PaUirday. January 14, 183. NO FUSS RELIEVING COLD DISCOMFORT THIS WAY! Just Follow Simple Directions Below and Use Fast-Actlnz "Aspirin" Tablets 1. Ti uji pila in4 rT fo) let tiki I "AtpM it TaMtts-drtnkiftasf witir. ftiput li Li iUun. X. If thruilsrtafrta 1 -AtpWi" TiWtti li K tUtt tf aitw, V afJ It's the Wty Thouundi Know to Die Pain and DiKomfort of Colds and Sore Throat Acrompanriof Colds EaiyloDo The simple way pictured above often brinj; anunngly rait relief from dlwcmfort and sore throat aanmpanylng colds. Try It. Then ut your doctor. He proJably will u-ll you tn continue with "AnuinM tirrauV it arts fart to relieve durorofuU of a cold. Arid to reduce tevtr. ThM simple way, hocked by sden-tific authority, has Urifdy supplanted the me of strong- mnlinnrt in eaunr mid UTOptwnt. Perhaps the ravint, m enrctne way yet dwcovwtil. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" IUHI( life Hotel Arrivals Itojal I 8 Rapteh. Pmfther Island; Log Ui city Prince Itupert M: and Mrs. A. Robertson. Mai-vtt H Singleiea and E. II. Vancouver Central U Rubbta. etty; Bill Morrte. 8miUeri Knox S. H Matntttton and M. Morri-i, -.: Mr and Mr. J. Souther, Tiasmui. OnL: W. Drummona, Vu.foijver; II. R. Mat fell and T. L. B. Hamblln. Victoria Try a Dally New wsnt-ad, iv nit i rus:ii: rot iit or tuutKii t oi t MIU l fKimTi: I Ike Mailer l IS' -Jmlnllrallon I the M.Me( ' l Wale of Jhn W tllurii Mrombnk, TAKE NOTICE U hjr ardr Of llti Mmf- W E MOwr. ln- HUi day ol J at -jut, A D I i HpoBtf4 .. j jwot cj (Iv of John V.'jf,j Strambrck. 1rt. SAd S'l pwx iHwng cfairmt 4rstMit th Mid nsA tb ttfrHiy rrquttTtl to XurnUh urift pfxoTljr Trriflctl in roe cn or b " i! UUi day trf rVbi'UMT. 1M. j pmnkti kKlrtnt to thr rUU sr rtttutrrd o pny u) ikhhu of thrtr a'Wi'.niant to m forUimirn. NORMAN A. WATT, orttatal AdmuUfltrstor. tinnce Hurwrt, B. C. Dw'd um lath cy of Jnry, A1V in' Tin: m Titr.Mt: cot ut or iiiiitlmi (oi.r.Miuv l th Mullrr of I ho ".idmlnUtrttrn Att" And lit In Matirr of tht r.otala f llMir; MarlHl, iifmunl, OlhrrU Knoan aa lurry P. Uctd TAKE NOT1CS that by Ofdt of His Honour Juoga W. E. rutirr, Local JUdfa ' aupmiM Ourvirt of Drltlab Col-lunbia, mad the 21m, day of Dtwmber. li3S. I m appolnloit AdminUtnUor of l-a wtU ot 1 Usury P MncLood. crtijT-'e knoan aa Harry' r Wiwloixl. d r""!, and all parUcn navluc claims int th aUl tnUJ ara hertiby r-Vulrny to furnMt auue. prnjirrly vtrl J!, to m on or U-fore Uu lat day ct bruary. 193, and all pm-Ufla indAbUd 10 ratala ar mUUMd to pay the of their lndbUdnnM to tn NORMAN A WATT. Official Admlnliitra.tor, Prtota Rupert, n.O. jjo Slat dy of Docember, A.D. in nir ki nti'Mi; rocitT r hkitish (OLl.MIUV . lv ruonvTi: in lh Matlrr r Ihr MAUmlnltrallno Art" in .. . And ,n'ne Mailer ot thr CMale of lUrofd I'orluii Jnioliwn,. Iirrraied ,I1AKB NOTICE Uuit by order of ItU W E Halvw, the 29Ux day A. D, 1838, I waa ap-M,,il AnJuator of ithe ertalo of roju Slgvald Dornu Jarobnen. de "d. au all purUwi havnig claim Jm 'V 0l 1 .t are hereby re-tLI. tu iurnh name, projifrly vert. rwV' to u, required to w to m ml forthwith. J!nnuiH their Indebleane NORMAN A, WATT Offlotal AdmlnlAtrator, rv,u. ,. rrlnre llupert, DO Story Hour For Young Children MU PIijIU llamblln and Mi Jean Cameron In Charce Today ' Miss Phylls llamblln and Miss Jean Cameron delighted a large audience of youngster this mortf. ing at the Story Hour in the Boston Hall with several stories, both old and new. MIm llamblln led In a linger e:;erclse and wlated the tale or "The Little Red Hen," "The ,OJd Woman and Her fig." and Pony Engine." Miss Cameron amused with. "Teeny Tiny Mouse. s uiuc itea Riding Hood- and "Ep-amlnondas." This morning marked the second meeting or the 8tory Hour thl year Mr. D. V. Smith and Mr. H. M. MorrUon will be in charge or the next Hour which U ror the older children. 