V Priced $3.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in adance By mail to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Tuesday, July 18, 1939. DEMOCRACY AND COMMONWEALTH ? f Supporters of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation evidently do not like "The New Democracy." The official paper issued by the C.C.F. says: "The C.C.F. does riot believe in Mr. Herridge's distinctly undemocratic tactics, not in Mr. Herridge's vague program." They do not seem to think that the policy of everything for everybody without hurting anybody is possible. In fact they speak of it as "the most sinister bid for power in recent Canad-j ian history." ' Angus Maclnnis M.P. refers to a similar bid for power on the part of a disgruntled Conservative when Hon. H. H. Stevens formed a party. He is back in the Conserva-.tive'fold, accepting all its implications. Now another disappointed Conservative comes to the fore with a plan for a new political party. He asks for a free Parliament but expects every member of his party to subscribe to its prin-ciples and program. He elects himself leader without giving fus followers any voice in its policy or leadership. That was similar in method to what took place in the totalitarian states. He concludes by also describing it as "the most sinister bid for power in recent Canadian politics." NOW THE IJKIDGES People who live in Westview or east of Hays Creek bridge will be glad to have heard that new bridges are to be built to connect their particular districts with the rest of the city. It would have made a very difficult situation if they were unable to get in and out of their homes. It would have been an impossible situation for Westview residents if their bridge had been closed. Someone suggested that those owning homes in West-view might have been moved to some other part of the city but that would have been just as ridiculous as a pro posal to shut down the railway west of Jasper. The building of these two bridges and the expending, of forty thousand dollars in renewal of water mains will help to make things busy in the city this fall. AT THE FAIR "Premier Pattullo is back after doing a good job representing Canada at the Dominion Day ceremonies at the San Francisco World's Fair," says the Victoria Times. "Anywhere he goes, Mr. Pattullo can always be counted upon as a worthy representative of our province and our country at large. At San Francisco July 1 was a big day for Canada and Canadians. A contingent of Canada's; Mntintfp was rhfrf tn mvp orAnr hnr tho hnnnvs nf tha nr.' SOFTBALL SHUT-OUT Three Two Takes Upsett's IntJ Camp Grotto vs. Mooe (linw Is Close . Three Two defeated Upsett's ten to nothing and Grotto won over Moose 7 to ft tn the Senior Soft ball League last night Andre Letourneau did a good job of pitching for Three Two in registering the shut-out. He was given good assistance by his teammates at the. bat and In the field. One of the nicest catches of the season wax that oi Albert Mah who picked up a fly near second and sent It to first for a double play. The' Grotto-Moose game was a close affair all the way. Jack Yager pitched for the Grotto and played a" steady game. Mike Mon- tesano was good for Grotto In left field and Nell Cameron made a sensational catch for Moose afUr the ball had caromed out of Pitcher John Schroeder's hand. Dik Speer, catcher for the Moov, had to leave the field, when he sprained an ankle. the second half of the season W. L. Moose ...2 1 LlpseU's 2 1 Grotto 2 2 Acropolis 1 2 Three Two 1 2 championship meet, scored an easy victory at the week-end over Dave Borland's rink In a Canadian National Reereatfotv Association Lawn Bowling League fixture by a score of 28 to H and took" over exclusive possession of first place In the standing. However, in another league match Borland's rink was compen- eated with a 24 to 22 victory oyer Dave MacPhee's rink whose skipper casion fell to British Columbia and its Premier. Victoria r vancourer. played a spectacular part by sending its smart girls' drill; The league standing to date: tenmin npcnmnanv fVif Promfpr Tt nil focnlfofl in on W. L, ' fort much worth while. Macdonaid 5 "Belying earlier fears for the success of the fair, thewn&ioZlZI.7IZZ4 " attendance has now picked up and has gone over the 5,-few .!.. , 1.' 