f n 4 -at TAMIT shared equally by the Dominion and I I A K A l NllVV nrovlne On mlnlne road 1360.-. Oll IJLll llV II TOKVO. June 23 M y ...:: thit Port Alberni Fisher Fined J & . S. 1 11 talri Jananese nlanes bombed! Tamsk where many buildings were left burning. Moscow despatches on the contrary said that fifty Soviet-Outer Mongolian planes shot down twenty-five of the sixty Japanese aircraft. Ketchikan Seine Dispute Still On Especled Setllement Fall to Ma. trrUII'e and Picketing Is Antlripaied Again Set Back ili for Infraction of Regulations In Barkley Sound Area PORT ALBERNI, June 29: CP-A Port Alberni fisherman has been fined $25 for infraction of the fisheries regulations in Barkley Sound. Weather Forecast I frf Japanese- o tfM u shot ihot down down I Mnrh'ikuoan airplanes runeiy-eign vuvcr iuiikuii. YT1 fYl planes In a frontier fight at dawn I UW II U I U General 8ynopsls A trough of low pressure extends southeast across southern British Columbia and a moderate depression off the Queen Charlotte Islands has caused rain on the north'coast. It has been mostly fair eastward. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh to strong southeast winds, part cloudy wllh a few light scat tercd showers. i a aitvu w a. SILVER IS VICTORIA. June 29: (CP) Hon. F. M. McPherson. replace the 1935 treaty denounced minister of public works, today announced a public works by mi" Apru.aa. The note u 1 ... . - . . ales ai 14 r ht 1 rinl4 tnaf Hri. 000 would be spent with Ottawa srNT rj i rt tl paying t240.0OO. The sum of $303.- IVI I I V I IV 1 1 IN 000 for completion of the Big Bend' LilJ I XL VJ All the minister announced, would Include completion of .the road to Prudhomme Lake and. In conjunction with Skeena riding, efforts i would be made to carry on to com-1 plrtlon the Utk-Hazelton highway i connecting Terrace tn the outside I Nationals Itemain world. Work would also be done on! alone tmrt than t the Queen Charlotte Islands. CLAIMS OF AIRRAIDS Both Ilutsitni and Japs Say Many rlspes it Other Side Down SHANGHAI. June 25: (CP) In the court of the campaign to selie control of all major Chinese ports, the Japanese today blockaded Foochow and Wen-fhow, at major Chines ports wo thousand mile of totllnr Alt foreitn merchant veel are uid to hare left the ports while foreitn war-thin are believed to have moved nutMe to eciw. the poAolhillty f heln bottled until Hr f wimlnr lued hy h T n fr trltnt Ihe wvi(i. ItritUh nA French re fused t remore h'r naMnl. rtli" "V I'-ed "V 11 that I MM I ln nVlonaN a aespaicn ndcatnt lhtt tne Intention was CUT AGAINr WA8HINOTON, DC, June 29 Treasury again cut the foreign sll vcr price today to 38c per ounce as Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgrnthau said that the price would be adjusted at various times to the price on the London market.) KETCHIKAN. June 29. It hadj- x . been thought that the dispute c-JneaVy KaMS tween packers and seiners In south-1 . .. eastern Alaska had been settled but' Pf an-ine now It appears that the Issue is up VU 1 I ail lto In the air again ana urn picking may be resumed. The United Fishermen of Uie Pacific organization has advised the seiners to hold out for higher terms. Inches. Roads which have been dry for ten years were mired. During the height of the rain an automobile was washed off the road and turned over. On Flight To Southern Seas Arrhbold Party Have Landed Safely At Dakar, Senegal Dakar. June 29: Richard Archbold and his crew of five have arrived at Dakar, Senegal, on the French West African coast on their flight from San Diego on an exploration by airplane of the South Seas. Germany Critical totalling 50,000 for British Columbia this program ing to encircle the wn amnai mklmien brown summer, noi meniioning specuic iigures, me minister Reich. said that the program included .922,000 for provincial roads. There would Ik? $680,000 for tourist highways and $380,000 on the Klngsgate-Radlum . highway, nignway. both ooin oi of which wmcn would wouia be oe HPnf.TM Juni. Vk- TVi- nrmin I the pretext, if not the real cause. Foreign quotation in United Slates of the Oreat War. What it cost In Further Reduced Today to 38c human life will never be known, nor Per Ounce ,can the value