mfmi m i THE PER' SPORT CHAT m 9r H it I ECTIONOfOLDm 1940 MacKenzie's Furnit r' Christmas Gifts 24 KMJ TABLES Each 12 PULL-UP CHAIRS Covered in tapestry. Each Phone "75 IS ' - Thl advwtwmtnl U not published or diiplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th Government ol British Columbia then St. Louis Cardinal pitcher the unenviable title. Lester Patrick, manager of the New York Raneera. wm named (President or Ranger and pre!-: Jerome Herman Dizzy Dean, dent of New York' Madison; who managed to hit the sport Square Oarderu even year ago iwa from January until August. yesterday. He still hold both Jqdsm was voiea me Diggesi iporu au- appointment of 1937 The Assocla- ' " d Pres annual poll, published Dally advertising rn , t two Var ago, howed a maj- New Is ure to bring ?;y of sport writer Toted the'ault. Uu; Dall) dally re- Ford V-8 Deluxe Sedan Now On Display Conic in and Ahk for a Demonstration S. E. Parker Ltd. Kcmcmlicr It's Ford for Forlv We With All Our Customers and Friends Very Merry Christmas 8 At our coal yard will be cloned from Salur- W day until Wednesday morning December 27. ftQ p rnprct fully suggest that you check your ftj bins and place your orders i;.KI,Y Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 631 or 652 $1.95 $12.50 A MOVE AHEAD IN BOWLING rinnrrr Laundrv and Franks Win 1 In Mixed l ire Pin League Pioneer Laundry continued to Kdtth Miller 141 158 Sammy Jurmaln 176 164 Mabel Maditl 142 151 Ooeme Franklin 187 126 HanflteaD 261 261 2 166 178 132 138 9.3 194 169 134 161 157 81 172 246 184 3 116 141 155 291 142 202 261 Totals 1288 1192 1308 Pioneer laundry 1 I Dolly Wesrh 227 ' Fred Wench 368 ' Ed Schroeder 197 Ul Croxford 171 Cath Eastman 160 Ted Diingate 190 Handicap 169 Totals .1322 1061 Alley Cats 1 2 B. Wharton 65 O. Wharlon . - 88 C. Brtnd - 190 B. Briud - 83 N. Awntssen 120 M Asemlssen 1155 HundteSii 184 3 136 150 202 160 150 288 169 1261 3 116 149 156 131 137 352 184 Totals' -893 1129 1225 Tlie standi ugs to date: ; Pioneer tMrdry -. 8 1 8 .Franks . - 6 3 6 OverwaiUk 2 7 2 Alley Cats 2 7 2 BOSTON IN I F. AD NOW :T'ronlo Drops To Second Plarc In National Hockey League Standing CI1ICAOO. Dec. 22: (CP) Tor onto Maple Leafs dropped the leadership of the National Hockey League by losing three to one to the Chicago Black Hawks last nUht while the Boston Bruins took over exclusive possession of first place by virtue of a three to two win over the Canadlens at Montreal. The New York Ameri Tfnlay in Sports Commercial Bowls Play Savor Hotel Wins Over Crro Club In Only Fixture Completed Last Night Savoy Hotel moved Into exclusive possession of third place In the Commercial Bowling League last night by scoring a two game to one victory over the Oyro Club with which It had been previously tied Ifor fourth place. The Moose and Ovros are now on even term In fourth place a far a number of wins are concerned. Canadian National Recreation Association rolled 'forge ahead in the Mixed Five Pinl,u ,n thc second Bowling League lat night by de-jfxture n!?nt but I featlng Alley Cau two u one. it wa. however, the first time that I the Laundry had lost a same so far I this season. Frank Improved their of Pioneer Laundry wa high aver age scorer with 174; for men. Max Asemlssen of Alley Cat with 251. Individual scoring was as follows: Overwaitea 1 2 Murttl Wilson 86 147 Frank Wilson 162 148 Lea Basso-Bert 156 127 Frank Folger 155 145 Oeorgle Morrison 111 128 Frank Morrison 181 274 Handicap 157 157 Total - 1008 1126 Franks 1 2 Elvln Johnson 185 166 Oraee Johnson 106 172 Webb .. Total Gyro Large . 96 Brock . 126 Oulbransen 701 -137, ...203 162 147'Morrlson 163' 77 Asemlssen 163 128 1 Total 839 l3J C. N. It. A. 1 HI Samuclson 147 ?M Franklin 139 Jurmaln 146 Mcintosh 1 143 Paul 157 Handicap 6 Total 738 scheduled t the oppon ent postponed their play. High average scorer for the evening wa Don Arney of Savoy Hotel with 184. Savoy 1 hold on second place by scoring a clean sweep three game to nil vlc-ZarPin 155 tory over Overwaitea who are now.Houjton j3g fighting with Alley Cat In theMorrls U2 I basement. For ladle Dolly WeehArne 143 2 124 170 143 217 136 790 2 161 113 137 166 141 729 2 135 166 153 137 192 6 789 3 141 145 141 194 151 772 3 127 172 134 141 148 736 3 164 166 162 173 153 6 821 Tlie league standing to date: W L Pts aNJuv : 11 4 11 Printers 11 4 11 Moose Lodge 9 6 9 " ! Savoy Hotel 10 8 10 Gyro Club 9 9 9 Imperial Oil 7 8 7 Angus Apartments 7 11 7 Canadian Scottish 2' ( 16 2 Bowling Standing Five Pin League W L Pts Bankers 6 3 6. Malklns 5 4 5 Home Oil 4 5 4 DD3. and T.O. 3 6 3 ; cans trounced the uctroit Kea Wings three to nothing at New! York and the two teams are now( on even terms for cellar position. Christmas week-end play In the ) National Hockey League will bring together thc following teams: Saturday Detroit at Toronto, Chicago at New York with Rang-i ers. j Sunday Boston at New York 1 with Americans. t Monday Toronto at New York with Rangers, Chicago at Boston, Canadlens at Detroit. Thc league standing to date: I W Boston 10 Toronto 9 Rangers 6 Canadlens 7 Chicago 7 Detroit 4 Americans .5 3 3 7 2 1 3 1 D L F A 4 5 3 7 7 10 12 43 29 47 30 36,23 44 31 27 36 41 45 38 48 P 23 21 19 16 15 11 11 Kaien Hardware ' . " j POSTPONE S 1 JASPER, Dec. 22. Jasper Ski Club faced an unseasonable prob- : lem as heavy snows again blanketed the upper half of the new ZVz mile Whistlers downhill course but fall- ed to reach the green slopes wind- I Ing Into the Athabaska Valley. Vis- i Ring skiers turned their ski points j to the high alplands as postpone-1 j ment of the official opening of then new course scheduled for December , 31 appeared Imminent. l Undaunted by the- summerllK 1 conditions In the valley, the main i group of holldayers with the Swiss i Instructor. Peter Vajda. wli! spend of the Bald Hills at Mallgne Lake.1? They will leave Jasper December 26; while a further party will head In to the Tonquin Valley. headquartj ers of the 1939 ski camp of the Al-I pine Club of Canada. Hockey Standings Pacific Coast League Vancouver ....7 1 5 43 40 Portland -6 1 6 28 24 Seattle .... 5 0 7 30 37 ads. Do you? Keep up to dale Basketball UNIVERSITY OF B.C. Vancouver Vs. STANDARD OIL Prince Rupert DECEMBER 27 and 28 Dance Wednesday Night Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas . From PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Lay In Your Stock of Coal for Christmas Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Daily at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK nv- YOUR BOB'S Beauty Parlor Next to Q. & S. Grocery Phone 318 Bob Ritchie CHRISTMAS Table Supplies At Mussallem's Economy Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 1 e ao. vet use regu ! 2? Sis? s i A Handy List ;g For Ihe Lat Minule Shpppcr OPENING I N . r" We still have an unusually fine selection of Currie and Arrow ties. You tell us what he wears and well select a suitable tie. Priced from 50c 10 S2.00 We ako have an excellent selection of scarves In all-wool tartans, plaids, colored and white silks, etc. Priced from S1.00 to S5.00 Suspenders and Garters Tlie Currie AcUon-Bak and Airway suspenders make a very acceptable gift. We also have suspender and garter set and the garters alone. AH delightfully boxed. Carters are 50c, Suspenders, S1.00 and sets Jewelry S1.50 Collar bars, tie clips, with Initials if desired, studs and cuff-link sets, knives and belt-buckles all make delightful and personal gifts. Priced from 50c 10 $4.50 May we also suggest HANDKERCHIEFS. SOCKS, SLIPPERS; SHIRTS, SWEATERS and many other Gifts Just drop in the store and well be pleased to serve Clip this List for Reference William F. Stone The Store With The Christmas Spirit B. C. Furniture Co. NEW AND USED FURNITURE For your household furnishings, we carry a large stock of Chesterfields. Bedroom Suites, Dinettes. Kitchen Ranges. Dressers, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Etc, at Lowest Prices In the city. -1 iccc unesierneid in Dover Rust In the onn r latest style J)O.DU 1 3-Piece Chesterfield Of very fine tapestry and mohair. Reg. price $200. Now 1 Tri-Light Lamp Regular price $15.00. Special 1 4-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Consisting of Bed, Vanity, Bench and Chiffonier $125 $10.95 $72.50 1 Heavy Indian Rug 50 Inches by 72 inches. t4f Et Special ?JLJ.t)U 4 Dressers From 1 Singer Sewing Machine At I DAJtW&V I S1t4kttMS I COMMUNICATIONS LT NOTCH TWWH,1tl 1 1 ""SjTIfB' USED FURNITURE .. $9.50 2 Reconditioned Kitchen Rang At 1 Heater Good condition. At , Thone BLACK 321 (Next Door te B. C. Clothiers) $14.50 $22 t0 $24.50 $6.50 THIRD AVP. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Prirljif To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday JO p.m. To Vancouver Direct S 3. "FRINCESS NORAH- December 7th, 18th, January 3rd, 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return . Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 tiQ flft Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 ?0U" Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from XV. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, H.U If you lose anything, advertise for It.