ANNOUNCING The opening of BRYANT'S SHOE DEPARTMENT for MEN FEATURING Astoria and Richmond Capt. Al Wole SHOES Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. Halibut landinv at Prince Ru , American This brings the total for) Porcher Island. P.O. Box 622 Waterfront Whiffs Only Four Prince Rupert Boats Unreported From Halibut Ranks Some Cod Fishers Still Out Landings For Past Week : the Chelan for 18,000 pounds. uic season ur t? 15,71700 - pounds as compared, with 12.733,550 pounds at a corr-ioondtng date last Wnm Qn-J. i on year The Canadian ladings this' " OlBail OUCCeeClS 4 year to date amounted to 77000, pounds In comparison with 6,014,-650 pounds in 1938 while this year's American landings have reached an To Chieftainship BOARD HAS LONG MEET; Hospital Directors in Thrre-Hour Session Last Mr. hi Transfer to j New BntMlnr Bring? np V ProbJeiiu Problems arising out of the transfer from the old to the new 'hospital occupied the attention of the regular monthly meetlnz last night of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hos-.pjtal which was a three hour session. The board has made arrangements for a loan of $20,000 from he Royal Bank of Canada to be ptcd In cleaning up the indebtedness on the new hospital which amounts to an estimated 23.000 final settlement hating not as ye: been made with the contractors. The loan arrangement will be drawn upon as required, hypothecation of hospital bonds being one of the provisions of the arrangement ! There was a lengthy discussion J more or less along technical lines In connection with- the placing of (Insurance on the new hospital The upshot of it was a decision to take out co-insurance of $30,000 on the building and $20,000 on the contents on the basis of the exist presented hv v a trnu - J - . ... mavvauuui, W. M. i. Watts, vaii, Alex Aex Flnnle innie and and Q. O. sfowed ",v"tu a total wiai oi of no 1467 hospital nospitai . , -( CndlrS yestcrday W. Johnstone returned home with day for the month of September , P0UniU 0f whlch' Skipper M. M. Stephen, aboard the at ' Per hospital day. pound wa- fnm Canadian . bursementu Vom r rv ti j... fnr v. .i yesseu and 191.53!) -ounds from I racceAsful -.vwwi Ui UCC1 Ar h,inr amounted to $4859.49 mrronf 9 fc4Ju mj -" $510.70 capital. Mrs. H. L. Landry, reporting for the Women's Auxiliary, Informed the board that the recent annual bazaar had resulted in the highly gratifying sum of $336 being net- iea, ii naa been decided to pay RED PROPAGANDA FED CONQUERED POLES J BEDDED Ruwan .roopi who occupied the cy are awn distributing propaganda .-afie'j by the sackful to peasant ut Wiino. Poland, as Russian forces occupied approximately three-fifths of the former Polish republic. 'ng distribution among comnanles . ed that a radio nuisance was de- the manaeinsr wrnrv h and apenrlM Th pn.lntiiMnc.1 relnnlncr at th hfvnial h lm. ni.v. j.i j .. rate is .241 On bnlldln? and M nression amnnir natimLt anH .it.. .1 11 . -v i n-i, 1 ' irom miffla. uemr.4r, rw I " " I iLi rank iwuh at iuc UUlliriHIUIli""" ! wvowi. . . orugr tniik Hrit out AUie 1 lit.. lon-d j contenU. ; will be Dr iiarr a w.n on uii Luiutiiu. Present nexub insurance iiisurance on on friends "iwu being uviug that uiat they wry were were at ai the old hospital building, amount-j liberty to bring in all sizes and lag to $30,000. will be cancelled and the structure will be reinsured for $3,000. Th ntiMttrm nf Inrnltnn tnr the hands of the house committee It was decided to put in a refuse boards installed. conditions of radios without any sort of regulations. It was decided by the board to clothe the lady superintendent and the managing - - . M . M.M.W.t Ut j " O . M the secretary's office In the new secretary with authority to control hospital was discussed and It wasia11 use of radio In the hospital It decided to leave it meantime In ! was Icl use of radios should as far as possible be confined to small sets with self of something over $500. A system j The handling of military pat-J of dictaphones between floors jn in the hospital, now