aR) \ NBL} Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist but oF worRK on NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m, DL. Ill, NO. 37 . PRINCE “RUPERT, BC., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912. ADDITIONAL FORCE NOW AT WORK ON PRICE Five Cents PE LINE Special to Daily News. | Feb. 13.—The flery| dragon is no more and s al this moment a peace public. Three edicts were yesterday which places matter beyond doubt or cavil there is great rejoicing the republican forces. three edicts making China public were all signed by} n Shikai, the regent of the emperor, and by the Em- Dowdger. he first formally announced ibdication of the throne and quishment of the Manchu y that has existed for three ed years. The second ac- a republican form of gov- in its stead and ex- | good wishes for its suc d hopes that under it ild make more rapid in national development er before third edict was an unquali oval and acceptance of onditions before agreed tween Yuan Shikai and visional president of the rhis caused some sur- en to the republicans selves, as they fully expected Manchus, at the last moment, make a strong demand that i privileges be safe- mercded The conditions make 1SO1 etary provisions 1 he family, and per- n is give for its members ntinue to reside in Pekin, of the palaces being specially gnated for the purpose, here was much cheering and Bo of fireworks in the ist night, but there were bances and this morning iet, the victorious re being enthusi at advancing Im-| Railway Team Defaults to Busi- i welcomed, The pro rnment- is now rul- SCENES FROM THE CHINESE REVOLUTIC'N. he | wery Kingdom, No. 4 Soldiers hearing read the first proclamation of public No, 2—Revolutionary army in the trenches at the Indoor Baseball. of Chui Ghow. No, 3—Aiming a mountain gui ents vs. Teddy Bears at) perial cavalry rium ‘I uesday evVve,, Feb. paceful Signing of Edicts Wiping Out the Chinese Dynasty That Has Existed For Three Hundred Years a re- battle Game called at 8:15 sharp voor sansa T ATEST NEWS coniyge ae FROM OTTAWA D. Vance of City Hall Staff Takes Hie Fortnight. Proposition to Advance Financial ne Aid to Settlers in Various Prov- D, Vance, assistant city inces — Cabinet Ministers to rk, has applied for his regular Have Under Secretaries. il holiday leave of two eks at this time instead of Special to Daily News. as his duties are in condi- Ottawa, Feb, 13.—The Govern to make his absence less ment has under consideration the Aly now than later on, TWO) similar to the British system, rks leave of absence granted These will be for the big depart- h pay. ments only and would divide the work with the ministers, —— introduced a bill do eneourage glish Non-Conformists Now) aepieuiture by advancing finan Taking a Hand Against It. cial aid, pro rata of population, re jin the provinces, The House Special to Daily News. lspent the rest of the day in com- ndon, Feb, 143.—At a meet-/mittee on the tariff commission today of non-Conformists, | bill. Oonvenient for the city hall/appointment of under secretaries, | HOME RULE AGAIN In the Gommons Mr. Burrells| THE RAG DOLLS ENTERTAINED S MADE GOOD Record Short Session for Council) Last Night Under His Good Natured Presidence—Adjourn- Quite romantic today is the ment Called Until Monday. ispect of the double drowning In his new capacity as acting story: Mae wee een earee. Wee jmayor of Prince Rupert Finanee|!¢ss from the steamer Bertha to | Minister Alderman Douglas made|/tupert yesterday morning from good last night. Under his good|}#wyer Island. Instead of be- | ine the bereaved widower he jimagined, Light Keeper Elster- ~ {mann is with his wife and son “| MIGHT STATE” | iva nh .dibais 1 rey hte humored presidence the business again. drowning, but those the light keeper saw perish were not his own kith and kin. Their identity is doubtful, but they are believed jto be two half breed lads who left jin a small boat from Porcher lIsland and have not sines been heard of. Light Keeper Elstermanun saw farback as February 1 boat in which to make The Bertha was the fir heed his signals. him yesterday afternoo mann told his story, board the Rover wa ing given as Februar once said: “But I saw and child alive on Porct As soon as the Rover through his telescope the boat in which he believed were his wife and son capsize and founder as st. Since then he has been almost frantic with grief, vainly trying to signal passing vessels, and without a the land. st boat to reached n, Elster- but on s Walter Warner of Porcher Island, who on hearing the date of the drown- y ist at your wife ter Island | | of the council wags all smoothly carried through by 10 o'clock to} the minute. As} alderman, H.} Douglas has ever been swiftest ee caeamiic a __ SECOND AVENUE OWNERS APPROACH CITY FATHERS fo move “extension of time’ when| DEPUTATION HEADED BY MR. DAVID H. HAYS REQUESTS council debates prolonged them- IMPROVEMENT OF THOROUGHFARE—MAJOR GIBSOW SAYS selves beyond the closure hour SECOND AVE. IS PAVED LIKE THE ROAD TO HADES. if 44, as they usually do. But} ui i as acting mayor Alderman Doug-| Long suffering lot owners, citi- ;such as Second street, should be las has made himself famous by|,on. ana busiyess men reside nt|put in shape as far as Second his able conduct of one of the few auc jon Second avenue last night ap- meetings of Couneil which have proached the City Council by ended at a reasonably early hour.| 4, putation headed by Mr. David Besides this the Acting Mayor | 47, received a large deputation with|, iing measures to the vote without} unnecessary comment when the} members of the Council had had their say. Acting Mayor Douglas was pardonably proud of his) pjyigy residents to the effeet that the avenue should be put in shape speedily now. Particular em- achievement last night, the more} jie. of Mr. McLeod, owner of the so because by passing a motion’ high Jot next the Albert block. of adjournment until next Mon- For the good of Second avenue day night the Council will have aj i; was expedient, they thought, well earned rest. to have the rock crusher kept on| Second avenue so that that im- BOWLING SOORES portant thoroughfare might be a date as possible. Mr. Hays sug- ness Men’s Team. gested also that the cross streets, Mays. In an able address to| phasis was laid on the advisa-| of taking advantage of the| got in smoother shape at as early} javenue. | Major Gibson made the point ‘stick humorously by suggesting lopinion was expressed man Clayton that Fi man Maitland, also } : their demands. Actil | Douglas assured the jof the best efforts of tl to have the matter sat jattended to, especially | With thanks to the Cc [deputation withdrew. that so far Second avenue had he Council and acting mayor|been paved like the path to a cer- becoming dignity, and showed | Mr. Hays set forth the claims of|tain sultry place—with the good himself promptly decisive in put-\ihe Second avenue owners and| intentions of the previous council. In reply to the deputation the by Alder- rst street should be paved also, and Alder- Alderman Morrissey, entirely acquiesced in ig Mayor 1e Council isfactorily after the jarrival of Mr. McLeod by the Prince Rupert on W ednesday. yuncil the e G. T. P. boys defaulted a Th the Business Men’s team last NEW FIRE HALL evening in a match game at Mor- wer eri oles TS: CRITICISED: the following scores: RESURRECT DUNEDIN BLK. Highly Amusing Novelty Put on J. Scoit ...... 200 9 225 233] Aldermen Morriaaey and Dyb-' Gaunt Old Ruin Reappeare as a by Ladies of Baptist Church L. Hauley .... 198 1442 143) havn Have Faults to Find in| Perilous Menace to the City Proved Another Success for) P. Rorvik .... 213 202 225| the Planning and Construction} Again—Once More Matter Goes Rev. McLeod’s Congregation.;©, Youngman. 168 224 195 in Report Last Night. ' to City Solicitor. In MelIntyre other agreeable novelty in the| Totals ..... 944 959 990) ronmed one of the themes of dis-| way he ete ey eeee| Average score, 193, }cussion in the City Council meet- | was mu 0 © ae 2s é é - : | ’ nding of Teams. eae an eS hea a ‘ iary of the Baptist Church and Sta 6 a Ww I pie last night, The Board of| very notably by the organizing vas : ‘| Works had been asked to report} lefforts of Mrs. W. J. Alder and| Business Men. . 