aMfy. Friday. De. -ud PAGE TWO TUB DAILY NEWS , Gift Suggestions For, Her" TARIS MAID SLIPPERS In all the latest fabrics and leathers. These slippers are steel arched giving maximum comfort and wear. Finest quality on the market. 04. QC Price from V1'?3 Buy Her Penman's Hosiery llartt and Onyx and PIWPedic Shoes For Him: Foot Guard Slippers. In leather soles or soft soles ta black, brown wine or rest. Sl45 Price from Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Show THE DAILY NEWS. PBINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Intertloa Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit ISittti t Circulations 98 U 9.00 03 -25 Friday. December 22, 1939. EDITORIALS GREAT FIGHTERS No matter whether the Finns win or lose they cer tainly are great fighters. They are making a valiant showine against the hordes of Russians. If they get a little more help from the Allies they may drive the Russians back into their own country. A little more strength in the air is what is needed. Already the Finns are at times carrying the air war into Russian territory. Judging from reports coming through, there are planes already reaching Finland from friendly countries and more will be there soon. FINDING A SOUL We all realize that war is a horrible wav of settliner disputes. Yet we also realize that many a country finds 5ts swl when engaged in defending itself against a brutal enemy. We see that in China, in Great Britain and again in Finland. "When a country becomes rich and soft like some of our neighbors, it gradually finds itself serving mammon, j AH its thought seems to be of wealth and how to acquire it' Seldom Is Finland mentioned in radio broadcasts or new 'S- TODAY'S STOCKS (Ceorwsy 8. D. Jonoa On.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .14. Brp.laroe. 1050. - Cariboo Cjuartx. 2.15. Dentonia, .01 H. Fairview. .0I3i.' Cold Belt, .23. . Hedley Masrot. .504. Minto, D1H-Nobis Fire, .014-Pacific Nickel, .13. Pend Oreille. 730. ' " Pioneer. 2.15. Premier. 1-31 Privateer. M 4. Reno, .53. Relief Arlington. .11. Salmon Gold. j024. ' Sheep Creek. 1.19. Cariboo Hudson, .034. OSU A. P. Con.." .It Calmont. .37'. C.&E,2.16. f Home. 2 81. Pacalta. MYi-Royal Canadian. .174-. Okalta. 1.21, Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties. .18H- Toronto Aldermae. J5. Beattie. 1JQ3. Central Pat, 253". Coos. Smeltert. .47 Vi. East MaJartie. 35. Fern land. .03. Francoeur" .46'-. God Lake. .60, Hardroek. 15. Int Nickel. 44.75. Kerr Addison. 2.35. UUle Long Lac 2.W-MeLeod Cockshuti, J JO. Madsen Red Lake, U2. Moneta. M. Noranda, 76.50. Pickle Crow. 4.10. Preston East Dome, 2.22. San Antonio, 2.43. Sherritt Gordon. 1.12. Uehi, JtO. . ' Bouscadilae, .03. ' Mosher. .09. Oklend, J24. Dominion Bridge. .41. t Jack Stflrrie. Harry Robb. Don Eastman, .Bob Armstrong and Bob El-kins. Mrs. Carl Smith'accompan-led her husband HAD NAMES APLENTY LONDON. Dec. 22: CP '-Known internationally by 22 aliases Da!.-! Dbehbaeh. 42. was sentenced at Old Bailev here to three years' penal servitude lor stealing lewelrv H ASS! Fll 0 FOR SALE papers to the south without some mention of the fact that; for sale car? Safe in good it is a country that paid its debt to the United States. Ar! i"toa. Apply mtiy News, tf peais ior neip are partly based on that fact- The inference i -a that, if r inland had not paid the few thousand dollars it WANTED owed, the rich United States would not have been inter-fWAim:irWomJta for to and cooking. Suite" 4. Levlne Apts. 'U Possibly the United States needs a war to brintr her to a realization that .there is something in this world of more value than money. A war might help to cleanse the! soul of the nation by showing her what is meant by self-' sacrifice. At any rate we hope, for her own sake, that she' will join with the other democratic nations before very; long in preventing the spread of a condition that threatens! even her own safety. WINTER ACTIVITY The, waterworks reconstruction which has been going! on has been one of the features of present activity in Prince Rupert. Now that it is practically finished the rebuilding of two bridges will help to keep the city alive during the winter. This it is understood will be followed by activity at Seal Cove. ' . It is hoped that as a result of the little activity in thin city, there will be no rush of labor from outside points. It is understood that local men will be given first chance of any work that develops so there will be little hope for Ulster Booms Line Stuffs BELFAST. Dec. 22: CP) Northern Ireland will concentrate on export of linen goods, particularly to Canada and the United States. This will help bring In foreign currency which Britain needs for purchases abroad. During the past 11 years of Ulster's linen trade with the United States has averaged $12,-237300 annually. The industry employs about one-fifth of the working population of Northern Ireland. The ministry of agriculture hopes to Increase flax acreage from 50,000 to 50.000 acres by next spring. Flax is the raw material used In linen making. tt's the cumulative ellict of ad- value vertUlng that counts. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartment (Hot Water Heated) .Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) THE SEAL .QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL . 4 Finest Pink Salmon racked by the tali aJmoa canning compaay with aa all tha year raund payroll In trine Bapert Pkris Bridge Has Collapsed Louis Phillippe Span Across Seine Hit By Rarge People Thrown Into Water Belgian Gov't ' BRUSSELS, Dec 32: CP The BeMan government has protested to Berlin against a flight of German planes over Beaten The violation of Belgium territories by the Nazis b sKtgcd to have occurred ' yesterday. FILM HERO IS FLIER ' WINCHESTER. Eng. Dec. 22: CP ) Sub-Llfii tenant Ralph Rich- To Make Their Protest Today Pan-Amerteaa Nation to Deliver Repmentattons to BeHltcrenU i Afitmt VWatlon ef Safely I ii Zone JZL f. - fi JT" RIO DC J ,H0. D. j. .CP. .struck by a barge Miny peraona . . . , . were thrown STt river and two jJB jLSaT are known to be dead wi-.h . st J": . V IU)UIW BV4 w- counted for." The heavy barge i knooked out the central span. I Hospitals Taxed To Minister To Russian Wounded LENINGRAD, Dee 22: CP-S eon jested have Lentaarad hospitals become vrtth wounded set-dim from the war with Finland that many are heinc moved qaotet- iy to Meeew. to the Pan-American neutrality rafety aone. I U authoritatively reported here enr Joint coonaaunlea-Uen signed r, "whalf of the twenty- nations iy tat Praawnt of wtl1 be Mat AU move are bawd on general ewwiKatton Today's Exchange United SUis fanaa Buying. 2eC II pare ut preaalam; sealing, spat 11 pererst pretahtm. Sterling fan Baying. $4.4t: wBtog. apai. $1 41. ITJiiRS FLF.E ? PAETOaUA. Santa Africa, Dec. Ma If AC PvAtpcf M enemy aunlaeta In the Union break cf ths var. Bbjht of the 14 Hiiht of German PUnes Over boidm have lrTaapeaNd- preim-Their Country Is Objected To aWy to Moaan.ttave. WIXTEIt IN TIIF. WEST LILLOOBT. BJC. De. 22 CP-RoMenU of the Cariboo (ttatrict wnnl have to worry about fuel btOi If winter -ratinaes the way it began In ,?ly Decesber tree were bt-ddinc. daadeilena la bloom and paaay wltowa ani. FALCON ADVENTURES LONDON. Dat. 31: iCPl Cancht Local naval men arriving home ardaon. before the war a film actor, by the bar steward of the the PrinceM Adelaide this after- who starred ta the propaganda film e liner TerH-iml Mam off Beirut. noon to fpend the Christmas and ne uon Has v,wg er-aped un- lot t wb - the liner wiu tor-i New Year holiday season were Pet- harmed when his plane rrashed in rdoed t rai m ha been recover er Husoy. Carl Smith. Walter Smith Hampshire recently -! s-d dnnatfd iv Uie too here Earl Eby. Doug ChrilLson. Johnny CNefU. Arnold DohL Emil BWr, IV I & ' -m FOR 't"t,tioAi " 3'id d U I $k ajMMigBL cccpUd Gftnl'i "Bttt ProcwabU" with jl onlTtmlly tV &ot TJjts advertisement is not pobl shed cr d tptayed by the? Liquor 'Control Board or by the Government of Bm Jt Gjlumbu UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Hupert for Vancouver: T.S-S. CATAL. EVEItr TCES- T-S.S. CAIUIEXA FRIDAT, DAY, iaO p-m. 10: pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tit kef, M Office Further Information Regarding Reservation afid Ticket From FRANK J; SKINNER, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 561 CiT 1 HHnnni aaag Biggest Stock Of Toys IN TOWN Hear thai fanfare? Here romes Jumbo, bedreked In (ay (rap. pinct . and In the lead, the guard of honor (be Wooden Soldiers . . . it' the To j land Kevue! Gordon 1 AndrrwHi presents hundreds of tar in hundreds of shape and color . u pleae hundred of girl and boys. Old Idea and new idej many that jou've never tn before. Come In' Cone In' At Gordon & Anderson mi EXCLUSIVE" Ladies1 Ready to Wear .Mrs. II. S. Parker Moving to New Store on Third Avenue Next to Daily News Office Suggestions For the Christmas Shopper rure Irlth Linen Handkerchiefs Silk. Cbamoh f KM Gloves Daytime or imart Afternoon r toeninr Dree Esealnr, Bag Costume Jewclrry and Noveltle Hand Woren Tare Wool "Lanla" Scarf and Skirt See them dhplijed in Our Window Today . - . m tm aV A KKAL TREAT I'OR CHRISTMAS Fresh Churned SKEENA BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER Made locally In 7-lh. Boxes PHONK Gr)7 Valentin Dairy Or Your Store SHIP A 10-LH. HOX OF NKV PROCESS Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS For SU0 we will deliver a box of Kippers to your friend's hooe In any Express point In R.C. or any Canadbm National Hallway Express point In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mr.!tba. Mall your order with cheque or cah o CANADIAN FISH k. COLD STORAGE CO. LTD, Prince Rupert, B.O, with name and address of contlsnee. We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert British Colutnbli