PAGI -TWO MISS ATLANTA Walking Oxfords t- - F With all the zip of style trends Jplus comfort and dependability. llSoteheel tolow ciiban. Widths A to D. We can highly recommend these shoes. Priced From The Home of Good Shoes IFHE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE 'RUPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA (Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert DailyNews; Limited, Third Avenue 'H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid in: advance, per week , Pald'lnradvance, per month . By mall to all parts of Britlm Columbia, the British Empire and Member of Audit Bureau at Clreutations DAILY 'ELrrnON EDITORIALS 1 LINDBERGH'S PRONOUNCEMENT J2 Saturday. October 14, 1939. 'Colonel Charles Lindbergh does not think that the British and French are fighting the cause of democracy hut fhatit is onjy a fight for the balance of power. Evi- neniiy, ne is impressed wun ine iazi uocmnes ami ur German method of government and the system of seizin p the smaller nations and enforcing on them allegiance tr Hitler joi . to Stalin. When the Co'onel eseaued with hi?, family from the dangers of living in the United States hf did not fly to Germany. He went to England for safety While -we-recognize the ability of 'Diiidbergh as a'flyerlvr. do not think'that makes him a statesman or an authorit on the rights of nations. ; GIBB'S LATEST "BOOK Sir Thilip'Gibbs' new book "This Nettle, Danger" v a book about modern conditions, especially in England, ir which .English, American and German characters looV large. Their characteristic differences are shown clearly' Mostly the stbrv'deals with'life of the English aristro-cracy with an American newspaper correspondent as the" chidf character and his sister closely interwoven into th-story. While this book-laeks that emotionalism and dramatif powers wHtrh is'the charm'bf less able writers.Mt-is'intep-selrinterestitirtrany nerson who'has tried to'follow motl-' ern irtterhhtionartrehds. Here is how one of the charac-iers sums p the present foe of this countrv: Grmany inputting back the clock. Slid is'put.tine it backfis'nr as'the dafk ages whenhertrites wdre'the- otiti elBafbariaHs Whom Caesar fought. They were touched for-a finie hv the'I;-atin spirit They were Christianized and,, therefnm fivii'zed with Rome as the spiritual headquarters of civilization and moral law. But it was a ven-(fff -niHfrtiH ndt-'go deep. There is in the German soul still the ancient riaranism Of their dark forests. Unknown to thfm.plf'Wntan is still their god. This man'Hitlerirt (he nnfsonif'Vfitfnn rftthe old.nagan chiefs. ! are the hrnVes di'tho' German tribes. They am out to smash the Latin tradition in .which thev were held fo a thous and years. Thby will criicify Christ again. With 'the hammer of Thorthqy will try to smash Latin and Ohrist- ian pjvljjzatiun as orice they invaded Rome and tore UoWhi its temnJes new Troiik,' Oct u furore wer the baeklace glass cbrsefand whether it ts really more. Well somewhat confuwd. -Some auth- .THS DAILY KIWt rlMDOAT . ADMRTJSEi) . Ming Bells ARGUMENT GOODS SELL But No Wives To Www More Or Lra For Hoar- Canadian Consamer Surrey Cover H,ads of Evacuated HouwhokU lte-GUn Ftrtte Poses Question Brands of Commodities torn to Bachelor's Life By MARY ELIZABETH PLUMMER Associated Press Writer TORONTO. October 1: Canadians seem ooi i to in have iutic tnnbia. jeplums: nlghteowns with tiny. fit-f consumpUon levels was appar ted waists and decorative touches 'ent described as "old-fashioned, grand-' Sorrer Objecilves mother HptniU 1 seems, In- preference to tailored py jamas. MANCHlSSTER.'Eng.dcflber 14: ' (CP) The story is circulating of the woman who heard the air raid CP LONDON. October H: CP -A1- me primary oojecuves 01 tner survey