1 RUSSIAN Under Protection YORK Of 14: (CP) Peter -Ei fz cnturtes ago but, - the Baltic and the) . ii -r jrn Fjiron I rl i looking wet again ' f . . . 1. 1 i. -I . rw r '.nrat nle Rus- t 'xr ' n-f 250 mil far-tk! t. 51tm Ru4a com- -w entire North Bal- tir r? V - Krvrla m Mru ;w in Peter the Qreafs '5E iT-.TsuurK.-uirn rvi- !f) the c Lb : - aiiu ia u iiiv uini uu "I mnr than 450 feet t jn nrc nrobablv of or.;, llkn their northern can -U .r lai-uKc mrm 01 kuv ivcm Dy popular voic '137 E(?uraUon Is friw Kon- Mn'.Hiiiti. "tsicif 1 m lOVt Natural Products t "wunai ucoaranli c soc etv ' w"Cr. lOOdsUiff nnrt tlmhcr ' ai umnn .m rannru. --- ana urcat Britain are 1 llt CUSlom.r. 1 nn . wun 246,500 persons, is . vuiicu ine "nicnican :':ause or the no ntnrt tow- , , vo irmnnnil nr mAri nvn 1 .. ..... V . ..IV u.. . ... y grain elevator ni. 1 ..v w..Bv. onla keeps a standing army ""Una 12,000 Officer nnrt auRment this mio with vvivil a U rc- 1C- ft f "e . Wee of oo nnn w, i. , l?no planes. Her '"'TOO nmJ,. .... .. arlnc. '.u wui, iwo bud . Russo-Turk MOSCOW. Oct. 14: (CP) SPANS ARE DESTROYED quiet area. North of the upper Rhine sector. Germans are rcporiea Dy me French to have massed enough ft large scale offensive at any mom ent. Meanwhile Berlin reports sug gested that the lull ln German military activity on the western rront Is expected to continue at least un til Russia and Italy are ready to speak, German conversations with theso countries being already under way. Albert & McCaffery, bidding I $11.55 per ton on Nanalmo-Well- ' .. a I aA AI lngton bulk lump ana uu washed oca, was awarded a con tract by the hospital board -last nitrht for a six months' supply. aiu ' foup Kl,nb"ats and a dozen Phllpott & Evltt tendered $11.00 ""er craft. . TT?- ageous by a submarine torpedo on 4 September 17 when 515 men were ( : lost. It is seen as Chancellor Adolf , Hitler's response to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's rejection of hlr rwar rmrval. anr4 aim rvri - Part lOTIPfl icentrated attempt of Germany to 1 ai.1 UlllCU 4 break the BritUh naval blockade.. 4- which U described as not as I belief that the heavily armored at' ne uriitcn DtocKaaeiv cxicciea K' the AttanUc but; Russian 1 ui c ather net way w my uu out -, " . reiect ika.-vv w norhrn ports. j' pcan war White Sea. kl half the year but pen and connected by railroad. tttn of Versailles uef prlie Is Its ice -1 pert f Tallinn With an area I 1 1 n nrm s.v ri m nn - . f 1 a Y. mm mil. soon, perhaps to action. Second Section Crashes Inlo First During Black-out and Four Killed With 21 Hurt and men." No casualties were reported from H.MS. Hood which, according to German claims, was badly battered. The Courageous and the Royal ... rttV n ra tVia nnlt npHlcVl nftVul aerawa a part of imperial I LONDON. October 14: CP 1, & vik forces tried tolroUr were 'killed and twenty-four ,0"" s0Jfar.ln remains an Admiralty secret. The last announcement said eight or nine but since then a number more HltU tIIVII I a al a t UU1MII MUM 1 iHNJi't Vaa. .- " X ! U a IViaa TTVw-i t mq nrt night an- Old Country Soccer Accrlngton Stanley' 3, Bradford rtta. t and heavy artillery between ' tanks , Prcston Roscvlts 0. Blackburn Rovers 2, Bury 2. Blackpool 6, Manchester UnlUd Bolton Wanderers 2, Manchester City 2. Bournemouth 2, soutnnampion Bradford 0, Chesterfield 1." . Brighton 0, Southend United 4. Bristol Rovers 1, Cardiff City 2. Carlisle United 4, Clyde 4. Chelsea 1, MUlwall 1, Chester 1, Tew Brighton 2 Clapton Orient 6, Finchley 1. Crewe Alexandra 0, Liverpool 1. Crystal Palace 1, Brentford' 1. Doncastcr Rovers 3, Rotherham Evcrton 4, Burnley 0. Guildford City 3, Aldershot 1. ed here, spe Bay and were re turf war between Ruiai sweeping as Moscow sought, is warship was the victim of U-boat Cauu today to PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. 'omor row's Tides Weather Forecast 2:44 am. 212 ft. nth 14:39 pm. 22 8 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 8:45 a.m. 4i) ft. Islands Fresh to stfong Low 21:17 pm 1.8 ft. southwest winds, showery and somewhat colder. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 11)39. PRICE: I CENTS Nitish Lose Camfal Shin Todav H m Royal Oak Is Victim Of . nun. ubnJtne Attack; 830 Members Of Battleship's Crew Are Missing TUl I Ml A II J L 1 aJL JL CANADIANS LEAVE SOON OTTAWA The first Canadian I overseas division will probably proceed to England within the nest two months to complete training there and receive service I I equipment. equipment. Like Like the the first first cc con- Iiatllcship Hood is Also Reported Damaged Survivors tingent in the First Great w So Far Placed at 370 In Admiralty Announcement lne probability is that the I ar. div divis- inn inn or of about aooui slsteen sixteen thousa mousana LONDON, October 14: (CP)- Sinking by German1 en wI"pf ?,d, thPe !nt!r or submarine attacks of the British battleship Royal Oak " partofUln En'Un with possible loss of 830 men and damaging of Hood,) air casualty list largest battleship of the British Navv. were announced , London An air casualty iut, ZEBALLOS MINE CLOSED ZEBALLOS The (Privateer mine is temporarily closed. Eijhty employees demanded the return The Admiralty announced this" . cd and te the eniIre trew ,ls .afternoon that approximately 370 - mCf announcin5 that, ,t would 4- Turkey Is reliably but unofflcl- men had thus far been saved from. . . . a al 111. MM ' Buy rcponea 10 nave nsnea me sunien Daiiiesnip. ine war- encage new men. 4 an agreement with Russia pro- . ship's comolent. It Is said, was about, ADELAIDE DAMAGE tecUng Russian rights in the 1200 men. Thus 830 were left miss- ALERT BY " Fifty northbound Black Sea and Its outlet, the Ing. '! passengers from the steamer 4- Dardanelles Official an- First announcemen of the dis-i rrntMS AdelaidC( ridiur, whIch 11 iv i airanu- &trand. General Synopsis The barometer 1. 1,1 1 , 1. - nii.w rAi..MKin and somewhat colder. TODAY'S WEATHER IH . TI...J- u.i . j f ii,, icsicruay uic unmans ivmw ii, . . .,...:, of Fir. and and the British section during a black-out. - - . i. luiuaM. i 1. 1 ilia tui" IV 1. . ... .. . . . I , - ,j (rising); temperature. 46; sea known. Some were rescued. ' Howj rf Is,and Brokcn clouds many German submarines have, . ,,.p.. . . . ... mI. tbeen tar In this destroyed so warlnpr per . vlslhitv. twentv-flv. miles; light swell and chop. CHECKER PROTECTION LONDON, October 14: (CP- -In nounced that German Admiralty keeping with checker-board mark- rvt'oher ms that ten hits had been scor-lngs In steps of public buildings to 14- (CP)-French ; parij c'r lzft TuI I cd on British naval vessels by air- prevent blackout accidents, citl- "tLZZlZ.rnn i a Norm s.a Mlffament,ns here we painting suitcases irucuon oy mc ncutu u ... - railway bridges over the Rhine Is on Monday were entirely false. The to rarcstall any attempted Oerman ocrman planes dropped one hun-surprisc offensive through French dred bomhs but faucd to score a Alsace. This action was lanen al ter heavy German troop concen . a: a younir man. trKilc nartlfmtlon were renorted along the the Ru: tan revolution against' frontier from Lauterbourg to Swit-i got out of the country. "Tit be"nm nr.ml.r nfl.r Iho tt - . - - V1UUUII .11 lllll 7. 1 1 1 . zcrLind n, heretofore rjclatlvely single hit. and other belongings in stripes of contrasting color to prevent loss. "CONSCIES" INCREASE CRICKLEWOOD. England. 14: : (CP) The Fellowship of Conscientious Objectors, founded ln June, has extended its age limit for members to include all con scientlous objectors. GETS ONE YEAR Thomas Lldstone, charged with false pretences by Issuance of worthless checks at Terrace, was sentenced to one year's, Imprisonment by Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court yesterday. He plead- STOCKHOLM President Roosevelt Spurns HPTIMKTir Indirect Suggestion Of His FOR PEACE' Indication, Are That Soviet De-lghouting threats 0f f rightfulness jUSt a Week ago to-all mands Upon Finland Will Be , , t.. i i i n a. t. who might him Great Bn-Anticipated More .Moderate Than j3"." sundry oppose particularly i tain, is now nervously awaiting for President Franklin D. STOCKHOLM. October 14: Al though the Swedish .government yesterday ordered the strengthen-ns of military defences of Upper Norrland In northeast Sweden near the Finnish border a a pre-( ... I I M. At I l - - auuun against uic jrjssiuie ci- x, today, marking the first major reverse the British have hued J"dy. ,Jec? of?Ivl1et inc"rslonl,, suffered ,tw, since the loss'of the aireraft carrier Cour- "" """ 'St 1SS? ", that a peaceful settlement would be reached between Soviet Russia) 4 and Finland on the basis of con- 4 cessions to itussia much more der emergency law stlll emphasized, are entirely pre cautionary SHIP CREW PICKED UP Those on Board Torpedoed French ca gumy on iwu tuuuw, wntui- Kootenay rent terms oi one year uu cucn oe Ins Imposed. Reporting