4 .000,000 mark, with 700,000 persons having taken in thetand....- r. 4 niiftoVi fTnlntnhin evVnVnf 4PtnVnVilv fVinf inltinf aa nrViara MacPhee .2 many of the tourists are this season, Anyhow, the advertising British Columbia is getting there is piling up credits on which we shall cash in later." Preece ..... Tinker Arrol iMcMeekin 2 2 Pts 5 4 4 4 4 I 2 Zulu Giants, Colored Clowns And Real Baseball Players, Coming To Town This Week o Baseball Standings jgon, ."TLr National League W. L. Cincinnati 47 29 New- York 41 37 Chicago 42 39 Brooklyn 33 36 St. Louis 39 37 Pittsburg 37 37 Boston 37 40 Philadelphia 23 49 American League New York. .. 1& 23 Boston - .47 2ft Chicago 43 35 Cleveland. .. 40 39 Detroit 40 40 Washington 31 50 Philadelphia. 31 43 St Louis 2A 55 .607 .607 500 -i : 7 DIAMOND SHOW COMING UP 33j vide the opposition. ' This reason the Zulu Giants have 333 toured Kansas. Oklahoma, New I Mexico, Ari2ona, California. Ore- wasnington. woniana. iaano. Vancouver BrltUh Col- , umbla. They have played seventy-three games, winning sixty-one and Pet. losln? twelve. .618 The Zulu line-up includes such .526 players as Dea. left fielder, who is 319 314 313 300 .433 J13 .710 .644 351 306 300 .398 .392 considered one of the fastest who tours the west being able to take his turn at pitching as well as field ing. At first base is the reliable Jokkc. known as a real place hit-1 ter. At third Is the famous IIoos who was for some time sparring partner of Joe LouLs, world's heavyweight boxing champion. In centre field when not on the mound is Big Chief Bolo. the all-round star, who stands six feet four inches In height and has a record of hitting fifty-seven home runs In .301 one season The lenirth of his dr- THE ZULUS ARE COMING MacdonaW Rink Is Leading Bowls Defeats Borland Aggregation Which. Hwever Takes Mac-Phee Into Camp Arigus Macdonald'a rink, despite the absence of It skip In Vancouver at the British Columbia Lawn Bowling Association provincial TO DEFEND HIS TITLE iLouis and Pastor to Meet in Twenty Rounds at Detroit September 20 DETROIT, July 18: (CP) Promoter Mike Jacobs announced yesterday that Joe Louis would defend hi world's heavyweight boxing title against Bob. Pastor in a twenty-round bout here on September 20. Louis will receive forty per cent of the proceeds and Pastor, seven and a half per cent. PETEIt I10YLE DEAD DONCASTER. Eneland. Julv 18: I (CP) Peter Boyle, fuU-baek of Sheffield Unlted's cup-wlnnlng team of 1899-1900, who played several times for Ireland, died here at 62, Keep up to date, larly. AdviMlse regu- FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:45 Pioneer Laundry vs. Velvet l Pistol Arm Penu who get them from both sides and cuts them up m,. K.iiuf The flahv Jon. who JllkC WU..V- - holds down second base, ... bit four home run in four times at bat at Port Albernl last year.. Lu Luras. known as a double duty man. catches and also takes his turn a . tK.r At left ne4d Is Andu, a Tuesday. Jv Port Of Prince Rupert PAQE TWO THK DAILY NEWS Lampacs TODAY IN SPORTS THE LATEST & FINEST . SUMMER SHOES ON THE MARKET See the new thick crepe sole with steel arch for lightness and fitting qualities. REGATTA THURSDAY, JULY 20TH Program of Events OLE R0LLAG DOING WELL Prince llapert Man Oans I1, j. Dominion and Intrnathtiu UlfU Shttotinc ComptltlSni fleet-footed utility player in tne cleaning up national and tater. t fi.id will be the famom Prince Rasto. who Is krwn pn, oie Kotlas of Prince Rap throughout the country as the fun- naa miklng a real nlest man in baseball. Little Knu- hnalt a a rifle murksnun ui credl Is a real curve ball pitcher br1ngr, distinction to M, ... who pitched a no-hlt no run game rtuwrt. at Mesa, Oklahoma as well as Roltas. who U an ilsxj.