9 14 year. The Letter Box ni:viU)i:iti:i , EdlUr. Dally New: t In reply to an editorial which appeared In your najxr ot recent date, entitled "Keeping Young Men Fit" it U very regrettable Indeed 'that a country that boast or nat- Jural resource as doe our ha to resort to army training In order that it youth be kept in physical trim. The sentence of your article rtt'e have so much liberty in thU .country we do not know what to (do with It." Interested me ehteflv Were this changed slightly by placing the word "bonds" alter liberty. I believe It would read much truer. However you made the distinc tion between Fajelsm and the type ol Democracy we have In Canada at prosent very plain. Fascism In Germany Insists that its youth erve a term In the army or navy. I am nnt laminar with the tactics rmpwytd by European countries In their conscription or youth. Canadian democracy only expects het youth, (in order, to elevate themselves 1mm the rank ol the unemployed and that they do not become slouches i to enlUt In lh army before being given an opportunity Ut labor on a government projee t. The on'y difference between the itwo, a I see It. Is that in one yon are supposed to have been lorced to enlist and the other you art supposed to imagine that you vol unteered. Why public officials, elected in a democratic manner by a demo cratic people, use such emthods Is hewuaererin For instance, were he rank of the army In thU lo-allty swelled by thU mean an l he people led to believe their ar- ny was composed of volunteer re-tuIU. naturally they would over intimate the strength of thelt 'orces for It Is well known. "A conscript never could take thr nlacc of a volunteer. " This couW very easily lead to disaster In time of war. Delng a Canadian by birth, alsc rirm believer In democracy. 1 would gladly volunteer to flRht be side my reuow countrymen were I called unon to protect the rlchU of the Canadian people but. to br forced by the threat of starvation hints not Uo weakly of Fascism Thanking you ror the space al lowed. W. IRONSIDES Announcements All tdverttsement in thU col-tmn will be charged lor a full month at 25c a word. Toe II. Bridge January 18. S. O, N. Masquerade January 18. United Tea at Parsonage, January 19. Dance Seal Cove Hall January 20 Presbyterian Burn's Banquet January 25. Eagles' Bridge January 25, Anglican Tea Miss R. M. Davles January 26. Junior Chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, Janu ary 27. Hospital Ball, February 3. Masonic Hall February 17. Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. S. C. Thomson's, February 18. Anglican Spring flile April 13. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIEE ! LOCAL NRWS NOTRq I - 1. .. .... I - ". .1 J, I . .... ... .. Caih for Old Oold. Bidgex;. tl Tonight' trail, due from the East at 11 o'clock, wa reported thl afternoon to be on time. Roger Obata sailed hut night on the prince John for Tanoo, Queen Charlotte Island. E. Carson of Surf Point, Porchet Island, sailed last night on tht Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. Mr$. R. Chenoikl sailed thl tnorn-ing on the Venture for a trip to Bella Bella. Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Ruth. erland will be leavlntr 19 for a business trip to Seattle. til) Ben Dalgarno sailed this morning on the Venture lor Bella Ron where he will be engaged in car pentry wort T. A. McWater sailed hut nlMit on the Prince Adelaide lor a trip to Vancouver. Mr. McWaters 1a. already In the south. Oeorge Currle sailed thl morn Ing on the Venture for Bella Bella where hi lather Is ensued in n school building contract. The Ceremony of Depositlne the White Ensign of the R.CJf.V-R, will taice place In St. Andrew Cathed ral tpmorrow morning at 11 o'clock. ill) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lone, who have been on a vacation trip to the Summerland dUtrlct in the Okan-agan, returned to the city on the Prince Adelaide yesterday after noon. J. W. Howlett. who ha been tn the service of the Bennett & whlt UOnalrUCtiOri Co. on rnntmyfr sailed last night on ' the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroute to Bonntngton Falls In the Nelson district. Reuben Moody, Ethel Moody and connie Moody all appeared before incuan Agent w. E. Collison vester day on charges of drunkenness on the Indian reserve at Kitkatla Reuben and Ethel were each fined $15, with fourteen days' option while Connie was mulcted $10 with fourteen days' option. J W. Kllpatrick returned to the ilty on the Princess Adelaide yes-ierday afternoon from Vancouver -here he spent the Christmas andi New Year season with Mrs. Kllpatrick and daughter. Rose Marie, who are spending a year hi the south. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson '.f Massett. who have beep in Van-ouver on account' of Mr. Robert- .ons health, arrived In the city rom the south on the Princess -lunuinc yesieroav anernrvvn nnrf " Prr1 fay Mnday . evening's, rain to. Mayo Clnlc at Rochester . Minnesota. V I " VilV ft WUV U 4414U Vt 11U IO ' . . building a house of stone Just as he Mr. rim Mrs. Emll Palmer, whose husband gets the stone dug out of his farm-ecently died In the south, arrived up there in the Jungle on the way in the city on the Princes? Adelaide up the mountain. The idea was yesterday afternoon from Vancou ier and .villeH nn ts rHn- t. Last night for Tlell. Queen Char.J'U'!! f ' totte Islands. Mrs. PaWr tfih!1f5ln nls younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs,' that gets back ls that I think per- John R. Morean Morgan of of Thnrcl, Thurston ir.lhnn T unnlrint I1V. in. 1lv n-ltV, Har- " - ututvit At44 1 bor (Jl'OTA FILLED SALNT JOHN, N.B. Jan. U: (CPI -More than the 125 quota, or nurs-s In New Brunswick' are said to have enrolled ror emergency service In war and disaster; under the lolnt auspices of the New Bruns wick Association Of BeoLsterPrt wurses ana tne Kea cross So etv Quota for the Dominion Is 3,000. -1 JANUARY SALE It is a jiood time to recover th$ kitchen. At this January Sale you can do so economically a 1.1 B Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Six Square yard S1.4f. January ELIO'S FURNITURE 1 I THIRD .VENUE Prince Rupert Sfla2lliJI2lZW'mSBSB NOTICE I, John Milton, will not be responsible for any debts incurred by anyone other than myself. JOHN MILTON. Jx. . r The annualirtatement of the auditor being awaited, the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Oen-eral I.fo6pliaJ, scheduled ror last night,' was postponed lor a week. Mr. and Mr. Oeoree CiIdds. who I have been spending the past couple or month In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Mr. Crlpps-headth, i noy greatly Improved. Man in the Moon The talk In Rome have ended and there 1 a reeling of relief that Prime Minister Chamberlain has kept a stiff back and refused to give away anything, even some other country's territory. Jake says he would like to nail a islat on Chamberlain' back to keep it stiff. It will be interestlnc In n.hnt the Prime Minister has to rtDort next week at home. Teacher: William, what are the two genders? William: Masculine and feminine. The feminine is divided Into frigid and torrid, the masculine into temperate and intemperate. Last summer a Calearv columnist said something about Prince Ru pert rain and I retorted In rather an ungenllemanly way. Miss Ann Orant, who by the way Ls a very sweet and delightful lady except w.hen she talk a,bout Englishmen, writes in part, as follows: "I Just remarked careless-like In my column likely on a day when I was wondering what In thunder to put In today about the blessed solitude one gets in a fog. I remark In passlnz that maybe one could get too much of a good thing and it occurred to me that Rupert would be the likelleft place for too manv grey skies and here I find myself quoted in the Rupert papers. Me who liked Rupert nassine well and the people I met In Rupert even better than- passing well 'Deuce take the clipntne servlces.1 "Did they send you all the nice things I have said about the snirlt. the individuality of the people up and down the Skeena? I wrote one column about some of the things I learned at, the fisheries experimental station I forget the right name for It i. I did about three on the Naas Indians from the things told me bv Will Robinson un at Terrare and a lady, whose name I don't know, who. conducted me around . j ... . , vui "iuuui. aiiu a lot 01 people were very kind about saying they i - u "r'c iiiwricsiuit;. wil ' yes. ana i .r, na k,, : inai. 11 you start to worn ror what yop want with whatever you have rm m a av IIIV M Vftft quite so much rain. "That reminds me that I wrote another one on the fact that everything balances up In this world, that If the clouds of grey engulf the day and overwhelm the town In return you get brighter Bowers-witness Prince Rupert. "Now do, put something In your column to correct the Idea that I didn't like RuDert sav I am In sackcloth and ashes or have stop ped using makeup lor a week to do penance." Teet wide. Regular Sale $1.20 .... - nsm Prince Rupert - Part eloud.!4 "W.fVW fW1 southeast wind, firteen mile 'tier Hhous; barometer. 