UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavfe Prince Rupert-tor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver,. Thurs. a.m. Due- Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Mease Purchase Tkkets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK i. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 V July 1. IM9. TOT OatLY NIW1 PAQE THRS2 Governor To Visit Island Of Gulf II.. If. .I..- T.. ILL. )lf. " ", 'IC Trip 1hi ween-ena, Accompanied Itjr Member CT jRIA, July 18: CP-Ueut-G Tvnor and Mr. E. W. Mill make a tour of Oulf , nit on Friday and 8a- .:, Uie I lam be r yacht, acid by Captain Macgrrjriir M L A. for the Is!- Pioneer Doctor Of Lethbridge Ir. Walter Stewart ralbrlth. Deii of Medical Men There, Ha Away LOCAL NEWS NOTES Very Ret and Mrs. J. B. Olbsoni For prompt and courteous ser. a a .... leu on ia erenmg'a tram for a visit -at Shandllla near Kltwanga. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and LETHDniDon Jul ia ppi child left on last erenlne'a train Dr. Walter Stewart Falbralth, deanlfw a TWt ln Whlteport, Alberta. of Lethbridge pracUoners, passed) away ytUerday He had been lo-eaUd here xkioe 1806 and wa a former mayor, member of the city council and tchool triotee lie was seventy years of age WAGONS FOR HARD USAGE Slur:!) Construction of Canadian Hardwood, Well Ijtcd and Braced, Disc Wheels, Rubber Tires, 22-inch .V 21-inch At. :ze $3.50 $5.50 2S-(nch At . . . :U-inch At ... . Monarch Tricycles $5.50 Child's .Slioofly Itockei At COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones M and 531 I tTlAatSMiM I Size 14-inch . $7.00 $7.50 $6.50 $1.35 $295 Good Quality at a Low Price Si'e Us for Children' Whcvlgood of Bvcry Description. MacKenzies Furniture PILLOWS I t tarh 95c BAIIV SWINGS- Complete m. each KIKSCII CURTAIN RODS-F-ich 327 Third Avenue FANCY CUSHIONS 04 IZ( $1.60 25c Phone 775 NEW RQYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" - Rates 'll.M np 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prlnee Rupert, B.C. phone ill P.O. Bei IH CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantfc Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls arid Way Ports SS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8 8. PRINCESS" LOUISE 8.S. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th, 15th, 25th July 8th. Nth, 29th 8.S, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE July 22nd Aug. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservation from W. I COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Maiter Hemsby King left on last evening's tram for Smlthers where he will jpend a holiday. title Half lUliday. Thursday, July tit Be sure to visit the Waterfront and view the Rcratta. (167) For drunkenness an Indian wo- :man named Mazy Brown was sentenced to three- days' Imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont In city i police court. j L I J. E. Williams, who has been receiving hospital treatment here, sailed by the Princess Charlotte yesterday morning on his return to Telegraph Creek. Mrs. A. O. Bortlett has sufficiently recovered to be able to return, to her home after having been a patient for the past few months ln Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mrs. Don Sutherland of Kam-J loops, after having spent a week! In the city visiting with friends, left by last evening's train on her return to Lake Kathlyn where she Is spending the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Okf Hanson. William O'Neill, after spending a few days In the city with his family following his arrival from Flln Flon, left Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en-rcute to Allenby where he will reenter the service of the Oranby Co, The local museum was crowded yesterday morning and Rev. W. H, Pierce was kept busy telllns about the exhibits and native cus toms for several hours. A total of 163 people paid admission to ths building during the day. Edgar PoV was fined, $50 and 'coVts hvfcUy poifte court yester-'day aftemnon for supplying liquor 'to Indians. John McDonald, similarly charged, has been remanded , for eight days. A supplying charge against Earl Bait has been dis missed, J. M. D. Mar boys, professor of languages from an eastern university, who arrived in the city from the Gist on the Prince AIIap Inst To See Mother For First Time Trlnre Edward Island Man to Be lleunlted In Boston MURRAY .HARBOR. P.E.I.. July 18: (CP)-Ray Bell, 19, of Murray Harbor will leave soon for Boston, Mass.. where he will meet his mother whom he has not seen since he was an Infant. vice Phone 13 Taxi. today. Announcements All advertisements in tola eol omn will be charged for full month at 25c a word. tf. Tonight's tram, one from the ast at II o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. 8. C. Thompson left on lost evening's train for a brief trlD to Doughty and other interior points. 40. Mrs. H. D. Roehfort of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday night returning north f ter a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson sailed on the Prince George yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. A meeting of the city council, which was to have been held this morning, was postponed until this afternoon. 10c WHY PAY MORE Bert of all flr llum. Clean, quick, tare, cheap. Ak yonr I)m(-jcltt, Croeer or Ceneral Store. TUB WILSON FLY PAD CO, HAMILTON, ONT. Dr. Neai Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert-mental Station, is sailing by the Catala this afternoon for Howard Chambers, manager of. Klemtu Cannery, 1 sailing by the Catala this afternoon on his return down the coast after spending a couple of days in the city on A. J. Whitinore. after spending a few deys here in his capacity as a member of the International FUheries Commission, left by last evening's train on his return to Ottawa. L. W. Patmore K.C.. secretary of the Commission, who was here with Mr. Whit more, re- ' turns to Victoria on the Catala Friday, sailed yesterday on the I Word has betn received ln the Princess Charlctte for the Telf-c,tr that the delay ln connection graph Creek district. Prof. Mar-Ptn the calling of tenders for the boys Ls an archer of some note ard!vrork on the new air base at Seal uses a bow and arrow In hunting. QUC w pressure ui worn in uie araiung department, it u understood that plans are now in the hands of the contractors or will be within a few days. Actual work is expected to be under way ln August. Ray. who was born In Charlotte- prince Rupert Regutta and Dance town, had lost all trace of his moth- July 20. ;er until several weeks ago when he( I received a letter from her. He and .. a sister, Muriel, were adopted as in-, fants more Uian 18 years ago. Jo-, seph Bell of Murray Harbor adopted , Ray and Jonn Livingstone or High - Bank, P.E.I., Muriel. The rest of. Lutheran Tea Leland's August 4. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. the family moved to the United "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big- States and youngsters. were lost to the two ger and Better. Delegates Off To Dance every Thursday, East End Hall. Moral Rearmament Nownb,r 3 Meet In Hollywood VANCOUVER, July 18: (CP) British Columbia and prairie dele gates left Vancouver yesterday forj iioiiywooa 10 auena a moral rearmament convention of the Oxford Group movement which Is to be held In Hollywood. C, N. It, TRAINS t or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 6 p.m Fridays - 11 a.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sunday 11 p.m. Saturdays 2 p.m. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFB Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children'! Alterations Moderate Price Phon GREEN U0 727 FRASER ST. IN SOCIAL SPOTLIGHT BERLIN, July 18; CP1 Frau Emmy Goering, wife of Germany's No. 2 Nazi, Field Marshall Herman Goering, has climbed to a notch above her husband. She has emerged as Germany's No. 1 woman the first hostess of the Reich. Chancellor Hitler Is using the year old former actress more and more as his official hostess. She was particularly ln the spotlight recently during the state visit of Prince Regent Paul of Yugoslavia and Princess Olga. Standing beside the bachelor chancellor. Frau Ooering received the guests at a state banquet. At numerous other recent functions she has acted In the same capacity and her success In the role seems to have solved Hitler's social problems to a great extent. , Frau Or ring's rise In promln-fence to said In Nazi circles to have strengthened her husband's position and her example is pointed to as proof of the great asset a, wife can be even to one so high In official cireles. This is well In line with the Nazi creed that all Oermans- should marry to raise sons and daughters for the Reich. The former actress Is mother of a year-old daughter. Frau Goering's new task coin cides with an Interesting develop ment In the life of the third Reich. Chancellor Hitler is entertaining more. The Reich Is having "coming out parties. Many of them are good politics state visits with an eye to "seWn?" Germany to some foreign chief of state. The Fuehrer believes he Is pro viding Germany with talking points the old Germany lacked. Expensive parties are Impressive and worth what they cost ln the Nazi view. That Is why Bellevue Castle, in the heart of Berlin, has been fitted out for the use of Hitler's guests. The world thinks of the 50-year old chancellor as being at home only when haranguing a cheering crowd. But he Is equally at home when receiving. He likes It. His artistic bent keeps him looking after dinner table detail -Few other state chiefs take the time to bother about such things. Hitler frequently upsets protocol thus driving his foreign office experts to despair by demanding that such and such a lady be seated beside him, regardless of rank. Phones IS & 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Hare More Cents-Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You receive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion IX TIIK SITHEMF. fOVRT OF HRITISH COLOMBIA n the Matter of Trnzl Ellas Defeased. And tit the Matter of the "Administration Art" . TAKlf NOTICE that by Order of Hl flonour Judge naher dated tAe 28th day of June 1938 I waa anointed Administrator of the HJs-tate of Venzl Uaa, kite or the City of Prince Rupert, deceasrd, aotf all person fcavUig clalnu agalbat th ZM are required to nis the nine wlUi toe ln writing properly on or before the 15th day oi r-ruled Ufusc 13, and person indebted to th Mid Estate are required to pay the amount of their tntiebtednea to ms forthwith DATED a Prlnee- Rupert. B.C. tau 3rd day of July 1939. NORMAN A. WATT OffleM Adatnlatrator Prtnoa Rupert, EC iv tirr. srntEMp. cotKr or Bnrnsn COLOMBIA IN r-ROBATE In the Matter f the Estate of Lontj Sehleblf.. Deeae4 TAKE NOTICE Mi&t by Order of tb Supreme Court of Brltlah Corumb'.i Letter PrcfcaOe of Che Ette of Louts Scbletolg, deceoeed. la-te of Prince Rup ert, B. C, who died at Prince Rupert arorraald on or aoout tne 3rd day cr rnbruary 1939 wer granted to Alo:i Ohnesorfr and Noca X. Arnold of Ptlcr Ruprt aforenaM. the Executori named bv th. wui of uvr aaux deoeaaea. All persona having dalma against the Mid EaUite- are required tJ rumlan the aanve In writing, properly verified, to the undersigned within one month from the date of hl Notice, other wise the Estate will torn distributed pur auant to the aald Will without regard to any auch elafcn. All persona indebt ed Xo the aatd es are nereoy re quired to pay the amount of their In-dabtedhea. to th. undersigned forth. Willi. DATED at Prlnee Rupert, D. a this 32mr day of June 1939. ALOIS OHNESORO and NORA S. ARNOLD Box 693. Prlno. Rupert, B. C WALTERS IS DOING WELL Registers Fifteenth jVln Of Season For Cincinnati Red's Yankees Definitely Out of Slump CINCINNATI, July 19: (CP) The winning streak of the Boston Bees came to an end yesterday when Buck Walters pitched the Cincinnati Reds to a four to nil shot-out for his fifteenth victory of the season with six defeats.' The second place New York Giants i were defeated by the St. Lou's Dodders. j In the American Leaeue the ata who came out of a losing streakj American League clubs move to new stands today as follows: New York at St Louis; Philadelphia at Cleveland; Washington at Detroit; Boston at Chicago. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Cincinnati 4. Boston 0. Pittsburg 7. Philadelphia 4. Chicago 11, Brooklyn 2. St. Louis 4, New York 3. American League Philadelphia 11, St Louis 8. Boston 6, Detroit 13. New York 3, Cleveland 0.' Washington-Chicago ( postponed ' on account of rain. ' Cardinals and are now but half a! PolrYnvv PinnAPl ' rame ahead of Chicago Cubs who Vaigai J I 1U11CC1 had an easy victory over Brooklyn Has Passed Away New York Yankees, seemingly In full winning- stride again after CALGARY. July 18: (CP) John their lapse of last week, again McCaffery. pioneer of the west, who trounced the Cleveland Indians arrived ln Alberta In 1890 and had with a three to nil shut-out while resided here since 189, died yesi-the second place Boston Bees terday at the age of slxty-severf. dropped to seven games behind lie formerly operated a newspaper by absorbing a 13 to ft drubbing and Job printing plant and for at the hands of the Detroit Tlgew years was assistant sheriff. -4 B.C. FURNITURE CO. Just Received Large Stock of Reconditioned Furniture Consisting of Chesterfields, Bedroom Suites, Dressers, Odd Dining Room Chairs, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. Used Furniture 1 Ten-tube Victor Radio and Gramaphone Combination 1 Woodstock Typewriter In extellent condition 12 Kitchen Chairs At, each - 1 Large Dresser At 1 Sewing Machine At . 1 Chesterfield Table Just like new 1 Studio Conch Slightly used 1 Sessions Clock At 839.50 $27.00 S1.00 S10.50 $7.50 S10.50 S27.50 S12.50 New Furniture 3-piece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite (Chesterfield bed, arm chair and occasional chain 2 Cast Iron Cabin Cook Stoves Special $64.00 $13.95 UNPA1NTED FURNITURE Consisting of BUFFETS, CHESTS. NIGHT TABLES at Yery Reasonable Prices ocooooooaooooaooocH3ooao,uooooooooaoaoooocoocHKwr I Remember the Day I with a 0 rt SNAPSHOT Complete Developing, Printing and Enlarging Service Agents for Kodak and Voigtlander Cameras Special While They Last Warwick box Cameras Taking Pictures Size 2 1-4 x 3 1-4 $1.95 Ormes Ltd. hts Pioneer Druqgiste Ths Retail Store Phones: II A H Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 pan. till 9 p.m. joaoooooooooooooooooaoaooooaaoooooc '1 V; IP n . 'I 1