I- V PAOE TWO thk dailt rrrwu Ca mpacs This is the last word in summer shoes for men, boys, youths and children. Guaranteed longer wear and priced From $1.25 t0 2.50 Sole Agents JACK and JILL SHOES PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoe THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK HUPF.KT - BIUT1SI1 COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion - News Department Telephone 80 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION $5D0 .12 .50 3.0 9 0 Thursday, June 29. 1939. CUMOUS SITUATION It is a curious situation where fighting is going on be tain have still not decided to throw in their lot together against a common enemy. That is one of the odd things about these undeclared wars. Another curious situation is for Britain to be sendin IS HONORED Summer Train BY FRIENDS Service Is On Stag Party In Prince Rupert Club For Rill Lamble Prior To Ills .Marriage The Prince Rupert Club was the the affair were George Mrtchf M P. McCaffeiv. Cant. W. P. Ar mour. Croft Brook, W. E. Drake, C. C. Mills, Frank Davles, oeorge Hartle, Arthur Jensen, Maurice Irving, John Connell, Harry Ward, A. C. Small, O. A. Hunter. W. F. Stone. O. O. Stuart, James Valentine, Ben Llpsin, Joseph Naylor. James Forman, R C. St. Clair, Dr. J. H. Carson, Arnold Flaten, L. M. Asemlssen, J. H Macey, Capt J. R. Elfert, Capt. Harry Ormlston. T. A. McWaters. William Slater Robert Arthur. O. B. Church, R. O. Van der Sluys, James Bremner. F. Q. Skinner, James Camobell, O. J. Dawes, W. M. Brown, H. A Breen, Bert Morsan. Jack Preece. Neil Cameron. Olb Taylor. Oeorge Madill, Bud Barrle. James Bryant Wiwur Bryant, O A. Bryant. Nels Gunderson, S. J. Hunter. Georg'? Peters. Jack Judge. D. A. Burnet Ian Murray. Albert Stiles. O. Bus-sanlch. Walter Johnson, B. Skatte- ibol. Carl Smith. Walter Smith, T tween uussia and Japan ana also a species oi iigniing oe-ij wmiams. Frank wiison tween Japan and Great Britain and yet Russia and Bri- Franklin, a. d. vanes, en. Japan war supplies at a time when British supremacy in.peter DeJon sem Joy carl Zar Asia is being threatened by Japan. George Dibb. c p Baianno Another anomoly is for United States to be sending! DPu'epr i"0? R , .... , J . iTt Parker. O, B. Church and T i t t t huge quantities of war materials to Japan when Japan is w Brown threatening to drive all foreigners including United States ' out of Asia. - In Europe we have Britain and France declaring that if Germany takes Danzig, they will be at war with her while Germany berates Britain and France and declares she is going to take Danzig. Evidently Japan and Germany are co-operating to try to frighten Britain and France into giving them what they want without recourse to war. So delicate is'the situation that anything may happen at any time. It needs only one overt act to start a war which it will be very difficult to stop without the loss of possibly millions of lives including many women and children. DOGS FOR POLICE The suggestion of Hubert Ward that police dogs be used to track down persons who are lost in the woods seems to be a very good one. This would be particularly true in the case of a child being lost m the woods when quick action would be necessary to prevent tragedy. When Prince Rupert becomes a permanent air base with planes always available one might be pressed into the service on occasion to go to the rescue in a case such as the Butedale tragedy to carry dog arid trainer to the scene and possibly eiiect a rescue wnne other people are thinking about It. THAT THUNDER STORM The thunder storm this morning reminds us that one 11. i .1 L i ! f --.f T. . , ... oi t.ne advantages oi living in rnnce uuperi is mat we have so few thunder storms. The one this morning was one of the worst we have ever had and there was not much to it, only a few flashes of lightning and a few claps of, thunder followed by a shower of rain. We seem to get these little interludes about every second year. It reminds us that we are a part of the wicked world and tends to awaken us from our slumbers. - MacKenzie's Furniture BEAUTY REST MATTRESS Over 800 Individual coll spring for sleep. Sleep on a Beauty Rest. 210 tZ( All sUes Other Matlrewes All size's. From Phone 775 S7.50 Hats Priced to clear. From. Ud Four Train Per Week In Klther Direction Are Now tleing Operated "moon. I JIM GULICK Oeorge ej Earl Gor don. B. McMeekin, W. O. Fulton F. A. MacCallum, William