i i use n k . ur ma . -it i ii P Neutrality 1 1T1V w a w-i w 4 III M A kVL If ' A win m nitft Victoria this week. ""TON D. C. September! w l pran war nas im. ! ( : urn the United it" its neutrallty.l F : k.in D. Roosevelt re-' ' rday Accordingly . ' r. Hi would be added ' 'he country's arm-t v untary enlUlmeni. ' tal strength up to T President declared r." aeration was not ' who has bcn con- t." W.! hington since the r , a crisis and out-T ur icft last night to t k f nd at Hyde Park -5 c mret his mother i-..i a ',rip 10 curopc wnicii before the outbreak ol BELLIGERENT tom.NOTON D. C. Sent. 9: - , ui ouum nuika acsra 10 tne list oi dci- v ,U1I - UilUti uiimu - ..t .alii laws us viiuu vjicc snc iormauy uc- II irn Mama H " a v. n iu Mk v v s -wai ovnonslsA Honrrcslnn Centred nff n,. n w. L 1 LI : Wlll-,-11 1.I1.L1 . " ...IW ,111 Llli: IIILIAM -mwrn nave neenrrrri m rinrtk .... " vwoou, il is inir nnn "i inner nnru nf ivu rnv. est Coftfc f t ...j ut v- v uiii:iiiivnr is nnn 'tSh SOUthpfl utheat .miivuutii u.ln. .t.lril..n J cool CANADA'S WHEAT CHOP i- rA r,f Poland now held. Hitler indicated he intend- t: :rx more PolUh terrl u in the old Oerrnan ar Herman Oocring i i to munition : Be in that Great Brt-5 (' "'Trj Orrmany either ? r ai omlc means. CLE SAM DD17D A DTMP IVI.I Hl 111. rz r. : il U - - I I J il DUIieilllb ! BELLA COOLA CATTLE W.l.LA COOI.A Three hun dred choke itrers are being drir en from Anahlm Lake district, i Ur in the interior, lo Helta Coola where Ihey will be loaded on cows for delivery to Vancouver. NO CHANCE OF POLICY OTTAWA There will be n immediate chance of policy In retard to wheat futures trading on the Winnipeg exchange, lion. 1). Euler, minuter of trade and commerce, announce. Old Hospital Is Being Taken Over Arranrements Completed For To Be Used In quartering Or Troop Maids Get New Home The hospital board, at its regular monthly meeting last night, confirmed the action of the Tresi-1 dent, O. P. Tinker, in renUng the old hospital building at $100 per month to the federal department of public works for use In con nection with the quartering of troops at Prince Rupert. Immediate possession will be taken of the hniirilnt? o It stands. I Moving in of the soldiers ncccs- .KitAtps moving out of the hospital Lddition.1 .i-i.i t- maids who have had their living uvm Ol.UllUUl.Vl HI.-.- . 1 ll. IVvnrlh M 1 I.L. . . . . llflll.HI. Ub bilC JUIIbMV.l - ------ MasscLL nnn l'orr tJ- . . ,.. it i, a,7;. ,..,tand Filth Avenues lormcny WCu- ti " .",,vlu' '"v it hv ii. n. st cs has been od- six new SI iiu-ii I are irnm a a croup prouni ii-i - .1 n. win nnr Tnfini i I ui'i.i Wni have to be certain furnlshlnj of this residence, the master being left In the nanas oi miss jiu Harrison R. N., lady n n Allison, son of A. P. Alll son, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived in i hp rltv on the Princess Aociama r.rrinv afternoon from Vancou- jv.v. ..... . 1 U a oH cnl Pli laSl IlllilH Ull W1C Trinr rharlcs for the camp a VW for for cumshewa. Cumshewa. Winnipeg Wheat Intervention of War Changes Hans For Australia Governor-Gener-aUhlp LONDON. Sent. 9: (CP Since the Duke ol Kent Is on service with the Royal Navy as a rear admiral, he and his wife. Prince Marina. will not go to Australia following the outbreak of war. Lord Oowrie will continue as Oovernor Oeneral !ot Australia. PICKED UP ALL SAFE Two Vancouver .Men Aboard Wink- lelth. Latet British Ship It Torpedoed To I NEW YORK. Sept. 9- CP- The Holland - American liner Staten-i dam. in a wireless message to Its New York office yesterday, said It had taken aboard the entire crew of the British steamship Wlnk- leifh. It was not said what had happened to the Wlnkleigh but I she Is believed to have been tor pedoed. Russel Drunton nurn oi of Van-i vnii-i oouyer ana,, tyuutp torta were members the Wlnkleigh. Amsterdam