, u fey. KVK YORK. Jan. 9: CP - De Mackrnzle veteran Associated IPrrj ' :;t corresDondent. who IlindrJ si the end of the week he uTiclight. I ifn.-a Ejrnpc expresses the opinion' that the Ukraine may be Europe's ' I trouble spot this year and that there my be a clash between ptrauny and Russia If Chancellor SAULT STT5. MARIE. Jan. 9: l " r l ,aw 1 -t..u.M i tik.il. .. . . i-.l. j . - l.lt I nnw . J 4 Spring 'ntre is no Drosnect for an end. . ...t. t-v a phmpmu , irrcacricik ui wnwiw .., - . ... 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 9: CP) Tk iantnin nf the Danish-1 '? Europi'an a"a,r American Une motorshlp Canada I car r MarkrnTU Mackenzie nrrHtrt. predtcU. With wun ... . u. ' reveaica nere yeswruay mm the next voyage to the Pacific Cnast of his shlD Crown Prince Ot sgiicumcu w - r,lr-. Minister R. B. Bennett. - - un- nutric in mc wuuiac ui i k.tnr. lonvlntr rnr IPir Im.. m -.-J- 1 1. 1 . ,,mmlk . 1. -- oc tnu mi- -., j t ake un ruture rcsj- ...v. iiinir- injuuiaviuil Ul umi. , .m w n frenmilll nr i . . I iirnrr. will uc .i ... v. v . .. c- Mane la tn he ctven tne odi. . i-u i.i. n. , . irnnAAt Vfir I (Ml 1 L.' 1 1 L IlC 1 1 1 11 U I. U.C i. .. . .. . ... ., i vnncuuvii innvuuii. n . an LONDON. Jan 9: CP In trtgued by the romance of the adventure which had been played up by newspapers, Londoners pave hU wife, a Russtan-born glrL following their return from Moscow 1 nila Im nUU n m tar4f trrTY WELCOMED San Francisco Demonstrates Atf 111 n4nrn llnm Vrnm Can mhih vi uaaa Quentln Penitentiary SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 9: (CP- we bpanuh civil war this year.'.., be asscnBers. They will' Um. ,hnn.anH. ', ,. -ru Mackenzie j,faTC Denmark March 13 aboard j Market strt ,ve deep for a Mp and are due ,n San pran. of q fr 117II clsco April 7. There U a possionujrja great welcome demonstration UI I Wll.r , that they may travel as far asiycsterday grcet Xom MoonPy w aSJSJ Vanrouver. ' v, rm a fnllnwints Stc rslac frnii SEE KING1 BENNETT iiuiitb wv caw vvw iiviii San Quentln Penitentiary after a pardon had been grated by Oov-'ernor Culbert Olsen to the famous 'convict who had been serving a . . , i , i . -l . . i lerm oi iiyc lniurisoiiincnt. n mil lc linen II I 1111 11 lil I Unw marrh.rt alongside n1nirlf1 thi M .... I R H m m - ----- '"vi .. . . ....... n " - - i u lo to ridlit inmi l I Their Majesties Pass HONORED; fla.r of his old union the Iron Former Prime Minister of Canada Moulders. With him were his wife I To Be Made Freeman Of and union leaders. Vancouver Tonight At the corner of Stewart Street Mooney stopped and stood In silence. It was at that corner on the fateful day in 1916 where the Preparedness Day bombing took place n nn outcome of which Moonev urns sent to DrlSOn. 's Militant Labor Drive 'unuy or seeing tneir Majcsucs,' onrt .XPiuslve comDanv Mnonev vowed today to soend - ..mvuuvcu 'v v I consisting of Sir rercy vmceni, tne rest or nis uie m a campaign uarrangemenU were being made I Mayor 0f London; Sir U0r labor unity and a drive to or-run a sowlnl train to Franz., : . ........ s-.li .. . T . lEdwara icany jjivoiumi- v .auuc Cici ItSVS w 1 - a living. There s only one thing in IV.A niintrv thai. tftinHi hctxL'rt - qj 11 a .-- v. - I niu .... . . c ircns pass. nW In Toronto nnd Florida iirasttta w r.. h m n a. --raa 411 llllll ' Air IL U ! 111. In addition to the banquet to- Misa Marsaret fit. Clair, who U night when he will be made n ment.' ! ' . ST- TI I iirnriinrT csv.1 tH trMMMA.iir-si- win fmn man nf Vancouver. iir. im 0-4IUW III VHIILUUKII v-tlvv - - vuii mi npr irniiirn ktiiilji uiin - '.wiiiK viie unrLitmas iinu new net was honored at a noon reception, today. On his arrival In Vancouver yesterday, the former Prime Minister was greeted at the station by Mayor Llye Telford. the neoDle and slavery. That's a militant, aggressive labor move- George L. Stewart, Pentecostal Church pastor at Klncollth, sailed last evening on his return to hl3 Naas River home after spending 'ENGLAND IN la great reception yesterday t Bry- v.n,h shire Inunated and Isolated LONDON, Jan. 9: CPI- whom- he had bee separated- for W0" -n JiMU. year,. Orover mTde a flHht