i . Ml SS ATLANTA Walking Oxfords With all the zip of style trends plus comfort and dependability. Low heel to low cuban. Widths A to D. We can highly recommend these shoes. Priced From $ AMILY SHOE STORE LTD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCK KtlPEKT - mtlTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue II. P. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week , Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and unnea aiaies, yearly penoa, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ., . Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 38 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION John Jacob Astor Is Visitor To City .12 3.00 9.00 CJ .25 Monday, October 23, 1939. EDITORIALS OUR SOLDIER BOYS Mnt Viof Pnnoa ftimnrt Viae Vmon sacfr aKHcViPfl 1Q n military centre for the concentration of troops for defence ana training purposes, many local people are interesting themselves in the nroblem of their healthful recreation' night's regular (train from the East and will leave this evenlne. , With Mr. Astor are Lloyd Grfmscbm? and John Drayton. They spent the ! most of Sunday quietly aboard their 'car in the railway yards and this New York City, who is here In the!TlslUn? amon' otner P13 ie course; of a western holiday trip. Pla."tf the Canadian Fish ii Cold H and hi party arrived in a pri- (Storage Co. in which Mr. Astor dls-vate car attached to Saturday played much Interest. and entertainment. This is something new for us but cer-j ! Johnson Mrr. tain organizations have already taken up the good work and are to be complimented on what they are doing. There is room for nlentv of hejn alone this lino for the approximately fiye. hundred soldiers who are now stationed h.e or near the city. It is something that everybody catf heb with, ewn in a drect way by personal contact with one or two. A lot of thpe boys are quite voung. Many.of ther come frtjirj- food homes. Some of them have never beer awav f fop home before. Practically all of them W stranrs Here. In trvin" to mqke things pleasant fo-them in. a real good old-fashioned homelike wav. whethpv in groups or by the ones and twos, we will be lo.ing a bit in the war not onlv helnful but pleasant for ourselves Further the bovs themselves will, doubtless. appreciate ir to say nothing of thoee mothers, fathers sisters, brother? or friends of theirs who are wondering how thev fare. We would not like to think that, for the lack of just a littlr-thoughtfulness. a little goino1 out of our wavPrince Rupert should neglect them and be a place that they would come to shun. PROPAGANDA Propaganda still permeates the newspaper columns and the .air waves, it works insidiously its treacherous task to nerrorm. In this war it is playing a more important n'Art thrfn 'pVnr hfifnre in imnnrrnnr that enma ttM in. t ians pdmit it as a factor equal almost in potency to miji tarvntf ..pc onom'c pressure in achieving the desired ends, .Herd in Princ Runert, with the development of transmission so ne' frr.ted, we are as vulnerable as anywhere else in the world. ' We mav knov things we hear to be lies. Yet we may bo uronscioDsl influenced by the lies. Seeds of doubt may be sown which will ultimately effect the morale 0 even; the most loyal of us. Meantime, when weighing the many tnings that arei hcarfl. ronvwo su west that we keep -always in the back ofi wir minus inp original justice ot our cause in comparison with that of the enemy whose own vituperations jiiie already commencing to condemn him and show up the tent of his deceit and .duplicity. PRESENT FOR FIRST WAR BABY The first baby born In London alter the declaration of war. Neville Mooney. is fit;ed with his gas hood by his fond but anxious parents. This hood is especially designed for babes in arms. Marguerite Johnson Is Shower Honoree Delightful Affair Saturday Night At Home of Bride-Klect's Mother A surprise party shower was held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Johnson. Lotbinlere Street. Saturday evening in honor of Miss Marguerite Johnson who will be leaving for. Victoria next Thursday to be mar- j ried to Carl Smith, son of Mrs. J. A. Smith of this city. The bride-elect's many friends entered thi' house carrying a beauUful basket decorated In pink and white and; containing many beautiful and useful gifts for the bride-to-be. 1 The evening was spent playing bridge, prize winners beinz Mrs. Peter Solem and Mrs. Jack Malr. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. J. A.! Smith, Mrs. J. Jack, Mrs. O. Cic- cone, Mrs. H. Wanamaker, Mrs. R. Taoer. Mrs. A. Thomoson. Mrs. J. Malr. Mrs Petroff. Mrs. P. Solem, Mrs. Skat rebol. Mrs. J. Krlkevgky. M'rf! J. Clavrin. Mrs. Santerbane, Mrs. J. Garon Mrs. Essen. Miss Essen. Johnson and MLw aw Cls s ifTE D FOR SALE NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Dally News, (tf) FOR SALE Whole chimney sweep- i Jng outfit, complete. Apply Zum-1 khr at hospital. t.f. FOR SALE Rex bowling alleys. For particulars apply Old Empress Hotel. (tf) FOR SALE Wurlitzer GramaphiJne (Nlckleodeonj. Dave's Confection-1 cry- (248) j WANTED WANTED by business man, fur-! nUherf room with housekeeping' privileges. Box 23 Daily News. (240) BOARD AND ROOM FJRST Class room and board, 742 7th Ave. W. Apply after 8 pjn. (248) LOST LOST Between Esslngton and Prince Rupert, square sterned canoe, painted green with red and black trim. A reward will be paid or Jts recovery in reparable condition. O. C. Young, PjJnc Rupert, p.C. (248) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED, Experienced i srocer knowledge of general store and bookkeeping. Will go anywhere. .Good references. J3ox 24, JDally Mews.' (24G) T MALE WXV WANTED TO'' SERVE and sell many hund reds, of satisfied customers in the Terrace to Vanderhoof district, Watklnj Household and Tarfn Products. A real opportunity- for st man with car to get Into- a paying business of his own. For further information ap-.ply th J. R. Watklns Company, lOlOAlbernl, Vancouver, (248) 1 TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Big Missoua, .1P4. Urahwne. 10.50. Cariboo Quartz, 1.99. Dcntonia, .02. Falrview. .01 ?i. Gold Belt, .23, Hedley Mascot, .33. Mlnto. .01b. Noble Five, .02. Pacific Nickel. .13. Pend Orlelle, 2.72. Pioneer, 225 iask. Premier, 1.42. Privateer. .88 iX dly.). Reeves McDonald, 20. Reno. .51. Relief Arlington. .12. Reward, .12. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek. 1.10. Oils A. P. Con, 20. Calmont, .48. C. Si E.. 2.45. Freehold, ,02'i. Home. 2.87. Pacalta.-.01. ' Royal Canadian. 22. Okalta. 1.30. Mercury, MV2. Prairie Royalties, .23. Toronto ; Aldermac, .40. Beattie. 1.08. Central Pat.. 2.31. Cons. Smelters. 50.50. East Malartlc. 2.70. Fernland. .03. Francoeur, 3$. ; ! Gods Lake. 52. Hardrock. 107. Int. Nickel, 47.50. Kerr Addison, 1.84. little Long Lac, 2.95. iMcLeod Cockshutt, 1.98. Madsen Red Lake, .39!, McKenzIe Red Lake, L 19, ; Moneta. .90. Noranda. 78.00. Pickle Crow, 45. . Preston East L)one, 1.67 . San Antonia, 1.75. , Sherrltt Gordon, UJ ; Stadacona, .40. Uchl. .75. Bouscadillac, .04. ; Mosher, MVt. ".'. ' Oklend. .07'. Smelters God, .01 V2. Dominion Bridge: 45.00. " Japanese Young People Meeting JOIN THE MILLIONS j who enjoy its genuine peppermint flavor! (let In the good habit of ehcwlnfc Ppublenilnt Gum nfter every meal! Its coollnft, lowWastlng, cvnulne peppermint flavor Is so invigorating. Anil so good for you, too helps keep teeNh bright, breath pleasant. Healthful delicious refreshing t GET SOME TODAY! SPORT CHAT Cricket is going to learn a lot ;fiom football. The Cobourg Crick-. et Club in Australia has hired Jack Scanlon, coach of the Co--bourg Association Football Club, as pnysicai instructor. Dame, Swift. Kaluara and nt came Ui the Werrlbce race track In Australia in the same horse transport one day and thev fin. iUbd "P'eUvely first, second and mi Miss w K. Lang t tJe u i was speaker pal. third In a race that afternoon Saturday evening at an educational, meeting of the local Nippon young six championships were won in People's .Association held at Hie Ja- a bUzzard when the Victorian Ski panose Mission. President Setsuo -Club held a tournament at Mt Kuwahara" was In the chair, ifluller. Australia. Two contestants anas unnu snoKe ana eave a bripf oroxe Kiel in thn oruoiiin outline of u?e pomlnlon Angllca,ni! xoung reopie-s Association confer-' ' ence which she attended durlntfl a t.u . .. ... ; "I -J vein, (.ituvstuca UU, WMI ,the latter partf . in . May Vancou-'often make you many dollars Ver. Bne told th mpmhprnr tuk meeting!! and discussion which took place. There were 17 members present. Routine business was taken up. Community singing waa aljw enjoy- ed. M1.S.S Kae Itohortsnn. hrpMi.,i of the St. Andrew's Cathedral Ari gllcan Young PeoDle's Association and John Good were guests for the evening. 1 Dally advertising m the Daihj News ews Is sure to bring dally re-' suits Hair Treatment Are ybu suffering with Scaly Qandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty filiop I1KVFRIEY HI! ' 21--BH'nrth V ALPHA WINS FOUR HOUR IN FOOTBALL NET MATCH , 7". . lieU Cntr4 Itttvrtn Fttnri in L f 1 Tho (.ajnr, J td n lliCh School , I games were played in the IW)th The McCormlclcs had it In the , Memorial High School Intw-houw ttnlird Stale Pr Championvhlp bag when jockey O. McCormlck 'Qptbal league. In the Junior game Scored A,Pha defeated Oamma by a vrore f"r' ' his first success In a dead ?l , . ,.o. u......v. 'of five to nil Alnhfl -aji alio vie- nfrp yeeray 1.. riding Burbang. trained by hls!wrto e senior gante. de- TTV . father, II. R. McCormlck. - feaUng Oamma by six to nil. f 1 KiJt : t. ii r. u Scorers for the )unlor were August was 'not a sportiraan s LevereU. Cteeone. Holtby. Undrty STICKS TO f.l XS month in the state of Victoria. ana m. tor me seniors me SYDNEY. N B T- Australla. There were 27 wet days. RaU wp scored by Won? 2I. When the Sydur T , At and cricket, football and tennis Ey ,2' and Landrey ttnd CifN u , , .matches were repeatedly rained Referees were J B. Wllkjiison Ilt0heMi.. Cn t jout. and W W C ONelil UwaitV pri J When M. Hearn was smpended ... for three weeks for striking another player in a football game at Fltzroy, Australia, special note was made of the "frank manner Jin wlilch he had given evidence . Tempest, F. O. Scarfe's favorite for the Caulfleld Cup in Australia. was killed on a highway shortly before-.,the race while on his way to the Morphet track for a trial gallop. .A telephone conversation with Harry Hopmanr captain of the j Davis CMP learn in America, cost .'plenty, reports president H. A. Pitt of the Australia Lawn Tennis Association. "One sneeze by Hop- man cost ys fully 84c" he said. A;i appeal against a two-year lu.iyeiisjgn ior iqui ridlnz won DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET I Jockey J. c. Tulloch m Perth. .trajla, a reduction of the sen- 2OOOOOMOO?oooooooooooooocooooooooaooocoo J Nearly 120,000 voU were cast I in n nnurinnrid. tv.1l tn- lit. . . . ., popular footballer In Melbourne. S Australia and Bert Mills of the 5 , Hawthorn team won for the sec- g ohd successive time. g I Four weeks after a doitor hdd S warned him he must give up g training, Robert Sutton, Australl- P ; " - since ending his career as a Jockey, aiea ax uenaigo. The NEW Quick-way cold relie VAPURE A Wonderful Discovery. Just a drop jpr two on your hand lercli,(ef Kntiff it and feci the head f leariiifr at 6nce. 50c Ormes IX&. 2Jt Pioneer Druggists The IU11 Store fhonei: 81 b 11 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till II pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till I P-01-7 p.m. till I p.m. 1 1 M oaoaoooocoooo0gaao0qaaaaoitMoafl,OODt,qijooaooo