today reported the rfint nf a meMt( from the Netherlands steatwhtp Rrcedyk reporting that the BrlUs tanker. ! crew of thirty-two being savec OTTAWA The Dominion Itur- j-j-j locality of the sinking was no, eau of SUtlntics place the 1919 J disclosed, wheat rrop at 119,000,000 bushels, . an increase of 99,000,000 bushels J over last year. NO FOOD SCARCITY WASIIINCTON There h no conceivable scarcity of food in this country, It h authorltatlvly slaied. Anti-profiteering laws are to be extended and strictly enforced. Profiteering at the evpense of warring nations is to be taboo. iBakersfield Girl In Athenia Dead 9: tCP No word having neen received of Miss Margaret Little, wnj was among the passengers aboard the torpedoed Donaiason vuianuc liner Athenia, It Is feared by ' lives here that she must have been among the lost. 4 Prices Dropping Downward Movement Recorded For First Time In Two Weeks WrNNIPEO. Sept. 9: lCP-For .. ftr.t iimf. in two weeks, wheat MIC !( ---- - iiimed downward on ine Winnipeg marnei jciiciuui. were from 3 Vic. to zvic wiwi er closing at 78?bC. Bomb Activity At Kiel Canal .a ID. n...uh ..nrrps Report runes io Mill .11 - - He Rusy Attacking ucrman Naval Centre nAnrwiiAnrM Sent. 91 iCPl Danish sources yesterday reported that iiiit there there had nna been ociH a neavy iti acrwi "" -.w -SU. up initely decide. The Prime Minister said that, If the House of Commons would not support the government In stand- ine beside Great Britain in tne war against Oermany. It would have to find another government. He had no doubt that the House would support him, Mr. King said. "No country In northern Europe which now calls Itself would bear the same name It Brl ain nnrl Prance lost In the war with Germany." Premier King said naval forces were concerned, to defence of the shores of Canada and neighboring British possessions. Mr. Kinir revealed tnat a special British .mission authorized to place orders In Canada had arrived In the Dominion to survey tne mun itions sltuaUon. Weather Forecast omorrow s I taes 10:55 a.m. 18.0 It. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 23:04 p.m. 20.7 ft. Islands Fresh to strong 4:34 am 4.0 It. southeast winds, unsettled and cool 10:49 pjn. 7.0 It. with showers. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 3 O ' t: 21 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1939. PIUCE: I CENTS - a ur ft-4 pes War Going Grimly On ew Frontier Decreed By C..L C U ants Only Pre-W ar Portion Of Poland I- a. rnrnmnv PntinM H Defeated Either Bv s . .. Military or hconomic Cleans ...p.. , . i ii, nti. rl ll- A .l,.1f II!f j i ii I rv in fiiiiMi;i i .ii.iuii:iiiji iitiuii . rec rc-cstablishment of Germany s rJH eastern icr An official army communique claimed that the an army was at the gates of Warsaw and that l'ousn a were retreating east of the Vistula with about Iaustralia i POST OFF UJf IJOUESTION OF WARSAW'S British And Belgium Planes Fight; Two Are Reported Brought Down LONDON, September 9: (CP) The Air Ministry disclosed today that British aircraft fought with Belgium fighting planes over Belgium.territory last night. , In Brussels it was said that two bombers were forced down. The British planes were returning from a reconnaissance flight. Belgium has insisted that there shall be no flights of military planes over her territory so that there may be no danger of her neutrality being Shoulder To Shoulder With Great Britain" Is r-v t i v l I r n i- I. Berlin Air Raid Alarm But Attack Fails To Happen BERLIN. Sept. 9. There was an neutral 'alr rald alarm 111 Berlin during the night but no aitacK xonowea. '.Neither was there searchlight or' 1 anti-aircraft activity. British flght- ' i.nrifc' i i ii inn Diancs cuiuuiuc iv uiuy uumw 'Neutrality and Isolation would be! over Germany. l mvth anywhere In the world In' - the event of a German victory." iir i D t Measures for the training and; VyindSOr 5 iXeiUlIl dispatch ot trained air personnel j as the most Immediate ana enec- HnTTIA C YlflP 13 i"Wc iv rn-nnPratlon with Oreat Bri-.A1UII1C -t tain would be proposed Dy tne gov- prnment. said Mr. King, wno reiter ated that the government was not In favor of conscription and would devote Itself, as far as mllltla and Former King and Ills Wife Rack in England Are LONDON. SeDtember 9: (CPt Press Association reports state that the Duke and Duchess or Windsor made their return to Eng land today. The Duke, It Is said, will take up Important duties for his The former king and VYJUitbtJ country. 4 4 v v - - n I J. H. Blackmore. boclal Credit i his wife motored from Cannes to . . I I 1 1 rtnrA..rntt.. 1r.rl 1 .. . . 1 1 1 rU n m v. 1 leaaer, joineaiiicsuuatnawc ivau-mp coast ana cnwseu me v,iauci er, Dr. R. J. Manion, In assuring. a destroyer. the government of full support In' ..... n...pnlirtn li-Hh thA TTnltpH i iu-upn ... bombardment of the Island of1 . Kingdom. Making w It clear that he, worth. C.C.F. leader, said: "I can-DomDatuiiii''" hfimDarUIUvllv ... . . , ii j l i -ncenf in nnvthlnff that AS1U1114I-" Cumshewa Inlet. , . There "bb nlcn fl 1 ot Kiel personally and not winds, shifting Treatt at tit the entrance . was speaking beaming strong, cloudy party of loggers from : Vancouver ; f , Q with showpr loanai 11V VUti'H -rf - w would drag us Into war." FURTHER IN UPON SAAR Poles Unable to Hold Despite Continued Prostestations of Fight to Death French Advance Towards Saarbrukken in Surrounding Movement Late War News UlUbeaWetoob- ration card, Uomimon OminiOn S s War W 3r roiicy I OIICV READY TO PROCLAIM WAR OTTAWA, September 9: (CP) Prime Minister Mackenzie King told the House of Commons today that, if the reply to the Speech from the Throne is adopted, the government will immediately take steps for a formal proclamation of a state of war existing between Canada and the German Reich." The debate on the Speech resumed today and. may run for several days. Proclaiming war, therefore, may be delayed OTTAWA, September 9: (CP) "Canada stands No word Having iwn Received Atlshouldep to shoulder with Great Britain in this war,v de-iter Home, .Miss .Margaret Little i clared Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King yes-neiievcd Lost tonlnv Worn thn Hnnsfi of Commons which loudlv cheer- T Dunns T 1 rl rf Trtimnl1i rlanlova l I 1 - i am i tr r 1 the difference between their salaries and their military pay. There will be the same consideration for single men with dependent. Sinsle men without dependents will receive no . vain rje ana vinni iiuui in u- rr .t I V M4 mini. in: uiwu n ikxh m Jones of vie-, Up To ParliameMJplFjBrraa of the-etz-irr- - icr Neutrality and Isolation impossible Reports conflicting as to whether Warsaw is in possession of the G.erman invaders and French and British forces continuing their advance towards the Siegfried Line on the western front into the Saar Valley, Europe's new great war continues grimly on today. Vith the real news evidently heavily censored, it becomes ever appar- ent that what does come through ROME Premier Benito .Mus solini is reported to be continuing his peace efforts. He Is now working on a Balkan peace fronL LUXEMBURG Twelve persons were killed when a German troop train collided with another carrying refugees. WASHINGTON The United States government has been officially advised by diplomatic representatives that the Athenia was sunk by a torpedo. "No further comment is necessary" it was said. SAN FRANCISCO "German Day," October 1, has been cancel . - icu nic1 WUI UN i luuiii lvlIis UIU led led at at the the Golden lioiacn Gate iiaic Interna iniern- I against Germany on behalf of Canada, suggesting that tionai Exposition following a vote California sent DAKERS