1 i H '1 14 7l IK r b iMi Bowling Singles To Semi-Finals McBKIDE STREET RANTS SCOTCH WHISKY i OISTIL1EO AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND This advertisement is not published or displayed b the Liquor ) Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Recreation Association single-handed bowling competition by defeating Jack Paul in the third round 21 to 14. In a second round match ! Ben Dalgarno won over George Hill 21 to 16. In addition to Preece, D. A- MacPhee has also reached semifinals Jack Preece entered the semi- of the Canadian National flnals- Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment With a McCLARY RANGE FOR COAL, WOOD OR OIL Drop In and see the new McClary Ranges Inspect for yourself their many features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Raking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary Range with oilburner installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service. It can be changed back for use with coal or wood In a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a -McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 READ - and RELAX This is the One Hest Way to Relax Read a Rook From Our Library 75c FOR ONE MONTH. New Rooks Added Every Week. Here is the latest List-Three Harbours Van Wyke Mason Sir Adam Disappeared .Oppenhelm Mein Kempf Hitler Arrogant Alibi - King Not for Just an Hour .... Lea Adventures of a Young Man . Dos Passes The Search for the Blue Sedan Douglas Queen Victoria's Mr. Brown - Tlsdall Promenade Lancaster Danger Signal Bottome Ordeal a Shute Luclen Parsons Wlckford Point Marquand Maglnot Line Murder Newman Konlgsmark Mason Thq. Brandons ... Thlrkell Then 111 Look Up : Mowat Adventures of Christopher Columjn Thompson The Saga of Frank Dover Bucholtz The Patriot Buck And Others Join Now You'll Enjoy Reading iffoP P Louis Wins Technical Knockout Victory Over Tony Galento .In Fourth Round At Yankee Stadium NEW YORK. June 29: (CP) Joe Louis retained his world's heavyweight boxing championship by scoring a, 1 fourth round technical knockout over Tony Galento at j Yankee Stadium last night. Galento put up a game figlit I but was outgeneralled and outfought by Louis who cut him to ribbons. Louis was knocked down in first and third rounds and Oalento vm ' down in the second round. lni AAn i It was after two minutes and DPslfD A IVl twenty-nine seconds of the fourth 1Y VVJIYrJLTi I round of the scheduled fifteen-! rounder that Referee Arthur Dono- ADP ANl Hll Ivan halted the contest rlAVJAjT-.- 1 YJ1JL' !' The pudgy Orange. New Jersey.' i ichallenger opened up with a wild, swinging attack, the force of which Full List Of Held Events Saturday had Louis hanging on wtth hte knees seeming to buckle early In the first round when he dropped momentarily. However, he wai Afternoon With Football And Softball Finals immediately In possession of him-J a full program of race and self and commenced to tie Oal-j sports has been arranged for the ento up, administering hard rlghU celebration to be held Saturday f-i and lefts. Galento roughed It up 1 ternoon, Mi observance of Dominion and forced the fighting in the I Day-, Highlights 6t the program ,v,.lwill be the Dominion Day Cup . first round u but was so .jm wild that' A. , .... ,. 7 I football play-off between Velvet It had little effect upon the cham-i d R . Canadian Naval Volun- P,on- 'teer Reserve followed by the Dom-1 In the second Louis now assum-, inion Day Cup Softball play-off ed full command and played hard.betvef- Three Two Taxi and Lip-,on Galento's mid-section, head sett's. Prior to the two games tm' .and chin. Louis was now on the mediately after lunch there will offensive and Galento on the de- be a program of field events num- fenslve. The challenger commenced Vberln1? twenty-one races and Into stagger and hang on but was eluding "girls' and boys' sprints, still on his feet as this round end-j three-legged and sack races, men's ed. Galento went down lor tne and women's 100-yard dashes, count or three ' boyv arte girls bicycle racing and Continuing wild.and . attll ab- men's 220-yard dash. Between th sorblng punishment, Gaiento sent football and softball games ther Louis to the canvas for a no count j wm M,or (oolball rfby race i in the third but the outcome way - . then certain. The fchaVnpfcm iWas : - J 'the complete master of the blindly rushing challenger. I In the fourth Louis exploded his two-fisted dynamite In full fury and blasted Tony to his knees In helpless submission, his face a ( bloody mass of pulp. It was then that Referee Donovan called !t off. Louis weighed 200 pounds and Galento 2333 SOFTBALL I TONIGHT 6:30 . 