with- ,al" a,ter,a 'TnH, In Lan-Russirin out permit from 8tockholm to rtcJ Jndi c"Wr,? nd and a decrepit airplane. He ,Yc!rlre senT5ra e tiotated on accounl of was intercepted by Soviet official, f and placed under arrest. On telling ater rpef fTil IhU story Orover was fined $300 fwindf r annJ !and a distance or thirty miles and oth-twas his plane confiscated but he " streams are running very high, the permitted to leave country and take with him his wife who-4 had previously been denied release j 1 LIU A r-iAn C U from Russian citizenship. YY HEir 1 I VI j Orover admitted that he wasi T ms-nrm broke" but this did not detract UU Kl IrHK I nin o r me welcome j x x xvx uisa accordi accorded. : iTnrrcoti Surrcsts Peace Rivet Mctf Htucr makes an attempt to ff To ,nd m, wife Willi nmrrirT in ' Highway Would Bring It To ter.d Nazi expansion In that dlr- raf,n, ciast This i IVl I II I lJ H Y IV Coast Instead of To r'on However. Mackenzie believes n - w v ftta assw 1 Hl'.lrr will avaln he the riomln I PRINCE OF DANES MAY VISIT R P ,from the irmtn Y 101 1 LJs which he was - ----- mm Edmonton WINNIPEG, Jan. 9: CD I British Columbia wants highways to both the Yukon and the Peace Klver countries, J. G. Turgeon Liberal member for Cariboo, said last night when passing through here enroute to Ottawa to attend the session of Parliament opening this week. .Mr. Turgeon said the Peace Illver highway was needed because wheat grown In the district should go direct to Prince Rupert or Vancouver Instead of to Edmonton. iHUNT FOR MURDERERS Toronto Man Slain and Robbed Saturday Night Four Men Believed Involved TORONTO. Jan. 9: (CP) A hunt In progress for four men al leged to have been Involved In the murder and robbery of James Windsor, proprlteor of a barbecu2 stand, Saturday night. The bandits entered Windsor's home, killed him and took his ewelr yand money. It was a cold-blooded murder. Two men were held today by the police on charges of vagrancy fbl-' lowing a combing of the city's; known gangster areas for the slay er. Windsor, an alleged bookmaker, was shot In the abdomen by one of four men who Invaded his home. Some $3000 worth of Jewelry was the past week here to attend Week taken from Windsors person after of Prayer services the killing. Tomorrow's Tides he Sail 141 Capitol High 4:33 .m. 2U (t. TAXI 16:43 pin. 19J$ " ft. Low 10:45 ajn. 5.9 23:01 pjn. il i :n NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1939. A 4 A w - V w ....j v " -7 OTTAWA, January 9: (CP) Political developments of high moment in both the domestic and international spheres will be reviev ed by speakers in the House of Commons during the session which opens Thursday. These developments took place since the last session and the debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne Future Policy : Of Italy Will of Premier Nv-le Chamber- lain of Oreat Britain, who is 1- due to arrive here within two 4 days, towards Italian terr.torial Floods. claims and the insurgent cam- 4 TODAYS COUrttaV M P STOCKS 'Kit ; Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .20. Big Missouri, 2&. Bralorne, 11.50 (ask). Cariboo -Quartz. 2.35. Dentonla. .05 Golconda. .06 (ask). Mlnto. .02 Vi. Noble Five. .03 Pend Orlelle. 150. Pioneer. 2.70 (ask). Porter Idaho. .03. Premier. 2.36. Reeves McDonald, .25. Reno. 53. Relief Arlington. .12. Salmon Gold. .10lj. Taylor Bridge, .05. Premier Border. .01 . Silbak Premier. 1.75. Congress. .OOVj. Home Gold, .001i. Grandview. .06. Indian, .01V. Quatslno, .03 '2. Oils A. P. Con., 21 (ask). Calmont. .57 (ask)., C. & EL, 2.45. Freehold, .05 ii. Mercury, .13 (ask). Okalta, 1.45. Pacalta, .10ij. Home Oil. 3.15. Toronto Beattie, 1.40. Central Pat, 2.74. Gods Lake, 57. Little Long Lac. 3.50. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.30. Pickle Crow, 5.50. San Antonio, 1.30. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.36. Smelters Gold. .02U. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.05. Oklend, .26. Mosher, 20. Madsen Red Lake, .54. Stadacona, .61. Francoeur, .25. Moneta, 1.42. Bouscadlllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .29. Bankfleld, .35. East Malartlc, 2.73. Preston E. Dome, 1.68. Aldcrmac. .49. Kerr Addison, .93. Ucht Gold. 1.60. Int. Nickel, 55.73. Noranda, 80.50. Macey's Coffee House - PRICE: J CENTS Y ... W J Momentous Week In Europe Coming DALADIER IN PARIS math rremler. Home from Tour, T Meet British Prime. Minister Tomorrow PARIS. Jan. 9: CPI "Oreat tisk tie ahead If the Empire U to be kep- Intact1 said Premier Ed-cuird Daladler on his return 8un-m from a tour of French Medl-tf -rinan and North African pos- The Foreign ministry announced w!i7 that Italy had protested to awinst an alleged anU- Fut demomtratlon during ltd- amci v w " w - ' haraed that demonatraiora id trm down and bumed an Ital ic r.ic Twnorrcw Premier Daladler will ' Prime Minuter Neville Cham- ....... .-itl Km In Parle nn hu i 1 ""J - " " " " ' t t ; Ia;y Broad political ana ... j. r' .... j.j m iv -... - Paiun territorial expan- In som quarters It U said that ' . . .- m, A ri va ntlftUt n vrricJir-i relation ORESEES UKRAINE ' TROUBLE ifima .vtpapr Correspondent Mikfj Predictions Concerning International Affairs Veteran Railway Engineer Has Close Call When Head Is Struck By Mail Crane PRINCE GEORGE, January 9: (CP) A. I. Rogers, veteran Canadian National Railways engineer, described today how he barely escaped decapitation while driving a passenger train one hundred miles east of here Saturday in a snowstorm. Rogers was knocked unconscions when his head struck a mail sack crane while leaning out of the cab window into the snow. The engineer suffered a severe gash on the head but was able to proceed home on Sunday. Physicians said the injury might have been fatal had the crane arm been lower. JAPAN ON BLACKLIST No Airplane or Bomb Being Sup- h i riT be the mot momentous niird bv United Slates. II 1 www Aiuuu.il in liui vii i w w Revealed WASHINGTON, . C, Jan. 5: (CD The United Stale was disclosed today to have blacklisted Japan from further purchase of either airplane or bombs because f bombing of civilian populations In China, The ban went into effect last July 1. Spain wa presented from purchasing munitions In UniteJ States In 1937. The Information wa contained in the annual report of the National .Munition Control Board submitted to the Senate. LONDON IS INTRIGUED Romanic Adventure of British En gineer and Russian Wife Cap tares Fancy NO TRACE REVIEW COURSE OF BIG IS FOUND EVENTS IN PARLIAMENT P. M. L. 9 Safe Back at Ocean Falls After Unsuccessful Search For Grtitont, Father and Son 1 The provincial police motor launch P. M. L. 9, with Constable Saunders and Special Constable Gladstone on board, relumed to Ocean Falls late Saturday after an unsuccessful week's search for Hu;h Grexlon and hison, Harry, who have been missing since December 19 when they left AI-ert Bay for Cape Caution to engage in fishing. The police boat bad not been heard of itself since January 1 when It left Ocean Falls to engage in the search. The P. M. L. 9 Is to be taken from Ocean Falls to Powell River by Constable Fred Brook'sbank oi Victoria and will keep ai look-out for the Grextons on the way. .Meanwhile it is indicated thai a second search will be organ Ized by Mrs. Grexton and AT SESSION THIS WEEK Important Questions at Home and Abroad to be Aired at Ottawa in Sitting Opening January 12 CZECHS IN RAIDAGAIN Reported to Have Shelled Another Town in Hungarian Frontier Area BUDAPEST. Hungary, Jan. , 9: (CP) Czechoslovakian troops were reportedere last night to have staged another artillery attack on a town near Hunkacs in the frontier area ceded last fall by Czechoslovakia to Hungary. There were no deaths but three houses were set afire by incendiary c!:;lls. A Czech oslovak officer Is said to have been win provide members with an op-, seriously injured. nounce or commend the govern- ircent's action or lack of action In 1 relation to them. It will be next Two other new i,xiimuuy io comment upon mem, ikmuci uiciucuu are aiso reponea. 