a SPAN 4L TlAtrr-n h 9 -I.., til.... Iroit Strike V KA Nntt arl AT DANZIG . RfMi Now Heine Fabrl . u.. i !vd far Tram r A 3 5 CP A new winch U being fab-N..r.. tntereaU here U, y t being of eeortder- J ir :e tn ttew of the J uat.on. It Is be-, to throw It aero p vr and powlbly use j , -rrrnt of Nail troops' AD lb Ur I U LAWAUA Stairs Heady To Ilulld t ii thmar .i Anr lime -.; Nt . sler Mr. Macken-x five pcrmUafon for o meet us aatt Pny Executives and Union Agree Upon Formula l or Peace v.. - a . . . u.u umon ieaaers nave uifiiii i ir rrs n r n v-rstvr t?T i wri r--.- vV 1 1 & 4 (k JJ4 vyvsAS vw the Cnnori.ii sin Tnniitr(nl BIUHC III IIIO UlUII. V)l - mjrs, inc agrccmciH Bulletins inn en fnr ns to USC dogs. Japanese ikowm;d Provincial police hcsdquarleri weie advised today of a Japan cm being drowned tome time early this moriiinc in (he Skeena Hire? between Clatton and Car lisle. The police boat PJLL. 8 i at present In the river and has been assigned to investigate. , a rrinre iiupen Dascoaii trim t-ti of the United) 1tft on Jjwl evening's train for .- - he Alaska llttr- Sraithers where two games witl .mi i r" - r an for the project V J MVS ltltKir TTrr - O -4-,im-.-ii Maanuson w of is reached In U.e' sad construction' A br next July as d Btatoa U coh-; juntryT t&dvto' if the road "ar. said that he U "very t; hare been able to e fr n tnto the Norvi wV.rre we ale moos. tr 1 Iit big game every 1 1 m i i v i r IN NORTH Tied ud The Pas Today So re Will lie No Flghti While Hi Excellency b There Din If . ullnL. K- irTTII "ar General, Lord Tweeda- tr.d I ; party anlved at The :' t o Churohlll. They were a hearty official welcome. T. in town were tied up so :.:! be no displays of can- i: - for which the town is Tcir:-; nivcr district. pal Fi shiner D O A OrtvifnirHniT icer Charged F 'CLlnru.a1tl .TnpVtnn U an SOFTBALL EXHIBITION On account of the baseball team being away at Smlthers, regular Senior Softball League fixtures were not played last night. An exhibition came be Iween Moose and All Start wai played, the former winning 9 to 3. A second eshibltlon was called on account of darkness with Moose leading. INVITi:!) TO KETCHIKAN City Commissioner W. J. Alder hat received an Invitation from the major of Ketchikan Inviting as many local people as novsible to attend the Fair at the tint City September 1 to 4 A return ncurcion to Prince Itupert b suggested. BALL TEAM TO SMITHERS be played today and one tomorrow morn I nr. return home being made tomorrow night. The team consists of Dido Hurrlch. Nick ChenosM, Johnnv Jmadna, George Howe. WalUce Ulghton, Andre l-elournrau. Hon Arney. rtoh Smith and Herb Morgan. Other members of the baseball part aTe Mrs. DMo C.urvlch, Mb Arnes lUgem, Mbs Martlin Miller. Shane Murray, David llous-Inn. Walter Crow and Miner Clausen. INAUGURATE AIK SKHVICE SOimillAMnOV-. The first all-nritbh Atlantic air mall service was inaugurated today when the Imperial Airways flying boat Carbou took off and headed west for Foynes. Eire, on the first leg of a Journey to Botwood, Newfoundland. Montreal and New York. She carried 25.000 letters for Canada and b due at Hot-wood at dawn tomorrow. I AMERICANS IN FLIOHT SHANfJHAI t'nlted States cithern are preparing for hurried flight from Kaifeng because anti-American pressure b reported reliably today. Britons and Can adians have already left. BIG FIRES IN FOREST Situation In Kamloops District SeriousIncendiarism In Nineteen Cases Suspecled n t hj.in.. nn.Hji.... tiiiMis. r a iit rwiiivi ante . 1 1 , i i ii nit - vw a i tun sui its sy it tu - -- o -c- - 31 ....4 J L . i.ut U.t...AA. rhicA (inn is.ittiuii - r vuui vvuu i vi viiu" d vt v Mv"-" , r..:hlnir olmnn iinrinir n rinse Arm nri bplleved to be of Incenaiary iiu.M riiri.i n w n i iiiici lira nriiii u.iiu ,u -f s wv. r Jackson waa apprencnaea police are taxing au mciuuiu. a n..tj.i. .... tMH hi- in..A?itniiA mm ivrn co -wvuatc Hi vu ijr i mvi vm.M.t IBIUIU ku ... . u..n . " .. .. -i The largest fire in me cminc. a. nresent Is near Tappcn where 165 men arc engaged m urc n.uun- There Is also a serious arc m Revelitoke National Park. Little" Girls Badly Burned SrOKANE, Aug. 5: (CP)-Doc- tors fear that two little girls may not recover from serious our... sustained when their flimsy dresses caught fire from sparklers they car--i-j ...i.n nn-intr at an outdoor i l f 1 1 jwiuir utv-r en t Tiire' other little Bl"8 aic cxpvClCU VO UCCCUk l".i. . . . 