32 v. Llpsett's Moose vh. Grotto his title A crowd estimated at forty thout- It was Louis' seventh defence of and persons witnessed the fight DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Saturday, July 1, Acropolis Hill Admission 25c Sports Events Commence at 1 P.M. Sharp TIME OF EVENTS 1 p.m. Children's Sports 2:.0 p.m. Dominion Day Football Cup Final Velvet vs. Navy 1:15' p.m. Dominion Day Softball Cup Final 32 Taxi vs. LipsetCs Free Peanuts and Candy for the Children SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Sleumcr Icuvch Prince Rupert cvrry SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Truiiif leave I'rinee Rupert for the Kust Monday, Wednenday, Friday, b p.m. Passenger Kxpreas FRIDAYS, 11,00 a.m. For fares, etc., "tall or write City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. Igl GrliunkU iht&vj. i or i' .it v vi ii -. i m i y k . Silter Spring Hrrwery in irtoriu Iiuh V'aiiH'il u world-wide reputation for liipli, uniform quality of it produett. Where-eer you go you meet tlioae whom only Silwr Spring will satisfy. SILVER SPRING Lager Beer TO DIRECT RECREATION Nell Rcas. who armed in the city yesterday from Vancouver, has been appointed chief instructor for Nor-1 thern HrttUh Columbia of recreational and physical education. , Prior to the opening of the Prince Rupert recreational centre, Mr. Rom will act as supervisor of the Gyro playgrounds for the summer months. In this he will be auUted by Ml&s Oeraldine Cade of Prince Rupert. Mr. Ross' previous experience In recreation and physical education Include, four yean' training at the V M.CJV.. three years teaching experience with the Department of Education and his playnround experience was gained on the Vancouver playgrounds under the well known Ernest Grant, playground supervisor for the Vancouver Parks Board. Laxt year he was assistant on the local playground-. In addition to his work In the recreational field, Mr. Rons Is a versatile athlete, being equally at home on the basketball court, rugby pttch or grass hockey field while, before capitalizing professionally on his abilities, he was an outstanding gymnast. More recently Mr. Rosa has for saken the "team game" form of competition in favor of such com petitive games as tennis and ping pong Bunny Austin Is Over First Tennis Hurdle WIMBLEDON, June 29: CPi-Bunny Austin. British favorite, defeated his young Austrian opponent C-l. 6-4, 12-10 after two hours of , gruelling play in the first round of the All-England tennis champlon- ! shins. Other favorites re Bobbv Rlggs of the United States and Baron Oottfrled von Cramm of Germany. Pick of the world's best women tennis players went Into action yesterday In quest of the championship that Helen Wills Moody left undefended. Queen Mary was In the Royal Box while Alice Marble .and Helen Jacobs header a strong American contingent. Baseball Standings National league W. L. Pet Cincinnati 38 22 .633 j St. Louis 34 25 .576 I New York 35 27 .565 i Chicago 33 30 .524 ' Brooklyn 29 29 .500 .Pittsburg 27 31 .466 Boston 24 35 .407 Philadelphia 18 39 .318 American League New York 49 12 .803 Boston 33 23 .589 .Detroit - 33 30 .524 Cleveland 33 29 532 Chicago 29 29 .500 Philadelphia . 24 38 .387 Washington .24 40 .375 (-. .t,.lQUM,..,. 18 42 .300 ltW5Hil. jUl.,. One of SCOTLDNDS , 'SPORT1 finest .r-- a. tlrtlUh Clumhla mml tntnr flu.-. WHISKIES WfT I.SM.tM fMt r.-.l mnnutUr. tl.l, i,,'"1 ml Thu advertisement u not publuhed or UupUynl by the Liquor Control Jluam j. the Oovcruuitnt of Drituli CoIutnUia. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Used Furniture 1 Waffle CO AA 5 Kitchen CM CC Iron 0-3.UU n,airsF..t OA.VU Underwood Typewriter Gothic type. GO (I AO A real snap 1 Royal Typewriter Standard key. CO 7 00 In excellent condition v-- w 1 Leather Couch In good 010 00 condition QiiJsVU 1 G-Riece Ivory Rcdrooin SuiteA QIC: 00 real bargain V tO,)J 2 Washing Machines In excellent Ofl condition from, up t?JtlvU .1 Sewing Machine Q7 0 From, up V"u 1 Delco Rcmy Generator jg QQ Phone BLACK 321 :ird AV K. (Next Door to B.C. Clothiers) VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANY VARIETIES Cnnel.emon, Itaipberry, Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry I)lle Cup Tultl Irullll and Vsnllla Cream Lunch and Candy Freeie HarVanllU. Cherry Cutard, Tuttl Frulttl and Maple Walnut Dominion Dairy I'hone 10 KlfM, Avrniii. Vj( anil Mrllrldt UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer, Leave rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUKS TJ5.8. CARDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1;30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vkneouver, Thure. a.m. Dae Vancouver, Monday a-- If Convenient, Heane Purchase Ticket at Office Further Information Regarding Reservation and TlckeU From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. rhone 561 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal llank Ittdr. Fresh Local Row anA Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57