y y y y y y y y y y y y y PAGE SIX y y y y y y y y y y y y it Dressing Gowns . . . 57 y y y y 8 Plain flannels and fancy weaves in plain colors and checks 8.00 t0 12.75 Silk Gowns ... y Heavy silk poplin in plain shade of y wine, navy and green I 1 9.75 y ; House Jackets ... y Plain colors with contrasting trim y and brushed heathers y y $7.75 t0 $12.50 Pajamas . . . By Arrow Broadcloths, lustrenes and silks in newest patterns, Christmas boxings. From , $2.00 There is Entertainment And Good Taste In Every Drop . . BUCKINGHAM GINGFR ALE Mellow and Smooth. Made ft ?m a new formula Pin!s-per daz C?1 OC Ll.MF CKUSH RICKY The True Fruit Drink. Pints. per doe. ? OF Qts. LINZEY & DAVIES Table Kaisins-Per lb Almonds - (Shelled Per l1;. Mammoth Oranr.es Per doz PHONES 583 586 No Charge for Delivery 25c 50c 55c Buckingham Ale QO fA OO.UU Quarts Per dcz. Pints . $1.25 Mixed Nut nuts. 2 lbs. for GIFTS For Those Special Names on Your List OLF- COLONY GINGER ALE Approved by Go.od Housekeeping Institute Pints only, Q-J -In Oli-U per dot. 2-WAY The Lithiated Lemon Soda "Takes You There and Brines You Back" Pints.jw doz OC Qts ' doz. 75c. ?l.tJ Order by the Dozen from your Dealer NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS WATTS & NICKERSON "Useful Gifts For Men" No pea- vlffo Mandarin Oranges Pef box 85c Canada Dry Ginger Ale Xmas Wrap Premium Hams--Best QOp Ul on market. Per lb, Fresh Assortment of California Vegetables Arriving on Wednesday and Friday Call in and See Our Stock of Fancy Xmas Lines I Veteran Nevs Man Is Dead I I 5i i I ft ft Mike Shea, Former Superintendent for Canadian Press, Passes in Winnipeg WINNIPEG. Dee. 22: (CP Mike Shea, aged 65, veteran newspaperman and former superintendent of the Ottawa Bureau of the Canadian Press, died in hospital here For the Gift of a Lifetime The gift you will never give ajain . . . the gift that means so much must be l.eyontl ordinary limitations. Make your choice from our stock of incomparable stones. DIAMOND RINGS S17.50 Tn $25.00 JpHUguifiEHs: cJevellers THE DAILY NE7T3 SIX? READY WITH BOTH HARRKLS The ley rivers, beckoning trees l Tne grana ora mountains seem to smile; And. thrilling in the winter breeze. 'Horn" whispers through each ftytog mile. Forgotten cares of yesterday ' In rhythmic Hit of humming wheels As hoar by hour, through dark and day. The cherished goal the nearer steals. On to the mystic 'Journey's End.' Its tender Joys Its revelry; , On to the clasp of Folk and ' Friend! i ' The Glad New Year that U ' to be. Mnil Schedule For tnc Eat Monduy. Wednesday and Friday A From the East- Sunday Wednesday Friday '.. December 14 and 30 pjn Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday . 11.00 p.m " or Vancouver ' Tuesday .. 12:30 noon Thursday 10.15 rwi Friday L 9:30 pjn ' December 7 and 18 4 pjn. From Vancouyer 4 pro 10 ajn. 4 pjn .... a.m. "or Stewart and Premier Sundajw . 7 p.m Wednvdny 1 p.ni From Stewart and Premier Tuesday, '.1 1 '30 am 1 Thursday 9 p m. 'or AlfceyXrm, Naas River and lort flmpson Sunday 7 pjn 7rom Alice Arm, Naa River. ind Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m or Queen Charlotte Islands-December 15 and 29 ..9:30 p.m. from Queen Charlotte Islands- December 13 and 27 ajn. For Alaska-December 14 and 30 a.m. From Alaska-December 7 and 18 p.m. !J. H. BULGER Optometrist Tut STORE WITH THE CLOC II you lose anything, advertise tor it Koyal Bank Bldg. SF An.-.:.g .' e ixii finest an'-a.r raft weapons u this doublt-barreh'd A-A fan of the Swedish nary shewn during recent manoeuvres Today the war-machine of Sweden is oiled and ready for action to defend Swedish independence believed seriously threatened. The German government-controlled i preu has opened a pressure campaign by demanding ousting of 8wedlsh Foreign NDnUter R J. Sandler. Holiday Train v. o. b. rwin silver ribbons swiftly roll Beneath us borne on rushing wines; O JoyoM turmoil of the soul! G Happy heart that lifts and sins! With the ran continuing light, herring seining tn Prince Rupert has been snspended for the holidays and will be resumed after the New Year. Reduction plant are enrtaClng operations over Christmas and New Year. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade laide. Cant. William Hughes, ar-rtved In port at 2 o'clock this afternoon and will sail at 7 o'clock Instead of 10 o'clock tonight on 'her return to Vanrxmr and way-jpotnta. The Teasel will be getting I Into Vancouver Sunday night in- Mad of Monday morning this itrtp. I Most people xnct elasslflrfl Marly cpOUlQ'AULD Fgbggt Certainly not! And for good fellowship that's sure to be welcome. IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY 2CS $3.50 40 $5.25 a, 7. MM i ThU 4TerUadiuM U not publUhed or dUpUycd by th Unuot Control Board or by U Oovcrnox&l of Brnan ooiumtrfs Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiH VALENTIN DAIRY PHONK 57 'XMAS TREE AT TERRACE One Hundred and Fifty Children ICememberrd At Community Affair TERRACE. Dec 22 Following Terrace's custom of many years members of churches and lodges spent a busy week In preparation (or the community Christmas Tree which was given for the children of the village and district. On Wednesday the tree btosaosMd out in the glory of Christmas with tin and shiny globes while In close proximity there was a goodly heap of parcels containing the various little gifts which were distributed by Vernon Olass In the guise of Santa Clans W'lllng helpers Iter. C A. Hlnchllffe. Mrs. R. Christy. Mrs J H Smith Mr R. W. I leech -' r iid-d the work of sorting oat the numerous kiddles and getting '.he parrel to them Family :t- thrives at Terrace id. k 'h years go by. It has b-me uprriiary to divide this pp " Irbratlon into tw0 parts the youp.icrr - than school - age1 h:ldr-n romine In the afternoon OddfHHws' Hull where the Ire was and the you outers of eehiol ate In the evening when nth' helpers Mrs W Robinson and Mrs N Sherwood socmen ted the staff which was heroine Santa. ' Altoeeth-r some 1M children were provided for on this occasion PUHMNfi "IS NEAR READY New rost Office At Prince George To Be Occupied Al End Of January PRL.VCE OBOROE. Dec. 23: -C. F. Dawson, district resident architect of the Federal department of public works for British CntasnMa and the Yukon, with hwinutiM jn Victoria ha Inspected the new LAST TIMI S 1 Z Shows. 7 ot Adrertwtne it kn . U NIU.tiCroTr -a Dtiithifui tktw: "Our Neighbor, The Carters" Wlh Fay ruuner. rw, Cravl,,, rd u At VM sad :M, I-TFt -lUllkh N Home ai4 AWs-MuslMl ,m Hi N, THE lli;( filIT . . .0b Soeelal m, (;m Buy N rOMINfi SAT OUT -Grade Allan Manler cv PhM The Sunwi TrwT public building ut l i ne & antch it ia nousr u. y& t and castoms office The -w -hit. '. sutfd that tat sal ill bi completed thr-.tp faairhings and n-clcrsi 'd f - occunsn y Umi end of January v -e Mr thwt-m an d fw djst kiing of i sa tmnt ctdewalk rrmitiM 'widtnd oq Chwftcr gtrm to 'Hi'.ffn eesaent stsvaft Third Av?nat The cessmt will no t'kr be aadertskm net s-rtrg. , ""her Htntovesaent am s a resttlt f the is h. boiWIinf h t-'Mne -f tth a Vt HetM fone m the rear WALLACE'S XMAS SUGGESTIONS Of Practical Value Silk Hosiery In a ntec variety of shades and qualities. From, pair 85c 10 S1.50 II0USB COATS and KIMONAS in warm flannels or padded silk. An attrsttite rante Attractive Prices Silk Underwear. Panlie. Py. ,, U Jama, (.owns In a pleasing llandWprth,cK sctcs. Anortment IVe Shall Be Open Thursday Afternoon and F.venlnc AKo Ft and Saturday F.vcnlngs XMAS GAUDS, TAGS. SIkS. CKACKLUS and WltAPrlN TO EVERYONE A 0 Me rry Christmas KEEP WARM WITH Bulkley Valley COAL