.r r PAGE FOUR THK DAILT NITT8 t L! II I I J J J! C- D CHKHKiCHiertmoocHSocHKHsr.ooocHSo g Laying taxes with your thumbnail -9 You run your thumbnail through th excise stamp which seal a package of cigarettes or pipe tobacco. It it a simple action much easier than filling out, tax forms and writing cheques! Nevertheless, you are helping to support post offices, government railways, waterways, trade commissioners and all the other services of our Federal Government ... for you have paid a tax. Every working morning, tobacco manufacturers buy excise stamps as you buy postage stamps. They affix one to every single package of cigars, pipe tobaccos, cigarettes (the direct tax on a 23c package of 23 cigarettes is 11.4c). By doing so, with no trouble to the taxpayer, without risk and at practically no cost to the government, in the 1937 fiscal-year the tobacco industry collected 32,972,373 in excise duties alone. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY : OF CANADA, LIMITED Extra Special Quaker Rolled 0ats- Non-Premium Per pkg. Robertson's 3 for . , 19c Chinaware Per pkg. Crystal Wa Per pkg. Wrapped Bread 25c COPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET FREE DELIVERY MacKenzie's Furniture February Furniture Sale 23c 25c Phone 872 g 8-Piece BEDROOM SUITES Vanity. Chiffonier, Bench, Bed- 3 stead, Cable Spring, Simmons Spring Filled QQQ 00 8 Mattress. 2 Restmore Feather Pillows QUUJJ 5 Terms Arranged See Our Windows g OOCHKHKHWOOOOOOOOO 000O00CH30000O00OO00tH16CHiHO0OO0HOr Keep the Furnace Roaring and ' I - ? i. v , Keep the Pot Boiling V I with Bulkley Valley Coal . ?... . . . -1 If you lose anything, advertise lor it 'I Whifflets From The Waterfronl Funeral Yesterday Of Joe Haroski Rev. E. E. Ilrandt Officiates at Kites salads. For Jap Inlet Man The funeral took place yesterday afternoon of the late Joe Haroski ,of Jap Inlet from the parlors of the D. C. Undertakers. Rev. E. E. Brandt ! officiating. Pallbearers were J. 'Zebudney, J. Qskey. Nick Kapros-(key. Adolf Shaluk, John Salden and John Muluk. ' Those sending flowers Included , Mr. and Mrs. John Saldan, Mr. and I Mrs. Wallace? and family. Mr. and I Mrs! J. Osk'ey and family. Miss An-Inle Zebudny. Mr. and Mrs, J. Os-kev and famllv. Joe Zabudney. Mr. Windsor's Taste Going To Salads Former King Likes Ills In Grape-fruit Sugar and Lemon Trimmings His favorite is Salade St. James: Cubed potatoes, peas, cauliflower, coarse lettuce and pieces of grape Italians Are Not Popular Anti-Fascist Demonstrations Are Cause of Warships Being Called Home From World Cruise Orj the evening of March 9, follow- crmng m -Panama where the lng her return from Stewart and "rlan consuI and officers of the Anyox, the steamer Prince George shIPs w"e1 the for rotten Will be withdrawn from service to CEgs and decIyed vegetables, enter the. local dry dock for annual overhaul. The Prince Rupert, now Xnp 4 A Til VP undergoing her overhaul, will go on v.llVC 'the run in place of the Prince Q II 1 George. Today, before moving In- OOClttlly llOW to her regular berth, the Prince unload lovable Dance Held Last Friday some heavy machinery with the elevator there. The Ketchikan motor vessel Sal vor arrived In gthls morning g port with a carload of frozen fish S for transshipment East over Cana-5 dian National Railways. Still Open For Parcels To Aid Enockson Fund Cash Also Required To Complete Work Good Progress on New Home Oood progress Is being made lAjage uove. ioaay me siamg will be completed and good projresi will be made with the roof. The work should be finished by noon Friday, Parcels' are still being received at the Daily News office and cash In the sum of $58.90 was today handed over to Norman Watt. Parcels will be forwarded Just as soon as the new home Is ready to receive them. Since Yesterday parcels have been received from Mrs. R. McLcod I and Solvelg and Perry Mork. , So far very little kltchenware has been received. As everything I in 'the house was destroyed by fire and the family Is absolutely without Income except the regular government relief, there will be little money for furnishings once the house ,1s paid for. Mr. and Mrs. Shelford Darton returned lo the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning ffornci vacation trip to Vancouver.' Night and Bridge Party Coming ' Up This Evening Thp InpaJ IT ffpnnn l oHva port at 9 o'clock hfse day La5t Irom the Alaska nit, .nlmi,u j u.ij- In the Oddfellows' Hall. Tonight a bridge party Is being held In the Toe H rooms In the Stork Block, i The dance last Friday night was In progress from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. Music was by the Sercn 'aders' Orchestra and Harold Pon der was master of ceremonies. De- licious refreshments were served under the direction of Arthur Evans and Thomas Andrew. The dance committee consisted of n.i A. Ponder, Harold Hampton, Rev R. C. H. Durnford and J. D. Allen. ' Mrs. M. C. Madlll returned to the j city, on the Prince George this morning from a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the I south. I FIGHT KIDNEY ACIDS ClogKwl, inflamed kidneys' prevent proper elimination of toxic waMe matter, resulting in exce acid arcumuU-tion in Icidneva and I.Ux). Gin Pill Hush out ihe millions of tiny kidney ule giving iiick relief from backache, lumbago, rheumatic pain. I.et Gin I Ilia help yon an they have n many otnem. AZ? Two Sizes Regular, 50c and new Economy Size (double the OO00000OO00O60O00600OHMii0O00000v0o00000O0000066g At Seal Cove by Dr. N. M. Carter who brought alternately. his films of travel and mountain- ' eerlng to the Parish Hall last Rev. Canon W. F. Ruihbrook will Thursday. The president, in thank- be the special speaker at the Bun-lng Dr. Carter, expressed the feel- day evening A.Y.P.A. roily service Ings of those present when he said next Sunday. that the doctpr would be welcomed back again on the first occasion on. The extension of the basement of which the members planned to en- the Parish Hall of St. Peter is tertain their friends. . inearlnc completion. It will add con- and Mrs. J. Oskey and .family. 'are training at Esquimau are well! ("Your Friend," Mrs. C. Wallace and advanced now In their term of In-! family. puooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooe.ooooooooooooj The members of the Anglican' are listened to with great tp8t' Young People s Society of St Peter by many In this neighborhood. Rev Church. Seal Cove, enjoyed a E. E. Drandt and Rev. Roy C. II. splendid entertainment provided Durniora are laiung w .., leader for the last two weeks. Mrs. J. Allan has been Indisposed with a VlflW fr1H Kilt 1 ntu nn ttis Hotel Arrivals Savoy P. Pedersen, Alice Arm; Royal J D KllthprlanH Klnu-ri'i Mr. and i ' ": CT-Contlnu. R0ME'Ft!b- Prince Rupert 0u al.fUt demonsfatlons' George McKcmle and J JI. with which they were continually HamlItoni Vancouver: W. J. Moe, warm. mere ham onH tr rni -u... Montevideo and olbson CJf a- r L J. B. Trv a Daiiv t.n'AiUed ad slderably to the attractiveness and Th young men of this district who convenience of the hall ' - Ttin nlrl ritiMn. nf ihm Tmn.H.1 During the, week past It has been . .. . . A A- -l t - struction. Many of them. It U felt. a a"f lni lw v. win h clad m k..n that thir sea llona fiapmg ana piungmg in friends In this area follow news of the atw of the CTC nerP Thf thMr rrn.7rM ulfh th V.nt In. Creature It WOUld SCCm. Weigh terest and good wishes. Certainly abut 600 pounds in some coses. U ...V. I.U . u ... seen down here over a week aw. Oarry ManarrigJe U proreaurtng,relurn,n8 Stewart v iuiu ui tutmi laf . .. ... .. .. m PARIS. Feb. 15: (CPi-The Duke order. Daughters of the Empire PlfMlQ,y un nu o tef oi of Windsor, gourmet of the British chapter. H1U 60 here In Seal Cove younB men and women lra,nui ,n royal family, nas a weaxness lor have missed the guidance of their He wUhns Uiat an adult group could be organized. The Boy Scout of the Legion mart Inrnrv Ml...l..n lfr. iruopjj.c IKW pirJIK fruit This Ls covered bv a sauce it... t ... w.. official Trooa Flag soon by the i U.J p4 Sl Mmkr rxf I ha PiManh oi vinegar ana icnio.i ihicu uu carrymR on tnc good work mean egg yolk, granulated sugar and a wnjje touch of mayonnaise i Another favorite dish Is th3 breast of a chicken, topped by a slice of ham and with a slice of services which go on the air from fresh fole gras underneath. members In town. of the Canadian Legion Tlnv frrum 7 tn in v. Ivn hnn in The Sunday afternoon broadcast form a WoU ,,ilct , IC.F.PJl. every Sunday afternoon will join on Saturday momlng next at the Parish Hall Silver Wedding Is Celebrated -I'. 