were to obtain dependable AnoUier old-time lingerie' ranr, mmi. ,wifi,i revival l8 the bodice and bobbin " COTnmodltlcs ,2 average consump T tion or these commodities per k m !L? , , , (household, and 3 use by brands. Thejfre described as tnodcly1 nllM.Lnn. -,a, a- pieces, revived from the days when veoped wltn the co-operation of a lady s contours were contrived the AssoclaUon of Canadian Ad. Into slender spool middle, rounded- mtsers. the Canadian Association out bosom and hips. TIght-walsted of Advertising Agencies and mar-little bodice, with a modesty frill tfght-walsted dn 'bobbin to Ht executives in Canada and the under that frill, and a grea.t, full! United States. Skirt Shirred bn." por nnrmv? of tabnlnHon 50 4 Despite all thisMrs. Adam Olm- fjOO Questionnaires Tvere selected bel. ofHaks-Flfth Avenue, believeslfrom those received from 54 cities. girls will wear no more lingerie Distribution of the ooestlonnalre than last season, mabe less. The was balanced according to popula-trend she said, Is always toward, tlon density and Income erounj less 1 based on rpnortjH rntal nnrt What women wear. she added, value of homes, will be uitraifemlrline rdffles on Adequacy of the sample and the oetllcoats. Some 'lingerie "frou- statistical comoetence of IU dls. frou. with a touch of nauehUnear'tributlnn were discussed in detail Eyelet embroidery, ribbon beading,! with 'Dr. Robert H. Coats, Dom-. but certanly no "layers and layers Won Statistician, and members o of nnderwear." ithe staff of the "Dominion Bur Tobe, another leading style con- eau or Statistics before tabulation noisseur, believes it will all add up,waa to a little more bulk. "Cfersets wll) : : : r i hdt be worn next to the skin." she I 83 BUSHELS TO ACRE said. "The 'fhlmmy ihlrf -is com-. 8MEATON. Sosk., Oct 14: iCP) Ing backa little hirt made of 'William Haldorson believes hU chiffon or sheer silk trimmed with, heat-growing record -'will ('prove lace and.worn next to th skin Ttn-' to be the best in Saskatchewan derwesir wlli: be ery feminine, with tn,s year 83 bushels of Thatcher lace rand ribbons-." an acre irom a 12-acre field.' Other . . (farms in this area have yielded-as JKO 'SUNDAY f OFF pnuch as 15 and TP bushels an acre. IRISH NEUTRALITY ' DUBLIN. October 14: (CP) sirens on a Sabbath and asked days after President dd'Val-, pollcemart if'he could'tell'Her "why era's declaration of 'Eire's ncutral'-the factories were -wdlklng bn a a Brtt,sn boat 'made a Sunday?" forced landing not "far fronvDub-. (Hn. When the1 harbor-master was 'FWMlIjV'OBjEOTIQNS sked later why he didn't Intern LONDON, October '14: (CP) the crew- he replied he "did riot The late 'Prime Minister (Ramsay (know wnom we're neutraUgalnst" Mac Donald's family have objected ; '.' 11 1 ' to a play "Prime Minister" based Ia)ST vnd FOROOTTEN on 'the life of , the labor -leader so iajhuon, October 14: (CP) -i It will probably hrtt be 'released, """'ks are jusi one more worry 'TheJash, whemit comes, will not be nolitical but1Trie Play was wrl"en by awiicitor:;jor ixmdon ist 'Property on i.,ii.' J "ce- An Of 70 'Tseople lose u ..;.'ii t i i m -jij. . , ; average moral, or spiritual. It will be the struggle of Christendoiii a'rrfiljRftheTesUrredfibn of. paganism. Unfortunately, we. Most people reao fihiill be the yidtims of a frightful paradox which I find,ads- 'Dorou? amusing but distressing." - ftTttMheri'againln his analysis of the character df the mmmmmmmwmm English .pe'Qple-an American who has lived in England a, p-On'd many years says to another American a newcomer "Yotj'il know rnioreabout England and its people when, you've been 'here 'a few years longer. And then you'll' know'hbw'muah ydu tlbn't kriOw. These English folk are piety wise. They're best when things go badly with( theih.Tve'fduiid