TRY IT THE "SALADA" WAY Infuit 6 ht.plni it npeoM of Stitch Blck T in pint of f,h, boifinj .tt r. Alltr 6 imnul.i tUtin i liquid into 2-qu.rt eonUintf, while hoi, dd 1 lo I K cup of uwtnd jKkt ol 2 lemons, ttr.intd stir until , lid,old, Ml conUintr wilKold wt- Do not llow ltt to cool before tddinj cold Ur or liquid will become dowdy, Serve with chipped let, The bot nukes 7 fell SALADA EE SEE) TEA STOP!, LOOK! ELIO'S 5th. Anniversary Sale The Talk Of The Town Super Values In Every Purchase Come And See for Yourself ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue Hotel Arrivals Koysl J Candow, city. Central W C Sharpe. Helmar Anderson, Alfred Hadland. W. Hansen and A. Anderson, city. Knox Joe Brown and Mr. and Mrs. J. Oiscn. city Prince Rupert Kiddles Cotton Dresses Some with panties. 3 to 8 years. 2 for Children's Silk Knit Pantl Pink or white 4 nalrs PIIONK 9 I'hone Green 916 BOY SCOUTS TO PORCHER Camp A happy band of Boy Scouts set I Wallace' $ DOLLAR DAY $ Friday, June 30th Women's Cotton Crepe Nlflitjowns Q ?X.UU (jH peach orutnk Each White or reach Satin Slips Q-j Aft OX.UU Uce trim- Eaeh ClilMren's Cotton Vests or Hloome ANsorted sites. 4 for . . - - Women's Salln Panties Lace trimmed. 2 nairs for si.oo si.oo Women's Pajamas or (Sowns Silk knit. Watson quality, assorted colors, ci nn Each SI.OO si.oo All Wool Crew Neck Sweaters- g ft ft v All latest shades. Bach Girls anil Women's Slacks SI.OO v Navy. red. etr Per pair z Women's I'mt Silk Crepe Hose g JQQ New shades. 2 pairs CiIiIf anl Women's Play Suits 2 and 3-ple n style. Values to W.50. SI. 00 Each Women's ltn.ilrlolh Slip White or.plnk. Opera top. 3 for Women's Cotton !loe-grey. 5 pairs -Fawn or si.oo 81.00 Children's Ankle Sx-Assortcd colors. JQg Odd lot clearance. Pjr--: .Men's Silk Mixture Sox-Fancy 1,00 patterns. 4 pairs Women's Smocks Plain colors, values to $2 50. Each Pillow Slips Fine linen finish, ex-ccptlonal quality. 5 sllns Sheets Fully bleached. 77x90. hemstitched, wonderful value, Kich Itayon Iledtprrads Rose, Blue, Yellow. Green. 80x100. Each White Turkish Towels With colored bordersJo White Turks With colored plaid pattern. 20x40. Asstd. colors. 4 for Curtain Nets Silks and cotton nets at 4 yards Shadow Drapery Assorted patterns. 36 Inches wide. 3 yards si.oo si.oo si.oo si.oo Ilajon Silk Table Cloliis-54x54. O-fl A A t?J..VU Colored borders, 2 tor Curtains With ties, all-ready to hang, assorted color frills, cream ground. 7P 1 Per pair Curtain Rods Curved finds, extends to 48 Inches. 2 for 25c .Foundation Garments Corcelettes, Q-f Aft Corsets, Olrdles. All sizes. Each Hrassicrcs Uplifts, assorted styles. 3 for si.oo TIIIUI) and FULTON THE DAILY NZW8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs II. F. Pullen returns homt Tonlzhfs trait. Jut from trs on the Prince Charle this evening Kast at II o'clock. u reported' from a trto to the Queen Charlotte this afternoon to be ori Urrie. Inland. , , - I Mrs. Ell Skog and chlia will sail Mrs II. C. Rose, who ha been Saturday evening qn the Prince t. iting here with her brother-tn- nupett for Vancouver, l.i md titter. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill R iifws. lelt on last evening! train The pott office wickets will be for Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. ;open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The public lobby will be open from 7 Mrt. J. R. M-Wtlllam and daugb- ajn. to 6 pu tr and son will sail Saturday even- ing on the Prince Rupert for the Mitt Mary Macfle of the 'Home south to spend the summer vaca- Beauty Parlor" announce her ab-tlon season visiting In Vancouver ' sencc from the city for six weeks and the Okanagan. I following July 7. . 151 Miss Irene Hodgson of the local.j J. R. Hartley, provincial govern-Hlgh School Staff left on last ev-ment auditor, who has been on rntng's train for Telkwa where she trip Into the Allin district. dlem-wlll conduct an examination. Re- burked from the Princess. Charlotte turning In a few days, she will pro- here this morning. t ceed to Vancouver for the summer vacation season. j Bruce Brown, brother of T. W - 'Brown, local barrister, arrived in C. N. R. TRAINS tbe on the Prince Oeorgr yes-or ihe fast terday from Vareouver and wlU . Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl-i nd the iummer herJ. days 6 pjn.' From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays .and Saturdays 11 I Repairs were proceeding this morning to Second Avenue near the 0 I" : Prince Rupert Hotel where, due to ia collapse of underfilling, a hole sonal effects and the Scouts were had developed In the surface of the put aboard. street. ! Those going this morning In- cludeel David Carter. Marvin Cars,- Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazel-van. Oeorge Hanklnson, Howard ton is paying a brief visit lo the Hougan, Leo Mlcholuk, Hemsby city. She arrived in the city from King and Clifford Wanamaker of the Interior on last evening's train the First Prince Rupert Troop, and will be returning home tomor- wlth Scoutmaster E. R. M. Yer- row morning. burgh In charge, and Stelnor Ka- tonson Masaakl Hlnada, Terence Sale of lota 28 and 29, block 1 Parsons Arnie Sorensen Slat- Oly 6 to Mexzndet and EUza-ta. Oly Sorensen and Shlglml Uag- ... . . , MacKenzle authorized was asul of the Second Prince Runert ir ll. wr in I thlS mtMTlIntr hv rjimmllrlntir ivsauauiau u-uwiii iruou. nic au- - .