Brem-'ner. Howard Steen. Stanley Sarille iPercv Mcintosh. Martin ran Coot- Jack McRae. Joseph Scott Church Primate To Pay Visit To Peace 'River Area 50c Novelty Velvet Bedroom Slippers All sizes in Wine, Black and Blue. Summer Clear- Dff i ance Sale Taffeta and Satin Slips Peach, White and Black. Sum- Off mer Clearance Sale i DOING WELL 1700 students. School Jim QuMck, son of M and ton I Gullck. formerly ot Prln:e Ru- uar Pert, has been awarded an hanor Jim Gullck formerly attended High School at Prince Rupert. Writing to the Dally New. Jim s father. Glen Gullck. former local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co.. says he hopes to oay a visit ta Prince Rupert some time in the not far removed future. Letter Box THINKS SO.Mr.TIIINC HAPl'KN MAY Editor. Dally News: I am elad to note that the Summer train service Is effective Technocrat agree with me In this week on the local line of th one respect. They predict a corn-Canadian National Railways. There plfte smash by 19U. I, with others, tin h rr,ivH tritr,. IUi MAn. believe a smash U Inevitable un- scene last night of an enjoyable done day xy and evr. Jess something U at once, jstag party when about eighty . ings at g 0tiock and a fu 1 paa- The difference between my own friends gathered to honor William senger train at 11 o'clock Friday opinion and pracUcally all othei Lamble prior to his marriage On mornings. Mixed trains will arrive new Ideas Is that 1 believe It is : Knnrinv Tiiacrinv unH Thurarfav still DOSSlble tO Carry on M Wt . , nights at 11 o'clock and a full pa The evening was enjoyably spent tnin &t a? m cara piayzns ana omer diver sions and the highlight of the pru ieeedlnas came at midnight wh'i a nresentatlon was made to Mr Lamble by Orme Stuart on behal ;of the assembled guests. Mr. Stu-jart made remarks aoproprlate to .the occasion and Mr. Lamble made 'an appropriate reply. Refresh ments were served in the main sitting room of the club. The :ommlttee in charge consisted of W. F. Stone. George Mitchell, i George Dawes. J. H. Macey. O. Tavlor. Josenh Scott. Wlll'am n r.mn r Tin Murrav J 1 L I! IIV I ..... ...... . ' ' ' " . . . . - are. providing Just two ideas ar earrled out. These Ideas natural!) produce automatic, beneficial results which spread out In a growing circle which benefits W.W per cent of the population. They merely consist of being consistent ii the operation of the present sys tem. I would suggest the advantages to be derived by those who are at Former Local Uy Turning Out t- pre4ent most involved In our fin- w. a a hi. . Bi Leader at Big Calcary lligli anclat resources and those whe have misrepresented the people foi years to top and read their his torlea. Do not kid yourselves that It cannot happen here.' I would also suggest a posslbll- smith and Stanley Savllle. .rou roll as ine maIe ufltnt um Uy should either of the two old V .nfUln . 1 I--- .V. I - . . .... w.c niuo. v,.kki,kj in iraui-isiiijj. parties have a piatrorm including Those present participating In scholarship and sportsmanshin In whaj i have In mind I think thei uiaur cic a vyeoiern ojiiat woukj reeye tt least VO perten! insn ocnooj in uaigary. ne aiso OI tne al the next elecUon was awarded a service crest for Wefe .jted on thal piat outstanding contribution to school twm and earrled out their pledge. llfe- as Is the usual custom It Is tlrr Western Canada Is the largest of tom of capUa pUnUhmet three Calgary High Schools and ha made legal. D. T OREENE Quick. Twenty -Five Years Ago June 29, 1911 Mr. Stewart, manager ot the B C Oil Fields, U here on his wa to Otard Bay. Queen Charlott Islands, with further oil drlllin" ! "uliment which will be taken U. ' ;the Islands tonight on the Prlnr Archbishop Derwent Trevor; John. Mr. Stewart's company Owen. Prlmafo of the Anglican carrying on extensive exploratlo Thurch for all Canada, will Day a on the Islands. is't to the Peace River Block the atter part of July and will spend II. H. Stevens, M P. for Vancou y week Uier. Tie will be met and ver, has aroused the Ire of Uv accompanied through the Block al fraternity by suggesting thai vhlch constitutes part of the Diu- Judges give prejudiced decision -ese of Caledonia, by Rt Rev. contrary to the clear meaning of ll.hoo O, A. Rlx of this rlty who the law. 1' lav hre on Julv 14 and f'v r- !n from Prlnc George to Fort St Most prople re,ao the claxtlfli"-John. -ds Do you? ANNETTE'S- Temporary Premises Summer Clearance Sale Sale Starts Friday, June 30th at 9 a.m. Coats Tailored and novelty styles. Summer Clearance (jg Suits In tweeds and worsted. Summer Clearance 95 SHOES AH styles including Sandals. Summer Clearance Sale . . . Dresses In crepes and sheers. Sizes 14 to 46. Summer Q4 Qff Clearance Sale .... Housedrcsses All sizes. Summer Clearance Sale 95c $1.59 SHOES Novelty Waists and BIoiircs Regular values to .$3.95. Summer Clearance Q Sale ?X07 Girls' Dresses Sizes C to 14 in taffetas and English broadcloth. Summer Clearance o4 AP Sale JJ.-JfD These and iMany More Bargains on Sale at the Annette Ladies' Wear Co. NEXT DOOR BULKLEY MKT, 3rd AVE. liMpertor Itarber Give Valuable Advice In Speaking Before Gyro Club The Importance of keeping one's head when lost In the bush and guarding against ImpuUea which may lead to disaster was strewed by Insptctor C. O Barber, provln-' lal police. In speaking before the rlnce Rupert Gyro Club yesterday I it luncheon. The officer told of tome strange things that lost men had done. In the course of his talk. Inspector Barber gave Interesting reminiscences of patrol experiences in he wilds of the Pvaee River Block xnd Northern British Columbia 3ne Incident was the tracking of moonshiners at Christmas out of Port St. John. The north. Inspec- or Barber said, had an irresistible ! I raw back to all who had ever been Jiere. He. hlrruelf, had experienced It Speaking of the case of Constable nifford Preseott, lost on Princess 3oyal Island, the Inspector express ed doubt that it would ever be as certained what had been hit fate. W. M. WatU, nresldent. was In the hair at the luncheon and. In ad- lltlon to the speaker, another guest . vas Bruce Brown of Vancouver On Saturday afternoon of this jreek the local Oyro Club will en-'ertaln Oyro and Oyrette delegates ivho will be here on the way south rom the International convention now being held at Jasper Park. A Tarty numbering twenty-four and -XMslbly more will arrive by the afternoon train and sail early In the venlng for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert There will be a tea jansant reception and the visitor will be taken for drive around fhone St rhone U Butter First Grade 7Qo 3 lbs aF Swift's CottiiRc 9Qr Rolls-Lb. v Picnic Hams 25C Diamond A OCkn Bacon Lb. Eggs Brookfield 'A' grade large. In car- CCs tons. 2doz. JJl Rolled Rst Veal SVcal- 18(. Pork Butts 25C Rolled Pot Rst. jg IjIk ........ Fresh Killed Fry Chickens Fresh Cottage Cheese and Whipping Cream Bakeasy . Off 2 lbs Sausage Meat OCn 2 lbs Pork Hocks 25 Fish For Friday Remember! You Can Get It at The Sterling IN TIIK M Tltr-ME COfllT Of IIKITISII COl.t MUIA In the Matter of IrrtlrrUk WHIUm Itranl, I)r rtlvd And In the Mailer of the "Admliil.lralluii Art" TAKZ NOTICE that by Order of Hi Honour Judge W E, Matter dated th 22nd rtay of June ma I w appointed AdmlriMtrator ot Uie EMi of Frdr Ick William IWml, (twwwd, Itte ot th Village of Terrans BrUtlali CbTUtn. oIa. and all prami having claim gultvit Uie mid Ertjit. are hereby r. qulml to rurnlah murm to ma prop) verified on or deor th Slat rii- of July 1939 and all pernona Indebted to the aold Estate an, required to pay th amount of their indebtednewi to rn forthwith NdRitAN A, WATT. Offtctai AdmlnlaUutor, DATED tha SflUi day of JuiiilB38, Thumlajr, June M, iMt KEEP COOL KISS YOUR WHEN LOST FEELING UUUUBYt! Pjl... Many Suf f r U BUuJ Count-And Don't Know It I t.at tW raa aiaa. aha. .. . "" vn teak kmltht , (mI M if lou h lw Moot MWtl (MM ). Un tkiMtkMt taut M Mali. 1M o.r to tun, , IKM matt Km fhmt af Um I of M (Mr, mn aarW.ftaiaM br M l. Mtaaala IM WNBn IM .i . hf Hk TVm wllk pmttl il vavlt M US I P' WHKhM Hall : r,i,. i.. Specials THIS WEEK OM.Y Satin Finish "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnish ' gl.29 Qlwt Cellutone SVall-l'Inisti 99c Q"arl "61" Quirk Drying Enamel 29c 'i Pint KAIEN HARDWARE CO. HOLIDAYS Try SANCAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP This Year Situated on the Finest Sei Beach In Canada Apply, to MRS. M NN, Mswtlt, Queen Charlotte Islands, for lull Particular Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Demer Block Phone 234 DAY and NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi i Opp. PAT MAZZIE roat Office, 4th St. .afaMHaBaBBfa"B"aMaatKBataWata MISS YUK1 Dressmaker Ladlei' and qiilldren't Alterallona Moderate Trice IMione GUEEN 880 727 FHASEIt ST.