r rd, r, jn. om SCI lY June M. 1939 HE SAYS "BECAUSE!" Repute this frogronl Old Virginia Tine Cut it cut extra ; io toll a trimmer, tidier cigarette With a flavour your f jste will love lo linger on . . . and become this cigarette t boceo has something on them oil when it come to r dne and frogrance it hoi firil-puff lotifoct!on tkot itt to! quality. , teolly pay you lo try Old Virginiq Fine Cut-ihe r. Joweit, moit wtiJying tobacco you ever tucked Into j, garctte paper. Particularly if you use the best poperi er or Vogue. ;ntence PpckogelOf lb. Tin 75f Pocket Humidor Poutk ISt u.ii..t.r, JLlutchiejOvtr SUSPENDED i Utolirfd Shut NearDnchm F0K SALE SECTIONS WANTED' In. 1 r importers and rx-k connections with vducers or manufte-j lea, offers for mer-i u.: description, prrn-products, and terms . Colonial Flshertf. Mwah House, Win-roost. British West nice V... :r 1 DEAFENED - i"ic id inuiviauai sauit". "Juttlon -limn, it e July 1 buys Sedan, good run-nc 564, 1153) MUD AND ROOM ! ame cooking, 814 West tf F0K RENT only 411 7th Av. tf. id-rimmed glasses ame by calling at id paying tor this j i .rj.-'.ci guilty g sl&li ,.cir wu members R yai Fa.T,.. 'iie Duchess Kc: . t;.d Qucr: Mi .'her Mary- id was placed :iriibation for twelve months on condition ha rfil-i Ua. Vm l.nfi Ktnt nd Queen .Mother n iiMI hurr h (.Itcn Probation rjPari.atS Wl 23 CP Law w K Go To Germany that I Port Arthur Tram to He present Canada In llorkeT at Olympic i Games WNNIPBO. June 28 CPi-The Arnatew AUUetle Unkm of Can-uU has TOied JWSO tojejul the Port Arthur Bear Cats to Oermany to represent Canada In 1M0 Olympic . io:.al Trumpet .roeinofkeT PhuneBUck 81 r l .. bred, well mark-' I Oood with Child-1 Oreen write News '152' Miners Kescued After Cave-In KEITH LEY. Utah. June 29 -Rescue workers dug tons of rock and tared the lives of eight miners who had become entombed following a csve-ln The men had been trapped for several hours but none suffered serious 111 effects as a result of the neiM. w t tut. t rur.Mr. rot rt or iwitmi IOtllll lo tht MillfT "I ! 4lnMritUii Art WESTERN ELECTRIC Ortho-Technlc III.AIlINn AIDS - - vss i w t v a AlHl At Ma Hm lUmnwr, I J. lntrut ! TAXI NOTICI thl bf oe ai H1 tjlonor. W. K mrf. U 1 O ... a 1 tM t MSkAlkllra Ad" Tw.) rnnmt mnA hath Ll 'rf Lh. hU of JohMinet FOUND il rutin hi MH Hone Conduction Models SB? I lh. HELL TELEPHONE WnOKATOI ,7? of. the American Telenhone and Telejraph t ompanj. - "tnie & COMPANY IS ItESrONSIULK FOR THE fliMANCF. In hearing aid construcwon i T,1e l No Oblliatlou In Provlnr Thl lor Yourself MR. U, 0. WALIaACK " A lt and 3rd the 30th. July i.rnre up, oU, jUne '"'i' '!!.nc Hearing Aids are entirely new in tne prl ur inclPan . ' Returns eioht. niitnnre hearing. in 'winy circle, social and business Mr hC nd I Albert. Consultant, and Sales llealquatte WAUACK KhKtTUlC !!. 4T Seymour St, Vancouver, " " 01 the deafened lor yntr - roMPANV -nihil n, U,J-' Ul e butnr. 'MnrTllFTIV ELECTRIC tUM STUDENTS PROMOTED (Continued From Page One) Dean Tusvlg. Ruth Walton, John Wweh. To Grade Three Teddy Adams, Jean Calderwxxxl, Roy Claverlng,, Christine Currie, John Finlayson, Eleanor Fltigerald. Norma Geddes, Dick Gllker. Richard Glske. Harold Hansen, Robert Haudenschlld, Rich-, ard Hedstrom. Barrie Hill, Kathleen Hills. George Haugan, Loma Hcrtrvv"' Jean Husoy. Lalla Husoy. Jlmmie Hevue Worker Diz Tom of iiockIntrmela, Irene Klldal, Alma Knut-m r.M Men SifeW out at . Chlzu Ktwahara. Kenneth Keithlejr. I tah Laurie. Man ford Leavltt. Ruth Lea-vttt, Alice Malrs. Eric Moore. Perry. Mork. Joyce McDonald, Donald Mq-Wllllams. Harry Ormlston, Andrew Owens. Wilfred Prince. Ronald Rothwell, Melvln Sandvar. Donald Saunders. Donald Srherk, Lilly Seines, Lillian Simonsen, Noreen! Smith, Jlro Suehlro, Kathleen' Toombs. Ralph Wick, Douglas Woods, Enid Young, Mary Zbura. To Grade Two Alice Anderson, Irene Adams. Vito Campagnolo, Ruth Charstad, Ronald Chrlstoff, Ronald Da vies. Eric Forsland, Helen Hamilton. Aenes Hansen. Irene U tt MMtrr m th "'J'!;.n"r' Hansen, Dorothy Haudenschlld, ' Arne Johruen, Arthur Jones, Allen Kelsey. Lawrence Krlstmansen, Gary Dale Laird, Dick Large, Mary Leavltt. Gerd Lein, Polema Line-ham, Elvlna Oden, Dick Ormlston, Connie Pearce, Harold Pierce,; Midu( n hrrrtor riurt fur- Charles Place, Sydney Scherk, Nor- nbrt. MM tM-lT wtftrd.f.Blf n or bror tbt ih oy "-"' r- t t coal vard. Own- .-c wMdtM to m ror)wi - ' - - . r AA DATED " i"1 " '"ZL. NORMAN A WATT OrtvlU AaralnUrtntor Prtwt Rupert BC man Shenton, Gladys Skaland, Dick Skog. Jacqueline Smith, Dorothy Stacey. Inez Vinson, Jo Vinson, Dlck Wesch, Beverley Wilson, George Wood, Donald Young. Five thousana Prince Rupert people read the Dally News. It pays to let them Know what you have to sell. in Tiir. si rnr.MK. mi kt or iikitisii rOLt'MHIA IN I'ltOUAIK In lh SUIIer of the tte of tx)uli rriienij, unmmi TAKE NOTICE Aha tor Order OI tb Simrrow Court of British Oolumblt' Pnte of -Mi EMt of Loult MtMXc deo. of Prince Uup-I it n C who died &t Prince Rupert larnwld on or about the 3rd day cf SSi Ntlra K. Arnold of, Prtnre Rill" iuwit. to the will of Ahe Mid deceed. tavlnf cUlm. WCn tto, w mule rKjuif-u w ", TwWB, nrly trifled. ta .... iiuutrinau "'ja Zm V, of hl Notice, other-!SThe BWt l dtotrlbvited pur- h.U W Will without regard . ,J th tot lwT "L tl axiioiuu. of their in-Ihe.gned fortft. SuomaoM and f,'ORA E. ARNOLD BOX 893. prlnot Rupert, B. C, CANADA AT WAR Albert Bagshaw. Dorothy Becker..Bejgium wai termed. Four Infantry Harold Harold Bve. Bye. Bettv Betty Charstad. Charstad, Orethe Oretheli.i.. - u.i. of ,. .t M Charstad, Rose Clavrtng, Buddy Colllnr. Joan Croxford, Henry Dixon. Oerd EllerUon, Lavlnla Elliott, Barbara Flaten, Arley Frlesen, Alex Gomet. Patricia Guyan, Jim Hem-mons. Herdls Holkestad, Roy Haap-ala. Jam Hebb, Ethel Hemmons, lone Jacklln, Ruth Jerstad, Akl Kl-wahara, Danny Larsen, Lois Leav-Itt. Ame Lien, Donald Mackenzie, Mary McCallum. Alice McKeown. Myma Marshall, Patricia McWll-llamt. John Malrs, Marie Michaloff, Yvonne Morln, Solvelg Mork, Jean Murvold, Prosper Nagasuye, Lawrence Pearce, Arnold Petersen, Kyle Poltlnger, Viola Prentergast, Gor don Prince. Peggy Pullen, Gordon i Rothwell, Ralph Selvlg. Ruth Sim-onsen. Evelyn Skog, Hjordls Soren- on. Robert Stacey. Billy Sunberg,' Vauhan Tattersal, Kenneth Tit- comb. Frank Warne. Barrie Watson,-Clara Wick. Ooro YamashlU. John Zbura. ; fin. . ; tA THE DAILY NIWS paoe nys (Continued From Page One) year. March 31, 1 1363 000 000. 1914, was only I The magnitude of Canada' war Promoted to Grade Five-Mary eftort u illustrated by the fact that ArJeock, Btlenar Antonsen. Violet more than one-quarter of the Dom 13 a Etna U' David natvOav Kpnnth'. Brocklesby, Patricia Brocklesby, Lorraine Barbe, Mary-Margaret n..i a - - inion's male population between the ages of 18 and 45 served In the Canadian, British and Allied forces ounrr, uruce carter, Mans uoru. durinj the conflict. mary uyonavn, UaVKl ULSiman, AJ-1 542,888. bert Eyolfson, Robert Elliott, Grace i .,' . . SSTSS Fred .Pr'lpedltionary Force numbered 619.636. Orlmble, Byoklchl Hayashi, DUly Halcrow. John Hamilton, Ter- jue Hlnada, Dorothy Hunter, Lee ;Intermela, Clarice Johnson, Lilian IKnutson. Clifford Knutson, David i KrUtmanson, Lois Lakle, Dorothy Lambe. Forbes Lee, Douglas Marshall., Isamu Mallcawa, Harry Men-ziea, Oenwen Morgan, Marion Kfrore, David Murray, Angus Mcln- lonh. Shulco Mlwa, Stephen Peach- ey. Mary Petersen, Everett Pierce, Charles Pilford, Dert Prince, Frank The total was Some 38,252 Canadians served lnl the British forces; of whom 18.272 went to the Royal Flying Corps, while an estimated 5,000 saw service In the forces of the allied or the associated powers. Canada sent 424.589 men overseas, of whom 348,531 fought in France and Belgium. Statistics disclose that appromimately 80,000 served In the United Kingdom only while a further 195,047 were enlist ed but did not leave Canada. The 2EL . "S.V Sather, S! majority of the latter were men Rudderham, Myrtle "' ' Betty a .4 ,; , : , : ", leaned called up up under under the tne mi Military itary S:ott. Odd Selvlg. Ingrld Skog Ole AaPof 9 few h Skog. Anna Sunberg. Kthleen Sun-,. ,n a of actua, berg, Velma Stacey. Einar Wikdal, Nlkow Tanaka. Pat Wilson, Peter .Wood, Junko Yamashlta. To grade Four Anfelt Antomen, Ser saw war. Canada's Service The Canadian effort was not confined to the Western Front as the area of operations in 'France and divisions, a brigade cavalry, railway, forestry and other army, transportation and lines of communication units were concentrated on that front. A total of 1,800 served In the Near East, however, chiefly with hospital units and railway troops at Salonika, the Dardanelles! Army" of General L. C. Dunster ville In Persia, the Causasus Moun Tht grtttuest of CantA tni tbi J i t a i . i 1(9 ft mj cut itjiMCHir atftna on the e-eprrjiie md unity of M tht Pnrimctt, ,ilt, ibty are ttfjTale Frttincei- umiteJ, thrjdrt 4 prnj DaMS. Here was established the first representative government in. Canada, 1758. Halifax has one of the world's finest and safest harbours, and for long was a stronghold of Britain's ships and soldiers. Here were the first post 6ffice anl the first printing plant in British North America. A centre of old and new world culture: sending many wise men ' westward to influence Canadian thinking. Todayj one of Canada's gateways to the Empire and world. Nova Scotia's notable race of deep-sea fishermen, doughty, hardjr, add to "National as well as Provincial wealth. With her fisheries consider also her apple orchards, set in heavenly valleys, her intrtpid Cape Breton miners, bringing out from under the waves of the Atlantic great treasure; her forestry, her agriculture: for with these activities she produces more than $ltS0,000,000 a year, and exports over a million and a quarter tons of these products for the enrichment of herself and her sister provinces. Long a favourite summer resort, she values and yearly enhances her' reputation for gracious hospitality to those who come to visit the Land of Evangeline and of Romance. She has nearly 15,000 miles of roads used by tourists and her own 50,000 cars. A part of the Eastern frontier, she gains security by her affiliation with her sister provinces, united under the protection of the Dominion. Ask us for Facts and Figures concerning the Automotive Industries and the work they are doing in Canada, and we will send them. 1006 LUMSDEN BUILDING IkU sJvmUimnt U ef ra Mi'u-uiiilhttMii lift ruw-,"-,u kMm Di willed. Blended and ed io Scotland