r Cer'.iln I Certi'..- BRITAIN'S MENACE TO HOSTILE AIRCRAFT f0W PRICES I ARE MOVING YD? Sept 9 CP-A . . r . n o r Pta of stationary n', from the United , well as eommodl- MacKenzie's Furniture Uod 45c 15c Hod Flat, extendi to Feather Pillows-- Bach Cushion I'orms-- Prom Muzzles of the new British multi-barrelled anti-aircraft auru are shown pointed skyward fium the deck of H-MB. Courageous as wat aero-piant . of the fleeU" air arm fly overhead during Andrew Knutsen Is Laid At Rest .,' k ise in tne Meoiierranean. funeral Yesterday Kiom Chapel of B.C. Undertakers to Talrvlew Cemetery nation show that! with many friends attending, the , , have been ad-1 funeral of the late Andrew Knut-. l our 1st krepttvKifttfl took ptoee yerday rawing , ,r. tr.K rt market from the chapel of the B.C Under-evidenUy because taker to Fair view Cemetery with dm uo supplta in i Rev J. H. Myrwan. pUr of St ' . ven htelw prie.! Pauls Lutheran Church, offlclat- tog- Mrs. Myrwang acteo as orian- , p .1 nrtrw are mov-! so sharply TtmeiUL PaUbearera were fceuben Scherk of i John Valhaug. Albert Rasmujaen. , , v on te part HarrW. Ounnar Selvig and John oeUver -1 - b .ck nv at iKart Strand - 95c 50c 15c 327 TIIIHI) AVKNUE ,jaoooooo0ooooocuooooooooooooooooooooroooo SPECIALS 0 A Free Tin of Woodbury's After Shave Talc With a TuIk; of Woodbury's Shaving Cream Both for A Tube of Woodbury's Tooth Paste And a Generous Size of Woodbury's Tooth Powder Hothfor 25C 1 1 Cakes JerRcn'H Transparent Toilet Soap 25C v lolet and rose 3 Cakes Gardenia Soap and a Hottlc of 25C I'erfunie For 0rm Oita Pioneer Druqgists Vbontm 81 & 8t The Keiall Store 0n Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Kumla.i and Holiday from 12 noon till Z pm- " 1 d m till 9 p.m. C &KH,ooOOOOOQOOOOD000PODoooolK0oo00DOt300000000000C J. H. BULGER Optometrist Kuyal Hank IU4. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONB 857 Tonight's train, due from the East at II o'elock, was reported tins morning to be thirty minutes late. Mrs. Frank Dlbb left on last evening's train for a visit In Hew York with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. William Wood. The hospital board last night acknowledged the presentation by Miss Jean Harrison R. N.. the lady sunertntendent. of a table for the hoard room The table was used I at the meeting. Mtu Helen Randall R.N., of the Graduate Nurses' Asso ciation of British Coram bia. sailed Thursday inuijua; nleht by i the Prince Vst4Ml W4S ivi awa Vnr4hsrn nHtUh Col umWa and the Yukon, sailed cast nuht m thf prtnee riiarles for a ! trin to Port Omenta and other Queen Charlotte Island points on tecclestaaOval dalles. Dally advertising in News is sure to bring (suits. the Dallj daily re- Announcements All advertisements hi this column will be charged Jor a full month at lie a word. Catholic Tea. ! 'September 14. Mrs. Balagno's Eagles Bridge September 20. , Queen Mary -Tea Mrs September 21. Llneham's I Ridley Home grocery shower, Sep- litember 28, 3 to 6 p.m. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's. September 26. II Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bataar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 2. Country Fair November 24. SWANA OLAFSON A.T.OM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 815 1 1 MMilMBiaaaMMMHBAo-.' . II MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price I'hene (illEEN 880 127 FltASKIt ST. thj dait nvnt LOCAL NEWS NOTES i Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tl j For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi tf. ... v Dick Wynne of Ocean Falls has, successfully passed his first examination In medicine at Epsom College as an external student o.' the London University. Since yesterday a change has been made in the -short picture -Behind the Headlines" at the Capitol Theatre. This will rui Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Instead of today. Miss O. Owen of Duncan, Vancouver Island, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south and proceeded by train to Hazelton where she win be engaged In school teaching. Mrs. W. E. Harbottle and child will sail Monday morning by the Princess Louise on their return to Whltehorse after a visit here at Mrs. Harbottle's home. She was formerly Miss Thelma Norberg of this city. A system of loud speakers be tween the floors Is now In trial .operaiMn ai me new i riuce nup- Ruoert on her return to Vancouver 1.