PAGE TWO.. PARIS MAID SLIPPERS I Mm .1)1 If It)is.'Slippers You Need, . . tWe Have Them -J.I V, qit. , .t - a The very latest styles in Zeider Zee, ;"- Russian Boot Tops and Mules, in leather and Fabric, with heels from Flat to Spool. Priced lo Suit Every Purse Ajrents for Hartt Shoes for Men AMILY SHOE STORE LtD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third ATenue H. F. PULLEN w Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Saturday, November 18, 1939. EDITORIALS DID NOT LIKE IT Recently the Germans took rnntrnl nf thp nprsnn nf President Hnchn nf r7pphn51nval'i!i THE VICTORIA OUTLAWS Many people look Upon the members of the Legislature at Victoria who went ut of their Way to launch an attack onjthe British Empire as vicious people who deserve to be punished. That was the first reaction of a great many people. Second thoughts indicate that thev are rather to be pitied than punished. They are people' to be sorry for.. Evidently they have read so much subversive nuciluitll IV ICILIICI V.I1UW UUIUI tYIBU. H1VT LtlUUllK IS UHJIV j 1 . . ....... 4 ill .1 than a, oronn of nations banded together for a rnmmnn C. X. It. A. Samuelson I Franklin Wanamaker Irving Paul Total ANGUS AITS. (MCMeeKin . . KIdd Jack I Taylor jWoodall I ToUl j PRINTERS R. Franks iMontesano . Arney Vance O. Franks Total IMPERIAL OIL Total C. N. R. A. Printers Angus Apartments Canadian Scottish ally a prisoner. They then induced him to address the j imperial on people oer jhe radio Urging them to submit to the Ger- mans. TripH.-ni luuu a auuii men &u-vaiieu presmenu tneyuianoi kill him- fct& will now understand thatthey disapproved of hfs policy. TJiat seems to be the interpretation of the repupeu auernpi io assassinate nim 1 1T7 141 13B .141 U78 767 1 156 172 200 147 155 .8llv 1 152 .168 .155 138 95 7CC 1 Kinslor 138 Hartwig 109 Rush .. 114 Kristmanson 54 Brind 104 519 W 4 3 3 1 1 0 THE DAILY NBAS" WWada PRINTERS !SWEP' KE,,S 'AX,X SKA ,)EFEXCES ,,m,,K,) FRONT PAGE s DO WELL Make Debut In Commercial BouU int Learae With Cteah Sftrep i Victory Printers and Imperial Oil mad i their debut In the Ooinmerclal I Bowling League Monday nlghV'witW i the types scoring a dean wee.i j three game to nil victory ovrfcAh I oilers. In last night's second fix-jture. Canadian National Recreation scored their second vicury a-I the season by taking the jneasura 'of Angus Apartments twc gamer to one. Jack Paul of Canadlaa National Recreation Assxlatlon i ,ras asnMn high scorer for the evt ning with an ar;raie of 505. j Indhiual scores re as I lows: 173 155 140 135 157 764 103 120 166 147 159 71? tm 137 112 171 115 163 C9& 160 113 92 71 134 570 L 2 0 3 2 2 3 fol- 117 i4i lit 151 m 738 3 123 121 131 151 171 7i I 135 133 133 127 in 671 3 181 165 US 8' M 541 Pts I 3 1 1 i 3 Albert Sinclair was given three days imprisonment In city police court. Charged with drunkenness. Wil liam Glover Is appearing in police court this afternoon. FOR SALE Wood turning lathe, I turning tools, motor. Phone Red. 293. iw.i' FOR SALE English pram, good condition, reasonable. Phone Black 232. (274; BOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED room with or without board. Address 133 7th Ave. East, phone Red S21. (275) ! WANTED BE A CIVIL SERVICE CLERK -I 'ANTED Furnished apartment' for two adults. Phone ballvi News. (275 PERSONAL' lurno. H is the working out bf an ideal thiit will lw hn : dominion civil Service Examlna eamjje to the rest of the world. It is a symbol of the! S t , ' Mln' nmfn,i time time Sien v&en all all nations nations Will will be be able able to to work work in inVmvt co-oneration Z ! KS r uiiu 4iu uiiuluui in me uiygcat cu-ujjci aiive enori pos- lorrosvmen.uusioms Examiner3,j sible in this. World. To bring this about, it will be neces- stenos., etc., free on request, m. sarv for the leadera of the h&tion an work tootirnt vUU ?: .c-. .S6ht,l LW- Winnipeg.! the one object in vie waiid ot be led bf f the track by men st ln cmda" No .Age"tg and women with jaundiced minds who see nothing but WORK WANTED evil in the people and Institutions which have made it nos- reliable airi wanu work, store sible for them to take prominent places in the council of or housework. Phone Blue soi. the nation. i (277 Dttermined preserve her r ,vra;i'y but still preparing for any aggressive dfitr ?;ia auy tu: i toctlon on the part of Rue-da feb'erauiny. the two powers who covet control of the Baltk Sea. Sweden keeps both her land and sea defences primed and ready for action Shown here is a 25 mm. anti-aircraft gun on the conning tower of one of the submarines on coastal patrol duty. Clips of shells can be seen In readiness In front Of the gun mount. BRITISHERS GOING OVER Thousands Are Crossing Each Week to France Allies Have Effective Common Plan, Says Hore-Bclhha LONDONov. 