of those material and spiritual things destroyed by the ( I war dc estimatea. An oia oraer. (CP)-The Department of the which through laborious centuries. nad acquired some stability, was swept utterly away. In Its place came chaotic upheavals which the advancing years seem only to Inten sify. The Versailles Treaty sowed the ; dragon's teeth of which the har- vest, It would appear, has still to be garnered. Someone has not Inaptly I said that In the terms of peace by which a conflict Is terminated there are planted the seeds of future wars. Color to that dictum has Record Precipitation is Relslered been lent by the events of the past In Saskatoon District Roads fcw years In Europe. Are Mired . Cost to Canada with record rainfall In this district, For Canada the cost of the Oreat five years; thousands more have died of causes directly attributable to the war since Its close. Approximately 215,000 Canadians suffered: (Contfnurii on Page Five) TORONTO; June 23: CP 81: Oeorge MacLaren Brown, aged 74. pre generally , critical of the f 5,r?n J" motives of Oreat Britain In Its proposal to negotiate a new naval pact with Oermany. Good faith, goodwill and confidence are needed, the Nazi-controlled papers say. The scornful comment of he would be . Nazi - controlled wn,ra"l press P5 on Oreat urc" Highway paid enUrely on, nttaa byiFor ' Foreign .Ship .hl Leave Foo,how Foocnow ,nd and Britain's answer to Chancellor Hit- " uL! ' "enchow Although Various 1pr. m,nnm nt ,he m5 Work , in r, Prtnee Rupert hl,h, district. n. of the Canadian Pacific Railway died in hospital here today two hours alter an operation. Halibut Sales Canadian al agreement Is taken to indicate Pair of Jacks, 14,000. Pacific , n ni-h'-r 'n'ids to fo'- Bc ind V?. '-f low the road of destiny without Delmar, 13.000, Cold Storage, 7! any chains on his growing army, and 5c. Canada At War TWENTY YEARS AGO Writlcii for The Canaifian rrr Bv CAPT. WAV. MURRAY, M.C. Juite 2?, yc&tttuuyi vrasurely tHe'most 'momentous-an-niverai in modem history. On that date, a quarter of a century airo, a youthful assassin in a small Balkan town . .".. ithdraw, thus fired a shot which precipitated 27 nations of the world in to the Great War. Five years later, on the same date, the' delegates of those nations defeated in that conflict affixed ' rian their signatures to the terms j peace which officially ended It ' June 28, 1914, the murder of the I Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdin-I and, at Serajevo. by Oavrilo Prln-icip. a Bosnian student. June 28, 1919. the assent of Ger many to the Treaty of Versailles. The Serajevo assassination was Of I - . . To Probe Fisheries OTTAWA, June 29: (CP Mr. Justice Gordon Sloan of the British Columbia Court of 4' Appeal has been appointed a I were you I would treat the report with reserve for the present." wounas. mat ngure aoes noi prop- p j C 1 is. I. erly mean the number of separate 1 0r iSeiinett uCat individuals who sustained casual-; ties for several thousands were' wounded more than once. ; Manley J. Edwards Is Party Nom- Wlthout taking Into account the Inee for Calgary West in colossal expenditures Outlayed since! Federal Contest June 28, 1919, on Undertakings bear- j Ing directly on the war and Its con-! . . CALOARY, June 29: (CP)-Man- total of sequences, a $1,670,000,000 u. snent during thr rivo vrara le' J- Edwards has been nominated Uberal candidate for Calgary West, on war purposes. In that same half ,warf. rnnori hart iu hv wowithe seat from which Rt. Hon. R. B. ever comes first, Tomorrow sT ides Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte High Wands Fresh northeast Low winds, mostly cloudy, not much 18145 p. V t. change In temperature. -a J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BKITIS II COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXVIII . No. 131. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS H A Extending Non - Aggression Pact COMPLETE LOCAL ROAD TO PRUDHOMME LAKE; NEW HIGHWAY PROGRAM Sum of $3,350,000 to he Expended on Roads in British Columbia This Summer, Minister of Public Works Announces NOTE TO ! Dies k Toronto KILLER IS jBelgium, Holland And ULK1Y1AM Great nritain Willing to Negotiate New Naral Treaty BERLIN. June 29: CP Officials said here last night that Britain had sent a note to Oermany expressing willingness to dlscuu a new Anglo-German naval treaty to SHOT DEAD1 Another Case In United States Of Crime Does Not Pay" G. tf rr 1 V K I deputy sheriffs, was shot to death, while attempting to flee four pos ; semen whom he had eluded for if Russia Co-Operates, Finland, Esthonia and a fortnight. ' j Would Also Receive Guarantees From - - Britain and France llEUr" 15 I OBVIATED Looks Like Southeastern Alaska Seiners' Dispute Is About Settled KETCHIKAN. June 29: As a result of negotiations which commenced yesterday and are beinz continued today between representatives of the packing companies and the seiners' union, a settlement of the dls-mte over wages and working conditions which hai threatened to tie up the industry In this area now appears likely. A tentative agreement provides reunion recognition In hiring and other matters, free dental service ! and an eight-hour day. Wages will ! be: Class A.. 73c regular time, overtime. 84c: minimum guarantee for season. $180. Class B regular time. 67c: overtime. 78c; minimum I guarantee. $160. TURKS' AIR-NAVY EASE Great Defence Project Gulf Of Alexandre tta PARIS, June 29: Turkey is understood to be planning a great modern naval and air base on the Gulf of Alexandretta as a vital part of Europe's new security fiont. It is understood that a gen-1 eral armament program would be undertaken by Turkey, largely financed by a loan agreed upon with: Great Britain. royal commissioner by the fed- T ' ki , eral government to Investigate OC2QV S vV 6Qf 7Cr the use of salmon trap traps and purse seines on the Pacific Coast, the Department of Fish- eries announces. Suggests Reserve In Windsor Report Court Officials Cautious About Windsor's Rumored Return LONDON. June 29: In Prince Rupert Overcast, light rin southeast wind, four miles per hour; barometer 29.84 I falling) ; temperature, 53; sea smoot Triple Island Raining, southwest wind, three miles per hour sea smooth. Langara Island -Thick fog northeast wind, five mUes pet hour: barometer. 29.80; temperature. 51; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, southeast wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 29.82; temperature. 52; sea smooth. I Bull Harbor Fog banks, north- rocrorH erly wind, five miles per hour; BA&lWWXJUN, June iwi iwir u-n enormous. In resnect not . harnmptpr 5Q R3- tpmnprntnre. 51- During the last few days shower, on , . u dtruc'tlon J man. "JJ anaDahP0r Tight swell ! have been genera on the PWeipower and Its legacy of suffering SJSt Alert Bay-Cloudy, calm; baro- n'li n rnrnrn rninia i in i.iux ih.xli t . - - - I but also to tne immense expend!- ,nrni,.H nB on nfri.i,i.n,, meter. 30.02; temperature, 53; sea In twenty-four hours 2.61 Inches of tures of money Involved. rain fell, bringing the total for June 1 60 000 Canadlans were kllled or 10 aaie vo an an ume mgn o . dled of war caus durmg those Nearly representative told the press: "If, smooth. Victoria Fair, southerly wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.94. Estevan Cloudy Mother Sees Son Perish In 'Chute of loans not less than $2 202 762 000 utnnMl- 'onner rnme Aimisier.i sr. Catherine's, Ontario, June All of this was added to the public recently "dpw- Mr Edwards will 29: (CP)-The mother of the vic-dent which at the end of the fiscal candidate for the general Urn was one of thousands of spec- riauiKi ui me oj-ciccuun. wmcn- laiurs wno wiinessea a laiai para- . chute 'jump at an air meet here.. Switzerland Would Be Protection Too Bulletins TO GREET PATTULLO SAX FRANCISCO Governor CUen, the mayor and other officials will welcome Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Columbia and other officials of the province at the World's Fair Saturday when they arrive to represent British Columbia at Dominion Day GIRL IS DROWNED en-year-oia uiona neooer was i f. foumHn the-Fraser River todayK" -' . loriy-iive mxies dciow rori iianey where she was drowned yesterday I afternoon. KILED BV HEIFER SURREY Thomas Dickson, aged 77, was killed when trampled yesterday by a heifer. CHAMBERLAIN ON ELECTION LONDON Asked about the possibility of a general