0 "turn to workr ere less seriously ournea. tmnmnn. Aut. 5: (CP) Four .uinn in Yorkshire yesterday. mostly affecting man iacmuw. laid down to tne lnsn epuout Army. There were explosions In n-oHfnrrl Preston. UiacKDurn aim Halifax. Damage was not extensive nor was anyone injured. " CHECK UP ah 1 T TrfcTP Tightening of Naturalization Laws Urged by Veterans a. -men tion in Kamloops iTAstr non?. Aue. 5: (CD The British Columbia command of the Canadian Legion, in convem on here, yesterday passed a resolution urging the tightening up of Canadian naturaiuation laws, tcn applicant for naturalization; it was r.nnri snoUlQ DC cm-CRCU UJJ V) the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in order to ascertain uegree oi ioy-u Tho recommendations of the nolicc resulting should be seriously conslderca oeiurc was granted. if VICEROY OF INDIA AND LADY $4 ' Lord Linlithgow. Viceroy and Governor-General of India, and Lady Linlithgow are shown here. Lord Linlithgow, who was born in 1887. served in the Great War. being mentioned In dispatches. In 1922-21 he was Civil Lord of the Admiralty. He has had considerable experience In Indian affairs, acting as chairman of the royal commission on Indian agriculture 1928-281, and chairman of the joint select council on Indian constitutional reform 1933 . BLASTS IN YORKSHIRE Explosions In Four English Cities 1 Are Attributed to Army Irish Republican BELGIAN EMBASSY HIT CHUNGKING, August 5: (CP) Th,e Belgian embassy was badly damaged and thirty Chinese were killed and Injured today in the .fourth Japanese moonlight air raid within a week. SHANGHAI, Aug. 5. A Change j seems to have come over the antl-j British movement In the Japanese controlled parts of China. It has Ihoon Y?fnrfH in Include all white It: ffort Made, But Unsuccessfully, To Get Cash From Sllversides Brothers The store of Sllversides Bros, was broken Into some time early this morning but nothing was secured by the burglars although a cash drawer was forced open and damaged and a large safe was tamper ed with, a hiniro beinz knocked on otnorrow s Weather Forecast.. 31 a m. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 17:00 p m. Wands Moderate southwest 10 45 ajn. and rather cool. V- winds, mostly fair 23 33 pjn. 7.0 'It NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER n t. 'M PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1939 PRICE: 5 CENTS apanese Plan War Up MAYOR'S CHARGES Telford of Vancouver Makes Public His Complaints Against Chief of Police Foster VANCONVEK, Aug. 5: (CP) Mayor Ljle Telford today made public twelve charges which he will make against Chief Constable XV. W. Foster at the police com mission inquiry next week. The charges say that, w regulations forbid the chief to engage in other business, he b a director of the Pacific Engineers Ltd. Further, the mayor considers it impossible for the chief to render adequate and efficient service to the police administration and at the same time serve ef ficientlr as president of the Canadian Legion. The mayor charges that the chief ha not enforced the laws effectively and efficiently, has been guilty of insubordination and neglect of duty and db-obedience. The mayor said: "At no time have I questioned Brigadier Foster's personal Integrity or character or his record as a soldier." Extortion Charged Meantime a summons charging attempted extortion was served today on one of the expected witnesses In the bribery charge against two Vancouver police officers. The summons b returnable- Monday", the same day that -Constables Hugh Hamilton and i-IHnn Pinkrrtnn will fare charg es that ther accepted a bribe of two bottles of rum. Today's summons charges that the expected witness demanded with menaces the sum of $300 from Constable Hamilton so that the witness might leave Vancouver and not give evidence against Hamilton and Pinkerton. IS USING PATIENCE Chamberlain's Blood Boiled At In ; suits to British Teople 1 U Y El LONDON. Aug. 5 -In his speech Japs WHITES OUT Extend Antipathy to Than Britons beiore tne House oi wramuiu yesterday Prime Minister Neville Phamherlaln said some of the J things that were happening to Bri- ftlsh people In North China maae lut,.. ' his blood boll but he had to remem- WIHVI .... ber the number of British citizens in various parts or me urienv many of whom could not be pro fited In case of war. He was en- rtcAvntirlnff to consider the sltua tlon with patience and forbearance, ever considering that there might I be more serious matters closer .home. In Tokyo the suggestion of Chamberlain that It might be necessary to send the fleet to the Orient was taken with mixed feel lngs. Some Japanese oinciais ien that all Britain might do would be to send a few ships as a gesture ' . . .i . i 1 1 I . . . . I 11 I (ntA tllA nations, tne mien, ocmg wj urivc miners were mcuiicu i ..v i , . ...I i- all whites out of China. Downtown Store Is Broken Into warning more seriously although I . . 