PAGE FOUR DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. .Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen Ve Hare a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT RINGS. WEDDING RINGS, HROOCIIES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. we will make to order, any design that jou prefer, in ring or any other piece of jewelry We hare in stock rings from SI 15 3 to S1ZO3.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNER WARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner bell River enroute home. CONSTIPATION FLATTENS YOU OUT Don't let the burden of constipation get you down I Millions have found relief through a simple change in their breakfast. For common constipation, due to a lack of "bulk" in the diet, the simple sensible treat dent is to supply that lack. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is a crisp, enmchy, ready-to-eat cereal which helps form the intestinal "bulk you. need. You'll like ALL-BRAN with milk, cream or fruits. It alio makes ' the rnort delicious muffins! Eat ALL-BRAN in some form every day, drink plenty of water, re-establish regular habits, and see if you aren't soon feeling on top of the world again. AU-BBAH , uP Quarts Per doz. Quarts Per doz. Cwsia. S'liirirKiiL Jelly Jars Squats. Per dozen ,Meni(IDE jSTKELT Diamond Specialist Mavor Milt.?n S. SUphens of j Courtenay. Vancouver Island, after spending the past .few days visiting here with his mother. Mrs. Annie S'enhcn. Is sailing by the Catala this afternoon for Camp-1 Whifflets From The Waterfront ' Dr. H. N. Brocklesby of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station will leave on the Princess Louise tomorrow afternoon for San Francisco to attend sessions of the Pacific Science Congress. Dr. Brocklesby will present one paper of his own at the Congress and will read four other papers contributed by members of the staff of the Prince Rupert station. Frank Watcrhouse Freighter Chilliwack, Capt. Fred Talbot, arrived in port at 6 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and, after discharging general cargo, sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver via cannery points. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay. is due back in port at 4:30 this afternoon from Stew art. Anyox and other northern points and will sail soon thereafter for Vancouver and way points. A big Boeing amphibian plane, piloted by Clayton Scott and being used in connection with the yacht of W. E. Boeing, which is cruising in- northern waters, was In overnight, arriving yesterday afternoon and going out at 9 o'clock this morning. Several trolling boats were in with their catches yesterday, the. log's. largest load being 1300. Several others had less than that It i? understood that some of the boats InrnnnT im I HIGH FAVOR Courage of Basis For English Teer GaTe Canadian Reforms TORONTO. July 18: iCP Res-ponsibie government was no; a new doctrine when Lord Durhari cm posed it for Canada but "there may be as much originality in ap I plying an accepted creed to novel conditions as in Inventing a new one." Lord Tweedsmulr writes In an historical review. The Governor-General's arttc' lis one of five commemorating ttvs Durham report which grew out of troubled times in the Canadian colonies and foreshadowed political and administrative reform 109 years ago. Lord Tweedsmulr points out that responsible govern men had long been accepted Brittsi policy "Durham's achievement la in the fact that he had the courage to give it a wider application to shake off the dead hand o. colonial office paternalism and to trust the Canadian people." Prof. Chester New. outlining the British background to the report remarks that Canadians rightly think of it as "blazing the way to their first full and effective democracy" but. "next in Import ance t that, was its appreciation i oi uanaaian economic prooiems and its insistence on adequate popular education as a basis for Canada's democracy and well-beuv:.'' Prof. New finds in Durham's backing of the Reform Bill In England in 1832 his unconscious reparation for the Canadian Job because, "if the oid parliamentary system had existed in Great Britain when rebellion broke out In Canada, there would have been no solution of Canadian problems and Canada could not have achieved democracy along the lines of Lord Durham's report." Separation Expected Prof. New emphasizes that h the Britain of 100 years ago ai ultimate separation of Canada from the old country was considered inevitable by both Whigs and Tories. But the report "insisted on laying the basis for a- perman ent connection of Canada with Great Britain and it was trans fused with the spirit of Imperial ism. Against a uniform back ground of separation sentimen have not yet made enough to Wm """" Mackenzie expenses. Leonard Evitt. who has spending the past two weeks here I visiting with his uncle and aunt.! Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt. left by j last evening's train on his return to : hi home at Smlthers. His sister.1 Miss Olive Evitt. is remaining here' for a few days longer. curasarar.TJi ansvM Preseiving Supplies Perfect Seal Jars $1.70 Pints Per doz. Economy Jars $1.65 Pints Per doz. $1.45 1.40 75c Economy Caps and Clamps, Mentha Seal, Jar Kings Parowax Preserving Kettles, Hoilers, Preserving Hacks Cold Pack Canners "WE DELIVER" GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 in the British parliament I HOAKb AS I) KUOM BOARD, Good home cooking, 2nd. Avenue West. WEST African importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufac turers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, prin-' clpally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries.; Limited, Benylwah House, Win-' neba, Gold poast. British West' Africa. it' FOR SALF MONARCH Range including oil burner, coal and wood heater. rug, etc. Apply Mrs. W. J. Nel son, 417 Agnew Place. Phone ' Oreen 390. if. ODDMENTS In Furniture, Tables. Kitchen Chairs, Bureaus. Kitchen Cabinet, Sealers, etc. Phone Black 994. (171) FOR RENT CLEAN, well-furnished modern ap-ll artments. Phone Red 444. (156) Jj TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wanted not later thanl July 20 for construction of con- I THE DAILY NEWS A fi m nent." Prof. Harvey argues that -!1 parties in aiva Srotia were un-Timous as to the first nrinciole. ha' the Reformer, had In- ''t-t ij -on the fennd nn: bett "stands out in radiant, eonfiden.i'ord Dn'-rt-- mre'i'd th nroh-aad eosstracttve imperial faith." -m and thft hev worked It ou Prof. George W. Brown describe 'p t"'- in he decad-the Upper Canadian scene of tftej-nreiment to his r Kirt " anous reiorm eiemenu. Durham's rnurav m ih. r,,. nt were spttt up and fHhting among jknown opposiUon to mpon3lb!e themseivea Particularly notaWeifOTOTUnwit f Melbourne was me rjreax oexween w Mfrui- ,nri Ii0rrf Jnw r,,,,, ... 9tmm 4 r...... v- at -"-.emmental colleagues-is emuhasiz- ftHE nrsen ereryi-d hv Pmf rhMtr Martin in an Ttbute has been paid to Uckrv.-1 ie on the report's conse-! Tie s broad human symoathles and qoences. There is no evidence that his fearless disregard for his own rrharn hart h.h, k ... been. personal interests, it still remains', w,. -mpmmrtt ,, K. ed to the Ba.dwtns in Toronto in 1838 "With a stroke of courage fqual to any of his whole career and with a consummate artistry w hich has never been excelled In a British state paper. Lord Durham seised uoon the doctrine formulated by an obscure provincial lawyer and transmuted It the 'precise legal phraseology of Robert I Baldwin into an everlasting vir. 81j cry for self-government-" This "became the gospel of the new rnVVFPTinvc V VTPniordw' Ior British provinces In I every quarter of the world?" Thi rr Wr U I of YOUNG MEN! VocatkonaJ Sr . : lAd U aet up to PP7 Joir.z :n irttli Informttlod about m'Xferr. ::idUfttrtes aod to td-vtoe '.turn mvr.: tfarUr otn futur tbereai. We n.ncerriy beUere Wj etooe V-i trotenlnUx minded jxxnif mn exMt today In alrentt ooammaLUxi -n& meeTBDica, rro-ntMittrral cnir.enDg. Diel mi gin-eerlQC. vcidini! uid lir eondkuoolnt and refoctrbn We repreaent ln-atSMttooa vtu jf jTCTDCixnl tpr(rTl moA ikxnee. a:.d can how younj . a. wu u. mi- ctusArjr wtuch mot toUraU him. II JOU Kl K KUI AO JTr Old, DMTt reMotuMy HtMdr haWU. llxe mccb. anka and are lr.liirvg ta exert your-cctf by a uuu extra work and atudr, then mi in Uua toopoa artd mail It today- By return maU and without cone JMi will got Unportaot In for -matica wtaieb ran be the turnlns 1 poaat la jcui lKf 1 t' I am p&rMcuUrljr ialereatod la learn- I iflff more aoout: AIRCRAJT Cooatruotlon UbBjaae MaMer. Mn4kUkk D-m4 EnclivMrtnz WeMlac Air OotMUOenteg and winger waoB Nam tl .Age.. crete basement. Lowest or any a44tm Pavtfcutorj zcSt Cutest . Vocational Service Ltd. ferjrLtd. (165) t, JVhJ'f, 'Li'li J CYCLED TO Buchanan Dead PR. RUPERTiBut Boys Still Memhr of I'nited States Speed Skating Olympic Team Was In Trince Rupert Yesterday , George Wallace of Burunjpune. I California, young mechanical engineer and a member of the Unl-Ifed Stats Olympic speed skating - team which will compete at rut l. a: he .onu.bu'cd . Mlt that Oanntech - Partenklrchen. Oer-was caiwrucuve u tuc -j.ution of I many. In the Olympic Winter .he Canadian problem" in Prof. Oames next February, was in Brom s opinion. Among Canadian Prince Rupert yesterday. To keep historical legends few die harder i fit for the contest Wallace eon- han that which suggests thatcelved the idea of an extended Mackenzie and his followers alone -vcWng tour for hi vacation ana ood f or the cause of .reform. a'u In the course of this trip failure to understand and make' that passed through Prince clearer the animosities within the Ruoert He had with him his bi-eform movement is largely res- eTC' 8nd hVs eomDanlon. Tom. a onrdMe for this misconception." five-months' old pup. part police But with the Durham report' .and P Pd; which weighed What hH hnnu ti r rlAr-lJ 1""' u" ""V"K " the issue had at last arrived on hich every reformer In the province could be united. What the -lergy reserves, the grievances ver land and education, the con-"liets about loyalty and all other -um over which Reformers and 'or'e had argued at cross-urnom tor years had been unable o oa. tne report did at one Prof. D. C. Harvey. Nova Scotia Archivist, holds