- 'vance party, which left Monday W. J. Alder. The price was $650 Lads Leave This .Morning For Oval i morning, included jonn uavey. with an agreement to build. The Bay To Co Into Ten Day Harold Nordan. John Moore and lots are on Fourth Avenue East Sandy Storrlc with the Rev. R, C. H. charge. Scoutmaster near the Presbyterian Manse. Durnford in On Saturday the Assistant Scout- out today for a ten day camp at masters of the two troops hope to I Oval Bay. Porcher Island. Tne.risit the camp, returning Sunday, Mr ana .Mrs. urorgr wniic. cuy; i-rince itupen Yacnt CIud present- evening. C O Ballenttne. A. Del Rizzo. H. cd a very busy scene for two houis The camp Is scheduled to break J Taylor Oeorge Westover and H while the Northern Cross went lin nn Jlllv fl nnrl tVin nnt am Betalt Vancouver Victoria. J R Hartley, lower down in the water as all the to be back In time for supper that tents, cooking utensils, food, per" day si.oo si.oo si.oo S1.95 Stamped Pillow Slips Hemstitched, Q-i ft A fine nuality. Per pair . tpX.VU Oilcloth Squares Assorted patterns. 51x54. Each Moor Hugs Reversible, 24x15. Axmlnster patterns. Each SI.OO 81.00 a i t s i iju-sA s t JONES FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 Specials VEAL Lei of Veal 6 lbs Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs Rolled Shoulder Veal . Per lb. Rump Koast Veal Per lb Fillet of Veal Per lb. PORK Leg of Pork Per lb Shoulder of Tork- Per lb. Fresh Side Tork Per lb. Spare Ribs 2 lbs BEEF Prime Rib Roll . Per lb Roast off the Round- Per lb. Rump Roast Per lb Pot Roast Per lb Round Steak Per lb Short Ribs 3 lbs MUTTON Shoulder of Mutton Per lb I.eir of Mutton Fer lb. Mutton Chops 3 lbs. Phone 9S1 SI.OO 50c 22c 20c 25c 22c 20c 20c 1212c 20c 25c 15c 22c 50c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 "HERE'S a SPEfiALUiftlOUS TREAT" ts CfUSP. enwchy, golden-brown Shredded Wheat, heaped extra generously with ripe. luscious berries . . topped off with cream and sujar to your taue. It's nourishing and It's good' Serve Shredded Wheat with berries in season, as often as possible. It makes an extra tempting meat quickly served. Look for the familiar package at your food store. Tr Cuiwliaii SkrwMW Wheat Company, Ltd. Niagara Fall Canada PAGE TURK; aSBBBBBBSSSBBSSSaSBB LssfyrlnMTTsM ' M i JBirissTT Bl r-T)MTsiTlTisi Miss Eva Cavalier of the local SUSPENDED SENTENCE pretences charge. He bad been ar- jchool teaching staff will sail Sat-; . Daniel Peter McDanald received rested recently on a warrant issuea urday evening on tne fnnce upen vnree muiuii- suspenaea sentence two jcaia av ui nwmis for Vancouver and Victoria to from Magistrate .MeClymcnt in city against which he had insufficient spend the summer vacation. ' police court this morning on a false funds. ' ). In session as a city council this morning, City Commissioner W. J. Alder passed a resolution respect-' Ing authorization of signature of documents In connection with the. "Torrowing of J 10.000 from the fed eral government for financing wa ter main replacements. Itching Burning Feet fled. Oet it at good druggists every- p where. W. J. McCUTCHEON DRUG Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. CNiUV. July 1. Excursion to Terrace Eagles Straight Bridge July 5. Prince Rupert Regatta and Dance July 20. Catholic Bazaar October ,11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big ger and Better. Dance every Thursday, East End Hall. THE SEAL QUALITY mi GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert II OOOQOOOOOOOOOOCJOO OOOOOOOOA OOOOCUOOaOOOa0QOOO000KKKXl O O o o a O c a a Oo tn W. J. McCutcheon Drue on 2 anv other eood dnizrist todav and I p eet an orlzmal bottle of Moons,g Emerald Oil. Don't worry this g powerful penetrating oil brines such p ease and comfort that you u be awe s to go about your work again, hapny g and without that almost unbearable. o aching soreness. J g Rub on Emerald Oil tonight o freely: It does not stain is eoon- g . - - 1 ... k.b- If nnt colli. I O a o 1 'a a 8 a a o s g 1 lo Tea,lg Dominion Day Dance, June 30. Jjjj 'i Dominion Dav Celebration Port g 25(5 E1"8'011 Ju,y l' natlve war dance o 20c 15c 25c Band Parent's Strawberry Mrs. Husoy, June 29. lai ciose. . s I I Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c Ormes Ltd. TZfttt Pioneer &ruqg tats The Hexall Store Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pan. 7 p-m. till 9 p.m. Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COURSE CHICKEN DINNER At Ihe Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Phone 71 ' NEW AND BETTER COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Sainton Fleets Following the investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements In ice storage and ice delivery methods. Ire for the boats will all be old ice, thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold ax the storag room. Fishermen are invited to Inspect the new system. Hetter Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality in fish delivery. i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage s Prince Rupert Q Q. British Columbia D g g s DOOODOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflCKOOODOOOOOOOOKXPppo