2 iS f r, ;. PAGE POUR THE DAILY NXWS Manday Occ $ Prince Rupert FORSYTH Snrf Special Fancy Broadcloths Made Up In Fused Collar Attached Style To Sell For 1.55 or 2 for FUNERAL SATURDAY The funeral of the late Thomas j Pierce of Seal Cove, whose death occurred last week at the Prince .Rupert. General Hospital, took place; Saturday afternoon from the Chapel of B. c Undertakers to officiated. THE SEAL ' QUALITY ill 'iBI " " GOLl) SEAL .Fancy Red Sockeye ; PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed hjr ihr iy salmon cinnlnr lowi.aiiv with an all th year round payroll In Prliir Kuprrt $3.00 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 522, 3rd. Ave. Ws P.O. Box 622 Mail Schedule For the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. J. C. Jack- From the Fj son, pastor of First United Church, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday n no n m - - iFor Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10:15 pm, Friday 9:30 p.m October 6, 17 and 27 4 pm, From Vancouver ' 1 8unday Wednesday . Friday October 12 and 23 For Stewart and Premier Sunday For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson rt ounaay 7 DJn. From Alice Arm. Naa River and Port Simpson Tuesday ii:30 R.u,. Cor Queen Charlotte Islands- CONFERENCE IS SOUGHT Japanase Foreign Minister Would Talk It Over With United States Ambassador TOKYO, Ottober 23: Admiral Nomura, Japanese foreign minis ter. is calling in United States Ambassador Grew to conference with a view, it is said, of endeav ouring to Improve relations between the United States and Japan following United States' criticism of Japanese policy in China. No mura expressed the hbpe that ' the fully familiar with the real slt.ua tion In Japan, h suggests. Japan, he says, is aiming only for permanent tranquility and order In the Orient. There were further serious dls-rders at Shanghv over th week-nd. Three were kiHed In a battle .n the street between municipal police and Chinese and others. Six Chinese were shot dead within the international settlement when gunmen entered a wedding celebration. In the street machine guns and hand grenades were used by the police. Whifflets this mornipg. No geese wcre taken but thirty-five or so ducks were taken. The nartv cnnslstpd nf Mrs. Munroe Of Essington Dies Funeral Took Place From (trace United Church Survived by Great Britain, United States, QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. Oct (CP) Efficiency of Victorian Rail- meeting" and B. A. Munro was sec ways deteriorated In the last year, a retary- financial report shows. Only 78 per cent of the trains were on time, Pnrf rlAmpnfc as compared with 82.1 Der cent last 1 U1 1 VlCiliClllO year. .8 pjp. F i Birthday Party Gloria May Christie Reaches Fifth Year and Celebrates i PORT CLEMENTS, Oct. 23: A several local huntsmen who visited W1,,lams. Anna Swang. Betty Hew-'Hartley Bay and Gllttoyecs aboard kon- Terrr Pelton and Maureen Wednesday i we vancouver yacnt Friend- naipn I'ciion assisi- From Stewart and Premier nip 33 8Ues oi wiujam Mcln- c" "1C enieriainment. owna Tuesday it..n . representative of the Finney Mav wa the recipient of many' ' ii.aU a JS ala.nlll,. T-.t m , . InVPlw (riff. ' I Thursday 0 , vuimi wi. mcy ten - 6ik aim itiuiiicu cany OCEAN FALLS Capt. Paul Armour. W. O. Fulton' ThB w, r. Fa,ls r, .1 J. A. Lindsay. A. R NirhM, v a e.. ccan vers heia " ' inp r itrcf mm.hia.. i 1 Kitzegukla Has Pretty Wedding .Mls Clara Johnson IJeconies Itrlde of Abel Campbell of Kitwanrool Son and Three Daughters KITZEGUKLA, 0:t. 23. The PORT ESSINGTON, Oct. 23. The marriage ot Clara Johnson, second death occurred here resent!!' of rtAiivhter of Mr and Mrt Geoffrey new Order In the Orient" ShOUld Mr nwiri-c Mnnrn. Ihp funeral f.lk- Jnhncnn nf KltTtrnVla to Abl not be Incompatible with the place on Tuesday afternoon Campbell of Kitwaneool wa sol-' friendship Of the tWo nations.. frnm Plrrnf. Momnrlnl ITnitArf , mnl,nH .ntl fit k'ltl-lltVla h Possibly, the United States is noil church with Rev. A. Rutherford Captain A. F. Parkinson of the Sal- rff.iclatlnfl(. Besides the widower, vatlon Army. Mrs. Munro Is survived bv one' The bride wre a whUe sheer daughter who resides at South- wedding gown