that which has been In trial will be-re- Prince Rupert has become a mill- tained. The attic of the new build ing, being used for storage purposes, will be partitioned and cup Resentment was exnreAsed hv thp cumuiaiie effect of ad- VC""'ng tftat count board at the making of deductions by the Department of Pensions and . National Health on sick mariners' accounts for opcratlne room chare- PRlNPK D ITDCDT es, the Department of National De- fence for military patients and the DRY tt DOCK Canadian National Railways Em- . KIT 7 . ployees Medical Aid Association AND SHIPYARD j . v.v.o. uuWii lilt tf" ters as these will be brought before1 . tne annual convention of the Brl tlsh Columbla.Hosnltals Association which will be held on October 23, 24 and 25 at Victoria and which M.ITKK NOTICE niuMon Aim i TAKE NOTTCE tiu rvn&im w.. tkml Rallmys fOrand Trunk Pacific "i aaamm im I'nnce nup- crt. B. C. wui .fpijr ror Utxac to Uke and Mm 24000 OiUotu of mttrr cut cf Tidal Ink-,' vhlrh (Inv. WWM. IT nd drilm Irs-.o Skcena River bout uw i iron c. n R. rxpat m Ktn H WHttT Will h. tHvrtArf K. itmun at a paint iboui isoo i u IOr tWO eectrif refrl,o.. 7.7 . -, - ----a.w, . mt !. K. At K1ll- 1,1.1, uj . UfpOt KITWANOA nrtnhr i. , iCh had been' stalled In the-f" "1 b xw Indu-rtrtaj jMary Victoria Harris, dauchter nur' H aM. v."- ..nelL. Oc-t owra. Price of the we;k for ffeni vun'r . - ..c" ovcr ine 5eai 01 delate jta apprecK'lon of thP A ipeciih quality old rye of fin fUvor, thoroushly mslured.ln osk. 777 V HVWAMfff - 25 13 OZ. 25 OZ. t - 'T a B in rT V This advertisement is not published or cJtJphfcd by the Liquor Control;Board or by J he Covcrnmcnt of British Columbia. ' - - ., o-, . . . . was H.6C and 7c paid Boy SSBiSTe f Women' ffVS . c utay suDenntpnrtonf rri All AGE GOVERNMENI P7 GUARANfEED f& K 3 STRR RVE ' M R?order t Print BO.' -.Watr J3,10.. th -ippUcation marl b filed wlMi th- Mid wwr Recorder. " fh tiie Ccniptrotter oX Water' ..r111 Bulldog.. Victoria. I BC, within thirty daya lifter the fir1 CANADIAN NATIOAU RAILWAYS (Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Co.) Applicant Dy M. A Burbaiik. DlvUlon Engineer. Agent ' 01 the Lr publication of .v.. thU notice In October 7, 1039, .mim:k.w, act (Form r.) Cerllflcule of lnitrotrnicnU NOTICK Bulphlde No. 12, Sulphide No. 13, J No. a. Fractional, and 8. Nq 3 Pra: kZZL kI1 CTal,n"' a "the Where located: O cV1 RtTe' m " ntJ jAwful holder: Northern Pyrttew Ltd TaJce notice Uiai i ,..(. ',n " to Norton Pyrltn, il Free Miner'. rriit. . I 42399E, tou,. ,t -t 5.7 day fiom th rial, v- - the Mining Itocorcl.T tor a Certificate L-,T;Pr0VCn ,or the purrx, of 8 D raAt thVYbo" cUlm And further 4aV. .... .... Under imutlon fi.V "..7 before .7"-."""a IMted Uil 30th Uyof,Augut, 1939. Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Weldlnr Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types nf Ji Endnes Repaired and Overhauled THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Kcd Sockcyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only nalmon tannine company with an all the year round payroll hi Prince Rupert Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Bcaly Dandruff, Itching Bcalp, Dry Fragile and LustcrJcss Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Uarber and Ileauiy fehop I AT CHURCH MUr Angelica Favot Becomes Bride i of Lint Coliml This Morning A marriage of much lo. aj Inter-m took nlace this morning at the C'iuirch of the Annunciation. Rt. R-v E. M. Buno. BUhop of North-mi- BritW Columbia and the Yukon, officiating, when MIm Angell-fj Fa rot became the bride of Lino f luaL The Bishop was assisted ov Fathers Lantagne and Adam. The bride was attended by Mrs. Mary Vlereck. MiM Erma Dutsan-and Mls LlllUn Vierher. All were beautifully conned. Michu i Colussi wg gitMrnnn A tor 'p emrTOtlon of friends ,w ir, a'tfiidanee. Ther - i I ," - M t , -l th'-i -t'terncoa at the home of Mr and Mr Vaecher. Seventh Av enue. The couple, who will have the hearty congratulations and best ,wuhe of many frlendi. will