that "Lord Dur now weighs 37 pounds. Starting from San Francisco a month ago. Wallace had no difficulty In ridine the bicycle all the way from California via Banff to Jasoer. hiking from there t" Prince George over the railway line. Tiring of the ties, he took to the Fraser River ar Tete Jaune In an imorovised raft coosatiing f two toss lashed together but his d'd no orove so good and. after doine six miles in that waylwaugh e left, the young man expressed PTeclatkm of assUUnce tha' had been-given him along the tone v1 after arrival in Prince Capt. Hsroid Hanson, who suffered a fractured peivis a few -nonths ato In falHng dewo the "wld of a log barge on the Queen hrkitr Ind and ha lnce been In hospital here, has suffl'--nflv wovrrM to h able to lmv this aftemn by th Catala on h return to his home In Vancouver. IMF. ' SKA I OH A I . IT V '1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the only salmon cannlnr company with an all the year round payroll In Prlnre Rupert Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 Being Sponsored Oeonte E. Buchanan, who con ceived and sponsored "Buchanan Boys' - tour parties wnien nT-come north through Prince Rupert to Alaska for many year now. is dead but the trip re goto i Just the same. YeaUrday aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte a Buchanan memorial party of thirty-six. eventen boys and fifteen girls, was here bound north and will be In Prince Rupert again Saturday alterooon. In chars of the party was G. O. Spreec. life kmc friend and business associate of the late Mr. Buchanan, whom everybody knows a -Dad .- while the girls - were led by Mr 'DrJ Kahn of Detroit assisted by Miss Charlotte Qulnn. who was secretary to Mr. Bueh-j anan. ! It was Interesting to note that; Mrs. Kuhn had with her her nine j year old son. Richard, the roun-estof her family of eleven, ever one of whom have made a Bitch Chicago ham may appear to have had durmK wh,;h th doT wtnt lntlUho has been on twelve -re inUraenoa unon the evolution .n-ninnln, wafer and the trip f self -government In Nova Scoiii h?n an examination of the facts - dually reveals." This because both parties Tories and Reformers ''conceded hat the magic of his name and ration would have a powerful effect-" Th Tories "strove with ?ht and main to neutralise this Meet while the Reformers ap-i Mitflt was nearly kwt Wallace re turned to the track and finally -nade Prn Oeoree. The rest of h trin into Prince Rupert was nade by cycling and on a railway flat car. Having arranged for money to be sent him at Prince Rupert. Wallace was "broke" on arrival in "fin- Rupert Sunday night but and u., , ,,!h as able to tall on the Prince! George yesterday afternoon to. th,ir far, government v-mmt in their favor. Unity f Lmpire "It is generally conceded that he great virtue of the report wai ts full insistence upon the neces--ity of maintaining the unity of he empire and the pracUcabUttv it combining unity with the full-t measure of local self-govern- Vancouver whmce he will set out' train on his bicycle for home. Speaking to the Dally News btfore " vfii.'ir if .si .. TONIGHT and WEDXEStiiv 2 Shows Nightly, 7 OS 4 i Tyrone Power Alice Faye In "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" With AL JOLSOX (At 7:1 and 9 10 EXTRA Walt Disney s 'Goofy and Wilbur' ".Mirth of Time HOTEL ARRIVALS Koysl H. M. Morton. Vletoja son. Masaett; Thomas F anan trip Mra, Kahn kt the widow Seattle; A. Ingabrick -of a Detroit doctor and she op-i Mun Rupert eratea a Detroit DtuiHMtle hospital A. C, Darts and D J I which her husband founded. ; Vancouver. Also with th r-arty was Rankin Central pjhotographer P A Farms. Edmon x such Winnipeg- C. K R Creek SUIT CASES WARDROBE TRUNKS TRUNKS No matter what your needs may be in trunks, we can meet them completely, whether you want a smart wardrobe trunk with every modern fitting for the protection and storage of garment or a plain steamer trunk. We have splendid trunki for general purposes now on sale. Elio's Furniture Tiimi) avkm'i: Kt Thone GRrEN 111 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! cailn? al OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVES' Strnmcr !enc Prtncc Kupcrt cvrry S 11 HI A, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains lrnc Prince Kupcrt for the East Monday, W cdncudny, Friday, 6 p.m. A. PaMenger Kiprrtn FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. For fares, (.. call or tcrlt City Ticket Office, S28 3rd Ave. COLD CURED. ICE For the Halibut and Sa.mon FIteti Following the InTestlRations of the Fisheries Research 6H" the Company has Just completed extensive changes nd impr:'-menu In Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the 'boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Inlo the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold s h storagt room. Fishermen are Inrlted to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, menu economy to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rrlnce Knperf r BrliUh ColumbU J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoyal Bank llldg. Fresh Local Kaw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIKV rilONK 7