11..1 1 there was general agreement. uw Great Britain would not risk send-t ing many ships away from Europe in view of the situation there. Puget Sound Ferries Idle Transportation Around Seattle Tied Up By Inland Boatmen's Union Strike SEATTLE. Aug. 5.-Puget Sound ferry services are still tied up by the strike of the Inland Boatmen s nnn thn Hlol -lffnprf F.ntrv u-nt Ilnln Yachts and Other VCSSClS made through a loose window at are being pressed Into service for naturalliallonthe rear. The lock of an inside the emergency which Is seriously door was forced. threatening commuters. Conflict Dictatorship NO CUT IN VICTORIA. Aug. 5: (CD-Chief Justice Archer Martin today granted an injunction restraining the British Columbia Fuel Control Board from enforcing an ordered wholesale gasoline price reduction of three cents until September 12 when the full British Columbia Court of Appeal will reconsider the matter. Russia Will Start In Five or Six W eeks According to Report Chancellor Adolf Hitler Said to Have Been Advised to This Effect by His Ambassador at Tokyo 2. till Akf ilUUCI. VJ 9 A J WlV--- M VSWl?f .affairs commentator of L'Oeuvre, reported today that ni,e CUnnnnHn ArlMf H J 1 1 n v Viorl Uaan orltMCtorl W rta TViWn ambassador that Japan plans to go to war against Russia within the next five or six weeks. It was said that Hitler would send several hundred pilots, air mechanics and radio operators to Japan. Is Complete I : BURGOS. Spain, Aug. 5. Under a series of decrees Is- sued yesterday, Spain is consol- .idatd into a FajseLst state with GAS PRICE Mr. Justice Archer Martin Gives Decision Today in Regard to Injunction Application VICTORIA, Aug. 5: (CP) Mr. Justice Archer Martin was to render his decision today In the appli cation by oil companies tor an injunction against the gasoline price cut ordered by the provincial gov ernment to go into effect Monday. J. W. deB. Farris K.C., counsel for the oil companies, arguing on behalf of the Injunction yesterday. ImM that oil pftmnanles were ser iously considering whether or not they would be able to continue sell- ST. PAUL'S IS ROCKED Historic London Building Destroyed By Fire Last Night LONDON. Aug. 5.- -Doctor's Com- mnntt vDc vrwIrpH vesterrtav hv VICTORIA MILL FIRE Thousands of Dollars Damage Done Today In Plant of Sidney Roofing Si Paper Co. VICTORIA, August 5: (CPf I uie raiangm party in com- sroundwood plete control and General Francisco Franco as dictator. Hopes of a return of the mon- archy to Spain appear to have been definitely crushed. mill of the Stdner Roofing and Paper Co. and for a time threatened other buildings. Damage Is expected to reach thousands of dollars. As the mill had been closed for more than a month, police believe that the fire may have been of incendiary- origin; possibly)" the"" work of a fire buz which has been active here for some Uine. Incendiary fires in and around Victoria during the past four I months are estimated to have caused $50,000 damage. Downpour Of Rain Falls In England Territorial Army Recruits. Driven a From Their Tents In Hampshire And Had To Be Billeted LONDON, August 5. There was a tremendous downpour oi rain In this country Thursday. ?The new territorial army, training In Hamp shire, was almost rained out. Many of the men, after being driven out of their tents, were billeted in the neighboring towns and villages. A large force of men was engaged clearing the camp of mud and wa ter. Rain again fell In torrents yesterday. li the south of England there being violent thunder storms in which three people lost their it - ip...Ui..tAl. wKn n'.r. In ing gasoline in gallon quantities, j camp had to take refuge In a Til-Attorney General Gordon Wls-jiage hall and a school building, mer charged that gasoline prices In . ; TlrUlcV rviiimhln B'ri "niitraceoiislv. s high." Treasury Head To Visit Finland Morgenthau To Personally Thank Country For Paying War Debt WASHINGTON. ( AP ) Treasury Secretary Morgenthau plans to make a special trip to Finland to thank that country for paying lt war debt to the United States reg ularly. uiany He tie said saia ycsiuij yesterday the wiv Ftn- - -; t gas explosion when the water main nlsh minister had Invltcdlhlm to Via it4s mtn ti'n a cpf nn ... . i - j . i r .. t uutoir b- i,jn nrvQ ne naa accepveume um- fire. After the explosion the build ing looked as If there had been an air raid. Doctor's Commons, five storeys in heleht. is located between St. Paul's Cathedral and the River rThames on the Industrial area. It was to have been pulled down soon to Uiutvv make way " rf for " a new " V ' building tatlon as the only -official' engagement of his vacation trip to Europe. "f BAH GOLD LONDON, Aug. 5! (CP.The Montreal nrice of bar Bold on the i t r - i iff St. Paul's Cathedral was rocked and London market was unchanged yes several personi were injurea. icru a. .( j. wu. -1