nAFn?Ptnj FIELD. California. &epi.., this was to Parliament p.rliAmpnt to to rief- def . of of German German societies societies which which favor favor- ed such a move. NEW YORK With 1700 passengers, mostly refugees from the European war. the French liner lie de France reached New York today WINNIPEG Premier John Bracken pledges the support of the Manitoba government to the federal administration in its financial and economic plans for war conditions. LONDON Word has been received here that no fewer than 83 Indian princes have pledged their support to Britain and somfc of them are raising forces to take part overseas. MOSCOW Russia is commandeering all lorries for the purpose ot moving war supplies. WASHINGTON President Roosevelt said yesterday that a special session of Congress would be called before January. LONDON Food rationing will not be needed for several weeks and then It will be necessary only to restrict the use ot bacon and butter. BERLIN .Many people here have been arrested for nslng their cars for pleasure purposes and thus depleting, the supply of gasoline. is to large extent propaganaa-iing-ed. There Is a scarcity of official communications and even many of these are directly contradictory, depending upon the source from which they arise. I Contrary reports of the Poles John Hart announced that mar- notwithstanding, it was still ried provincial servants who en- I claimed last night that the Oer- Hst for war service will be paid 'mans, driving in with their highly superior mechanized forces 'from I three sides, had entered Warsaw with the Poles withdrawing south-.ward towards Krakow and Lublin. (The measure of their resistance ap pears to be uncertain In spite of their protestations of a fight to the death against Invasion. Polish re ports tell of continued violent air Initial German Counter PARIS, September 9: (CP) German troops counier-attaeked for the first time on the Maginot Line today but, nevertheless, a French communique said "a brilliant thrust by French forces won possession of a highly strategie sector." Germans are described as offering resistance all along the front. It was the first time France had officially cited a German attack since fighting began. The Germans are launching local counter attacks and heavy artillery fire. French airplanes continue scouting flights despite "intervention" ot enemy pursuit ships. A Warsaw radio broadcast to night announced that, although the Polish capital was "under constant bombing, we will not yield. W will hold out till the very last." oooHooaoooHKHoooKHao raids on civilians by the Oermans with heavy mortality. Last night it was reported that Rusian con scripts were moving up towards tne eastern border of Poland. Meanwhile on the western front the northern flank of the French army was reported last night to have driven seven to eight miles within German territory. Nazi forces were retreating, destroying I roads, bridges and tunnels as they fell back, also wrecking defence works and touching off field mines. French forces. Including large num bers of Moroccans, were apparnUy endeavouring to surround Saarbrukken which city. It was said, was being evacuated by civilian population. I Today's Communique Today the French high command announced that Warndt Forest, west of Fordach, had fallen almos: entirely into the hands ot French troops. Communique No. 11, issued this morning, said: "There was fto- Uvtty In the course ot the night by our first Une: land forces. The great forest of Warndt, west of Fordach, Is mostly In our hands. Our aviation continues active In support of land forces.'' Official German military quarters continue their policy of male Ing no admission of military activity on the western front although observers report huge numbers of Infantry and artillery lorces1 mov ing up towards the line. J