1.000 i B oon the work and a report from 2 ang . J . a “e rs 666 2-5 her daughter, With the whol i ang vi 9-3 7 a] Alderman Morrissey and Alder- ‘ ad ¢ : La Ra . 2 , ON OURS are ‘ | ; ; hearted assistance of all the other) Gentra 1671-3. 2 4g, man Dybhayn came in, pointing : sie. nee ‘ ‘ivers 371-3. 2 ladies of the chureh and their Quill pave : 8 ce 4 jq {out that the present plan of the many friends, the rag doll recep- RPE TR >> 059 . ‘ : ‘ Fulton street floor is ill adapted| tion proved a huge success, The} any up-to-date extension of| jhall was crowded with guests and provided ithe entertainment the doli chorus in song imme jical turn gaye nse Hall last night an-! by and com- delight, J. G. McNab. 162 166 192 Criticism of the new fire hall ito jthe fire fighting equipment, such} las hook and ladder outfit, exten- | sion ladder, ete. Accommodation vv horses was inadequate if these appliances were added ‘to the present outfit and storage space | : rss jhiave taken hours of hard sewing} pie hose was insufficient, accord- Easily Dispersed by Police— Further criticism was directed Only One Arrest Made and Only jeainst the construction of the Man Taken to Hospital. basement of the building on the eaaoial | to . Daily News. strong enough for supporting Bich was addressed by Sir Ed- | Fearful and wonderful were the} rd Carson, a resolution was LABOR DEFEATED jcostumes of the dolls, They must Hpled extending unwavering Pport to the Protestants of | gouth Australian Government | 0! the part of the ladies to cOM-~| Immense methane on Sunday jye to the report, Fler in their fight against Home | Beaten by Six Votes. |pletc, ‘They were made of vari-| Ble, } }ous _ brilliant materials from Special to Daily News cheese cloth to ecretonne, and Noted Scientist Passes. | gydney, Feb. 43.—The South | Verily Solomon an all his glory| London, Feb, 43, Special, a tralian labor government has} |was never arrayed like one of) | lthese rag dolls. After the dolla} Prd Lister, the antiseptic dis-|been defeated by six seats at the Verer, is dead, lgeneral election, PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO Miller, Phillips & Go. announce concentration on their Central premises after 45th inst. The principals in the holdup case that never occurred ‘st night have just been discharged. Vifty-three men at work on pipe trenching, and another bang of thirty just starting. \cling Mayor Douglas states that he has been on the job at the city hall all morning. Committee appointed to consider reduction of eity en eineering staff in session at city hall. | had done their excellent utmost, ithe guests | groups and shaved in many amus-| Hospital w of| the result of the third Sunday at- the | jing games, | refreshme }whole assembly {the fare for them, nts broke A goodly followed, greatly ily provided festiv up int THE WEATHER, Twenty-four hours a. m., February 13, 20.988; n For sale, ters, one IWallace. temp., 44.0; lax, temp., precipitation, one ) 1912; 47.0; at a bargain, 10 ft., 9 12 ft. merry | service and enjoyed | ending 5} Bar., min, 99 coun- i, 2t S. Vancouver, Feb. 13.—One man,| heavy loads like the storage of iP rank Flomberg; was taken to the the crusher and road roller, The whole, matter was referred { badly cut head as \ in & On jto the City Ragineay for 2FODOR: tempt at free speech on the Powell street grounds, The po-| GREY FOR PREMIER lice dispersed the erowds with- —- }out much trouble, | Asquith Soon to Retire in Favor | ‘The much advertised meeting} of Foreign Secretary. lfrom launches in Stanley Park | a | cause d little excitement, the po- Special to Daily News, lice boats and mounted constables London, Feb, 43.—The Daily keeping the crowd moving. | Graphic (his morning states that Only one arrest was made all | Mr, Asquith is soon to retire from |day, despite the crowd at Powell|{the premiership, to be succeeded [street numbered six thousand, by Sir Edward Grey, foreign sec- retary. Lord Haldane is back “New Lot of Ladies’ " neckwear.