i Weather Forecast L Tomorrow's Tides ';!"! mm Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte High 10:53 a.m. 19.8 It. Islands Strong south to 23:29 pjn. 17.8 ft. southwest winds, mostly cloudy with Low . 4:29 ajn. 8.4 ft. some occasional rain. 17:28 pjn. 6.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVIII. No. 272. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NO V E M B E H 22, 1939.' PRICE: S CENTS Ge rmar 3 Are Swept From Skies Fifteen Planes Dropp Today By Of F ranee This Number to Ik? Added to Three Brought Down Yes- tcrday-Berlin Admits at Least Some Losses WITH THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN FRANCE, No- vembcr 22: (CP) British and French fighter planes swept the skies clear of German reconnaissance raiders today, shooting down seven. Eight enemy machines were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire. In the day's fighting the French lost two fighters and the FRANCE IS IN ACCORD WITH MOVE Calloboratlng With Great Britain In Blockade of German Exports Protests Eipccted Press Agrees ( LONDON. November 22: (CP) The French government has deckled to collaborate with the blockade of Oerman exports as tU is Imports which wax an-rousced yesterday In London by 'l fna Minister Neruie Chamber- Tr cabinet. A government announcement at Paris also states that French naval warfare against Oermany will be expanded to assist in the new campaign to make Oerman exports subject to seizure at tea as reprisal against the unrestricted Nazi sea warfare. Diplomatic observers in Great Britain anticipate that the decision of Oreat Britain and France t" blockade Oerman exports will meet with protest from Italy. Russia and possibly other neutral nations. It Is explained that the decision to institute the blockade was made only after all the possible reper cussions were taken Into consldera- j tkm and after full consultation with France It was decided that' to Impose an economic strangle-! hold on m Oermany uermany was was the ine only oniy ei- ef 'our warning shots which the h f t'n sJAI red Sho k rmnanlon " com ? "'Vessel . failed to heed after which "ganster ganster' methods of warfare Last Evening and Now b In Hos- the turned her fectlve Nazi and preventing the enemy from benefitting from same. If protests are made, the deci sion will to many violations of International law In respect to war by Oermany. The aim of Oreat Britain Is to force Germany to yield as a result of blockade of all her trade. Stoppage of her exports will prevent her from accumulating foreign currency with which to buy goods. The British press is In unanimous accord with the latest move against Germany. The Daily Herald says the government is entitled to prilse for' Its firm and prompt reply to Hitler's unwarranted methods. The Dally Telegraph says It is riot only Great Orltaln's right but her duty to retaliate against such briital 'methods as Hitler is employing. Latent Japanese InV asipn Checked Nipponese Themselves Admit That Trure Has 'Been No Progress During Past Twenty-Four Hours HONO KONO, Nov. 22: (CP) -A spokesman for the Chinese nationalist government says that the latest Japanese thrust Into China has been checked. The Japanese themselves admit that there ha3 been no progress In the last twentyifour' hours. Air Forces and Britain , BritUh none. t, Air raid warnings were sounded throughout northeart France today. Last night's war ministry communl-que said that three Nazi planes hadN been shot down near the front. The Oermans admitted that at least one of their planes failed to return from reconnaissance nighU yesterday. TALKS TO OWN FOLK Hon. T. A. Crerar Speaks to Canadians Today In Radio Broadcast LONDON. Nov. 22: (CP) Hon. T. A. Crerar. minister of mines twr-WiiiTat,Tesoiirtejfc' f of Can" - ada and the Dominion's delegate to the Imperial mlnMcri war conference, in a broadcast today to Canada, said that the English and French peoples were mobilising ' "every atom of their strength." He said that the Empire discussion had been most helpful In revealing the complexity of the war problem and providing suggestions for meeting it. Just returned from a visit to the Front, .Mr. CreTar declared the Maginot Line was virtually Impregnable. VICTIM OF 22 RIFLE pltal at Part Simpson Last evening on the townslte at rt