them steady under fire." t On 'the whole the book is well worth reading at any tinle.'and'especially at'a" time-like this when the world is in: turmoil. ItWlps ds!b'etter to understand the Germans, the.Kngligh and the Americans. (their masks every day and ifew the classified have their names on them, or bother to retrieve them. (Just Arrivecl! A large shipment f Patter- i son's I Candles ' Bm . fc. Rwiviiuiviii . v " w . i from -arid fguarantee'd ;f resil Mussallem's Confectionery new mm J. Zarelll (Proprietor MA IIOME'AWAY'FROM 'HOME Ra( 't1.Mn flO Rooms liot M Cold' Water Phone 281 P.O. Bos 196 whbnust remain tn t Olf'ffr here , ry T.t TheBureauf AdvertismgUfgSHness reasons are left Uh the wastes.-willy.nuir poses a Canadian Dally Newspapers Asso- dljh and the household to care questions of great Importance. cUaon. ,inds to canned good. for. some of them haw Joined to-Are ladles bustling right back to f instance, well - advertised .her and started "bachelor clubs" the petticoat era, when six or seven brarids'riOld-a aommatlng-posltlcn lo m the lonWneas problem and lurched . nndersxrrts ... gave a para- market. also cut down on the rent. X mm A ' tl A A cnute eiiect w-int " The -bureau conducted the most If the olils don whaleboned cor- c.u .i-.i. Stanley. a batcher's abtant cets. what hacoens to those wispy T1 Z rted a club for himself a.d for k... rtw -hrff. anHih" "r.iher hmbanda. lie colltts r i Tn.. .Tn or eTfr weeklr:fle'from ftbV w, ... 1- evenrr.iwo canaaian oaiu nrws-i . . . ., . i.- t. ,,., . - . . - . ihv bunnir in mik ana aoirw n '"' .n r-r rmm KVIII Tn raaSL Dl" ' . the 'lingerie 15 t. . . own ronklne. he manaces to ieeo operated tn making the surrey. A 1"" rS'Hw "exit like newi cKMM .....v.. ...,. ... - mmmomues wis uuuuajicu inr . , . . . .i No. less." 5 Teach paper tn June and thous- tJl m "U ! The style expens. in iwo oppos- andt of the forms were ing carans. agree, however on one fe the householders. tiltmA nut paror- u"" '. case five or six brands accounted .purchases. utner nusoanos jusi move n w nnini: -hm iiannpis arp arranuteiy ..... i FOR SACK FOR SALE McClary range, grey enamel finish, almost new Complete with oil burner. $15. Stamford. Prince Rupert Hotel. tf. A department store advertises: for trnBX 75 to o nereent of thei"NEW American stamps for sale. ladles ladles back back into into silk silk pan nanties. v,.ki.i habitual ...t,.,.. 1 ones and threei Datlv New tifi "Put Some -Revivals There is, moreover, a "swing supr 1 Df those hose In many cases the percentage of .,,, -v,i . .... reporting the use of , .,. . ... described as suitable for new full specified products varied widely if tklrts; there are negligees with from city to city but where thel r : particulars Hotel. apply Old iHERE'S ONE I each other close w tip one flat and!1 - . - 1 ti mm 7U7.nqDa rvivin 1IIM ivimi . . not on the horizon." ' , TJ" m r,n. ha re expend, m the otner One smart says. The tifhtly lac-' c, ..1. Mrti.ifiriv 1 old-fashioned corset, which ex- food 4nd canned. remWiareadrocaUng U out. bererages cereals, flour and bak-, believe a gros.s exa?eeratlon of the goods..lhortentor soip,. rfeans- ugiire i. reou?nani ic uujrn u. ers dyes tooth pastes and mouth ?ood taste-ke believe they will re- washes drugi cosmetics, cars, gas-fuse to accept it" pje and refrigerators, razors. Another shop advertises "hour- tobarco products, housing andt llass slips for the new corset." and rentals. -rustle under bustle." a back-pleat- Gne feature of anaiyris was M petticoat, "available in black, the rnulUpliclty of the canned wine green or brown." Another of- reported. Yet. of the 32 fers "an enchanting wasp-walsted brands of bean soup reported, two dip" that "won't make a wrinkle accounted for 98 percent' In every! unoer your mosi mica Dasque. molded basque waists bustles and J product was used the uniformity . FOR' SALE Rex bowling alleys. Fdr College girls are 'buying them, it Empress! (tf) FOR SALE 2 Hot Bed sash 3 X 6, large frame 8 x 15 double watts. Complete outfit for electric hot bed, 4 large clumps good delphiniums and other perennials. WAJTED--Ward Maid, apply Hospital. 