u a 8 o o a u a 8 0 0 0 s 0 n o o s 0 o o 0 0 o t 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wednesday. Tthmtty 15. 1Ma. has the goodness of prime beef and that Is why it builds strength for you: TRY IT! Hot Her Price $1.50, Special $1.00 Ormes ltd. 77fiA Ptoneer Drutigtets The lteall Store Phones: SI & JJ Open Dally from t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. Ull 9 p.ui. A Gift of Reading AH mcmlKT.ships taken out' in February will he continual until March 31st without additional charge. Pay 7."c now and read all you can until March :51st. One book at a time but you can change it as often as you wish. Take advantage of this Special Offer and Join Now. Here is a partial list of Hecint New Itooks WISDOM'S GATE OUN JU8T1CE '-Ti CLAY ACRES DI8PUTED PASSAGE . ....:. DRAIi NED S ...I Hental Library Section iBarnes .... Cole . Fischer Douglas Mascfleld- 11HICK8 V.1THOUT STRAW, fafit$k fTli THE JOURNEY UP -f Royal Regiment -' v REMEMBER THE END . i - THE GOLDEN SPANIARD FLYING COLORS . s WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO ALIAS THE PROMISED LAND THE 8 WORD OF ISLAM ... - HIchens Frankau furnbull WheaUey ... . Forester . Halsey , Field . ...l..LOurwlt v.DSabatlnl REDUCED WINTER FARES to VANCOUVER Calling ai Oceau Tails vid Powell Hive 36.00 llc,,,rn Meals and Hertb Included Leaving 'rliie Kunert THURSDAYS Hate Effective Nov. 1st Until Feb. 28. Return Limit, March 31. 11:15 p.m. Southbound V-2-33 Canadian National Steamships . - - - - - ' r . .... . ,. : ' ' THE IIAII"! nr.iVH PAfiF. TTmnt i i i i i j . .(.' lam . r " wim tm 4 "! r ' l2 --Ll-l 1 ILK A I. 11 1 . I M J I ATM 1VTI?7C MT.TITC Uil11iL -fiiosra-ii and m I VAU. HDYVJ HVIUJ if , tNTw 1 n ! Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow, who has been visiting In Vancouver, returned, home from the south on the Prince George thU morning. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Church, who have been on a trip south, re turned to the city Xroro Vancouver on the Prince George this George Eckerman. who left this ooooooooooooooooooaooogoooovooooooooopooooooooooooo city about a year ago with the In 0 s 0 0 0 I I I 0 0 0 0 0 DEFENDER Hot Water Bottles Urt, J'rlre 11.25, perlal 75c MAJOR Water Bottles V frtHnn rf mrVnrr V( fiitnrA hrm w mhh vaa. In Albany. Georgia, Is returning to Prince Rupert to again Join' the staff or Jtfward Llpsett Ltd.' lie U expected back very shortly. Man in the Moon l Its a fine world if you have p enough money to pay your way and a happy home to go to at night. J The difficulty Is to know Just how g much Is enough. J Notw f jus", eer think we have too much. f j . . i IIS roe people no nave acarcciy enough for themselves who give something to help a neighbor who to in need. , Asked how she enjoyed the ser-i vice at church en Sunday a lady re plied that she slid not .see a single j dress she liked. A woman who had given a dinner I party met her doctor In the street the following day. -I m sorry, doctor, she said. "that you were unable to come to" my party last night. It would have done you good to be there." "It has already done we good," he replied, tersely. I've Just pre-; scribed for three of your uests. Woman off to attend political meeting, to frlendi: "I'm not pre judiced at all. I'm going with a perfectly open and unbiased mind! !to listen to what I'm convinced Is wttoooooooooooooooooooooooopoor ooooooooaoooooo&oooooo fpUrc rubblih." A small ty was seen sitting mooduy on his front doorstep. "What makes you so miserable' a rnenaiy neignoor inquircu. Well," replied the boy "if I had it to do over again I wouldn't eat up sister's lipstick even for spite Actor: "And where, madam, I perform my ablutions?" Eagles' Bridge February 22. do I Landlady: "You dont go doing no Derformanoes here. The 'ouse 'was nearly wrecked last week by a troupe p' acrobats!" The oapex. March 1st Tea, Mrs. Bert Mor gan's. I Legion Women's AuxUlary Bridge 'March 2. Scout Concert March 3. Rod .and Oun Annual Meeting 3 March 13. Presbyterian Sh a ra r o ak, Tea March 17. St. Patrick's Supper, CathoVc Hall March 17. Prince Rupert Operallc Xoclety presents "The Mikado" April 12, 13 Capitol Theatre. Anglican Spring Sale Anrll 13. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 0. St, Peter's Sale May 4. Mrs. J. R. Elfert returned to the city on the Prince George thLs morning from a visit in Vancouver. Greatly improved following his recent illness, Ai Berner returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this" morning. Mr. and 'Mrs. M. p. McCaffery. who have been holidaying in Call-fomla, returned, to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Merely routine business was dealt with at a regular meeting of the local Nordkap Society last week. President Peter Lien was in the chair. The Society has voted $10 to the assistance or the family of week. CONSTIPATION TEARS DOWN It your constipation becoming a burden, not only to you but to those around you ? It it wiccking your disposition as well as your health? Many suffer needlessly, for common constipation is usually due to nothing more Xluux Jack of "bulk" in the diet. Kellou's ALL-BRAN is a ready-to-eat cereal which supplies the "bulk necessary to regular bowel movements. Eat ALL-BRAN every morning with milk, cream or fruit, or in the form of delicious muffins. Drink plenty of water. Give regular habits a chance to rebuild health and happiness. ALL-BRANDS j Dally fiew l aa A. B. C' u,u '"""i"'"-irr.n Announcements All advertlsetnenti In thU col-smn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Toe II Bridge February 15. United Missionary Tea Mrs. ner'a February 10. Jen- Recreation Centre Dance 17. Masonic Ball February 17. Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. fi C. Thomson's. February 18. A meeting of organizations and Individuals interested in the matter of sending children to represent Prince Rupert on the occasion of the visit of Their Majesties to Victoria will be held In the Canadian Legion Hall, Friday 8 pm. under the auspices of the Prince Rupert branch, Canadian Legion. B. E. S. L. 38) Dr. H. M. Morrison and Cecil Fittgerald gave InteresUng autobiographical talks at the regular luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today D. A. Burn? was welcomed as a new member oi the ,ciub. VV. M Watts, presi dent, was In the chair and there was a good attendance oi mem bers. Further Members Of Church Board fi. C. Mitchell, Duncan MacKenzie And L, Coates Named Presbyterian Managers George C. Mitchell, Duncan MacKenzie and W. L" Coates have ' been elected to the board of man-1 agers of First Presbyterian Church, I thus completing thj filling of the' board after three vacancies hadj been left at the recent congrega-. uonai meeting. 35 Taxi Offers You a 1939 Heated 7-Passenger Car at Your Service Phone 35JTAXI Statement Issued by Rotary. Club's' Dental Clinic Committee ' The Prince Rupert Rotary Club dentil clinic committee has looked into the question jut the Influence of diet on dental delects and submits the following fdf the Information of parents: "A committee for investigation of Dfrntal Disease in England, af ter having observed about 1550 j children in 3 institutions over a. period of about two-and-a-half years reported that Its Investigations proved conclusively that a1 relatively high vitamin D content or food can do much td diroinlsh- Axel Enocksen, Dodge Cove, whose the incidence or carles if the Vita home was destroyed by fire last mln Is given during the develon-I meet of the teeth; that a beneft clal effect may.be obtained If the' vitamin Is given at a ralrly late1 stage or development and that, even If it Is given after the eruption of the teeth, the onset and spread or carles is .delayed. "The committee' added one. lea-spoonful or cod liver pil a day" to the ordinary diet I those children for observation of the effects of added amounts of vitamin D over and above the ordinary diet. The: I ordinary diet was estimated to provide 380 International units of. Ivltnmln T1 nr ll1rl rw Av Th ;cod Jiyer oil supplied an additional 1300 International units of vitamin! I hOO-400 unt The dally , vitamin treatment of dental defects will tovp the least cxoenslve and verv i. -i ,.. i i k. t i . i vances of these Ills. Assault Charge Against Crooner the charge. SheUed Walnuts-New crop. Per lb. HEINZ PURE. OIjyjE; PILlo-oz. bottle EMPRESS MALT VINEGAR -Qt. twt LIBBT'S' SAUER KRAUT 2a V 2 tins cers. those chosen neing: 25c 49c 2?c 35c The first meeting ot he- Booth;: r I . T : T T ! L cAV.rvyl an increase Tf 240 pent nl ? " TrZ ."JSL school President, Margaret Davles Secretary - Treasurer, Betty Payne. were o. Bf)X r,i Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" ? QUICK COOKING. OATS iwi Jton-jiremlum Chlnaware tie Real Value stock Up at" These Low Prices KARO CORN SYRUP 2-Jb. tin . 17c LIBBY'S HOMOGENIZED BABY FOODS- In OQi spt varieties. 3 tins V NAAS RIVER1 POTATOES- Sack $1.95 SOCKEYE eALMOH Black Label Vs. OQ 2 tins BAKEASY -The flnei shortening. 2 lbs 25c E1PRESS JAMS and JELLIES l's. glass QQr assorted INTERIOR CABBAGE Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operate QUALITY SEItVICE PUCE FKEC pELiVCny ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience eat and Mail Orders iteteive Prompt and Careful AttenAion Music Club At High School Is Now Organized MRS. ELKINS : NEW REGENT Elected Head of Cambria! Chapter i I.O.D.E. for Coming Year The monthly meeting or Cambral Chapter, Imperial Order of Daugh- nTfnnWters Mondayf. of the Empire, was fceld last that supplied by the ordinary diet torlum i""""1 Ui or the 1 ,7" on V.rv""-1 evening at , the home . of r Mrs. wr p P. F. Ths lnveitHiratinr. shnPrl thnt thP lne iuC purpus Purpose ui uiu Sixth East.Wi-lth the , p. Bird. Avenue . . . t - . ' , lrti ctiMpnt nn nnrvl rtl TTri tr rest penoos icr the most ellec-' '"v, ,,,7 r Itive resuluas during itelvrv- erclse wiy abilipr ibey 'ihus may PtB-X-4 tion and development of the de-lsess Brouji. , Wl ridius t.th and dnrintr thp parH'Ing a social experience. t ! resent regent, lilfs. T. Fraser. .141 lri the chair. prortdn7ar"f WC, made ; for the Valentine tea to be held on which the election OitkUIUilv Saturday UAVCA after nutui mv.ivu mJ ., j t- u -I mlbusiness the election of of li "A careful Investigation made the United States In 1938 Indicated! that, during lactation, the dally vitamin D requirements of Infants Is about SOO International units; hptiriri infancv and adolpscpnee look place, and resulted as follows: Honorary Regent Mrs. X. Fraser. Regent-Mrs. S. Elklns. ; First Vl:e-Regent Mrs. J. P. i Garrett. . T a..J rrfm. riAM lftea If alan Program Convenors Leonal v.ccs.ic u ' Whlffen, Audrey Grimble and Av-tMcLeod- . , M , ertlla ... TVim!icnri I CCCreiarj uiua uwc uiu. Tnomasson. D sunoly In the case ot the British ,-, RprrrvMrs. T. nvestMan therefore seemed , " TieaJ " n'a a "1 Brown v . , . . ........ lnr pvpi-v nther Wednesday. uiown , xi lti .naeouaTe coq nver on was Pianoforte r solos ' rendered Aal.' Treasurer-Miss LlrcIDe " Brooks iei a a sunolement. It is sireprplv hoDed that the j parents and children will recognirt V. by Hemsby King and Leona Whif- bank. fen Educational Secretary Mrs. D, R. Miss O. Mouat is sponsoring the uarciay. club. Oddfellows' Party Enjoyable Event Last night In their hall on 'Fourth Avenue East local Oddtel-j !ows entertained their friends at ; 'a post-tnstallation party. Feature cf the evening was the transfor-. Come in and learn about such features as .Mlrro-phonic Tone Chamber, Symphonic Bass Control, "Stop and Go" Tuning, Magna Dial . . . and a host of aihers. Let Your Ears Convince Yqu I Echoes Secretary Miss Maxine Heilbroner. Standard Bearer Miss . Lorraine Brockway. . i ' The Tegent-eleit Mrs. &. Elklns. ton behair or the members or the i Chapter, presented the retain! regent. Mrs. T. Fraser. with a silver pitcher Jn appreciation of her ex cellent services. tendant upon such Indulgence estra. The meeting adjourned with the singing ot the National Anthem. MIAMI. Florida, Feb. 15: (CF)imatlon of the main hall Into a; - -A charge ot assault against Rudy i carnival midway complete with : Winner or a chicken ror the great-Vallee, crooning orchestra leader,! eames or skill and chance. Mem- est accumulation was Mrs. W. J. has been dismissed. The chargajbers and guests were supplied Llneham with T. Boulter as runnef-wos laid by a nlRht club waiter with ample tunds from the car- up. , ' who said that Valee swore at him 'nival bank and had the entovment The evening's entertainment wm and struck him when he collided mf spending freely without the rounded out by dancln? to music with the musician. Vallee denied disastrous consequences usually at- supplied by the Oddfellows' Orch- FOR ONLY $5 DOWN YOU CAN BUY A NEW 1939 ' InaHlliaS at jasSaiiSHH a V?' " ' If fifllH NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED