The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States 2nd Mexico—Daly, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly Contract rates in advance. | ‘ ‘ ‘ | ‘ ina 7) Cail BIG FURNITURE STORE “*00s tne piginepisirict of Coast.) freq Thompson, M. P. for Yukon.) § F. W. HART , ame none a Abraham H. Barber,/ has arranged to have three men, Nd — : £3,398 : : 0 ‘rincs Rupert, B. C,, rc ’ "t £ i Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. | Phone 62 2nd Ave. & 6th Bt et tS app ¥ for Defihiosion to purehess a geologist, a drill expert and a} entrance ‘ y the following described lands: ge ang LET se 0 Ol- BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES matracoe. 08 Bnd Ave. “commencing at & post planted at the| Mining engineer, sent from uy southwest corner of a small island about|/{qawa to the Yukon next year to) ¢ New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City “NEW IDEA” | “NEW IDEA” BEDS | We are showing a wonderful selection of this entirely new Bed. Stronger, better and cheap- ‘er than brass, THE DAILY NEWS. _taso renstase sore, MINING EXPERTS — FOR THE YUKON Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Charles William Ham of Vancouver, B. C., oceupation inspector, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following | Dr. Thompson Has Made Arrange- ments to Send a Geologist, a west to point ot commencement, containing 640 Mining Engineer and a Drill acres more or ls CHARLES WILLIAM HAM Expert Next Year. | fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | about two miles south from the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. S. W Corner, thenee 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains described lands: Commencing at & vost planted at the con- Dated September 23, 1911. scicigitaale Pub. Nov. 2. ‘wal \ eb . Dawson, Y. ‘I Dr. Al- twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) | ng *t yrop chains east of the northwest corner of Lot| help open promising quartz J } . Ne , $9 HOSES = ed a Fc) eS 2) — rent oS = cD SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. MADE AND. [323, Range. Fey coest District, Forcher/erties in the various districts Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar oes REPAIRED a northeasterly direction about twenty)The drill man will operate for ss ¥ e (20) chains to the north end of the island, a ar > Square ee thence ip a southwesterly direction along | the first season near White i * ‘ : : the Shore line about twenty (20) chains “Se SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of JOHN CURRIE to the point of commencement, being an | Hor e. | ? non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. : island containing about forty (40) acres, Dr. Thompson hopes to obtain,| &% Kn SECOND AVENUE - PRINCE RUPERT | more or less, nae bs aaa ‘der that} oe “ty : : ABRAHAM H. BARBER. jwithin a few days, an order that) @e e # D Ev oS IO T F 12 pabr emia 104i. jall classes of mail shall come to Se 2 ey a ee Servian Labor Benefit Society eae }the Yukon the year around, and) ye 24} ee Sr ee Skeena Land District—District of Coast,/to bring about a reduction of the {2 hy SOUTH RENFREW ELECTION SCANDAL. eee Teton teste et ae te! cursis, cere | ostal order re 30 cents. He| { e shi cilie of Victoria, intend to apply for permission | postal order rates to 30 cents. He) Ye @ oe to purchase the following described lands:/ nj. has in view the establish- 5 miata fA At last the bye election of South Renfrew is ordered and Meetings held every Ist and 8rd Sunday of the | month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM, | from the | thence Commencing at @ post planted on the | east boundary and about five (5) chains} ment of an experimental farm. southeast corner of Lot 4484,/ north 60 chains, thence east 36 | 1S FREEZING OVER Ie ey) wy there seems to be very little doubt that Hon. George Graham, Secretary P.O. Box 991 President | chains, thence south $0 chains, thence ton: | h ll h : minister of railways and canals in the Laurier government, will a | taining 180 acres, more or less. og | aoa It as a t e news of the % be elected. Nomination day is next Thursday and Mr. Graham Fred E, Cowell, Agent, | Lake Superior Likely to Become k’ ° h 3 will be opposed by Dr. Maloney in the Conservative interest. The|?—®—®-*—®-® — * -* -*-*-@-@ Sub Decree eo a Vast Icefield. week § progress in the 2 election takes place on the 22nd. Thus ends what was fast developing into a political scandal. It is the custom, when a prominent parliamentarian of either party is defeated, to find another constituency for him. It was [ FRED. STORK —General Hardware— Builders’ Hardware e-ee-0—e— | chase the following described lands: ) “e — Lake Skeena Land District—pistrict of Cassiar,| Uuluth, Minn,, Feb. 1.—Lake | Take notice tnat James Ewing Macrae,| Superior is believed to be freezing y y agent, : : of vancouver, oscupetion real estate agents] vor its entire area. If so, it will | be the first time within the mem- 08t planted about " : ; D The ice- Commencing at a > city and district. It tells more about the place than you could write in a month. ip > | | : - ae dsiiihtees } seven miles distant and in an easterly; ory of the white man. done in the case of Hon. William Templeman,’who was returned Velvia Pines Oxtdil Stoves | direction troy the-Noas River, etd Mon oeia is now $0 “erent that oeee 2 for this district; also, on the other side, in the case of Premier ; . Rea Ge aero tae yeusn, sOuam Ura E Sey fe : } : , i : Graniteware Tinware | Spence. orth: ereaty- chains, thence eesti water can only be seen’ srom 6 WH Borden himself, in that of Sir Richard Cartwright and many a sm | thence “west eighty, chains to point. of| few points on either shore, With It ill er larl h f others. It is the only way in which the country can ensure the a area orihG | February here, and its.fame as Will com egu y eac 4} JAMES EWING MACRAE. : , ‘fs SECOND - AVENUE 4! H, P. Rutter, Agent. an ice making month, there is } presence in parliament of its leading men. And there is nothing more undemocratic in this custom than there is in the custom of allowing a new Minister to be returned unopposed. ——o— @ — 4 — 6-4 -@-@ ¢ —O—-9- 00 — © # 6 6 | | Dated Oct. 34, 1041. Pub, Dec, 14. great reason for believing the en_ tire surface will become solid, | week like a letter from you. ‘f FS ‘ ‘ & i x ee . Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ecient ay 6c > tak Sue vy ager iy Mr oe A eae ee ° ’ siTtke motice that 1, Theodore Nichaiis, MANY BIG HOTELS $5 We feel as if we know R aken unheard of steps to prevent his return to parliament. Here Littl NEWS Ag | driver, of Vicvorie, B.C. Can. thee gas 4 fi x 4 op C >» purchase the fol- Ay is an experienced journalist who has served some years in the es ency gf Re gg RE ES Railway er Per ee Complete) 2 everything and everybody f | ieee a 4 ain o em. *? 7} Ontario legislature and became the leader of his party in that Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers | southwest corner of Lot No. 2287, thence | | in Prince Rupert through 4 east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains —_— | . ; , wu , | G3 province, who served several years as Minister of Railways and : R : thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 , 17 =Feb. 8.—-The an- Me Bd Canals in the federal house, gaining thereby an accumulated|!GARS + TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | $0 chains to point of commencement, con: » ie Ee ed " ‘todas | ae di It’ 2B : ; rite G.T.P. WHARF taining 480 acres, more or less. nouncement is made here tot ay) (ay rea ing your paper. $ Ay De nae A THEODORE NICHALIS, }that the Grand Trunk Pacific will} § y nN knowledge of public affairs. He is just the kind of man the non- Fred E, Cowell, Agent. to have its com-| the most interesting paper o ‘ . “gs ‘ . , . fs ” {fF " of partisan citizen would like to see in the House. Yet the Con-};— - Dated Oct, 31, 1911, spare no effort Me : : : , ret iplete chain of hotels from coast} 4 2 servative managers have done their best to make it awkward for I | 8 : ” ® A 83 to coast completed by the time} 433 - 4) him to get back. 1836 1911 | _ Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassiar DORR ee et 5 es ; Ma we receive, writes a su “f YY: : : ‘ ; Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of Van-|that the first transcontinental | ey ‘ 3} The opposition to him in Brockville at the general election The Bank of spare D> Cx sepeeneen ccapasten lepeaie fo train makes its journey from east] % scriber from England. x cannot be objected to. He went down to defeat with his party. | described lands: : to west. All hotels of the com-| $4 - K y i : : cK . Commencing at a post planted at the con- , fee al et) 5 $3 rs] Yet when his party express a desire to have him back in the British North America fluence of Blackwater river with Naas river, sbout pany are being built ; ong the} * A ; > i , Sk st . are ec E Ss as) g . a ous neice ‘ pe House, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier reserves a seat for him next cabin. Post marked T. A. W. 8. E. Corner, thence |S@me architectural lines — as) -POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN R ’ a chains Pernt eens Se snails west, thence 7 Chateau Laurier and the Fort} $3 2 is vhe i 6 is villi resi 75 Years tn Business, | chains south, thence chains east to point oi . ys to his own, when a Liberal member is found willing to resign commencement, containing 640 aren inete or tae. | GATTY. o fi 3 in Mr. Graham’s favor, the managers of the Conservative party Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 | Dated Sept. 23,1911 ee WHITE bie MaMa ey ares 1 | es United States or Eng. Ca 3 ; se ins 7 ¢ 7 tc f . | Pub Nov.2 ° . ‘ . 4 ive ys are still obdurate. Such an instance of a wilful disregard of Panterium Pioneer Cleaners, | is 3} arty c sy, such 4 : alignity s y 7 é is one — | Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. z party courtesy, such a petty malignity hown toward this one Seis alien tent Sareea Bowes tt he: Phone 4. ‘3 . per year ‘ 2 particular man, inclines one to believe that the party must really attle, Wash. occupation woodsman, in- 7 4 ; = : $ M E nin tends to apply for permission to purchase | ——— A ch A ee 4 , i be afraid of the return of Mr. Graham. oney Lar g the following described lands: vi : a | sommenc - ur | - x 4 owever, Mr. Graham is now ca igni in South Ren- miles east of the Naas River and about] (_ i¢ aoe npenpenpenpen ven pen penpe yenpenyenpenvenyenpenyen yee. 2K However, M ampaigning , Money ie Yer aa tee eet, Sete O POISE SSRORE ISO GOES! frew and from newspaper accounts it would appear that his eighty chains, thence south eighty chetns, T E- R R AC E eae 3 A ence Pas e y ¢ . ence nor treatment by the Conservatives has gained him there the sym- Small weekly or monthly de- | eighty chains to Rein’ of commencement. | r p ) ic outsi € yv lines, a is elec- a ‘ a . “HH. P, Rutter, Agent. e . pathy of en na nutside of party lines, and his el posits in a Savings Account soon Dated oct ae (ati (The Place With a Future.) A ustralian Govern ent Curi ng e » , ’ -ub, Dec. 14, myn . . orn ve , tion is predicted with confidence. count up—lInterest compounded TEN ACRE TRACTS AND m : rr a a TOWN LOTS ° ° AEE ee = | at highest current rates. | 1 ‘ LAND LEASE NOTICE rin abl op $ Famous | Choice Farming Lands in the Lakeise | adh sp ee EJ Deposits of $1.00 and upwards | so and Kitsumkalum Valleys in Small aad > and Large Tracts at Prices That tO? yarn received Skeena Land District—District of Coant Range 5 Are Right. * Take notice that I, Alfred Christian Garde of ’ Prince BHO B.C., occupation mining engin- P POST & co eer, intend to apply for permission to lease 70 . . Prince Rupert Branch— acres of land described as follows: i i i reds of | l y N H BRO S Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile east Terrace, B. C. | Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hund of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approxirrately ® : “Ines e F. 8. LONG, Manager. 