Monday January 0. 1839. A barometer. 30 00; light weH. a riHI Poughkeepsie Has Big Fire -llull.1 it. C. I'ajrolU- "Extra Rich It Takes Less" PTV Langara Island-Showery, calm, barometer. W 00. temr-ralan 44. ; light swea Drad Tree Point Part cloudy raim. barometer. 3060; tempera tare. 35; tlht swell Bull Harbor- Raining, southeast wind, ettht mile per hour; barometer. 30.15. temperature. 42; moderate swell Alert Day Light ralq, southeast wind. 2& mile per hour; barometer 30.32. tempVrature. 40: lfeht chop, I! Ertevan - Raining, southeast! vtcd. four mile per hour; barom-j eter. 3020. I Victoria Cloudy, easterly wind., four mil per hour; barometer.' 3024, Vancouver- Raining, northeast lind, eight talk per hour; barometer. 3024. Prince George Enow In, north-t rly wind. It mtkw per hour;, barometer. 29 H. Terrace fgy. calm, temperature 32. Aiyanih Cloudy, calm. 32. Alice Arm- Ralnlnc. calm. 34. Anvex-Cloudy. calm. 30. ,. Hazeiton Foggy, calm. 35. Smllliers Cloudy, calm. 30. Burns Lake. Foe calm. 27. Stewart Light rain. calm. 32. POUOHKEFPSIE. New York, Jan. : tCP Exterulve damajte wa dene by a spectacular fire which rased uncontrolled tor several i.'.ur last nWht ln Ute Industrial district of this Hudton River dtv A r umber of vacant ,,r Idle manufacturing premises were among the plares consumed. We have used Pacific Milk, ever "nee the first can. some year ago now. for right away we, found It goer further. Extra rich. It takes less." writes Mrs. W R. It hod lust been packed ln vacu um cans when I heard of it, and curious to know what the. milk would be like. I began mlng. 1 was familiar with canned milk and here, was a difference I liked the new milk better. And so wc continued U use It We buy It by the case." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated Of Course Announcements All advertisements ln this col ton will be charged for a full month at 23c a word Eagles' Bridge January 11. Toe 11. Bridge January 18. S. O. N. Masquerade January 10. I'rc&byterlan Burn's Banquet January 25. v Junior Chamber ot Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, January 27. TOLD ABOUT JAPAN TRIP Rojer Oliata Speaker at Meeting (( rtippnn Yun People' AMorlallon Doacrtbiim InUrwktlmjjy a recent trip to Japan, Roger Obata was the To Reside Here IKt lTCKOHKK VIOLINIST After many years of teachmg the violin to advanced students ln England, France Switzerland and In different parts of Canada. E. P. Granger came to the coast two year ago and decided that Terrace was an Ideal place to which to retire A year ago he purchased the fruit ranch owned by J. K. Gordon on the bench at the rest of hU davs there How ever, the loneliness of the fruit ranch oppressed him and he and Mrs. O ranger decided to come to Prince Rupert for a few montlin each winter and take up their former vocations, looking after the ranch In the summer. Mr. and Mrs Oranger have taken the Norman Freeman House on Fifth Avenue Weat where Mr. Oranger plans to give a aeries of violin lessons to advanced sfudents for a few weeks and Mrs. Granger may give Instruction In French. Ger man or Italian languages. Only One Case-Liquor Appeal-Before Court i f l.j, ji IJJIJliin LOCALS Oood garden Boll free. Help your self MrRar Bros., Ltd. S Mrs. D. Slevert will sail tomorrow, afterrtonn on the Cardena for Vancouver. Z:1. iaxne, Innec, Indian, appeared r;V ,7h,J n7 T A . . i4"011 tlt court this roomlns " " llL ttl Mte f thankjN. a charge of supplying and wa TODAY'S WEATHER WbTra Mls TlarlkoSwh!ro nfmanded tot tlBht days' Price Rupert-- Overcas.. aortn ' JV" ln the chalr- I Mr. and MraiTI Brtnd return-wUd. .two mile per hour; buxom-)b ' X L... " J!" UP d o the city on the Cardtna last eter 30 fatting; tempetature. r;,,."fTw!;wgV .''i?11 a evening after spending the ChrUl-; sea smooth. n m MU Norr" New Year holiday season Trinle Island-- Lluht rain, taaf f. . . in Vancouver. southeast wind, six miles per tour: tight set Lancara Island- Showery, culm: temprratare. 