243 I (PERSONA! i 200 medium size mixed gladiolus b bulbs, pompom dahlias, etc. Ap ply W. W. Way. 7th Ave East.l Phone Green 452. 245 WORK WANTED TWO girls want housework, apply E. Stephens and D. Johnson, Mo-chlda Rooms. (2421 FOUND Manchester terrier, female with black body, tan feet and white waistcoat Inquire Dally News. (tf). FOUND Parcel containing man's underwear. Owner may have 'same by calling at office and paying for. this advertisement . . . 240l WANTED llOW TO OET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier'. Postal 'Cleric, Customs Examiner. Sten ographer, etc Free Booklet The M, C. C. Schools Ltd.. Wlnnlpe Oldest In Canada. No Agents. U YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute. WInnl- :pjg, Manitoba tf. SALES HELP FEMALE OUR RECORDS SHOW GIRLS and women are some of our best' Christmas Card agents. If you CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Pbone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. t. E. BLACK X Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say (I ir'T'I'OR HOT JH1 STOVES At All B.C. Stores i have spare time we will furnish you with 'our Christmas Card album free from which to take orders from your friends and! acquaintances, Oood commls-' elons; friertdly service. Premier' Art Guild, 576 Seymour St Van-; couver. Write If you live In a smaller town. i FOR RIPLEY Manitoba Pool eleva;. tember 7, within t. me four ears -r. numbeted t WUiNIfSAi, ucvooer is rac Mr Ripley, believe it or nbt! litres a grain handling story for the books! It Occurred at Dauphin. and 501113 took par ng co-Incidence. ; One of the atu f... , , th ln.'u.nnth ba. where wnere a a heavy neavy Brain Kra,nij", ,,v --- ": uiiim irnruivn mariiaca tii w - . vw - - - - .j ,n,-The nsach the same food likes ana -'crease throughout tr.ganu. crop : " " belritflfepped from the dU- Uiat and th edds against the In- one. and worked a ou: .the Mme fW tarn uie nunc nrraior uh;, ' On August four Canadian Na-j worked out at S3 .) 5 Uonal Railway grain cars were! one. beilere it or nt loaded at Dauphin and muted to Deal that one if y , , tfee Lake Head elevators by the L. Ripley! MacKenzie's Furnitur 7 Bedroom Suites Walnut, latest models In de.dn and mirrors Reavm lime suites have f tst arrtred h., 1 t. . e I. t A Wonderf 1 1 Discovery. dust atlrop or two on your handkerchief snuff it and feci the Iteail clearing lit once. 50c Ormes Ltd. ZZit Pioneer Drutigists The Heaall Store Pbonest II Oku Oallj from I a.m. till II p-m. Sundavi and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 P-"-7 p.m. till 9 n.m. ooooooo oc oooooooooooooooootO do oooooooooooocacsc 3l aooooooodoooooooooooooorMunotKiooooooo 000 000c oooooo The NE W Quick-way cold relie VAPURE New RCA Victors for 1543 Offer Amazing Economy of Operatlont Improve J performance, finer tone . . . greater beauty than ever before . . . price are loweu In RCA Victor hitfory. Come in now I Let a demomtration convince you that RCA Vlrtor i the radio you're alwayj wanted I Modln-! r..f ) Sup IUlHl-Sp',, timrfitlcr .-. u n0" .""ioolt Pulh B" tonti 1mtto Vf i,h Tunlna ,! "JaTb " tt complrtt Onlf Model B-S-A mnd-out for prformiBct tll WUcr jhii ow it lut nuxltl alvri you rir lu M you. (i) in mir wj, Improved Putb-Uonon Tiwlnai Supr B " w SlTef mik ihort wiTt tuninf 0 tlmt Mili Imp'W" f"1"7 Orcxlei Ixm Drain Tubt) Bnuillul nbloH ol COfi.VD t .wu. CuutlHi i(b U biiudil 1"