- twelve Innir screle fame at fjnr 0f the Canada. Kv. u NewOreleans He can nlay any no- Rr tu,n Association f, j sltlon on the ball field. Another phg club, won the a& CV pitcher h Hoodoo who Is just that ngdan National Rrerea'.on A for opposing teams. toclatton system champk ihla. The team at a glance: tnc hlh man for all of Ca.ui Andu. left field; Jokko. Ib.; Hoos, wHh MM points out of a pcalKj 3t.: Chief Boto e.f ; Penu. sjl: Jon. 1200 3b.: Ro-uo, r J ; uir&s. c. ana p.; in a nwui o me Amrncia . . . . I . 1 1 A1. Jn M . 4 n . ..-.I.I r&n I . m' .1 . . Dressed and made ut to represent their African an-L,.,.,,,,,,. .hi, mmhm n r, cestors of ages ago as they played the sports of the jungl-' ' '. Mr RoUm made a perfect a es but each one a prof icient player of modern baseball, the jockey's new role to lead the entire inte at African Zulu Giants, in the course of a barnstorming tour' London. July : .cpi-charKe fMd ami take a md nvda, u i ; . , ...... a i ' .i iu tt:..i iL Smlrke. a Jockey. nured In a new nrtse ti western anaua a.m uie u.mcu ouic,, ... ... whpn bf rtnf f0f Mr u now T,t Prince Rupert for a series of games on Wednesday, n nNUon ui bout her other members of the ico. Am- Thursday ana "Friday of this week. - wtth TommJ. s,fUey of Poplar elation tn outdoor shot's Local baseball fans have been look- uit drives has broken record ... .. rif, ling forward to the visit of these l""un KJ ED1NBUROH. July 18: CP - Wltlbm BreM. al of r.. i A. rnpim well as In such places as Victoria. . . .. .. . The league standing to date for,, w ""."J TrJZ.i: Vancouver. Kamloous. Medicine m f! . ,w r""1." miir uui, ui uuinn w ran goners, wm uockp. clatirn inoonr inaiviau or- i," pay uoooy D-,, j t xi. ,v. t and Regina and he also has the ball aspect of. It. the atUactlon flUth chftmpton and A a prrffft s tt should prove a general one. A lo- dlsUnctlon of havlnj pitched two padgham In a PaH vs. Present and Mrs Bras were tfc.rt cal select baseball team, which has no-hit. no-run games. At short Is round July 30. mixed double compctiM '-'been practising of late, will pro- To be held off Canadian National Wharf opposite ramp Time Event P.M. No. 1:30 1 Grand Parade of decorated boats. 1st. prize $15.00. 2nd prize $10.00. Sponsored by Canadian Fish & Cold 1:52 2-Cruiser Kace. pott Kvitt Co. cup. Stge. Stge. Prize, Phil-Ltd. trophy 2:30 Saffinrr Boat Kace. Prize, Capitol Theatre Cup. 2:15 4 Inboard Speedboat Kace. 1st class. Prize, Albert A- Mc-Caffery Ltd., trophy cup. 2:30 5 Kowboat Kace. 16 years and under. 1st prize $5.00. 2nd prize $2.00. 2:15 6 Tug-of-War. Between row boats. Prize, $10.00. 2:55 7Canoe Kace. Open event 1st prize $5.00. 2nd prize $2. 3:10 8 Inboard Speedboat Kace, 2nd class. Prize, Ormes Ltd., Trophy Cup. 3:25 9 Ladies' Kowboat Kace. 1st prize $5.00. 2nd prize $2.00. 3:40 10 Trollera Kace. Open event. 1st prize $15m 2nd $10.00. 3rd $5.00. Sponsored by Edward Lipsett Ltd. 4:00 11 Outboard iMotorboat Kace. 1st class. Prize F.E. Hunt's Ltd. trophy cup. An .Uw trn I'liiu ( ... 1 Time Event !M. No. 4:15 12 Kowboat Kace. Open event 1st prize $5.00. 2nd prize $2.00. 4:2T i:i Surf -board Hiding. Open event. Consideration in judging this event will be given those using as nearly as possible the standard size surfboard (1734" by 72"). AH entries accepted 1st prize $10. 2nd prize $5. 1:45 14 Ladies' Canoe Kace. 11 prize $5.00 donated by S. C. Thomson. 2nd prise $'i 5:00 15 Salrage Kace for Cruisers. 1st prize $7.50. 2nd prize $5. 5:15 16 Dory Kace Special cup, challenged race. If suffix ient other entries received, another event will be run. 1st prize only, $5.0d. 5:30 17 Outboard Motorboat Kace. 2nd class. Prize W. R. Love Electric Company Trophy Cup, 6:00 18 Shipwrecked or Castaways Kace. - 1st prize $5.00, 2nd prize $4.00 And 3rd prize $.'(.00. Special prize of $5 tq winner of this event by Pioneer Dry Cleaners. nnual Competition Grand Regatta Ball And Presentation of Prizes In the Moose Hall at 0:30 p.m. Note-Cut out this proeram and use it for your convenience during the afternoon attractions