reside Jat Georgetown. WATCH POM) OUT i LEIOH. En. Oct 14: CP-War has compelled the Leigh 8wlmmlng Club to cancel all water polo match; of the American HosplUl Assoeta- nal,T dvertlslnt m tion. Mrs. Robinson Of Metlakatla conUlnedipasses Way .,,. iimi .vvuiuuu.Huujiun Aiason. nearly seventy years' continue to come In. those report- j available exclusively for military, of age. Mrs. Robinson had been for ed upon last night includlne a Eas patients who will have to be hand-1 a inn n. J oxygen machine from Dr. W. T .led in the usual way. The Depart-lthe Church Armv anrf hi-m Kergin, anaesthetic table andim-nt uiii nicn k -.h.,. , .'ren-t-rt m-mK-r .,. . Only four Prince Rupert halibut boats Morris H., other items 0f equipment from the Capt. Charles Giske; Vera Beatrice, Capt. Sinclair Pierce Pr1nce Rupcrt Medlcai Association, IX)1S N., Cant. C. A, Pederson. anfl AVhito Monn r.nrit W a bed Mrs. J. M. Morrison sen-remart, still to. come in from their final trips'if the SSSZSSrZSS ZSt season to the Area No1 3 banks. It is expected that early ary. next week will see them safely in, winding up the year as . .General Business fajac landings of Canadian fish a Miss Jean Harrisnn rt m ,are concerned. There may still be and Rose Spit for catches of 11.- superintendent In her LthiJ I Me straggling American boats OOC l and 7.000 pounds respectively VJSSl lahdipg catches at Prince Rupert, and the low 10.1c and 6c received reported that work wm DroceldlrS Hillbut boaU sun out black cod by the Sea Maid for 25,000. pounds, satisfactorily at the hospital Th6 fishing Include the Cape Spencer, For American fish the high price maids were now established 'com-Capt.; Richard Giske; Relief, Capt. the week was 11.7c and.7c paid fortably in their new home at the Merrill Sollowj; Prosperity A. Capt. i the Mlddleton for 22,000 pounds corner of Fifth Avenue and Havs The finance committee renort tary centre, came up with corres The death occurred yesterday at Metlakatla of Lucy Robinson, wife, of W. J. Robinson of that vtUaee.1 pondence from the Department of She leaves besidea the widower, A u uic suojecv. suier. Eiien Brown, at Kltkatla and- The DerartmMit a-111 K od, I - . .t .. j.. I - ..... - a. niece no uves wun tnem, U - - - V. ..M( W ' W Wt iiiJl(- far as lsolatidh faclliUes of infec- uy- lJle funeral take place to- tlous cases are concerned, this is a civic responsibility. morrow at Metlakatla. t Saturday c Z Shorn-., 7;M JOAN llU)Minir "H obot Q niKt top? "Mai mtot.g $wt Cap."t SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES T furtfl lm in utnth it tmM.m DISC CltOSBY. MlSCHAAm In "East Side of Heaven' (At 7:3 and Er Added ""mcus tus fiAUV COOPER In 'REAU (iKSTK- Canada At War 25 Years Ago . a a . . . I w 'es for the season but arT effort wlU Y"ooer . 1V. Km? .J . k w h. , v.i j .... .. i .Un m arn army withdr-w m. trie Dalh irw Irora YP" pr ! ' i-ulu News is sure to bring dally re-, contingent given gr' v. amt wlta. fU arrival at Plymouth Elio's Furniture MOOSE. BUILDING THIRD AVENCE 4-piece Bedroom Suite 59.50 Values that cannot possibly be repeated when present toet h" gone We urge ou to buy now and save We Give You Fair Allowance for Your Old Furnllure SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling il OCEAN FALLS d POWELL RIVER Steamer Icnves Prince Rupert erery THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnini lenyo Prince Rupert for the Ea$t mommy, Wednesday, Frldnjr, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan nd Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fara, etc., call or tcrU iuy iicket Ujjicet 528 3ra Are UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leav rrlnce Rupert for Vancouer: T.S.S. CAXALA EVEHY TUE3- T3.S, CARDENA FBHAf BAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday u Convenient, Please rurcnase Tickets at Office ;vm5 Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNKir irn. a . a.. Phone It's Interesting to know when reading the Daily New tnat the people of the whole district are doing the same. 1