Simpson. Alfred Deane. four- teen years of age. was shot by one Of his companions, accidentally. It Is assumed, with a 22 rifle. The bullet went through the chest and entered the lung and the lad Is now-being cared for at the Port Simpson Hospital to which place he was taken Immediately after the accident. Alfred is a brother of Jack Deane, secretary of the Prince Rupert Fish-! ermcn's Co-oj?ratlve Association, and also of Pat' Deane of this city. , Bulletins KAISER'S CONGRATULATIONS BERLIN The former Kaiser, William Hoheiuollern, Is reported i i u. i rl,.n. J 10 liaVC SCIll virnilll u i cellor Hitler, congratulating him I rrrnt rsrane from the Munich bomblnr assassination .attempt. I ESCAPE FROM HOME VANCOUVER Three youths made their getaway from the Borstal Home at Burnaby yesterday. I WILLIAM COCKSIIIJTT DIES BRANTFOltD William Cock-sliutt, 8i, former President of Cocksliutt Plows, died last night. TRAWLER IS SUNK Another Victim of German Mine 139 Sinkings Since War Began I LONDON. Nov. 22: (CP The( trawler Delphlne. British. 200 tons, was sunk by striking a German mine tn the North Sea late Tuesday. 71,2 crew r thirteen was rescued. is fnth v"el ma?e fhc to be sunk since the week-end In n? thVSart of the war 139 ' vesseu have been sunk, 75 of them beln British, ; : Ru T A Nil 1 IVjLil-'!! - IS LOYAL 1 .'iscount Cralgavon Assures Britain of Full Support LONDON, Nor. 2V iCPt V- f?unt Pm of Nor- mtiu iiciiiu. n tuning Liunbun- "In every war ilm we are sec-nd to none of the Dominions In s-to-portlnr the Brltlih government," He pointed to the manner-In wfc'-h Irishmen are flocking to the colors. Makin his first visit to London since the war. Vlcount Craiiavon called urvm Prime Minister Nellie Chamberlain. Rt. Hon. Wlnton Church'll and Kir John Anderson. INTERCEPT NAZI-SHIP Germans Sink Vessel lUthor Than Let It Fall Into Hands Of . British LONDON. Nov. 22: (CP) A Oerman ship, tne Bertha Fisser. bearing the alias "Ada of Bergen," 4,110 tons, was Intercepted by British warships off Iceland. The Oermans, occording to the Admiralty, Immediately started to sink the ship which later drifted, on the rocks of Iceland and broke up. Members Of the crew were picked .up. A Ueuters dispatch differs some-'what from the Admiralty an nouncement, saying that the Oerman ship was set fire by shells from the British warship. There guns were upon and she was hit fourteen times. if.terc.1burstulnt J18,? a."d' m" ' drifting ashore, broke in two a tnn t nnn AIRUVAr 1 ORDERED Canadian Manufactured Reconnaissance Shins Pass Tests At Ottawa OTTAWA, November 22: (CP) The Royal Canadian Air Force has accepted the design of twin englna Bristol Bollngbroke reconnaissance aircraft made In Canada after tests at Rockcllffe and orders for seventeen of these machines have been placed. Slmillar to British machines which successfully raided iTel Canal air base at the .first of the war, these ships have a maximum speed of three hundred miles per lT hour and 220 miles per hour when iloadcd with half a ton of bombs. 'Their cruising range Is 2000 miles. Crew Of German Ship Is Interned LONDON, Nov. 22: (CP) The German freighter Relngold, which was captured yesterday by the British Navy and taken to a Scot- tlsh port, had a cargo of wheat. The crew has Been Interned. War News INTELLIGENCE OTTAWA Canadian forces are to undergo intelligence tests. The Koyal Canadian Air Force will be the first to take them. A board of physocologists, with Sir Frederick. Banting as chairman, will rarry out the tests. PRISONERS ESCAPED LONDON Four German prisoners of war have, t scaped from a British internment camp. Two were soon recaptured. WAR IS COSTLY TOKYO The. Japanese gov-ernm-it has to date spent 350.010,000 on the war with China, it is announced. UCTS INOPERATIVE LONDON The British government ha advised the League of Nations at Genva that all naval limitations pacts in which Great Britain I a participant are inoperative on account of the war. FIGHT FOR. PRINCIPLE LONDON Richard Butler. Un-5-retry of Forritn Affairs, said in the House of Commons today that Great Britain was fighting today - for the principles upon which ihe League of 'Nation was foqided. There might appear to be some nn-reali'l rt . hrt tntTnaitan! co-operation must return iF'civ'-,J latioi .l rjcJmaiijUlnrd, LLOYD GEORGE CRITICAL