5 f page rorv Express the Season's Greetings with the Oldest Name in Scotch S3.75 HAIC 6 HAIG Furnishing Sale At , Elio's Furniture I j Store Come in and see how you can save real money I? by buying your floor covering, chesterfield suite f or Christmas gifts during this sale. Sf 51 SI v Are you wondering what to buy the kiddles for Christmas? Just see the wonderful selection of TOYS At Elio's and your worries are over. Everything In the wav of ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prtn. nnn.. ...rw. Haig Haiti DBT1UD, IUNMD ANO BQTTIED M SCOTIA HO Sr HA 16 t MAJO. UMfftD. IBtNtUIGM. SC0TVAK3 This adrertiemept u not published or disolayeo. by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Indian Agent W. E. Collison and H. Suehiro. weH known local Dominion Constable A. J. Watkin- Japanese boatiraflder, sails tonight son returned to the eity on tost on the Cardena for a business trip night's train from a trip to Kit- to Vancouver. aelas to make a distribution to the Indians there of money, being Mr and Mrs. C A. Smith are proceeds of interest on timber saflmg tonight on the Princess sa,el Adelaide for Vancouver. Closed Three Days WB1 ele their eal and lumber yards all day Sunday, Mn-d Tneiday of Chrbtmas week. CasUners ihMild Wk vrr their stocks and plate tbeir rders ahead If "they are likely t mn ihmrL We ak take this pportnnity of ihing all a VERY CERRY Chrbtmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR Albert and McCaffery Ltd 1 it m S HOUSE a ft 2. JSP Wagons, Tricycles, Kiddie . . . Kars, - Scooters and S Aft Doll Carriages Shop early while there is still a large stock from which jfo to choose j& a Announcements All advertisements tn this col-eon win be charged tor a toll month at x5e a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree December maker. TH2 CA3.T !.Ln J LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and coortecBS m Dance Oddicstews Han. Friday. -vice Phone 1J TaxL it ' Dee. 2t damo popuksr orthes- BaHoon Dance Friday Moose Han. ttrkcy prfres. night, M. A. Borbank. c. X. R. engineer, retained to the citv on last night's train from one of V n n 1 hta VrtcAi.c3l trips through the Amas Lneer rund mterter ait duties. He was .accompanied, by his sons. Hugh Money Is conTm for the J?. .. ration Army Fund and it seems iT. -r .. Thr now as If it wEl be oosstble are tending " m vcouver bring cheer to those most In need. work on the hampers commenced today and all wiU be ready auiriDuuon try Saturday night. iurre u no ratuo auctm this rear tn those wishin? tn Acmi are asked to do so throneh the I regular channels, either direct to Salvation Army officers or through the Daily News. Previously acknowledged VA2i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster 5.00 Mrs. rbote .. 2.00 Mrs. Beverldge Anonymous' ... r 2.00 uapuoi 'Theatre Matinee 1 lor. Young People's iDanrp Fninvprl Soecessfyl Affair Held Wednesday Mcht by Bay' Band Parent' Association A success! ul young people's dance was staged in the Oddfellows' Hal) 20 . Wednesday night by the Prince Ru- .tlon. There was a rood atunnnr Cash 1 in an present had a very enlorable O. W. Klckerson it Co. Ltd. 25.00 . thae City of Prince Rupert lO OO' Mqs1c T Mrs. J. S. Black's Prince Rupert Rotary Club 25 00 Orchestra, assisted by Bandmaster A Friend . 5 00 Robert Greenfield, and Harry Wan- Wats & Klckerson 4J "namaker was master of ceremonies. A Friend 1 no James Bremner. with No. 147. was the winner of a door prize and Mrs. corbett cf Stewart with No. ZU. jwon a cake. The winning tickets were drawn by Donnv Wanna- Mr Eorrer.tJ was general convener Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Fortune. Mrs Perkins. Mrs. Thojnas. Mrs. Peter- 90i ir. r st m ft v-t a it a4 iM Canadian Legion Christmas Tree, the kitchen. Mrs. J. -Brown sold December 23. I refreshments and raffle tickets. ..WMp v-armas Tree. Dec. 29.. people read the DaUy Newa r. . " Pays to let them know what v Sic3 DiiuSc Jan. iu. havr to selL TOaTOcncna-msrnirn U I? I p R n n I I Phone 872 Rupri COPELAND'S Something New A Miniature GIFT Rax of Extra Fancy Delicious APPI PC $1.05 Box Baskets or Hampers of . Extra Choice FRUIT . 50c up One three-quarter pound Rox Candy Special 49c v IS. Mora Rafitr Stonnr Arena, cot- uti n 1 111 Mrs. Tdct Yule ol Port Edward noon and evening. Open Satsr- has beenlhe house nest ol Mr. and dir. U. Mrs. Ed Gt&kr. Second Avenae. for j the put couple of days. A charge at dmbtMCt against bfe Oisea aas been dtesisscd ta Larry Warner leaves oa this eve- lerty police eoart rsaaantj eaarg- oicz's train for SmUhers to spend ed, Wafeec Norland sad Lesae Hnd-Christmas with hU parents. VIr. 'sea are appearing that tfiernooa. and Mrs. L. a Warner. i ' CANADIAN LSOsON CHJU5T- SteTe Marphy. operator of the HAS TREE Sktaratr 35rd Dee. 3 Idora roller skating rink. saaed to pa. Carta! n of metafcers of last night on the Prince Buptrt to i Legion ipend Christmas ta Vaneoover. (years only Thomas Anderson. snpertetend- ent of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant, safied last night oa the Prince Rupert to spend Christmas In Vancouver. Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skrena. leares on this evening's train for Smith rs to spend Christmas. He jexpects to be back here before New Year. H. W. M. Rotston, pnbUaher of the Stewart News, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert last evening going through on a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Gavin Hume of the local Bank of Montreal staff sailed last night en the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he win spend the Christmas and New Year nottday season vte- itmg wtth his mother. Aaxftary wp to twelve 296t Mrs. F. SC Asa r leaves on tatt erransgs trasa for Hasesam where she w spend the Carsstaaxs sea a wtth her sorter. Mrs. R. & iSargent. Appreciated aad saexreaarre. . . Capitol Theatre has special Xmas gtft UekeU se gift enveteocs far rhaoren aader twetvei aad adalts. Ask at box office. Phone 661. U. Robert Maasaa saaed last nscht a the Prince Rspert for Osages Harbor. Salt Spring Island, to HTWfWl th Pkrhim an4 V Year hoaday season with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mansen. The fire departracnt was eaBed at : tost erentac to the O. K. Barber Shop on Sixth Street mhere a hot water Jacket in a heating stove exploded. The store was pretty well blown on bat there was no other serious damage. Roy Durnford Is Appointed Named Chaplain for Ueal Area af Canadian Active Service Force Bt. R. c. H. Dvmford has been appointed chaplain of Prtnee Rupert military area with the Canadian active service force Frv th time being at least, be wfll carry on his parochial duties as rector of Si. Peters Anglican Church at Seal Cove it: addition to his mOttary work VaiSVAWLMJiJJU iJUli m a a a 1 3. McRae nres!dH at :h 4nnr ' V a tKafcMM a. MILLER'S Florist Shop lprctiea t MILLER'S. l Your Friendn Will Appreciate a Rox of Fancy Mcintosh Red Apples d or r or or or Prince Rupert s Neett Horal Ceotre SusgesU that Yor ? Gift Be a Ural One jj See Miller beauUful dUplay of pot pianU and cut flower $ of every variety. Fresh ship- menU are arriving on every boat so you can be sure of a fresh stock always. ! Ciiscoutev Candies and Fresh iruiu ajm Aviii sear ta- ?! n 2M THIRD AVENUE J AU out of toa-n orders will have our best attention ' r Free Delivery jj XMAS SPECIALS Hi I S I 9 to a s M PI 1 Fish Packers Xmas Tree And Dance Success If y y 5 If Cm Uinegdar evralac the era! FUo Packers' uaton neia a very enjoyable Chrktmas Tree enter-tahusent for eandrea tn the Eagies' HsB. faMowed by a happy danee for the adalu. Daring the early part of the evening Santa Ctaas Jk Cobb) arrived on the scene wtth a present for every child as weH as eandieo i: . Winter Season Starts Today Wtaair officially . -r t t 06 this mormni k - --e laououia i Prtnee Rupert at bathed with beautify farts and a mild brr. int over the city : n would net h. ...... " - ' i U4 S- Nor did it Mini likr -he "4 ub u nv " ' I ' amy oi tltf year af'f r ! h refroansnenU serried. 1 dark, rainy day f uv' a Later there wa both Canadian wknter seasuu. hirh mar and Scottish daorlng. Maste wo' ways u prwtnt to be Quit. ' by Mike Colaaaft Orehostra and. oeatknai. gim Wry Tom Bliott acted as master of cere- of a Oreen ChniUr.s ,hrt, saoniex RaftashmenU ere aisin '4 dava hnr tv. ... served the dance and. before. during Uons too that a ru t- , lf. tae esose m use proeeeaiags. rrea - 4 neat C E Casosaaot took to the W W " " .J. AAA. tatstoaiL rTTT-r-r WOLFirS 1I0MK WESTER HAM. Enx.. Dee. 22 CP CcmDtolnt that the house of Bath General James Wolfe, hero of Que- his f bee (tlltt la ased as a vnodahM has been asade !o the parish poan- eu new. ite was born her m hU home dan of Gifts of a Lifetime For the Christmas Vou Will Altva Icmcml)cr With ricasurc RCA Singer Victor Radio Sewing Machine Record and Record fkatvtr . . . . a aJa OabaaLaaav A.a4aMka)aaaa mm aitiMiias -The Gift That Keep on ' Giving" 'Every Wmbib rvefm Saner Easy Washers and ironers -The (Jifl of All Wlc lcn- Kelvinator Home Refrigerators "The fiift for Hettcr Liring- CCJI. , j UNDERWOOD Hicycles rmim Tvarraff WATERMAN'S "Write (Sift aaaa KODAK Gift for Hapov ' All Gift of Guaranteed Service Sold on Tarr Tem st k se Grotto Cigar Store SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! all tt eCEAl FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamor leavea Prince Rupert every TiiUUSDAY. 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prlnco Rupert for tlte Enst Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6 p.m. Steamer fur Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fare$. etc.. call or icrlt l.dD 130X Ctty Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. m ' 1 3 tmraiamtsiiMiaiajarByMtaaiaiiiaTaim 5 5 5 Full Line of g Smokers' Sundries j WIIOLZSALE and RITTAIL M TOILVCCONIST g Wc Carry All Rest Makes or y t . t U! Uf iiocoiaie anu rtotiim' 2 1 tttt;,CtlCJ-',4',,,1 1 i