This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government di British Column one to the Murmansk Coast and 118 Chinese and eight Arabs. Wtwmar P C V the the other other to to Archanzel Archangel saw saw Can Can-i Some Some Enemy Enemy Born Born rOmicr A JJu adlan infantry, artillery and machine personnel serving in that theatre while Canada's Siberian Expeditionary Force to Vladivoitock comprised two Infantry battalions, Russia and 4,140 In Siberia. The Dominion's war-time army was a cross section of the world in general. Following are the countries of birth of those who served: Canada, 318,728; England, 156,-967; Scotland, 47,427; Ireland. 19,-327; Wales, 4,719; Newfoundland, itmnn.i in vrmt ,., t.ici. 3jKi; 'Australia, 1,203: Britisn m- A small detachment of about 40,dla' U42; Mtlc 4ii' New officers jind non-commlssloned of-lZeaIand' il2 Brltlsh Ona. J fleer fought In the "Hush-Hush Tananla, 33; the United States, tains and even In Russian Turkestan. Two expeditions to North Russia 35,399; American republics. 344. The total of foreign-bom Can- The enemy countries were Germany, Austria-Hungary. Turkey and Bulgaria. Yet 2,382 men who served in the Canadian forces were bom In those countries. They were a battery of artillery and subsidiary distributed as follows: Austria-units. About 588 served in North I Hungary. 19; Germany, 245; Turkey. 104 and Bulgaria, 64. About 4 000 men did not give their place of birth on attestation. The Great War Involved 27 nations counting the British Empire with Its Dominions and colonies as one of them. Of the 23 known as the Allied and Associated Powers 11 were active participants. These were the British Empire, France. Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Montenegro. Japan, Portugal, Italy. Rouman-ta and the United States. The other non-active allies were Greece. Panama, Cuba, Slam, Liberia, China adlan soldiers was 64,000 in round; Brazil. Guatemala. Nicaragua. Hal numbers. They included 414 Asl tl. Honduras and the tiny republic atlcs of whom 178 were Japanese, of San Marino. Manager Dies Thomas Kilpatrlck Passes Away In Vancouver at Age of - Eighty-Four VANCOUVER, June 29: (CP) Thomas Kilpatrlck, former general manager of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, is dead here at the age of eighty-four years. He had been a resident of British Columbia for fifty-four years. A, Savage of Toronto, Dominion President of the Customs and Excise Officers assc-iation. In the course of a western tour, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday morning and proceeded East on last evening's train. He visited local customs officers while here. tsr&i-li rrWv .a lis A h cayr 4- i rj.-.,v t . ...-fjiui.v BUILDING ,J CANADIAN MOTOR CARS 1 Probtblr oo Wf mcU ( kn ckaeged tbt lift of to mior people, puihed back moy bor 1x004 f bfoufhi common uaUetutadint to to mtaj tectioul probleou It bat Um Aucomocirt lodufUj, It ku cmi aww vpfwrraoiiiei. mw emplorntst ia errrjr Proriac. Thfoufb iu par-rolli f tb Pan. Sietl. turn. Teiiite. Clan, Rubber n4 ocbtr iaduKtitt depeadeoc oa it. kai crtatt4 Kabla and peoTuablc miikm foe tne product of ibt laraa, the auoe, ibe fitheriea aad the foeeit. Tbe ffloner it pun ia titrulatioo rtachea ererr corace vt Canada 1 a truly ioter-Ptoriocial eatcrpriar, NiaW in purpose and A'oieaW ia (cop. W hen you bur Caoadiaa-built cat you belp tear ear Proriact aa veil at Canada at i wkele. TORONTO, ONTARIO. Ctmiii, 'XivQl ty U mlif dJlj tsJ vHkij Mwm U lit Dimtmitt, 44 1 I"