i 11- I II Ml 1 1 t( M I 4 5! I !i u : it it it . i: i a if Onyx Archgrip Shoes Perths Plio-Pedic Shoes Jack & Jill Shoes Penman's Hosiery 1COMMUMOCON( I 1 "L THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA -4 Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Paid In advance, -per week .12 Paid in advance, per month .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year i 9.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone S3 News Department Telephone r 86 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations tAILY EDITION Satuiday, August 5, 1939. EDITORIALS PUBLIC MEN IN CANADA The Toronto Star Says it Is well that certain facts shoaM be stat ed and at intervals restated with respect to the public men of Canada; those in the administration itsell, and those who serve as private members of the fededal Parliament "are ahove the average of Canadian citizenship in intelligence and ability. Another fact is that Rlanyof them would have done better for themselves by staying: out of politics. A third fact is that most of them serve their constituencies and their country with corrsdentious zeal, and that the average of honesty is high. They represent ail classes of people, and are themselves f all classes a desirable feature of democratic government. Those who rise to the top are Canadians of conspicuous ability. "The fact s that fiubHc life Is not the profitable thins some fawv it The members are fair narkr for verv canvasser at Ottawa and are all expected to con-tribnle -liberally to this and that in their own fomtitwencies. It -4s a nltv thiil 1her should be hrourht into contempt as they have leen. Intofar as the criti-flsmji launchei arsinst them may lead the peOple'ttf Canada to take a, rreater Interest in public affairs. ,the result Is rood. But If the irrmresslon h reatd that demorracv Is a failure and its servants n worthy f fniMie eon-fldeiMe, rreat harm may result. As a matter of fact, Canada Is well seryed by men who average high in both capacity and character." IVe should like to add to the statement of the Star that what is true of public men in public life at Ottawa is just as true of public life In Victoria, m Toronto, in Itegma or in any of the provincial capitals and also in the city councils. The very fact that they are chosen by people who know them In their own communities indicates that they are outstanding people in their communities. They are at least as honest as the average and probably have more ability. And, in saying this, it is not because the parties in power are in most cases of the Liberal persuasion. This is not a reference to parties. Dr. It. J. Manion and the leaders of the other groups are included. As a rule they are honest and have good intentions, no matter what we may think of their policies. I'HILPOrrS IDEA ivlmore Philpott of Victoria, who lectured before the Women's Canadian Club in Prince Rupert -not long ago, does not like the pro-tJerman influences in this country. He says, "the time to stop all such activities is at the beginning:. There should be ruthless deportations of all unnaturalized Germans who are directly or indirectly promoting the Nazi cause in Canada. There should be amendments to the naturalization set to withdraw citizenship from aliens who make themselves the tools of anti-British CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. . To Vancouver Direct 85. PRINCESS LOUI8E SS. PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 0th, 2Gth, Sept. 6th Aug. 9th, 19th 8B. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE Aug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, Sept, 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from tV.'L, COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOUR HITS REDS SURE BY DUCKY OF PENNANT Joe Medwlck Leads St Louis Card- Cincinnati Well Out In Front For Inals to Victory Over Phillies .National l laf--Voii 22 and Lmt Seven (iames in July ST. LOU IS, Aug. 6. rCP Left by Joe Medwlck, who made four CINCINNATI, Aug. 5: A1' A hit, one of which drove in the National League pennant lm- )fn-wlnnlng run. St. Louis Cardinals cmnatl appear almost "In Hie aereatea trie amines u to a yesier- t,ag ; toUay Hea M Uw oaj. ine Cincinnati itens resumea record anu figure they fan plk tneir winning ways witn a victory oJO ball, irora here on and suil over urooKiyn iwagers ann are sun; taml more tlian a good clianc at nine and a lwlf games 1n the lead the play-off. oi me national league. ( And if there was a club nong., Yesterday's Big League scores: seven capable of holding the cuH National league Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 5. Boston 0, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 9. New York 2. Pittsburg 3. American League Cleveland 4, New York 5. Chicago 5. Washington 6. St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1. The standings, to date: National lagtie Cincinnati CI 32 St. Louis 52 42 Chicago 52 45 Pittsburg 48 44 New York 46 47 Brooklyn 46 47 Boston 42 52 Philadelphia - J26 64 American League New York 68 28 Boston 59 35 Chicago 55 44 Cleveland 49 46 Detroit 50 47 Washington 43 57 Philadelphia 35 61 St. Louis 27 68 .447 589 .708 .628 .556 .516 H. Huthinson, engineer for the Canadian Fishing Co., arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being on his way to Carlisle cannery on the Skeena River i i TiiU lulv ?rtln.. . u u y- 1 Mi i rr displayed toy he Liquor C .nrrol j Bcord r by the O ivernnient or CAMEO CONNECTIONS WANTED WIST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Wln-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. If. FOK KENT CLEAN well furnished rooms. Phone Red 444. (182 HOUSE. 5 rooms and bathroom. 441 6th Ave. East. Phone Green 910. (182) PERSONAL YOU can run a Home Kindergar ten with our help. Canadian i Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- i peg. Manitoba, tf. i . - . STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS EXAMINATIONS for Dominion Civil Service to be held in Prince Rupert, Applications to reach Ottawa by August 31. We have helped hundreds get positions as Stenographers, Typists, Postmen, Customs Clerks, etc., and can help you. Proof of this statement and full Information about examinations, etc., free. The M. C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. tf. rent pace-setters to that low mark,'! it didn't show In the July averages. Despite absence from the line-tip.; most of the month of Ival Goodman, thelr'extra-base-slugging -out - : fielder. Bill McKechnie"s men went 'through July at a .759 clip, winning, twenty-two and losing only ewr , games to boost their margin eighth full games and their standing forty-j four points to a ninety-game aver-: age of .667. .656 The only team that approached 553 , them In effectiveness was Pittsburg .536 and the Pirates had to be content .522 1 with nineteen wins and eleven .495 losses, an average of .633. .495 ; Last year's champions, the Chi- cago Cubs, incidentally, played only' .483 ball from July 1. The Rhinelanders have It figured out this way as they look ahead to remaining games: An even break would give them a season's percentage of .597 on nlne- 515 ty-two games won and sixty-two .430 lost, the identical figure by which .365 the St. Louis Cardinals and Cubs .284 won pennants In 1930 and 1936, respectively. SPORT CHAT Four players, to be named latei. together with an unannounced sum 'Wh ch must be plenty, so to Louisville In the deal that will make 19-year -old Harold Reese -a Brooklyn shortstop next spring 1hc Chicago Cubs offered $35,000 nu three players now with the club, Lelund Stanford MacFhatt. general manage of the Dodgers, jy Pe- Wee Rwse has a rtiancet me in ihe majors today. nil Edwards, British Oalanan unner for Canada at the U.i Anseles Olympics seven years an today, pushed the 100-metre field to record time as he himself .set the early pace and finished third to Lulgl Becalli of Italy. Edwards was voted Canada's 'greatest athlete In 1936 When he was a 'point-winner In the Olympics. Harold won Its S. Vanderbllt's Ranget fourth straight victory II at Newport. Rhode Island, two rears ago today. It was Great Brl-ttxin'a sixteenth bid for the America's Cup which has remained In the United States' since 1851. ! TODAY'S WEATHER : Prince Rupert Visibility ten mfles; barometer 30.16 (rising); temperature 51; southeast wind two 'miles per hour; sea smooth. I Triple Island Visibility 20 miles; I west wind, 15 miles per hour; ea choppy. Langara island Visibility 25 PAGE TWO THE DaILT NTWV AUSTRALIAN 1IATTI.KSIHI' FINDS IttfUOlI W'ATEI! ON CRtto Are Sole ' ' " """"""nTmairJ ffTTIWHl H r - We Agents For HARTT SHOES For Men Half hidden by the us" wave . ! encounters during naval exercue:. the 11 M A 1'hrtisV in t ncse urouitt heavy seas whipped up by a cyclone The pir,s;.-3 side Sydney Australia, u f.ue ulscr i. f for Australian naval exer Sses Track Meet For Girls On Playgrounds A successful Gyro playgrounds girls' track meet was run off on Acropolis Hill grounds yesterday afternoon. In the Inter-playground standings, 'Seal Cove again was tops with a 'total of 19 points while McCly-mon't came second with 11 point Annabella Intermela of Seal Cove was the highest Individual point winner with nine points for two firsts, one second and one third and Arlene Fitzgerald's flrat in the' three legged Tace. coupled with her recond place in the sklpplnf race, i Three legged race 1. Arlene FlUgerald, Betty Tttcombc of Mc-1 fCtymont. 