to the hospital board Tanker Are Safe After All NEW YORK, Oct. 14: (CP) The American freighter Black Hawk reported today that It had rescued thlrty-nlne survivors or the French tanker (Hmlle Mlquet which was destroyed bv fire off the Irish Coast I Mediation To Rescue Hitler Paradoxicallv enoutrh. the same Adolf, who was I Roosevelt of the United States to call off the dogs of war. But f resident Roosevelt is spurning his appeals with the - - statement that a direct appeal will Russia Backs Demand Made 14: (CP) CoL Charles A. Lind bergh called last night for the maintenance or the United States embargo on offensive weapons and suggested that Canada has not the "right to draw this hemisphere into a European war simply because they prefer the crown of England to American independence." Lindbergh said that the Uni- In the war against Germany. A new supporter for repeal or the arms embargo in the United States Senate yeterday was Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, on Thursday. One is reported dead. j Falrvlew, .02V8 It had been at first feared that all on board the Mlquet, victim of a torpedo attack, had been' drowned.' Higher General Hospital Rates Lake General Hospital Association Seeks Local Sup port In Move The Kootenay Lake General at Its regular monthly meeting .Hospital Association of Nelson had last night, Fire Chief H. T. Lock, a letter before the local hospital stated that he had found alarm board at Is meeting Friday night systems ln good order and furnace proposing a general increase In rooms and hosekecplng conditions basic public ward rates in hospitals in good shape. The chief recom-jfrom $2.50 to $3 per day In view or mended that the roof of the old increasing operating costs and de-hospltal building of moss which in 'mands for greater service. The a dry spell might prove a hazard.' Nelson board will be advised that The matter was referred to the an increase has already been made house cpmmlttee. here. 1 have to be made to him before he W111 essay to Intervene and then.lt will have to be with the approval of all the belligerents concerned. According to authoritative sources In Berlin last night Hitler was 4, still clinging to the conviction that IT ithe United States, at the eleventh UpOD. VjermanV - hour, might throw In Its Influence jto avert a "European 'blood bath," American intervention being con- Tiivnnv rw An,h moierate than had been at first complication in the already J ,ered the sole remaining spark of ...f! lrtAo TnfnrmoH ntiarfor rnnrtH Iai-i a-j . of a shift boss who wasdischarc- la,u,c,nairn " a nevea nere barf ling International sltua- rr ed. The manarement said the that. Russ.ia mW k control- Uon to the demand which Lith- that Germany was exchang- hhUt boss would not be reinstat- of the Aland Islands at the en- uanla to making for the return TleuWJf w"h R!us,a ?4nd "aly irance 01 me uun 01 aotnnia nut. 0r Memelland from Germany ,uf" JST . . . m u be satisfied with Mlnl5t;r grille Chamberlain's re-less may smaller and -which lifted It last year The Important Islands. .4-int.rit.in- ft,,r. nf v.ii. Jectl" Pac proposals. It was , Meantime King Haakon or Nor-, uanlan demand uoon Germany Indicated that the next major Ger- Iwav Klntr Christian nf nnmorV- ........ . ... ' . I man urar u-oiiM follow ths rons'il- .. . v... lnal u maae wUn me ---- ; - and the President of Finland have. agreement and support of Rus- tA' accepted an Invitation of King,. Rla a , tne j Hitler , Is reported to have ss utav or Sweden ror a conMtmce ' ... tion u- in,. n. c,,o,. :that, so far, his actions had.be i i a i.t.i . ...-j . ""-o iua t. . . . , , ., ,w ucm 111 oujvkiiuiin next neo- cLinri? .. . r . . stand? nt the nlthi at Alert wlth a ukin transferred to the - i Continue their . th nntm1iv anr in.r I VArarii X Prlnfsi Jl rf 1r M . . . - . Sea would prevent night Observers believe that A second Admiralty communique K.n. v,' ioe,;fnaance in Scandinavian mgo.r.ot.rom)4.the accord will also -eflne ,d eBta orahe A .Turkish reUtlon, with .Uy .nrnth.WTW Jjg? ted "Sthrea?UW?!SJL I, ,nr towKl ,0 ,t,orla '". somewhat similar to the Malmo to their roles In Euro- ently known the number or surviv- J'""' ROYAL SCOT TRAINS HIT ors of Hi15 Royal Oak Is approxl-' J 4 mately 370. As already stated, lists, of survivors will be published as, Woofliof Pnrorocf soon as the names are received. The . iivhuiw ui tvuoi above figures Include both officers Conference of December 914 when the Scandinavian nations reached a mutual assistance pact which was Instrumental in keeping them cut of the Great War. There Is a difference on this occasion, however. In that Finland was then a 1a mums " 'c oiuu vuiumuia nart of Russia micrior ana reMu i " At Moscow, the talks between north coast where heavy rains arelDi, ct.k m,.