election being held this year, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said that this would depend upon the situation in Europe and the Far East for the study of which he wanted time. If conditions internationally became worse, it might be necessary to call a special session of Parliament this fall. "Perfect Crime" Trial Now On STUDENTS Latvia LONDON, June 29: (CP) Belgium, Holland and Switzerland will receive guarantees under the proposed Anglo-French-Russian mutual assistance pact if the Soviets accept the latest British formula submitted in Moscow, informed quarters reported today. Great Britain and France are prepared to accord territorial guarantees, 1 with Russian co-operation, also to Finland, Esthonia and Latvia. With efforts continuing to bring 'it! Anjlo-i rench-Ru&sian non-aggression pact to a successful . ulmlnatlon. the.-r Is still a measure o. tenseness In the situation between Oermany and Poland. President Moscicki of Poland declared today that war had won the sea coast and the Polish corridor which were the "air and sun if our sea no matter how great an adversary or loNheavy outside pressure. Official Danzig sources described tas an "alarming of the public which J was by no means warranted" for-I eign reports of organization of, so- l called "free corps" RICILMOND The body of elev- ioermans Into Danziz. and Influx: of PROMOTED List of Successful Pupils at King Edward School Announced Promotions at the King Edward 'elementary school are announced as follows: To Orade Seven Junior High-School) Arne Andersen, Ferdln-i and Anderson, Isabella Adams, ! i Betty Allen. George Cromp, Bobby: Crulckshank, Billy Davles, Bernlce Eastwood, Julia Field. ShoichI Hay-. I ashl. Barbara Hope. Solveig Jensen. ! Muriel Keays, Arthur Knutson, jThomasina Krause. Norma Letnes, .Walter Marshal, Ruka Matsumoto, Jack McKeown, Margaret NeS, . Jeanne tte Pearce, Hilda Pottinger, Betty Pullen. Ivar Skog, Ole Slatta, Elvida Sorenson, Arnold Stegayis, PHOENIX, Arizona, June 29: Ralph Storseth, Charles Sunbrrg; A Jury was expected to be com- Audrey Toombs. Stanley Tltcomb, pleted today to try Robert M. Bur- Allan Watson, Percy Watson, Jim gunder. Jr., 22-year old college my Weir. Violet Wick, Johnrfle student, for the murder of two wick, Stanley Wozney, Ayake Yam-automobile salesmen In what the ashlta, Olga Zabudney. prosecutor contends was an at-j To Grade Six Oeorge Anderson, tempt at the "perfect crime." jingrid Anderson, Ruby Anderson, RECORD OF HOME RUNS Thirteen Circuit Blows York Yankees In Two Yesterday PHILADELPHIA, June 29: In a record-breaking home run Asle Arntsen, Peggy Barclay, Mrg Baker. Robert Bartlett, Joy Berg. June Berg, Richard Blake, John Bond, Grace Brown, Evelyn Bus-sey, Eleanor Carr, Pat Carson, .Agnes Collins, John Currie, Joe Davles, Allen Dixon, Evelyn Dohl, Marjorle By New Eby, Olafur Eyolfson, Lloyd Flnley, Games isobel Qay, Peter Good, Olof Hah sen, John Haugan, Betty Haudemr- rhilH RtanlAV If.mmm e AlfrArt ftry ' -"-- j . . . . . nonnwesi snrep. th unrlH rhfmn!nn m, l""l"""""""A'' I P.nofn .wind; eight miles per hour; baro- York Yankees put ther thir- main M' T mil "!5. T. ".PSS, rr. I J IniCr" T uiubi ka vunutuuib meter, zv.vi. teen round triD tickets in shiho ."'"' uloc -ujrCr- Z"z.J to swamp th,Snr22Tl S wind, ten miles per hour; baro-1 Athletics 23 to tw nnH t meter, 2a.Bt. Prince Oeorge Clear, calm; rometer, 29.92. National League scores were: Chicago. 8; St. Louis, 4. Philadelphia, "1; New York, 7. Brooklyn, 6; Boston, 1. . to nothlns In a double-header bill. Eight Yankee homers in the first game broke a mark of seven for a single game which had stood r-s .. 0 , j Large, Fred Leland, Victoria Lewis, Patricia Love, Douglas McGrelsh, Victoria Mcintosh, Betty MeKenzle, Florence McKeown, Douglas Macau- tt 'Tes, AkikoNagasuye. .Leonard Ness. flic wno' --irthif 1 1 iu SiL?n h,SS L ? ? 1 Dorls Newcomb, Patricia Nichols ?terW,M',n1V OrmUton, Frances Peatct kees set at eleven In 1936. m,P i' These were the only games lii Mary vZ Skog, c " Z ' " oipPra. the American League ysterday, Norman Skogmo, Dor othy Smith, Arne Soren, Eleanor Storseth, Norma Squire, Akiko Tan-aka, Maurice Teng, Betty Tltcomb, (Continufd on Paye Firej .