| from Germany, but nothing has Wallece’s leaked out as to his mission, vee ground that it did not appear} nicipal cupboard—the block—has rattled its bones in the council This time the Dunedin ures as a fire menace, dows being continually | the floor littered with jand inflammable mater ing Fire Chief MeDonald repre- jounceil, }sented the risk to the ( Alderman Morrissey {had never been clear té Again that skeleton in the mu- Dunedin decaying chamber. block fig- the win- open and shavings ial. Act- said that this matter of the Dunedin block » him; the building had been condemned, but somehow this had beer 1 repealed and the structure remained un- occupied and dangerous, Alder- man Clayton agreed strongly and a motion the whole matter to the licitor for immediate a | passed. For Sale. Furniture of four-roc¢ | Apply F. D, Keeley, with this referring City So- ction was ym house, tf JANCHUS ABDICATE AND REPUBLICANS RULE MAYOR DOUGLAS SAW TWO DROWN BUT NOT HIS LOVED ONES Romantic Position Today of Lawser Island Lightkeeper---Believed Wife and Son Drowned, Finds Them Alive on Sunday, the 4th.” Instantly the aspect of things was changed, and hurrying the Rover at top speed Captain Norman Broad- hurst took the anxious lighthouse keeper over to the place where his wife had been staying on Porcher Island. There she was safe and sound with the boy. Elstermann could scarcely be- lieve his own eyes, and the shock after the strain he has gone through all but unnerved him. But meantime the fact remains that he saw two persons swamp and drown before his eyes in a small sail boat running out from Porcher Island and apparently making for his light. The boat swamped and sank at a _ point where already there have been three drownings and_ several narrow escapes. Three boats, including this latest one, have swamped here, Light Keeper Harvey, who held the position just before Elstermann, was drowned there by the capsizing of his boat. His wife was left with her child on the light, un- able to communicate with land. Three years ago Ed. Hudson in a strong Columbia River sail boat ran clean under in the same sea- way and was rescued by the light keeper after having been in the water for over an hour. Those who know the place say that there is a deadly three way tide rip there, which in any sort of breeze becomes a death trap. In the Rover yesterday there were brought back to Rupert two Frenchmen, who after reaching Porcher Island in a crazy open boat some weeks ago were unable to make the home trip in the leaky craft. That the light on deputation | Lawyer Island should be equipped with only one boat is a grievance which should be remedied, BUSINESS CONCENTRATION Miller, Phillips & Co. to Develop Eighth Avenue Enterprise. Announcement was made this morning by Mr. Phillips’ of Messrs. Miller, Phillips & Co. | that after the 15th inst. the firm ‘ee concentrate its business in the increasingly populous centre on Eighth avenue and McBride street, where they first estab- lished their store. This concen- tration means the firm’s removal from their Seventh avenue loca- tion to develop their business in the more central location. GROWING TRAFFIC Two Hundred and Sixty Locomo- tives Ordered in Canada. Special to Daily News.) Toronto, Feb. 413.—Canadian railways within the past two months have ordered 260 loco- motives, representing an outlay of four million dollars. The greater number of these are for use in the west, SEVEN DROWNED Collision Between Two Steamers in Hull Harbor. Special to Daily News. Hull, Feb. 13.—Seven of the crew of the steamer Lorbay were drowned in a collision in the harbor with the steamer Wich- wood durin gthe heavy fog of last night. Convention of Liberals! A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at O’Brien’s Hall, Hastings street, 1912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via C. P. R. and obtaining at the ticket.agent a standard certificate, and upon the signing of this certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the usual fare. Vancouver, on February 29th, time of purchase from the Ve ig i { CES - ia | ah ,] a ee F b