four TR? DAILY NZWS Be Careful About Child ren s Colds TREAT THEM PROVED WAY More mothers use VapoRub than any - ether medication ot its kind they ' have, proved It by use in their own nomes. it was ur-ther MO proved In the world's largest colds I clinic. No "dosing" just massage VapoRub ion throat rhpsf. nnA ' back at bedtime. Almost at once. Us poultlce-and-vapor action starts . to loosen phlegm, relieve lrrlta-- con and coughing, uS, help iieip break ureas, local local ; congestion, ui-ten. oy morning WICKS me worst or we . coiauover. W VapoRub ' Australia May Build Planes For Air Force . ' -LONDON, Jan. 9: (CP) The Air Ministry announces that Sir . Hardman Lever, who headed a nilsslon to Canada last year with avlew to having airplanes manu factured in that Dominion for the -jjoyal Air Force, will make a similar trip to Australia soon. The trip , J11 be made at the request of the -Australian government which Is .desirous of increasing the capacity of the aircraft manufacturing Industry of tho Commonwealth. Hottest Weather In Twenty-Three .Years Being Felt ' - MjmjuuiNfc, Australia, jan. v: (CP)-Fierce bush fires are raging fn the township areas of the city of Melbourne Temperature has reached 109 above zero, the hottest weather in twenty-three years. ". ELIO'S FURNITURE JANUARY SALE 2 Only Seamless Axminstcr Rugs 9x102. Regular $39.00, Sale 6 Only Axminstcr Mats 27x54. Regular $4.00, Sale 2 Spring Filled Mattresses Size 4-0. Regular $17.50, Sale 2 Only Spring Filled Mattress Regular $22.00. Sale 1 Only Size 4-6. Regular $20.00. Sale ... We Take Old Furniture on Trade-In THIRD AVENUE PHn If.neet wmsMmmtumm tm-msmmtMsumsm xuzwm rm vmmrntnum w Nanaimo-Wcllinston Alberta Foothills and Bulklcy Valley Coal Phiipott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Trlrnlinnp K51 nr RSI famimmmammmstmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i . . . . .. Smoked Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish Co. frlace Rupert I Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk ' VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE M7 Building Fund Of coys Llub Aided , Recent Campaign KesulM in Goodly Amount Being Raised At a meeting of the Boy's Club j supervisors held last Thursday eve-nlng with Noel Jones in the chair the treasurer, William Oalr. report-led that the sum ot $142 was realized as a result of the recent efforts of the committee and numerous helpers. This sum has been added to the 100 set aside from the tag day collection as a building fund. 1 The executive committee was authorized to arrange for necessary repairs to the roof of the new club quarters, also cleaning and painting the Interior of the ,lower floor. I It is the intention of the com- mlttce to give the public the op- portunity of Inspecting the club rooms when they have been re- conditioned. This may take the tox public meeting, COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Victor Beynnn Sent Up In Con- i ncction With Killing: of Ken neth Brown, Prince Rupert Fisherman I VANCOUVER, Jan. 9: (CP) -i. Victor Beynon, 28-year old logger-fisherman, was committed for trial Saturday on the charge of mur- aering Kenneth Brown, Prince Ru- pert nsnerman, who was fatally shot at Egmont near Pender Har - bor on December 18. Try a Daily News classified ad - vertisement for best results -4 $31.00 S3.25 $13.50 $17.00 $15.50 , i & Cbid Storage Ltd. British Columbia 5 1 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. NEW HOUSE io WARMFH FOR ENVOY Rail Attended by Ottawa's Prominent People Opens Palatial New Legation By MURIEL ADAMS Canadian Press Correspondent OTTAWA, Jan. 9: (CP) House of France In Canada, the $500,000 newly-completed residence of the French Minister to Canada and Countess Robert de Damplerre, was formally opened last week when distinguished guests attended a formal ball there. The Governor-General of Canada and Lady Tweedsmulr were guests and, on their arrival, were greeted with the playing of "God Save the King" and "La Marseillaise." Prime Minister Mackenzie King, members of his cabinet and representatlvts of the diplomatic corps were among the 700 who attended. Since July. 1936, when the prime minister laid the corner stone of the stone structure hugging a blufl on the Ottawa River, about a mile from the centre of the city, architects, engravers, sculptors and artists from Paris have been at work carrying out the plans of Eugene Beaudoln, chief architect of civil buildings In France, who designed the building In collaboration with Antoine Monette and Marcel Pari-zeau of Montreal. Modern French Style Floor-to-celllng windows banded In brass, opalescent folding doors, wide mirrors and singular treat ment of walls are features of the . spacious rooms of the distinctive 1 three-storey building, constructed in modern French style. 1 Designed squarely with flat roofi 'the first floor of the legation jhouses offices, kitchens, garages land a conservatory which opens off the reception hall. Smoklns room, state dining room, ballroom and music room' and the minister's' office are on the second floor and look down from a marble baius-traded balcony t0 the wide ro tunda of the reception hall below. Glass windows, 15 feet wide and 40 feet high, centre the front ot the building and reach from the floor of the rotunda to the third (seashore, In the home or village and country, 36 persons can sit I down to dinner at the mahogany I table in the dining room. Light shining through the long windows around the room during the day or falling from the concealed flx- turcs brings to life these realistic murals, painted on the walls by Alfrrit Courmes. Below the entrance hall Is a "game room" where plng-pon? tables and games are arranged In a setting of brightly - colored chintz-covered furnishings. Windowed doors open from this room on to the gravel walk on the river front of the legation. Glass doors open at the other end of the game room into a long corridor leading to the garagf,' closed In from the outside by folding glass doors. Clipped deer-hide cosy chairs and sofas furnish the smoking room next the minister's office. Here the walls are lined with cedar bark and the book shelves are of natural cedar. A wide mirror across the top of the open fireplace reflects the rolling Gatineau hills In the distance viewed through the wide, tall windows. IS HUMAN DOCUMENT "The Sisters," With Be tte Davis and Arrol Flynn, at Capitol Theatre "The Sisters," screen adaptation of the best-selling novel of the same'jted, Capt. Carter: Dovre B., Capt. name, comes to the Capitol Theatre la. M. Martlnusen; Embla, Capt. A. here as the first of the week tea-' Andreasson; Bertha O., Capt. Al-ture offering. It co-stars Bettejbert Erlckson. and Margaret No. 1. Davis and Errol Flynn with principal supporting parts taken by Anita Louise, Jane Bryan, Beulah Bondi, Henry Travers, Ian Hunter, Donald Crisp. Alan Hale, Dick For-an, Patric Knowles, Lee Patrick and Laura Hope Crews. The story Is that of a period well-remembered by everyone above the age of thirty-five or so and Uie'Natlona, Ranwav, n,. motorhln scene ranges from a little town ln,Northland arrlved at 9:30 pm and storey where the minister and hls;8an San Francisco. Francisco. wife and their two small children Count Oeorges de Bulldche and Ann de Damplerre live. Glass doors at one end of the reception hall open to the steps at the entrance to the legation at one side. French Furniture A circular "petit" salon" at the end of the long ballroom leads Into the dining room. Flowered needlepoint against a biege background covers the gold furniture imported from France to furnish this room planned especially for a music room for the countess. Blush pink sculptured plaques I .of Joan of Arc, and other char-1 acters of French history centre the J curved walls of the salon. Window. ed doors open from It to a railed stone terrace which leads down to the outside walk along the cliffs qverlooking the river. Lining one wall of the long ballroom Is a large Gobelin tapestry or the 17th century, representing the Trlumphe of Constantlne. from drawings by Raphael. Bordering the tapestry at the ceiling and the sides are sculptured figures, the work of Louis Leygues, noted French sculptor, of the dlties por-French sculptor of the deities por-doors open from the ballroom to the balcony overlooking the rotunda of the reception hall. Above the doors is a relief of the Vlmy Memorial. .. .. Walls again catch the eye in the office of the minister. Here historical events of the early French settlers sre finely etched on the marble walls. Cut with a small nall-like tool and Inked bv hand with a black Inked cloth, these scenes cover the walls from top to bottom. A personal note, has been placed In the Dortraval' of these scenes by the engraver, Charles Plnson of Paris, who Invented the engraving treatment and supervised the etching of the walls of the office. Likenesses of the minister, the Countess and their two children are noted In the court figures surrounding Henry TV at one cor Mui tuM 10 can "ancisco, new . Milium. ixon in u a vivid reproduction of the San Fran Cisco earthquake and fire of 1906 as seen and experienced by the heroine of the tale. Miss Davis plays the part ot one of three sisters who, tlrlnc of life In her small home town, marries a young newspaperman and moves to ., There things do not 8 and the girl Is forced t 8 working to make a living for '.herself as her shiftless husband. Finally., the husband deserts her and ships for the Orient, returning after he learns of the earthquake disaster. Their reunion, many months later, forms a dramatic climax to a forceful human document. Hotel Arrivals Royal J. Jerstad and K. Ziebart, city; J. J. Skye, Edmonton; William Aldlc ad Harry Hill, city; J. H. 8hrlaberg Vancouver, Central 1 Charlie Anderson and D. Had-land, Digby; Mike Kowal, Jedburgh, Sask.; Ot Nelson, Vancouver. Knox G. Wilson, Ketchikan; G. Anderson and W. Morton, city. Savoy J. Rutledge. Dlgbv Island: Mr. and Mrs. A. Riley, Vanderhoof. 1 ,Ians Hansen, Vancouver. Prince Rupert MVS- Allison, Vancouver; C. H. Clark, city. A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Wellington coaL PRINCK RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 55S IN TDK 81TKKMK t'OI'KT Ot' ltltlTIll . COLt.MM in I'Konm: In the Mattrr of the "Administration A(f And In the Matter of the lta(e of Harold Hlgtald Porlu Jaronsen, Deceaned TAKE NOTICE UmA by order of HU Honrr, w. E flrfier, ithe 29th dtyiUmbta, made the 21t day of December, nf rtMvtnW ' A n lain f ... . . i 1 m o T . . hin. . iminl,tMii nf ner or the room. Watching the ar-J points Adminittor of iu.e eute r.r the ewtate of lumry p Mmrfjeod, other-rival of , the Jlrst galleon at Quebec imra,d 8l2val1 Dort Jacotaen, de. wU known ca Harry P MacLeod, d- ,itv, t,mi,Jl ,, ,. . I cnued, end all partlrti having claim rawed, and All partU having clalmi wun tniepse interest in another . a3it the nld mWe re hereby re- agalrwt the aatd eat4kt are hereby re. Is a figure Of the Countess' pet nlred to furnt&h Mtme. properly Terl'.lqulred to furnWih name, properly veri- H02 "Boulettc" Tlpxpmhlanro nf rvrd to me on or before the 2nd day I.X.dr Keselmimance oror Pcbruary. A. D. 1M9. una all partly architects and associates Of the UMnHra to the ejrlat. an, renulred ro engraver are included In other scenes. , 'Views of France ...Surrounded by vivid views of peasant Jie,. In France, at the pay uie anvount of their lndebtednee to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Offload Administrator, Prtnre nupert, B C Dated the 30th day of December, A Whifflets From The Waterfront 1 J Many Boats Engaged In Herring Fishing Here Two Alaska Ships in with Fish for Transshipment Early January sees .10 less than c'.ght large selneboats naullng herring out ot Tucks Inlet at the head of Prince Rupert Harbor where a rubstantial run of fish is in progress. This Is the greatest number of herring seiners ever to be operating simultaneously in the harbor as far as can be recollected. Fish ot seven ot the boats Is being taken by the Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. reduction plant In Tucks Inlet and by the B. C. Packers reduction plant at Port Edward. The eighth boat Is fishing for the halibut bait store ot the Canadian Fish ti Cold Storage Co. The seiners are: Western Monarch, Capt, Charles Clark, and Port Esslngton, Capt. Pete An derson, for Nelson Bros.; Balsac, Capt. John Orvlk: Good Partner. Capt. Nordhus; W. N. 7. Capt. R. Oammon; W. N. 9, Capt. Martin Skog, and Zenardi, Capt. Charles Haan, for B. C. Packers, and Anna S.. Capt. Ole and Ell Skog, for Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Engaged as packers are the Western Star. Capt. William Dryborough, and Western Princess, Capt. Alex Duthie. for Nelson Bros., and Bill- mor. CaDt. James Donaldson: Llm- Capt. George Fritz, for the B. C. Packers, It Is expected that the B. C. Packers will be shortly opening up its reduction plant at Pacofl on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Two Alaska ships were in port Saturday night discharging fish for trarvtshlnmpnt Va&t nr f!annrlt:in alled at n:50 pm ,n continuation; of her vovage to guie. The Ton gas; arrived at 12:05 midnight and sailed early Sunday morning for Seattle. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived In port at 5:15 last evenin? from the south and sa,ied at 8:30 pm ,or stCwart anA Anvnv h .111 rnm' hcre tom0rrow morning and sail at 1 .,n ,nr ih. a w Robinson has returned to duty as purser of the Cardena this voyage! atter naWn? ahore ,n Van couver for a month on vacation. The Dally Mvw is an A. D. C paper. FOR UK NT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. LOST New navy blue coat and grey Stetson hat from Moose Hall dance. Return to 34 Taxi. (6) WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED Oirl wants work.' Housework, laundry, store, ahone , Black 820. 0H EXPERIENCED girl-desires housework by day or hour. Phone 52, (0) WANTED LOAN $300 Will pay 8, best security, for six months or 12 months. (0) IN TIIK StTltEMK t'OfllT OK IIHITISII COLUMBIA In the Matter of tli "Adinlnlitratcii Act" And In th Mutter of the t:Ule nf flrnry , MacLeod, I)rcrurd, Ollirrlf Known an Hurry I'. MittLrud TAKE NOTICE thftt b Ordf Of H' Honour Judge W. E. Plahcr, Local Judja of the Supreme Court ot British Col rvrrf, to me on or before the lftt day of February. 1839, ind all prU Indebted to th MLabi u-. nmiul.wt to nav the amourkt of Utelr lnUtlnK to trie fotthwlth. NORMAN A WATT. OfXlcUl AdmlrJatrator. lYlnce Rupert, B.C. Dwted the 3lt day of December, A.D. 1938. . ,e - Military Students Learning Cookery New Course I Added At Kingston College With Nine in First Class KINGSTON. Jan. 9: CP Stud- ents at Royal Military College ars to receive instruction In cookery Nine men will Uke the first course RETIRING OF QUINTS Less Public Inspection Henceforth Threatened by Dr. Dafoe CALLANDER. Ont.. Jan 9: (CPl Guardians of the Dlonne Quln tuplets have not only spurned an otter that they appear at the New York World's Fair next summer but It Is possible their appraranccj before the public In Canada wit end soon. An offer of nomethlrn between $500,000 and $1,000,000 from World's Fair authorities was rejected by the Quint's guardian The 4 -year old girls will stay In Canada and continue attracting tourists by the hundred thousands from the United States and Canada to visit them at the Dafoe Nursery near here. j But a new threat appeared in the statement of Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe. their physician, that the famous children may be secluded from the public in the near future He said that continuation of their, dally appearances before visitors at' their home might have a detrimental effect on the children. The physician set no date on' which they would cease their appearances and It Is believed they will stage their dally "shows" in, the playgrounds through next summer at least. 1 The plan then Is to build a larger home for the quints, their parents and their seven brotheri and sisters, some place on their 'state far from automobile road." The suggestion has been made that tourists might see them at a distance through glasses. The Prince Rupert Oyro Club will be In regular monthly business scs sion at Its weekly luncheon on Wed ncsday. Next week the club will be addressed by Col. J. W Nlcholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ratri $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B C Phone 2X1 I'd. Iln US Monday, January 9, ijjj. RIGHT from the start 19.TJ RCA Victor Perfection is Your One Rest Ruy With KCA Victor ou know what yon jet. Each year ItCA Victor leads off ulth every advantare,to brlnC you another trenter year In Hadlo Model 9512 $07.00 Only RCA Victor Offers Vou All These Rnilio Refinements And n addition you can have the advantage of RCA Victor superior radio-technical adjustment service tor local radio conditions at Expert Itadlo Servicing This Past Week .. . The Capitol Theatre ha, proudly presented some truly fine Motion Pictures such at "HUHHICANK" "ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME HAND "FOUR DAUGHTERS" IlEItt: IS ANOTIIEit . . . to Join this select company ot Inspired productions . . . S8BF K 193 r lam m3 fi be world hit waited to ice the girl who laughed at Leslie Howard, double croud Humphrey Do girt, toyed with Henry Foods and George Brent . . . at last meet her match (a dashing, datiog. devil raaycarc Errol Flynn? mm (At 7 21 and 9 29) Alv CARTOON L NOVELTY TONIOI . TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Two Shows, 7:00 and 9:05 A. L Stewart, manager of Bute-dale tannery. ra.ue north from Vancouver t: Butedale on the steamer Cardena yesterday. Now at Popular Trices RCA Victor Magic Drain Magic Voice Magic Eye Electric Tuning for All A Triumph of Tone A Symphony of Wood Plus Itadlo Prrformaure of Highest Fidelity .JM All Makes of Kuillo