44. Refreshment were served under the direction of the convenor, MLi' , Emily Yamanaka (was fined (25. with option of sev en days, Imprisonment, by Magis trate McClymoot la city (court this morning. Allan Davles. son of A. M. Davles. who has been attending University 9i HrilUh Columbia, returned home lost evening. He Is joining the) Post Otfke staff here. i mites. to move to other There wa only one case to be i i .KW. Stranded In slon before Judge W. E. Fisher this morning. This Is an appeal of the crown against a dismissal by Stipendiary MaiUtrate A. L. Mallory of pre- of paid up business was $150,000. Phillipines 6 J S. J. Jabour. formerly of thli jelty and now in Vancouver, led C-'nada In securing paid up business pprt Clements of George Osawa, mamila, Jan. : ivn-tweivc Queen Charlotte City, on a charge passengers irom tne steamer biiver IngvaM Grove. i: Dane Seal Cove Hall January SQ. f Special Wool 12 for 50c Junibor and Down 2-oz. balls All other wool regard- jQ( Jess oi mJK-i"M Crest. D.M.C. and Wlldspur fn XU BaU Crochet Col Ion 5c Spool. Silk and Slieeiv OX 2 for THE DAILY NEWS PICTURE SCHEDULE CHANGED Sew Policy Will Bring Attrartlonx Earlier to Capitol Theatre Here A ehange of schedule ln picture showings goes Into effect at the, Capitol Theatre here starting this week. Henceforth there will be changes of programs on Monday Thursday and Saturday Instead of Monday. Wednesday and Friday as has been the custom ln the past. This will result. Manager D. G. Borland explains, ln the bouse being able to obtain much earlier showings of important feature pictures on the three-night billing. Also it will be possible to polfcefobtaln Fox news reels four weeks earner lor me Tnursaay and Friday programs. Dr. and Mrs. 11. L. Tar and child ! Th following big pictures are an-returned to the city on the Car- nounced for the thjee-ulghi pro-dena last evening after spending' 8 rams during the coming four the Chrbtmaa and New Year boll-. this week, "The Sisters;" day season visiting in Vancouver. pext week. "Love Find Andy Har- dy;M January 23, "Heart of the Dr. Hugh Morrison, Inspector of North.- mounted polite picture In schools, sailed last evening on the j technicolor, January 30, 'My Lucky Cardena for Port Simpson on of-j8tar" with Sonja Henle. tic la duties. He will return to the city tomorrow morning jEntertaUiment John Currle of this city, who Miliar 1 f? J carrying out the contract of build-1 VlUCll UniOYed in a school at Bella Bella, came J north to that point on the Cardena' yesterday after a trip to Vancouver.! Jairics Irvine lr. underwent an' ooeratlon ln the- Prince Rupert . .. . . . A i r.A M. ,r,. An excellent entertainment was i n.n t.. nrorednff favoe- staed by the Varden Singers ln " . . . - " r i . 1 ., t . i . ably. Mike Kowal of Judburgh, Sask- atchewan. who has been visltlnt for the past week with relatives at' Seal Cove, will leave by this eve- nlnoV train run Vi L rlurn ti hk ... .... . . " ,.. v.. " " ., irrruce wi n tne wea or spending (he home m prairies. f Affair by Vardeu Singers Fridav MgUt rrvsraiti Followed By Dante Aiciropoie tuu out weauier Iinc was unfavorable and the crowd was not as large as might havs been desired, about one hundred ersons being present Following the program, dancing was enjoyed. The program Included two tketcltts. a ajuartette. sonss. by th 'choir, pantomime, humorous songs bv Nets Gunder&on. piano duet b Misses Ruth Nelson and Jean Mc- t ean and plaiu soUs by Mary Dvbhavn. Music tor dancing from 10:3.0 pan. until 2 aun. was furnished by Chris Fossum's Orchestra. Re- .... .. .,,,,. Jfreahments were served. wWies to Oladys Halllday an-! mgvaid remiss remiss was was ehalrmat enairmat tint th Modern Beautv. ..... ..J -...-j i . wor the evening Peter Lien was Jan. 12 untU Monday. Jan. 23. due Bkksen ped al the door. to Itavtng i 1 am Adams, Terrace, Dies ,u, ou. . w Man Who Met Wlh Accident Somt 1 -a. a ntA . M .Inl. -ment issued by the company Dur-I Hospital Here William Adams of Terrace, who sustained Injuries in an accident at Terrace some time ago and had 4rmce been a patient ln the Prince (Rupert General Hospital, passed away there late this morning. He i was a fanner and had been for i some time located at Terrace. -.Saturdays C. N. It. TRAINS of keeping llquar for sale Hearing Crest, stranded n a Luion Island. . was set for January 27. T. w. reel, nave arnvea nere aooaru a mr n mji-Brown Is counsel for the crown. slater ship. Silver Hue. after being Monday. Wednesdays Two applications for naturallaa- removed from the grounded steam days 1 rri hv the court er by life boats. Fifty-One of the From the East and f ir,.on Kraunner and Hans crew are remaining with the Silver Tuesdays. Thursdays and 11 p.m Regal Shop FINAL CLEARANCE SALE We Must Vacate the Store By Saturday 14th DM.C CUrk1, Art- Co OK syl Floss 4 for BraailcUtli Regular 45c Other Things Too Numerous to Mention Come Early Get In On the Bargains! 