22 -Rt. Hon. Leslie Hore-BeAsMa; secretary for war. annourred in "It he House of Com mons' that .thousands or iramra men were crornng te France each week to reinforce the dtv original British Expeditionary Force of 158X100 men and, that nearly t nyiiion men were under intensive Joseph Innles. Indian, for drun- training ffr Eneland. A stron Pol. kenness, was fined $10. with on- Ifh army, ne said', wai beini form tlon of seven days' Imprisonment, ed In France and Pole from al in city police court yesterday. parts of 'the world were enlisting in It. Td Kergin was a pass-nee Mr. Hore-Beltiha. who ha inf aboard the Prince Ruiert today returned from France, said there returning to Premier after havlnc was verv great activity on th rh. made a trip to VincouVtr to en- tlih front ' The tronm u-r hn.iiv r r. : viyj-vl " not openiy so, at least! rce ror servfee in which he will in? defences. Activity and mud luxcicnL-e. mey are pro-uerman to the extent thatinow zvliXt caIL they are written by people with jaundiced minds Who nev-! ; see anyining good or worth While in anything British. At a time when the British Empire, including Canada, i is at war, anyone that sees ho good in the country in which they live or in the Empire in which they are a part most ; certainly have diseased minds. Young members of the! giMaiure, wno naturally are ol an emotional nature, have become imbued with the hallucination that there is nothing good in that part of the world in which they live. Some of them have built up in their toiinds a picture of an Kklorado which the call Kussia. As a result of persistent propaganda working on emotional minds they possibly feel that there is ho place in the world worth while except the Soviet Republics. Looking back we remember how fanatical were the poor deluded women who fought for the right of women to vote. They pictured to themelves a wonderful state made over by Women. One or two women actually gave their lives i'nJtheir.effortsjto bring people to see how righteous was their cause. Others wore themselves out physically and became prematurely old. Yet in Canada today and in Great Britain, the two countries which these people eeem to despise, we are ruled by women, the only exception being in that part of Canada whe"e ev enacted the Padlock Law Yet, accoVding to our tevristattve friendst things are no better in Britain nr in Cnrtarla frtV itip pffnrta nf tVieco orrtnHrtn1 mitMo So wi$i the soectacular emotionalism shown, at Victoria. Z It il:have little effect on the world which will carry on the Ra'me a before. The British Emnirp is RnVrtot ni - - fm aw wl(wvillll V S , so bijthat the Detty display at Victoria serves only to FOB SALE seemed to prevail everywhere. Since the- beginning of the war the minister stated. 7.000 men from the ranks had been offered commissions. The Allied forces were working to a common plan and their strategy had been pre-deter-mlned. I Man Powrr Imnnrftnl I Hore-Belisha ald that man-row !er ! a decisive factor because! - "v.vo vEUiiauy jiaa uj ceiena HOUSEHOLD furniture, radio and 200 m,,e of frntier. the Allies must washing machine. Green 293. : env,4a?e the possibility of agures- (272) lon- by enany along eight hun ,,r dred m"es from the North Sea to1 FOR SALE Trolling boat Viola. 32 the Alps. feet. Complete with radio ami "Every day that puses finds us gurdies. Apply Co-op Store. Cow stronger," the Secretary for War Bay. ,(273 stated. , TODAY'S STOCKS (Courier 8. D Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .12. Bralorne. 11XM). Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Dentonia,..01'2. Falrvlew, .02. ' Oold Belt, IK. Hedley. Mascot, ',42. Mlnto, .01. Koole Five, .02. Pacific Nickel, .13. Pend Oriejle, 2.35. Pioneer, 2.22. Premier, 1.45. Privateer, .90. Reno, it... Relief Arllngtoiv .11. Salmon Oold, .03. Sheep Creek, 120,.41... Cariboo Hudson, .04 . Oil-. A. P. Con. .17. C. & E., 2.10. Homo ,2.31. Pacalta .1)4. Royal Canadian. .20. Okalta. 1.08. Mercury, )t06, r. ; Prairie Royalties. .21. Toronto AlJermac, JO. BatUe. 1.07. Central Pat., 230. ona. S.ete. 4650. Bom Malartie. 3.00. fcraneoeur, .42. Oods Lake, M. Hardroek, 1J0. int. Nickel. 47.00. Kerr Addison, 2.01. Little Long Lac, 310. .. L-od Oeekshutt. 2 JO. Madsen Red Lake, .43. McKmt Red La. 1.30. Manrta. XZ. Noranda. HS30. PSckle Crbt?: M J5f Preston East Dome. 210 "an Antonio, 16. Sherritt Oordw. IJ5. Stadacona. J22. . Uchi. 0. BcuseadiUac. M. Mother, .10. Oklead. 14. Smeltm Oiv'd M. Dominion Bridfe 37.00. J. A. HlntOfi after a bm'nM visit to Smlthers. came from there V Terrace on jrtsterdtVs train 'nd expecU to be back in the tP?1 omorrow night A fiftv tent ctasntneo sd (ten mak - vou maiy dollars. I : . I rtn 1. To qltVlT rtCrrt tnittlm.ukt 2Aiptfin Ttbbtt tiki drink (aU lUil (4 !. Rrpni UntiDcM ia 2 boui. 2. Fo mtt ihnti from JfJA duolf ) Annn TtWm in )J of todirl. Piio. rawnrtt irt nw) ia Irw oifnaet. J Ctttt Unfit: '". ft too h t torn anl tempera tort dftet Dm ga oo if thrut filllt It AM. wcttr reliewd. ctU row doctor. Sore throat relieved In 3 minutes. Nd itrone, upsetting drugs Take no chancrt with a told. Follow the Hirrtrtoni ln the rjtcturei abovt the tfV war rnilHorn me to relieve cotdi mtinjly fait. It entirely avokU-Uie danteri of takttig itrong druft. to oulckly doe Aaplrin act Wh In. ternally and ai a frsle. you'll feel wonderful relief tart often in a few rolnutei. . Try t Dottora reownmend Aipiria became even wian raJten fe touenfjy they know ff tfoei r6t hrtt Ihu iarf. tint art Atttrln tnadt tn Canada. "Aipirin il the trade mark of i ne uayer iompany, Ltd, WAkNINO I Aialrln It alwayi marlrtd with this tuy7c "ICPIDIII" DOES NOT HARM nwi inill nit HEART WAR-MINDED New IM UMPI A wn u vlHH In .1 1 . 1 The Times, which used to a vera t- Page edition bares. War brriiVi .v.- 11 "a. c wn other l which print nev , pages instead (Jf a, v' lucrative adv.rti.,. h ... !!! EW; XI 1 JLU 1 VJJLlITU 1 U . I ' " only L,ndon 1 '" By PAT USSHEIl Canadlan Pre Slah Writer LONDON. Nov. 22: CP) The day by day story of the war. fll " tan dally with , The Telegraph of Conflict Relerale. Paylnt 1 page news a " -Ad,- ,o !,de Pa'ce. vJndal n, ihione conservative W confine ne Almost war Mi... Ph.,U,,r,n,'.?Pl Uorlty an , . . .. . ' une w i, ... 11...- wea mrougn me line mesh ofichronlcle hart u. ., u:JHft cenaorship. U the dominant top of the commandr n Britain's newspapers. Hrst and second Famfflar name have been re- France. The mm, placed by expressions like "Some-pictures of Ora where in England." "On the West-' e.Mnr ,.. Vhm In lh Midlands." The war Itself or war-related acuities affect every pane and evenr 'department News column, pictures and even advtrtUemenU reflect th coantrv's nreoccutton with the struggle whleh the BrltUh gov-eminent has declared can onlf end with the overthrow of UlUer- War practically monenolires the front page Check of wartime edl. Hona of the Dally Telegraph and Morning Post showed tMt Hi en- nr rrent page, wtm the exception of two two-line Itema. was devoted to ft:, , France, Madim ' the head of the Tax. F ". Mteslon m London w4 i (5 Frcnth. War In The Ad. The ads have a tit k re Manufacturers of r.... , claim thell ware a.s ''.f during the eut ... ... prr7''' strain. Tlllon Wr htj ency at making PubHshers stres tt. ATI Oid-Mih, ii. 1 . news of r connected "n ,u w' With the war t"'v nno(i;; -.: i- -i t... loo Camoaian ti i in we uj wo niiro io conserve i. ... newsprint, most of whleh U im- .Wa? uri nar 1 io nt'SMAVs WAk fit SPEC! ATS Waterproof Coats 8 only "Arislrocrar English Waterproof Coats (Guaranteed) In all tr.. ttt value $:k).00. Special with C97 fl choice of hat OiS.tW Tweed Trousers 10 Pair Tweed TrouMcrs In all mk and shades. With choice of knit- CQ Oft ted sport shirt. Special ... V9t,u Crepe Soled Brogues 25 Pairs Crcpc Soled Uroglics In black ami brown. Keg. $5.95. With Qd. Qf) pair of box, special $W No Charge, Sa C.O.I: William F. Stone N Clot has of bhtinction 'Jt: Conserve Taper earned on biutr.M ' ft " reduced I'" Wa' ' r.. tv 22 page, now has shrunk to 16 LONDON. Nov n nCT patea. The Teletraph has droo London Passentw Tntiwr Brt ped from 30 to 14, pages on th operaUng Loud average and other newspaners cor- announced the a , . reondiflly London artemtxw : their norms; nb ners. alva small m site ar'pay and allow . Ja. even smaller The Star prints ployees wh hav brr uh, Ston es SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllfflt it ICEAR FALLS nI POWELL BIVEI Steamer IcftVt I'rlrrce Ruptet' every 'THURSDAY, .LIS p.m. Trains leat Trine Rupert for the Ell,t Monday, WedneUy frldart 6 p.m. a Steamer far Ketchikan Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. rot Jnttt, elb., call or writ Lftv 7irVt fmctf. J" a I r