-, nuuni UMrdtai nnn 1 aw tn . . - W " . . . Ih lfl.VMtnl.i 1 . V. . . . H nun 1 llM f ,f.. ... ... . . ue irom invrwcu om m inuwmi aner paring i iihoi shipping rates Inspection to the local hospital i Rt. Rev J. R. Coudert, coadjutor IhisrwiD of the Roman Catholic be functioning welL Possibly It will be later extended to the kltch en H. S. Wood arrived In the city n IKa TrtVuw AnAlalrtn Wrd! afternoon from Vaneouvtr to take over the duties of bookkeeper foi the W. II. Malkin Co. 'here while Martin van Coot en is on military service. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergln ar rived In the city on the Prince Rupert Thursday evening for a visit with Dr. Kergln's parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergln, before they leave for the south to take up future residence. Except for the x-ray equipment removal from the old to the new Prince Rupert General Hospital building has now been completed Towards the end of this month the x-ray equipment will be moved Plumbing fixtures have now been all transferred. Five thousana people read the pays to let them have to sell. II tt.rfc Rupert Dally News. It know what yov NOTICE Commencing September 11, R. Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian Guitar for the Western Academy will be In the Trince Rupert Hotel KINDERGARTEN Children Ages 4 to 6 Inexpensive- Valuable Commencing September 11th Auspices of THE JAPANESE MISSION Phone BLUE 997 MUSIC Venctia Feero A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE C33 couver. DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept 1 Specialising Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 Miss Joan Watt, daughter of 3overnment Agent Norman A, Watt, returned home on the Prin- .... IJ.UU. ..... . . Atl.mivin r&s nucuiuc jcaKiua; hucjuwii. tallowing a trip to Toronto andl Montreal I PARENTS ATTENTION! Children. may be registered now In Piano j :lasses at King Edward and Bor-i ien Street Schools at studio of M. McCaff ery. No. 10 Federal Blocfc. Classes open Monday Sept. 11, Tuition 25c per lesson. There will! !e no ' further registration after this date. (211) The board of directors of the. Prince Rupert General Hospital, atj Its regular monthly meeting last' alght, passed a vote of thanks to' .hose who had so ably assisted mi the recent moving of patients from) the old to the new hospital bulla-1 ne. There was also an expression of. appreciation to Miss Jean Har -ison R. N.. lady superintendent. At an executive meeting of the Religious Education Council held it the home of the vice-president Tom Johnstone, final arrange- menw were maae lor me rany n 3e held Sunday evening. This service is for all young people and Jiose Interested In the counclL The speaker will be Ken Harding, whose subject Is: "A Creed for Youth In the World Today " Stanley Dalby, government Agent it Telegraph Creek, who has been a trip as far as Iowa, visiting with relatives at various points, ar rived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from1 Vancouer and will be here until Monday morning when he will proceed north on the Princess Loulss to Wrangell enroute to his duties up the Stlklne River. CARD OF THANKS George Fritz and Margaret wish to convey their sincere thanks and aDDreclatlon for the sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother Orange Ladies Tea And Sale Bridge Drive, Canadian Legion Successful Affair Held Yesterday Halt, Friday, September 15. Afternoon At Home Of Mi. Cox ZU-4-s : The Ladles' Orange Benevolent Weslev Bussey sailed last night Association held a verv successful Mrs. D. C. McRae, who has been companled by Mrs. J. S. Black. on a montn's visit to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, returned home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday1 afternoon. 