2. Ingrid Anderson and A, Intermela of Seal Cove. Skipping race 1. Isabetle Gay of Seal Cove. 2. Arlene Fltagerald of j McClymont. ' Softball throw- 1. Renle Croxford of Seal Cove 2, Alice Barbe of YANKS HAVE ARMOR KINK o be a tetter shortstop than any- "World Series Betiveen New VorH And Cincinnati Will Not Runaway This Year League title In recent years. lie NEW YORK. August 5:-Base-all' bookworms who study the records come up with a startling Jlscovciy that may be of morei than pajssing Interest. They discover a kink In the New York Yankees armor. j FlClirpn haVft hmn IraounH nl ' to show the Yankees are not en-J "oylng the big Innings that for-H-rlv marked their games as they crushed opponents in a powr-1 over T. O, M. Sopwlth's Endeavou fuse march to the American That seems due, In part, the experts say to the fact that thrr' -re three cylinders In the Yankee, notor that are missing too often. Fronkle Crosettl .the lrad-o'ff man,' Is hav'ng trouble staying abovs the .200 mark and It, seems oppo-j sltlon pitchers can also heave a sigh of relief when Tommy Hen- rich and Babe Dahlgren are up. So1 the concentrated power of the Yankees Is sllonlng and only twlc' m the last 200 Innlncs of play have they boen able to manage four runs In an inning. Combine that flaw If that' miles: barometer 30.13: temoera-1 what lt cuId be called-in the ture 5li west southwest wind tenYonkee attack wllh current' miles per hour; sea choppy. superheated performance of the, Dead Tree Point Visibility 20neas and 11 W w look as miles: barometer 30.10; temnera- though the world series will hardly ture 52: r9im: .a smooth. runaway class noil Harbor visibility zu mnes; I barometer 3014; temperature 52; I calm; light swell, i Estevan Clear; barometer 30.10; northwest wind, 21 miles per hour. Alert Bay Visibility 20. miles; i barometer 3057; temperature 50; Even Women Would Go To South Pole west wind, 10 miles per hour; light Admiral Ttyrd Being Swamped Willi chop. Applications for Antarctic Vancouver Cloudy; barometer, Expedition 30.01; east wind, ten miles per hour.j Victoria Cloudy; barometer, 30.- BOSTON, Aug. 5. Admiral Rlch- 04; southwest wind, ten miles per ard Byrd Is being flooded with ap- hour. plications from those desirous of Prince George Cloudy; barom- being taken on his forthcoming! eter 29.90; south wind, five miles Antarctic expedition, Even women per hour. are applying. gave her a total of five points for' Sergeant second place. (cHv nollee ueuiiea results: 25-yard dash 1. Annabella In termela, Seal Cove. 2. Tngrld Anderson, Seal Cove. Potato race 1. Annabella Intermela, Seal Cove. 2. Joy Berg, C C. Jaeklin, chief of has moved from Flf'U I Avenue West to the residence on Fifth Avenue East formerly occupied by Constable D. W Taylor who has left the city I Henry Martell Soccer Series Ontario Champ r M P ITT now evened up 4 r WINNIPEG. Aug. 5: CP Vancouver Radial trounced Montreal Caret eel by a score of two to nothing last night 4- in the third of the best of 4- three series for the Dominion 4 soccer crown, thus forcing a 4- fourth battle which wtll be 4- played today. The first game ended tn a draw and the see- 4- ond went to OarsteeJ. dinonlon Golfer VVb u Inlori Runner I p, TiUtl tinrial TUU HUHLfNGTON ! CP llenry Mur who was runnei In the Canadian apt tcrday won the . ehamplonfchip Li : FOOTBALL August August Vehrei August Laundry .srHF.ni! Vc . 10 P 1 USED FURNITURE For the Living Hoom 3-I'lece Chesterfield Suite At - Seamed Axmlnster Carpet-Size 9x10', 1 Seamed Axmlmlrr Carpet Size 6x9. of better quality For the Dining Kooni 8-I'lece Oak Dining Room Sulte-jCotuUUng C table with three leave and upholttered c hi Irs for I'or the Kitchen Z Monarch Kitchen Kaufes QOCT flA an In fine condlUon . 00UU I Kitchen Table Like new S15.M S35JH S3.75 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Uteamen Leav Wince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.H. CATALA EVERY "TUF.S- T.S.S. CAKDENA FBlDll DAY, 1:30 p.m. tfl.tlk n Tfl ue Vancouver. Thorv m ... ,...r MonI imc miiiwu f I i . . .... ii uunvenieni, nease Purchase Ticket at iif Further Information Regarding Reservations and T.-'kcO n ""'"lii rrmce nupert Agent, Third Ate. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! "Ming al OCEAN FALLS aid POWELL RIH Stcnmcr lenvm Prince Hupcrt every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 " Trulns leave Prlncej Hupcrt for ihe Mouduy, WvdncHUuy, Friday, 6 unu y. I'OBeenfrcr ExprcHH VBSBnVl FRIDAYS, 11.00 n."-VlVrWIT?!" For fari. ttr.. rn U or trr'" J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank llldg. Pnsfpiirizwl M"K M. J VALBNTINDAT