15c 30c II Gardening i With the turn of the year all hortlculturallsts begin to think once more of their gardens and to make plans for the- coming sprinic, While spring is yet a long way off the willows will soon be showing their furry flower buds and then' will come crocuses. the snowdrops, and the: I nk1wN i f K n W In lr anvthin? J.irt PiilUr tMI mc'S that he has one that has net bloomed yet although I think he said he bought it seven years age. However, mostly they bloom after the first or second year and sometime the first year. I covered my water lilies with old mats and coats In the hope that the tubs ln which they are planted might not freeze to the bottom. i I expect someone to tell me their peonies always bloom the first year and so they may. But that has not been my experience. This is the month when the seed! catalogues come. I have received 2 only one so far but I am looking iO forward to getting quite a number. 'S I enjoy looking at a new cata-2" logue just as much as reading a new flower magazine. There Is al- CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Pbone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS, C E. BUCK Walker's Music Store , Large Stock Music nelntzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Plana Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St l VIOLINIST I and 5 TEACHER E. P. GRANGER Trained In Europe Advanced Students and Beiinners PHONE RED 920 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 rara iaTi.aTtmiiirat:.maV'' J International Cafe I THE TRAVELLERS CAFE i g Hx changed ownership and S will be continued as the In- ! ternational Cafe under new ig ! management with entirely j ! new staff Including a first J a nlnee aaaV ti Full Meals Served for 23c 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 I INTERNATIONAL CAFE g I 211 6th Street A LAW "Tu ..... Begonias should be . Druin? froitT weather it Is doors In February and covered it with an old mrftuln 'Frank Dibb has been growing some sash to protect It from the ram'lne onel for MTeral years wllJ,i and wind. There is one member of iBreat "ccess. I am told that, iff the family that blooms ln Novem- Panted in the spring, they do welL ber and the other usually about I Tn? need ricn so11- well drained. svhmW uin u thp ki.P vjiri.'Tb HUM erlnkly roots look lic ety. jnotning ai au ana are apt to oe I lost in the garden in the fall or I am wondering what will hap- spring If not carefully labelled. The pen to my water .lilies. They did. roots can be uurehased for abort not Woom last srnnmer but I have of cenU eacU or a oecu reading inai mey oiten oo not bloom the first year and some CAGE. MARK There ought to be a law against people coughing in public I Don't do it Smith Brothers Cough Drops bring soothing I relief, (Black or Menthol, lOf.) S I SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS rumm I have- Christmas roses coming .ways something new If the firm Is higher for special varieties. a progressive one. planted ln utAk aauu slii. ik)c ur IlUk 1 .-u. - i w . . really roses but belair to thelood to keep an eye on the dahlia "ff J or Maren so local Hellebore famUy. The flowers are1 e that they do not ZZ: VrZ fflvT tn At. itriTrkrtallAn( f mm 1 r.tlnnn m that white and somewhat resemble a ZZZlm V,.. i" iT- arrWe ,r too late in the sprln-j rfni. .U- ,c- t cause them to rot and then they.they are more waxllk. The flowers useless. grow straight from the root. In the 1 fall I built a box around the Dlantl what about anemones this, year? for best results. By the ttme the direct shipment from Holland arrive the plants $hpuld be- about three inches high.. It Is not too late to brealf up new ground for the coming sprln?. In frosty weather the digging Is gpod if the frost Is nQt too severe. I hope to be able to see a number of new gardens this year and soma of the old one extended or re vised. Thla is the time to lay plans for this work or even to start lt- H. F. P. times not until the third year. rwwvoooooeMooooooooooooooaooceHSOOoooooow Seedsmen never seem to tell thLi'o 5 to their customers just as they sel-, o dom UU purchasers that pennies 3 take about three years to amount0? MacKenzies Furniture I Estb. 1024 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2 a 9 s s o lo o January Sale On Barrymore Carpets and Georgie 4ax7Ji, COxS.OxlO'i, 9x12. Phone "5 Carpets 39 only. Sizes See Oar Windows Watch This Spare 327 THIRD AVENUE FREE! Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler with Every Purchase of Briten Tooth Paste Both For 29c Ormes Ltd. Tite Pioneer Druqgists The lUxtll Store rhones: 11 U Open Dally From J aon. till 10 tun. Bandars and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 .o. till 9 VJn. wooooawoo4$ooHW00ocoHjO0e?0 Lets Make A Fair Trade Halibut & Herring por HEAT Bulkley Valley Collieries -. . . 8 ooooooooooaoflcoooooeoaoooooooooooooooooaooooo