fashioned on Prin-hank and three sons Edward, ce lines flowing to the hemlln". Frank and Walter in Vancouver, white accessories and a bouquet Queen Charlotte Public Meeting Decision Made to Send Telegram to Attorney General Regarding Police Court Conviction completing the ensemble. Attend- ling the brldt was Mrs. Walter Douse I who wore Empire wine crepe. The groomsman was Bert Russell. The Kitzegukla Band accompanied the bridal party to and from the church and rendered several selections during a banquet which was held in honor of the newly wedded couple. Following the banquet, several in teresting speeches were delivered Italian and French soldiers may 23. A public meeting was held In by the older folk, a wedding dance take a hand against .the terrorism. Miller's Hall here last week as a finishing off the evening 't is reported. United States is still result of which a telegram Uk-An 1 - I I ...... uiiMicmiig m laim marines. io me Attorney uenerars Depart i ment regarding the conviction NOT QUITE PERFECT ' Nicholas Schaeffer for making beer 1 MELBOURNE. Australia, cvt M- Charles Valley presided over the ii Thanksgiving !'At Kitzegukla Special Decorations and Music, Larje Attendance and .Many Gifts KITZEGUKLA. Oct. 23. The people of the United Church of Her r,"egult,a he,d thflr Thanksgiving service with Rev. W. F. McLan m cnarge. assisted by Mosea Wil liam Jones and the choir wioyable was!'e,fde"hlp of w D- w"'y- The From rrom The I ne Waferfronr Warerlront lvery birthday party ichprch hp,d flt the home of' c j wM specially decorated for Christie lat Tiicsrtav afLmn iltne occasion and there was a laree The season for the shooting of honor of the fourth birthday of her. ,uCe" , y glltt wcre p,ac" ducks and ceese in this rilstrirt daughter, Gloria May. " nc altar bV the members. . opened at the end of the week The present were Olorla Dun- ?L ,m ncluded nglng l" but the nlmrods who went forth lop. Joan HewUon. Virginia Hew!-1- ...B0Luf and Tenderly Jesus U IQajn. hm v, . , . Fan. Juno n.mn rv,. waning 4 pm. latest party consisted of ,PV- Joy'Leary. Astrid Swang, Jean by a Quartette mnHitim, of Nora Wesley. Rosle Brown. Mrs. Mary Wesley and Douglas Wenley and a choir selection "wh n v.. mtj m-rM VU Wait. Dear Brothers " MacCallum, W. E. Drake and Nor- " 7- 8 I!81"? eve-annual annual meetine meeting of ot th the Skldegate khh.i. ' " Watt " " The iUC " Friendshln enaan'P u " a a October 6 and 20 a- r- p . . . -: -- cummoaious ana comrortab e ..um yun cnanoue isiaDdJ ",1CU- Tne A"e boys, J3' very yerY xmart mart in n vessel and ha hpon th M( October 4 and 18 aja. I . ""f X.? ir new uniforms, . '. were were ably ahlv as-, an. . Skidegate Club Is Reorganized SKIDEOATE, 0023.- At the iman A " J."! J"'" " luc "aire hocui Club officers were elected fnr winrn npcniTa fi tu 1.. w w aespue Daa weather, was the vnr . fit.. . . I ' - " - IVIPIHO. pP..M.t - vi.. n u . .. . . .i.j u.. .u- . . . . 11 aiurnt Air. a. IJiebe. f, ..-i .1 . , . me uice tiUD. jacK Max- rk). .... October 12 and 22 ' at thfi m,ke' everybody'er; rn- aja. ,b am Hansen Hansen Is ls her ner skinoVr sUpT- T"' om Alaska- happy. Miss Bubbles Clarke gave Board of dlrertr i , " -d Pm. Union steanTcatala. Can, !? J-le Po"to" dWlTer tZToV t WMWMJu 11:30 last night - from the south and n .'UI ?, T "QS .w?.nl . Chastney Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunrh ' f 1 on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People K-eps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. British Columbia SAVE OUR GOOIMVILL COUPONS With each 25c cash purchase, one Good-Will Coupon is given free, to be (redeemed for useful household items. Our latest Premium Catalogue will be available oon. Mussallem's ECONOMY STOKE III MlSMKflHH NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A IIO.ME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.n. Box 19S James Findlay. arrived in nort "Build B. C. Payrolls" A FINER MILK fef We are glad to tell you again Pacific Is a milk of British Columbia, from1 the fertile . dairy country of the Fraser Valley, for that in itself mean3 a better milk It is one of the virtues of British Columbia that this province produces a milk that Is ot higher excellence. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ' rt V at ;n,,,.;; :ZZVl.lJ xJlru .gavc a,8tevens. .stevens. B. Munroe and Mrs. 0. w iiic W 1 sailed couple of hours later for Canadian l oaiicu a a LuuiiiP ni nnnrs nr&p frvw 1 . 1 wa u v i uuicjH,a vni rniAt mewart ana otner northern points work, whence! she will return here fn- Northbound . Legion for Red Cross ed as mast of ccremonJe; I Refreshment committee cnn.tl morrow afternoon southbound. ! First Aid classes are in full J J. Atkins, Miss Channon swine here awln under Hp .. Mu"(- from Vancouver to pices of the Pacific Mills Ltd. with . J:CnfriU ous,.ne was discussed kagway with a light list of pas- an enrolment of elzhtv men ma1 was. decldd thai bridge sengers. u.p.r. rteamer Princess thirty-one women. The nractical .7 ru" WUI De each Saturday Louise, Louise, CaDt. Capt. S. S. K. K. flrav Orav. Ir, in n..i. 1. i .Z . ... . ithroueh the the year. year. .port from 8 oclock to ten hi nf iu. t j .,.t Alter the meetine a virv nin. I morning, The vessel is due back giving the" lectures e dance was held by the club, j here Friday afternoon southbound. '. There was a very large attendance Oceans Falls Scots ,In Annual Meeting I. Cochrane is Elected President of' Burns Club at Paper Town OCEAN FALLS. Oct. 23. With' J John Olbson, the official piper, pip-1 ling In new members, the Ocean Tails Burns Club held its annuah meeting recently when officers werel elected as follows: President, D. Cochrane. Vice-president, Keith. McAllister. Secretary-Treasurer, A, Carrie. , Master of Ceremonies. D. Mac kenzie. . Dance convener. A. Reld. Refreshment convener, Mrs Tink-i ler if'1 Program, MlsVBlmpson Towards the end of last week first snow of the season made Its appearance on the upper slopes of Mount Morse and. othert mountains hereabouts are now well capped. There Is a distinct feeling of 'approaching winter In the air. 01 between seventy-flve and one hundred people. ' Music was supplied by the Harmony Boys Orchestra conducted by Fred Russ. R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 Eighth Avenue West CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For nest Household Coal MRS. C. E. ni.ACK Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say-, ICTNFOK HOT JE 1 STOVES At All li.C. Stores m mm mm EXTILA "DONALD DUCK'S COUSIN GUS" MUSICAL TOYMND CASINO" STORY IS EXCITING Outstanding tough rharactrs of the screen. James Cagney and George Raft, are teamed tn "Each Dawn I Die." a picture dealing realistically with life tn a big prison, which pjays at the Capitol ITheatre here for the first half of this week opening tonight It Is a frank, irim. brutal and exciting ,story. Jamea Cagnry. as a muck-raking .reporter, gets hot on the trail of at. l .i Qi t l MM LiUllNri KUH nni ami I (Feature at 7 II inri no nnon Mrhiir political rati:e',f- j and u framed t-1 trrti manslaughter t.r;- i tjr tentlary he be. r hi t rekle Throin j t e world big shr' Oc u, Him In a UMw rv. .1 Uu., eventually uyi c v l S ine result oj c i f -"j t nnocence i oupporung r ra. rta Tama Tir- fi'a 1 croft. XUxle P-sr-tm 5(a: IMwarH rm-l. t -1 V Iht Furniture "Clearance! A Number of Fine Suites and Odd Pieces .Mirktd f QI Clearance Sli-Plete Dinette Suite Buffet, oblong extentf ' fi ar-l nt of four chair. Shown in ivory enamel flnuh U: 1 only Regular value $70.00. gjjg g) Elio's Furniture TIIIIU) AVFNUE Prfnr RBDfli a - SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS ni POWELL RIVEI Steamer leave Prince Rupert titrj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wcdneaday, Fridoy, 6 p.m. ju Steamer for Ketchikan nd yirUffiV I Stewart eyery WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. vffiCSiA For fares, etc., calOor tcrlf yr City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Atf UNION STEAMSHIPS LTj Steamers Leav rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.8. CATALA EVKKY TUES- T.8.S. CARDKNA FBI"1' DAY, 1j30 p.m. 10:50 p.m. Duo Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Mndf If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Offlc iniormauon Regarding Reservations ana a PKAVir 1 cir,... . . . . ... I'hont oimrtr.iL. i'rinr icnnrt xrrni. 'intra mat, ino people of tho whole district are doing Daily Ne