292 (falling; temperature, 43; sea choppy. ! TrlnlA TetiMf rn-. ..ti. mmmu viuuu, avuuiva-l wind, 28 mile per hour; sea rnpd- eraieiy rougn. . Langara Island Part cloudy, f showery, southwest wind, . thirty, i i 1 mues per nour; sea rougn. Dead Tree Point Scattered w .... , . iiuuua. jrrsu suutawest wina: na- rometer. 2981; moderate swell. Bull Harbor Raining, southeast tfind, firteen miles per hour, ba rometer, 30.17; temperature. 43: moderate swell. Alert Bay Overcast, stron- southeast, wind; barometer. 30 .32; temperature, 43; sea rough. i Estevan Raining, southeast wind, twelve miles per hour: baro meter, 30.30. Victoria Cloudy, northerly wind four miles per hour; barometer .30.24. Vancouver Fair, easterly wind, four mile per hour; barometer Prince George Cloudy, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 30.22. Terrace Light rain, southeast wind, temperature, 34. Alyansh Raining, calm, 23. Anyox Paining, calm, 40. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 34. Smith? Part cloudy, calm, 30. Burns Lake Snowing, calm,' 29. Stewart pght snow. calm. 29; ' Motorists JWay Have To Slow Up Henceforth VICTORIA, Jan. 14: (CP) Mot orists on rural roads in British Columbia may have to go slower. A limit of forty or fifty miles per hour is being considered. Legislation may be brought up at the next session, Attorney General Gordon wismer hints. Alberta Town Has No Council City Fathers of Coronation All Re-f sien Because Thev Were I Over-Worked CORONATION, Alberta. Jan, 14: 1 (CPi This town is without "a city council Mayor and six councillors have resigned because they had too much work. No one seems to be anxious to take up the Job. Walker's Music Sore Large Stock Music Helntiman, Nordhelmer and Lesare Pianos 'i Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St s 51 and ? TEACHER E. P. GRANGER Trained in. Europe 5 Advanced Students and Beginners PHONE RED 920. iwwvwwwwiss mimwwwwwVj Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano,, Theory and harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 ftri :Jtxaj!::aT ail raa-axa; ; R 1 ' ' International Cafe vtiip Tiiivri i rne nkw a a aa a itn uajaUaUu 4B u . 1 a : t lias cnangea ownersiup ana g will be continued as the In- ternational Care under new U management with enUrely y new stair including a first i ciass cook Full Meals Served for 25c tn Satisfaction Guaranteed I B INTERNATIONAL CAFE E 211 6th Street rarKaricmrBira;"B.-wr .3 It you wish to swp something-Try a Classified. 1 v m rr LUie IS 1 0H1 lJD r ----- r- .-vjv Traffic I, fl,tre,vcx. Resumed inl Twelve Hour After Repairs: tlx Japanese ' j SJIANOIIAJ, Jan, 14; (,CPJ i. ,., . T-r' J ' - I?? , .l?eei1 reund the Pelplng-Nankinir riininji-wanrmir na.uv.nv Railway, imrvirt imrv.r ant link lr transportation to Mao-choukoo, alter, a" twelve-hour suspension owing to rail having been tro, up by Chinese guerillas, Bananas In Red ?3PMCp?tIy AIOSCOW; Jac 14 (CP) Fot the flrst time ince the Great War. bananas are belM snW tn Ktoscow, The price is $1.56 per pound. la spite of the high price there Js an active, demand. ' 1 ' ' ' - - --- The Morning After Taking OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH&OOOOOOOOOW 5 i o a 0 a a a a a :8 18 o a o o o a o FREE ! Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler with Every of Briten Tooth Paste ja ml r 10 18 2 Both 0 o o o o a o o 0 o o a 8 29c Ormes ltd. wEta Pioneer Druggists The RexaU Store Phones: 81 & $2 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. o jaKHOCHKWwooooHweri3acw Lets Make A Rector Durnford Speaker Before Youth (H Army The Salvation Army Youth Group had Rev. Roy Durnford, rector of St. Peter's Anglican Shurch, a a special speaker at the monthly spiritual meeting on Friday night. This being the first regujar Meeting of the New Year, the "attendance was somewhat smaller than usual. Mr. Durnford took as his subject "Responsibility" and drew several interesting Illustrations from Biblical and rncJern life. Miss Clara Pierce presided at this gathering assisted by the Misses Dolly Smith, Ruth' and Irace Jones and Mary Pierce. Earl Pierce also took part. The smglng was accompanied by the String Band. Next Friday the Educational Committee will be In charge, consisting of Grace and Alfred and Ruby Suden. Carters Utile 'Liver Pills o a a 8 o o o o o 8 o 8 a 8 a a 8 a 8 8 0 a a For 8 Fair Trade Halibut & Herring For HEAT Buikley Valley Collieries Fresh Local Raw And t ij DlTi r'CD Valentin dairy Optometrist PHON-7 Royal Bank Bldf.