0l!!m..an Mr,:.S- !!caud,n' I Friends Honor Mr. and .Ma Mon city; C. F. Harrison. Haiclton tesano of Borden Street Last evening many friends called as a surprise at the home of Mr. CNJt. steamer prince ueorge. inCCv.nB .s, no uuuuv kc,. porUand( 0re Strett o(fer congratulations on leapt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port tor the issuing of orders for the Ctnir the occasion of their Silver wed- on time at 10' o'clock this morning re urn home-of two Italian war- Mr. and Mrs. John Thomey, Pre-! ding anniversary The evening i m nm en ins tx-n1n nara rn t nrl aotaH ' 1 m irom Vancouver, rowen mver ana - - mler; Mr and Mr, Aurlo. j 0ra. was spent playing nsunes and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock cruise arouna me I thU Afternoon for Anvox and Stew- wa!' trouble In J art whence return will be -made other 801,10 American ports which here tomorrow evenlne southbound. the vesseU visited, the climax MY NOSE IS CLEAR ALREADY MTU THIS, USE IT SOONtl AND HDJl L PtlVINT MANY A COtD FI0M DEVHOPINCj Here's tpeciailsti medication for nose and upper throat-where most coldt start. Uied at the AM sniffle or tnee-t few drops up each nostrll-lt helps to prnxnt the development of mtny colds , . . Even when your head U stopped-up irom a nenecied cold. is. Va-Uo-nol clean away clog. gtng mueua, thrtnks swol- Jtf..cf j len mmbrani-.lti ou VICKS V V, .,aia. VA-TRO-NOL r0U UN ,TI TWCUM0 ""won co io traia rw inn m, ii im ii ! n ii iii iiifflirminffri UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUE8- T.S.S. CAR I) EN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, I'leaie Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and TlcheU From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. riione S6S OcoaJ eyermmect. 7- i r Old King Coal is a clever old gink' He works pure magic in a wink Hell chear you moping, drooping soul With a ton of Phllpott Evltt Coal. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. The Host Coal in Town re freshments were served at midnight at which time a presentation of several pieces of silverware was 'made on behalf of the assembled guesU to the happy couple. Wednesday, February l$ jt;j RTTUT J g LAST TIMES TOM(,t Z Shoui, 7:00 and 9 oi , Favorite Actor Thrilling Wy OAKY COOPER In "The Adventures Of Marco Polo" With BASIL RATIirtONE siouii) outn; (At 7:21 and 9 26 AI)l)i:i "SCREEN SNAPSHOTS Colored Cartoon TEAKS OF AN ONIOY COMING TIIUKS, ri;i Margl. Sullivan, Melvtn loD; las. Kobl. Youni in THE SHINING 11(11 it i u .i .u- .u . .J While referring to nature obser- Mr ana Mra- H T have been on a Ui p a many of their supporters and look vatlons, it U eneouraflng to report f'ew York. Mr. ToUn . . ... . Ihnl th flrt rnSIn nf th VMr a lorwara to meir return wim greai anticipation. on mining busmea. are (, i aboard the Prince Oi-i x :. b- uiiitiiiiiii'ii g i a r ELITE Beauty Parlor S Mrs. Sutherlind 1 IntriMlurlnc the New 5 Zotos Permanent n By an amaslng c.; r - the guardian eye - .. 2 Instant this exqui r jjj anent ts complete 1' jj " claton timing iuuv life, greater depth 1 1 lovelier curt. 2 Phone m for Appo!r.imf!i U Ride With Service and ft fort In a 7-rawntff Healed Car Phone 35 TAXI THE SEAL QUALITY miwi GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Snlmoo Tacked by the only canning company with an sD the year round payroll U Prtnca Rupert Walker's Music Store Large Stock Mulc llclntiman, Nordhclmer nd Leaage rianos Hano Tuning with "Resonocope" Thnne nine 389 IU " yL, ix Tin; mtki:mi: oi nr or I'B'11 fmr.Mim ix iiionvn: In the .Mailer of Ihe -.idmlnl'l""0" Atf Ami , ....k In Hie Muller .f Ihe ' l,t;' M. Adanu, Kmmm-ii TAKE NOTICE h by o: K Itonour Judne W. E. Puher C 3rd ny of hWjruary A. D. I' mnxrtjilrd AdmUiUta-.tor "f of lltuil M Mum. Dorfiu Teiracw, D. C , rl alt dftlma agalnat Uve Mid E hereoy remHrwl to rurnW t u ierly rrririod to me on -f P I "' 'S i yim iuvn oj ui iiiwt , , mr rT quired ito ly tlw naiW ot 'r 'dvbtnlnrMi o enr forthwltn ' NOIIMAN A WATT I OffVolal Axlmmatr ;!l . 1 mwo ntrr, , tkvty ih flLh rty Of rebrurj, 1839. It you wish to swp jomfiOWJ' Try a Classified.