-- During the first six weeks of the,reported. The weather has been Downed been while last war no Brlt.sh battleship rj frJr and warnlln southern districts, i j3, SeSlon ll tunlr althniioh thp Rfiv.il Navv lost. lf.i o -t .MFn.n.., T.1n v ----- - - w.,v. .avwu.w wlm-. h, representations of United three cruisers, two destroyers and a tFre5h westerly winds, partly cloudy -o..,., States and onH Scandinavian .artin-ian nations non. mine-sweeping gunboat pn behalf of Finland. Plans for the possible or school children from Swed- llsh cities are being considered by OUTSPOKEN. J said "en 'strlcUy In accordance with .the i terms of agreements with Ger many s friends. Italy. It appears, Intends to stand aloof In spite of Hitler's cries for 1 help. There are no indications that Premier Benito-Misollnl;-has ;,ny Intentions Of moving either In a ,mllltarjr direction tor as a peacs- maker to rescue his erstwhile friend. Says Canada Has No Right To In-! Meanwhile, there appears to be volve United States In European little comfort coming either from N'ar the direction of Russia which has blocked Der Fuehrer both In east- WASHINGTON, D.O. October lern EuroDe and now In the Baltic. Allies Are Confident Despite Hitler's renewed hints 0! "total war." British and French, military staffs on the western front are awaiting the Chancellor's next desperate move with complete confidence. They are ready and willing to sit it out Indefinitely. The I longer they wait, the stronger they 'will be. - rr- ' - m navkaa h mr-w. - - - a 1LH. ,,L I a 1L.I WV wajx. a "- a ,,VHaut I a aaU ItiMI I1C Ulll . . . ... , . , , driven out with UielRoyal Scot Express ran Into a Urst Z""" S 7 Tt riV 12 southeast wind, ten' In Helslngiors the President of ted States was duty bound to. Apparently, me Ames unena 10 ' . " ' miles per hour: barometer. 29.92 ; Finland ordered the placing or , , pa patrols. The number of men lost , . . , ... ,ltvoi-A Dolice and ,nH all aii administrations rtminitrotine un protect sister American nations ( sit tight and let Germany make th rrom foreign invasion but -they nrst lar8e otrensive Vhich may should not place us in the posi- icome ln three ways: The measures being taken, it is J tion or having to derend them first, a aireci aiiacs upon mo in America while they engage jMaglnot Line, in wars abroad." The reference was obviously Second, by Invasion of Belgium. Third, a flanking, movement aimed at Canadian participation j through the Netherlands and Bel- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S, D. Jobntoa Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .11. Bralorne, 10,75. Cariboo Gold, 1.90. Dentonla, .OlVfe. Gold Belt, .30. Hedley Mascot, .41. Minto. .01. Noble Five, .02. Pacific Nickel. .13. Pend Orlelle, 2.80. Pioneer, 2.16. Premier. 1.38. Privateer, .90. Reeves McDonald, .35. Reno. .54. Relief Arlington, .12. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.12. Cariboo Hudson. .01 ii. Oils A. P. Con., ,20. Calmont, .45. C. & E., 2,40. Freehold, .023;. Home, 2.75. Royal Canadian, .20. Okalta, 1.25. Mercury, .08. Pialrle Royalties, .23. glum. In the meantime, the western front Is marked by an almost complete silence and lack of action fol lowing the cessation of unsuccess- r ul assaults by German patrols. I Weather continues unfavorable and some military observers are In clined to believe that there may not be much action before next spring. There Is the question: can Germany afford to wait that long?. ' New Coastguard Patrols Coasts Two United States Ships Are Equipped For Flying Boats BOSTON, Oct. 14: (CP) The Coast Guard cutter George W. Campbell has arrived at the Navy Yard to take up duty on the new offshore patrol as ordered by President Roosevelt. The George W. Bibb, a sister ship, Is to follow shortly. Th vassals are twn of the IVfn (cutters added to the Coast Guard fleet since 1936. Costing $2,500,000 apiece, they are 327 feet ln length and have 2,000 tons displacement. They are the only Coast Guard boats equipped to carry flying boats. Enough fuel can be carried .to proceed 1,000 miles at sest and to bring ln disabled craft.