1 Miss Patricia Nichols, daughter . American it. t.. 1 t wihnii kii mil . aim 111 i. .vww, m M . . . 3olng nicely following an operation JUPI";r yesterday at the Prince Rupert ,a8e iX aua General Hospital . Ridley Home iHas Meeting PAOE THRZ Usefulness and AppreeiatUn Of ' Institution Revealed In lie part Functioning increase ! Mlsa Blanche curan sauea iasi on tne princess Adelaide for a inp tea yesterday afternoon at the l night on the Princess Adelaide for'to Vancouver, home of Mrs. S. V. Cox tn aid of A satisfactory meeting of the a trip U, Vancouver. j the Protestant orphanage at New rd of the "WLff I Dr. and Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr sailed Westminster. Mrs. George Howe. Heme -as heW th week with P.t. .... irlntn il1rt laxt i... ..i-v,, nn th. PHn. Ar1ta(ri .1 i-. it,. .... FUv O. A. RlX. Bishop Of Cau I . j.i.u. -' - . . .. .. - Hnnh In irm chair Verr HPV i 1 L VII V. V W V ' ' .UUI V. O VWM .....M. BMW W Chemainus. ternoon. James B. Olbson. dean of St. An drew'i Cathedral, and all members Mrs. H. Johansen returned 10 me Those who assisted Mrs. Cox Cox Z Z TL L " , j . nv.'. .. . .....j. . of th hnard with the exeentlnn of Have your nair wine m. wwj Clty on tne princess Aaeiaiae yes- were Mrs. r. uaroer, Mrs. wmiam - n ... t.lir 1th AVP EaSt-' ... ....un frnrtl a irn tf nM.. lf Prank Tltlun Vt OIW WCT DTCX nt- Phnn nnn 922 for your appoint, vanmuvpr Hiiph nuKit Kinin iviiuu. Airs. m J 4. R n. muiiaj Murrav The half-yearly report snowea a menu. (214) Mrs. A. W. Allaire, who has been - -4 .itilVi rotiirned tn the (jii a ii 1 v Dvufc, ritv from Vancouver on the Prin-I cess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. -!. .. .. w luostantial increase in the t- num- ana mis vie ho.kiu.ic. un, ouuui . ..... . . ... O. Stevens of the Northern Con- was cashier. r of ehUdien afted and satl. In tiie school wore jtructlon Co. sailed last night on Mlss Louise Bird was winner In .1.- oi ,sum. fn. Van. .w. j i 1 t w .. ana irauunx uuii me iiuuic ritcs. Miss E. Barber sang a solo, ac- 7 .vT . by bodies in the city Halibut Sales various as well as by parents. The new term found an increase In enrolment. ( ! Letters of appreciation from par-!enta were read. Generous gifts had been received In money and in kind from friends in the city and outside. Arrangements were made for a grocery shower on September 28. CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Ave East J. IL Myrwang, S.TJJ- Pastor Residence 806 Borden Street. Phone Blue C99 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 11:00 ajn. Divine Services tn English 12:15 Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Divine Services In Norwegian WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 8:00 pjn. Devotional Meeting at Church All are cordially Lnvlted to our services. Visitors always welcome SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 16 10:00 a jn. Confirmation Class at Church Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment with a McCLARY RANGE FOR COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop In an see the new Mc-Clary Ranjes Inspect for yourself their many features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish-Easily Kept Clean-Splendid Baking Oven-Fully Enamelled Inside-Hiehly Polished Top-Economical Fuel Consumption. A McClary Range with oil burner Installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service-It can be Changed back for use with coal or wood In a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE B. C. FURNITURE USED FURNITURE 1 Reconditioned Range COO C A A real buy 1 McClary Kitchen Ranse Withnew 28.50 . r grate : 2 Reconditioned Chesterfields Tap estry From and velour. $39.00 1 Dresser With large mirror NEXT DOOR TO d. C. CLU 1 iiifcio Phone 311 $9.00 2 Washing Machines From $35.00 t0 $47.50 7-Piece Dining Room CM Q JJA vAwv Suite-Square table Remington and Underwood Typewriters-In excellent condition. 30.00 From, up PHONE BLACK 324 3rd. Ave S v a. ft! f 11 r 1W