madsen Red Lake. .28. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.08. MoneU. .71. Noranda. 74.00. Pickle Crow. 4.00. I Preaton E. Dome. 1 JO. San Antonio, 1. Sherrltt Oordon. 113. Stadaron. JO. Ucht. .75. Ilouseadlllac. .04. Mnsher Osfc-nd. .07 S. Ok lend. MK. Smelters O9W. .0. Dominion Bridge. 38 24. Tueiday u jo Km. t or Queen Charlotte Islands August 12 and 26 9:30 pm From ((tieen Cliarltte UUMs Saturday, Seutt; PAOE TWO the Daily nxirt 'Jot.', i. " 1 School Shoes Girls and Children's Jack and Jill Little Pal Hewston Make BOY'S AND YOUTHS . . - Greb Sisman & Valentine Make These Shoes Have Stood the Test Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes PR. GEORGE GIRL DAZES OLD LONDON Metropolis Marvels At Infa Ander-sun's Stage-Acting and Flour Show Ail In Night's Work WINS HIS OWN GAME TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Raining, southeast wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 30.03 i falling ; tem perature. 49; sea choppy. Hurkv w.it.r. nnM sin. Hirhlnr Triple Island Raining. And Knocks Out Home Run As southeast wind. - wsr n tlAssiFiEl ,JOR SALE I GOOD httrinK j attic, apply to a x 1 wair, rwrwi, nui - "t Avenue. Prtnw Kj, iFOR BALE Pontiti Dr. Large. FOR RKNT CLEAN. Well - f apartment pho. AtiKNTs wanted tilltlA.4ll.rt 1.1 . , peraonai greri;:..' jrj . lit Canada. wi:h 1. CtMl fi CUt. lri- ply for an wn s 10 uroar unri.i::i; bygit upplird W Mot complete Unr tortments which jtatf up to 50r fietiertce unneees;! PF.USdNAI Most people rr-t ads Do you' tl r .', Wlr ml4r Art Guild, i"t &t r Vancouver r how to oet a ao'.mTay JOB as Letter t Clerk. Custom Fr ographer. Free IV 1 C. C. SchnoiH I Otdat In Canada Titl YOU can run a Hone KLkjx ten with our ht Citji KJndrrtarten I' ' H Vat pec. Manitoba 1 SHELI.S RELOADED FIRED rtfk an( . loaded. West-: ins ton B C WANTED WANTKO-Furri ;,f 1 or four roarov rr ; Iandr. Room 7 K. - Practical Economy Is Easy If You Vsc a SINGER Sewing Machine A Modern SINGER Makes It Easy (0 do ALL Your Sewing Better 1 vy-; R ; :Tm CHILDREN'S CLOTHES DRAPKUIKS COATS and DRESSES CURTAINS Make Them With a SINGER and Get the Professional Appearance in Your Homo SewinK It Is ('lu'iiner ffl Hun n Vim- C;.r.. Tli ti 11 (n Heritor - !-- w m if t 1 v It kJllliVI " Use an Old .One As Low As $3.00 A Month Come in and See the Difference At the Singer Shop eMaMvsltd SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m.. Trains leave Prince Rupert for tlie Kait Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.' J Steamer for Ketchikan hh1 iajffrV1 Stewart every j WEDNESDAY, 2 p.nw 1H( 7' For fares, etc., call or writ yPF City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ate,