Lu.MJON Former Prime Minister David Lloyd George criticised the British gurernment today for Its slowness in going to war. He denounced Prime .Minuter Chamberlain for not having attacked Germany a year ago after Hitler had violated the .Munich agreement concerning Czechoslovakia. SWEDISH SHIP STOPPED STOCKIIOLM-v Swedish ship was stopped sfnd searched in Swedish territorial waters by a German flying boat. After the searching, the commander of the flying boat apologised and took off. BULGARIANS MISTREATED SOFIA Bulgarian workers in Germany are being miscreated and underfed. Having received complaints, the Bulgarian government is asking Germany to repatriate its nationals in the Reich. ATTACK ON K OILMAN! A LONDON The News-Chronicle says that Germany is preparing to attack Roumania through Hungary, 700,000 Nazi troops being massed for this purpose. AIRMEIN PICKED UP LONDON Three German airmen were picked up today by the British Navy in the North Sea and landed at a roast point. The fliers were in a collapsible boat. David Brown, for supplying liquor to Indians, was fined $50, with option of one month's Imprisonment. In city police court yesterday. COMMUNIST PAPER CLARION BANNED OTTAWA. Nov. 22: (CP)- j Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapolnte, mln . lster of Justice, on recommen datlon of the board of censors, ' nas 1551,0(1 an order prohibiting uUDllCauOn or the Toronto Communist paper "The Clar- DAMAGED j RY MINFi talian Vessel Is Latest Victim Ot Indiscriminate Mine Laying Of Germany LONDON. Nov. 22: (CP) Latest ictlm of the Oerman mine warfare today was an Italian steamer hlch was badly damaged off the jutheast coast of England. ThI fisel. although in serious shape, as able to st.iy afloat and was iwed to port. Her crew of thlrty-nree s unlniurfd The name of he vessel was Flnona. OUR. NAZI WIPS DOWN kJilll u UKJ ? f 11 ' r Aiifes Hand, of PARIS. Nov. 22- CP Four Nazi lanes, at least one by a British." tkjt. were bronht dewn by the; '''es tterdav two in the vicjnlty f the We-twali. one hack of the, "vnr-b VriM in he Western Front and one at sea to which two were I driven. Trentv Narl nhn'shive ? ib-n hnw-rit. down durintba past seven weeks. 1 S AN0S YISlTEDt T Six German Bombers Drop Missiles On Shetland But Fail To Score Hits LONDON, Nov. 22: (CP) Ostensibly aiming for military objectives, six German airplanes bombed the Shetland Islands today with ex- plosive missiles but failed to score a nit. There were air raid alarm signals with the "all clear" coming a few minutes later. No damage was done. 1 A communique later said that me sneuana raiders urea at an anchored Royal Air Force seaplane but nobody was Injured. Anti-aircraft guns also roared-n South Essex this afternoon but. villagers said that no planes be-' ?ame visible. An east coast . battery fired a dozen rounds at a German bombe: ' flying seawards. Royal Air Force fighters chased' away a German reconnalssanc;! olane which appeared over thej mouth of the Thames River. Looks To United States As Large Factor In Peace WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 22: (CP) Cardinal VUleneuve. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec, paying a visit here, predicted that United States Influence would weigh weign heavily ncavuy In in the me balance uaiaute ui of a a. durable peace after the war was ' over. Orkney Islands Are Closed Up Roth Residents and Visitors are Being Restricted I i PARIS, Nov. 22: (CP) The persistence of Oerman air raids on the Orkney Islands has caused Rt. Hon. -.n. . n.u.u. r. . War, to re5lrlct residents and no one will 'be permltted.tb live or visit there without; special permit. German Arrested For Munich Bombing; Was British Plot I Declares DENIES KNOWLEDGE PARIS, November 22: (CP) Otto Strausser, head of the German Black Guard and arch-encn y of Adolf Hitler, denies responsibility for the Mmich beer cellar bombing or that he even knows Gcorg . El-w or the British secret service agents mentione d by Heinrich Himmler. He admits, however, that the anti-Nazi influence of the Black Guard has vcn spread to the German troops on the Western F' ont. Strawcr" accused Himmler of planting the Munich bomb himself to stir up a campaign of hate. BERLIN, November 22. It was stated last ni ?ht bv Heinrich Himmler, chief of - V'Olicc, Jthat George EJser, 36 , ;ad confessed having placed Adolf Hitler had spoken only a feu- minutes pr vious. i - L - ' Elser is formally charged w th tak- 4. Sub Raids Naval Base . - - NEW YORK. Nov. 22, Ac- cording to dispatches to New V-k a German submarine clipped Into the BritUh naval ;the bomb- base at the Firth of Forth nser' HlmmIer states. as during Tuesday and damaged rested on November II., th: e days a new lU.UUU-ton crnLr. then escaping. . .JT 4 i TO ASSAY ORE HERE it nm.- u K9hi;h,t In Province, It Will Be At Piince Rupert, Minister Announces VICTORIA, Nov. 22: (CP) Hon. W. J. Asselstine, minister of mines, told the Legislature to- day that he could not say defin- iieljr that a branch assay office ou d be established in the province this year but, if it was, it would be at Prince Rupert. Mr. Asselstine spoke after E. T. Kenney, member for Skeena, had maintained that, if an office was warranted outside of Victoria, it should be at Prince I Kuprrt ore sampling plant. Previously George Murray, Liberal member for Lillooet, urged a branch office closer to the Cariboo mining district. The House approved estimates of the mines department totalling $132,960 including $200,000 for Peace River oil exploration. Other votes made yesterday were $311,198 for the Department of Agriculture, $8,S39,818 for public debt and $80,181 as part of Trade and Industry Department supply. WEATHER FORECAST General Synopsis The pressure -. continues low on the Northern Brl-J isn loiumoia coast ana is relative ly high south of the Kootenays. 0 . , , . , , , ! with showers over the interior. I West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh to strong west winds, part cloudy and mild. Probably a few scattered showers. American Red Cross Making Britain Gift LONDON, Nov. 22. The British Red Cross has accepted the gift of $25,000 In cash and a large quantity of dressings from the American Red Cross. Chief Of Gestapo the Gestapo, German secret - year - old German of fc unich, the time bomb which t xplod- jing part In an antl-gov rnment plot. According to Himmler, he plot was organized, by Otto Strausser. a former Hitler lleutenaj t, now ; described as the "renegaci anti-. Nazi leader abroad and : .ead of "the Black Front." on bt oalf of tne Brltlsn secret service t whose cmply he was. Elser was dred to carry out the actual pla :ing of "tiuu, us had endeavoured to. esipe to A:Switzerland.vIn August, a wdinrs jtcv,Elrjsurported confei ion, ha carved out the redess f or 'lv e bomb ,,and the nlht before the e plosion i Visited the place to see tha everything was in readiness. 1 ie plot naa been planned ever six e August 193S. The British secret scrvic head-Quarters, where the- plot 'as en- eineered bv a mn nam Bes; and a Capt. Stevens," Bri Ish in telligence agents, with the collaboration of Strausser, are said to have been In Holland. B st and Stevens were captured N vember I9 'hlle endeavouring to e :ape to the Netherlands. Strausser Is said ;to be now In Paris. Other arrests, besides E" er. are understood t0 have been m de. Britain Denies It LONDON. Nov. 22: (CP)- :harges .in Germany that British agent? had engineered the Munlc bomb-ling plot against Chancello. Adolph Hitler brought a promp denial from Great Britain, It be g officially denied that the gov rnment 'or any of its agents had a; knowledge of the crime. Furth r, Ger-'many Is charged with Gi at Bri-jtaln of kidnapping two Britons ,who are held In Gern ny on charges of plotting a Ger ian resolution. It Is believed h re that these two men were : latched across the frontier from lolland Into Germany In a strar e Incident which took place . n after the Munich bombing. NEW PHAS a COMING UP . ..... c . . .... ... ,14 1 .Oil LIIUll OVVlV..J " Warns Canada Against V Ishful Thinking OTTAWA, Nov. 22: (Cr Capt. Harold Balfour, British u ier secretary of air and leader o the aviation training delegation- to Canada, speaking at Ottawa, lid that Canada was capable of oducing airplanes second to none'' "So far this had been a diplomatic rar. The second phase of the war v is about to start. Possibility of ar Internal crack-up In Germany Is r it wishful thinking, he says. Tb British government' has no such Illusions but Is preparing for a Ion: and arduous war, lastlnff three year or possibly longer.