27 1-4 Ree. east of Prince BD Ori SO0nOe north i O Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting F ines or 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25 } | ¢ ae a - = chains (more or less) to railway grade, thence) | Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens = westerly 25 rye ps (more or less) SeewADe said | grade to point of commencement and containing | = <= === = at s . x re i - - toc mc met meme treme 70 acres more or less. | The government of South Australia | selves of the Neal treat General Merchandise Largest Stock j reer ALFRED CHRISTIAN canon |] has set an example worthy of imita- | sanitariums in Austra Tas Royal Hotel | pete yer: sabe } CHE WARNING couGH— tion by the other nations of the world, | Scieutific research | Owing to the extent, enormity and the | of the centuries has y Skeena Land _ District—District of Queen} E WEARING ILLNES awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the establis Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Cor, Third Avenue and Simh St. { | 9 charlotte Talend TH S |] they nave ror years past Deen invest: | thet the. drink ba were Nal ,, Take notice that Wiliam Moore, of |f gating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the p j paenich. B. C., OCcUns ECR career, vende possible cur up in the system by ee oo to apply for permission to lease e fol-|} : : 088ID1e e, | ) + 7 , ‘ x ++ woe BE j ane Pineet Becee, lowing described lands: : : | Colds often herald their coming In the year 1010 Rev. A. C. Rankine, | or excessive use of a 1 , pam heatec j Commencing at 4 st anted at the ‘ j . T | 0) ssione , over a ' , i mee heer u 2 Sneed peda southwest corner of vot ious, Masset In- | with a warning cough, : jf commissioned by that gov esMent, ate a Me ia ! | Dining room and let, thence east one hundred chains, tastes This warning demands instant ee o United States, and ee have medical help a } S¢ 5 - 5 8 ence wes oO ne : Sin g thoro i *Stigatio: ) ir a t | yholc eve t / perenne | beach, thence along beach to point or| attention, The health is in eee ett . o a typhoid fever or « + l 1 forty (640) acres, morevor, Wess. on danger, the body is attacked, the |} last September and gave a detailed and | ee os Cry. t a cw ° =e iT A See |) WILLIAM MOORE. | risk is terrible. |] teagthy report recommending the adop- | gotes this poison, 4 | Dated Nov. 14 oe TON AB SBI. | Act on the first symptoms. |f uon of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK | with other well kt Corley & Burgess, Props Pub. Dec. 15, 1911. | Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and |} HABIT CURE, The government of | filminating drugs. "a ; : South Australia adoptec 8 report, ¢ aahe nein ater N M N d lj p p i ti {| | H ~~ 4 | Cod Liver Oil arrests the cold | ssiiinantaae aed rm ae a fae By _ ure s 1 0 an ee Se or rin If mess p Tr mermmsemesrmnarmmarmesrmmsommsrmee@ | Skeena Land District—District of Queen} at once Ih Inent santgarnim: whare thoes itidvoted (tine éf-only three Chariotte Islands. P . ; : _ |] to the drink habit are treated at gov- The Vancouver N g ‘ Take Retice that Areaur SORRING, | OE | Tar and Cod Laat me the ernment expense, instead of being fined of the many that Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, e j ¢ I ts ures, | yr sent t rison cells good work, and gra to apply for permission to lease the fol- great Cwitl agents 208 Goin © ! During the first ninety days 182 per. | day attest to the the Tar healing the inflamed parts | and the Cod Liver Oil building up the whole body. They are combined in Mathieu's Treatment If in need of he friend wh booklet «ly sons so affected were perfectly cured | by the Neal treatment at government | expense and restored to citizenship. In| have a addition to this, reports show that more | write for than double that number availed them- | tion. lowing described lands: | oS COMPANY OF BC Ltd Commencing at a post planted at the .e sep | Southeast corner, being eighty cha-as south | of the northwest corner of Lot 1555, Mas- | set Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence is Willing The new steel Passenger Steamer | | (NOTARY PUBLIC) DRIED BREWERS’ GRAIN ee i ~csssuss== || Samuel Harrison & Co. Eee] ! porsh eighty chains, seo Oasy ; sory chains, thence south eighty chains to the; q,, . arv s The man who is and Satisfied 66 99 | point ‘or Come are ntaining three) SYTUp to produce marvellou: able to buy any kind See namabercante Most people would | hundred and twenty acres (320), more or| results. J,arge bottle 35 cents. f printing is. abl prefer a man’s gen- | less, i of printing {sable eral character and ARTHUR ‘TREMAINE. At all dealers, + to buy ‘ood print- : Kot George Young, Agent. When headache and fever are present with | in f he uses to Do So ersonality to be in t | Dated Nov. 15, 1914 a cold take Mathieu's Nervine Powders tc | w 686 ; s.. us on nee Cine with his Pub. Dec. 15. 1911.” reduce the fever and ellay the pain. J. 1. || 4250 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. Phone Bayvie earthing else it 7 “BASRA printing—-so its dis- f . Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, Que. (B I ’ ’ Co icates to people eaves | who see it that he Oe apne aa 2 ore Pri R Skeena Land Disirict—Distriet of Queen uS Ale) ees oo a ’ ° ‘0 in =)" 7 J Charlott slands. doesn’t care, oo | 7 ° * Y Ince upert eV ery Sunday Take notice that “alfred McGregor, of | sMBLE Victoria, B. C., occupation broke, intends | SAMUEL HARRISON | FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘‘NEWS JOB’’ SSS Clean, bright and wholesome, low in water and carbohydrates, but con- taining nearly double the amount of Te a0 Be od \ ancouver, | 10 apply for pormten ion to lease the fol- sdayv ° owing describe : g ues ay morning, } in Commencing a ~ ‘post planted spout . . | : or 8 e ‘0 For Stewart City on arrival the. southwest corner” of Lot 4848, Masset © . Tar : . nence eas sig | from Vancouver Friday south wo the north boundar of Lot 1657, | : a : * ie v -5 Jne A Bi , ore Daily News Building night. | leas, thonee Torth ninety ensiTs, thence | east to the beach, thence along beach to} Northbound, leaves Vancou- | point of commencement, containing six | if PHONE 98 | Thira Avenue | undred and forty acres (640), more or | fat ana protein, pound for pound, okers a $ o~ ~@ ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. | less. ALFRED M’GREGOR | than the ordinary feedstuffs tn local j Real Estate and Stock Be i a RD b's Steerage Fare = $6.00! batea nov, 45, eniee Younes Avent. |] use. It | APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCIA™ 4 eee aoe woe vc et we) PROG Ore Ihe SNA Meets all the Requirements of a 5 Stewart he ‘*Camosun is the only steame Profitable Dairy Feed Prince Rupert ¥ and . : on the run having water-tight bulk- | i , ne PDLPAL AL ™ heads and double bottom, thus en Skeena Land District—District of Queen | and compared in price with what Is Charlotte Islands. Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, | of Saanich, B. C,, occupation farmer, in- | tends to apply for permission to lease the asked for other feedstuffs is triple | protein value for your money, 3 | superiority les in the fact that feed- {| Ing it increases both the total di- | suring safety of passengers in case | of collision or wreck, = =====—===— “FROM HOME TO HOME," HOTEL ELYSIUM am Sid. Sykes, Manager following described lands: gestible matter and the amount of 7 | Commencing at a post planted at the fat and protein in the daily ration Southeast corner, being out one mile AND SAVES YOU 40 To 50 PER CENT ON FEED. 4 should not be without it Malted grains, fresh and sweet from the brew kettle dried in a continu- ous vacuum process by east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551 thence north to the south boundary o Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary ve | ef Lot 1550, thence south along the said boundary to the southeast corner of said Lot 1550, west along ssid boun- J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. HE IDEAL FURNISHING BOOT a 7 thence , The Pn, Nowe ad Mont Update tt in Vanover, $F, ML DAVIS utc ietavatn cid ide eating 8 | Tue nova racy FOOD Cg AND Gosliee Coon Com Excellent Cafe. east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552 thence north to the northwest corner of a | Lot 1551, thence east to the point of con Limited |) | hencement, containing six hundre ) Dr } acres, more or less, . vere. of 8 Dealers In Feed | MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. Ge Agent, Dated Nov, 16, sores KOUng, AS 1911, Pub, Dec, 16, 19h, Moderate Prices, General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines, Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf SHOE HOUSE =a eS OS | | 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS VANCOUVER, B, ©. Harry Smith = - —— — SS eee