4." express their own views and de-, Hungary delayed the recall of Its Monaav oeiore Dusiness actually lauons wun czecnosiovakla. gets under way. There will be the The border was quiet today, after Be Considered . u the partSe " vvuujuvivw 'the the Rlnn w.lnn mav mav rnnr! conclude will again occupy the chair. minister to Prague today In a strong hint that the recent border clashes endangered diplomatic re- can agree.! renewed outbursts yesterday. thin , I f0ur months so that all may lolnjv fT A T fprn 4 ROMS, Jan. 9: CP'-Prem- m welcoming the King anl Queen I I I Y A I IN I Icr Benito Mustollnt has called t0 Canada. ,XUJ X nUlU 1 , a meetinf of the Faarlst Orand Apart from a change In the lead- Council for February 4 for the 'ershlp of the Conservative party purpose, it Is said, of study- thl personnel of the house will be, ing Italy s future course of ac- about the same as last session. No' Uf 111111 lJfl7 4 lon Lead"sby that time will 'changes have been made in the cab-l j f J U JL S I I ire ouic hj juu(e uit iuch ana op'vifc.ci rxiic VICTORY. CLAIMED Hon. Dr. R. J- Msnion will re- Decisive Advance Against Insur-place Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett as gents in New Government, Drive leader of the opposition by virtue In Southwestern Spain (Cantinurd on Page Two) , SMUGGLING PLANES TO "'MADRHV Ja:n. SrfTCPf'Tho-Spanlsh government-claims that 'its forces are meeting with great 'success In the new drive against (the rebels In southwestern Spain, the objective of which is to cut Itu surgent Spain in two in the dir- jmyriT yrt f iTrT,C,itction of the Portugal border. Oen-IIMilllKl'iril I .VlenU Francisco Francos lines are J three places with an advance of i : twelve miles since the drive started 'Canadian and American Machines jj Thursday. Two hundred and I Sent Through Turkey to Franco's , square miles of territory has Forces in Spain j n back from the rebels. it is claimed, and many prisoners 'with consldeilble artillery have ANKHARA, Turkey. Jan. 9: CP)'been taken. Arrests have been made here byj Meantime the insurgent offen-Turklsh government authorities in sive in Catalonia Province In th J connection with an alleged consplr- direction of Barcelona continues. lacy to smuggle fighting planes from It is to divert this that the gov-(Canada and United States through eminent started the new drive in Turkey to insurgent Spain. Forged southwestern Spain. Striking down J shipping papers, it is claimed, were' the main Catalonlan highway to .used. An order for fifty planes was' Barcelona, the Insurgents reported Turkish members of par-' capture of the important town qf (involved. llament and merchants, it is Mollerlssa, 75 miles west of the i charged, dealt with representatives government capital. of Oeneral Francisco Franco. The) . Canadian and American exporters, p i'T PAT) themselves are believed to have; V!jLi 1 UlV BCIFU 1X1 gOOU iaUU 111 uwuiib shipments. j Already Investigate OTTAWA. Jan. 9: (CP The in-1 cldent of alleged smuggling of Can- MmsoUnI Would Brins Sons and adian and American planes througn Daush(ers ,,ome From A rart, Turkey to Insurgent Spain was m-j of WorId vestlgated some monins ago ai ITALIANS requesi oi me umm o B- rqME. Jan. 9: (CP)- Premier ernment. It U announced here. The ued call BenltQ MussoUnl nas a canaaian manuiacmrer uu wi'-ped the planes acted in good faith. Free For Fourteen Hours After Jail Break; Recaptured SUDBURY. Ont Jan. 9: (CP- for sons and daughters of Italy to return home from the far corners of the world. A fund of $500,000 has been voted to assist In the campaign of repatriation the objective of which Is to make denser population In Italy which would strengthen the case for territorial expansion and also make more Italian manpower available for war. Already there Is a law which pre- , ,lc. ,-PA rPMntnrert af-i venis iuriner emigration irotn auwjt. ter Vurteen Thours of freedom fol- The "more babies" campaign is lowing their escape from Burwash another phase of the denser popu-Industrlal latlon drive. reformatory Farm, a here. Cons.. Smelters, 60.00. Athona, .07. Nlardrock, U9. v Barber Larder, .12. . Kernland, .13. Dominion Bridge, 35.75. OTTAWA, Jan. 9: (CP) It will be entirely up to Italian-Canadians themselves what they do about Premier Mussolini's call to return i to their native land, Canadian government officials say. At the last j census there were 98,000 persons in Canada of Italian racial origin.