Ki .'1-0' Drremtw 82, JJB9. THE DAILY NEWS she boards the evacuees for $2 a THE KING INSPECTS HIS TROOPS IN FRANCE Evacuees Keep week each. C-ne "of the boys. a zed 12, said this was a typical day's Cupboard Bare menu. f.. Breakfast Bread nd baiter with Jam, porridge, .-.two bstted t FARMERS HE SAYS "BECAUSE" Become thil fragrant Old Visginia Fine Cut it cut extra (me to roll a trimmer, tidier cigoretle with a flavour your laite will love to linger on . . . and became this cigarette tobacco hai something on them all when it comes to mildnew ond fragrance -it hai first-puff satisfaction that proves real quality. It will really pay you to try Old Virginia Fine Cut the mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette paper. Particularly if you use the best papers, Chontecler" or "Vogue." Package 10F b. Tin 1S( PocUt HumiJor Pouch 15 NM tilM trltkiwt ttt tit''' PREMIERS TrU ( Canada's Provincial Heads Have Deep Intereat In Agriculture TTA'VA, Dec 22: CP -Cana ls ..jw lias three provincial vtct- premiers whose funda- pcrsonal Interests lie the soil of the good earth. T i;rw premier of Quebec.) " Au .jtrd Oodbout. has long yyt , ax a practical farmer t. 1 " Yarmouth township onion jti Premier Mitchell Hepburn " Oc ar 3 is famed throughout ': Doraj;.ii Bat f rmrr-premlerhlr re not ncnnw ione to the populous in- c 'U. rovinces of central Ca-udi . ; Manitoba there U Pre- r '-tt i Bracken, who has been il f the Liberal government "if 1922 and before that u present of the Manitoba itdi College. rvT.:rr oodbout lectured in t-jii '.osbandrv at the nrotln- tgr.r uliurnl college at 8te. A:. ::! &, ia pocatlere. where he s educated, and served as mln- '' of agriculture In the Tas-l"rftt government from IMO to A luvtr of fine livestock, he atains a noteworthy herd of 1',Je on his modern farm at 'V ighsburg. Ouebec, where he rptrtmenU with the latest de- 'IV' Premier Heoburn Ukes pride In i rarlan heritage ond llsU his api'ion in the parliamentary nlain farmer ; unviable record in practical JttRitcfiittfkn DEHMS For generations &Z3SL 2G oz. 10 oz. . Unmindful of the murf :ta may be seen in this picture King George is shown as he Inspected his troops on the Weste;x Fr m: His Majesty spent several hours in the trenches with the trdops. after Journeying to France on a British destroyer PRACTICAL FINANCING CHRISTMAS BY ERRORS EDINBURGH, Dec. 22: CP Shoppers Crowd Stores Picking Up Luxurious necessity of the war Is a new kind of sausage made of venison. Prank Wallace, derrr controller for Scotland, has announced a supply of 10.000 stags in Scottish forests. Wollen4 and Shoes As tiiru Before Prices Kise By DILYS THOMAS Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Dec. 22: (CP) Despite wartime conditions 'stores In the TENNYSON SALE West End of London are crowded NEWPORT. We of Wight, Dec. lhMe day with hordes of eager 22: 1 CP 1 The estate of Alfred, shoppers. Lord Tennyson. Victorian poet, Anar rom Buying Crlrfetmas; bought with the proceeds from the 8t hoppers are taking advan-i sale of "Maud" has been put up uKe of obtaining all kinds of use-for sale by the trustees of his son. u before prices rise. Coun- a famous cricketer. displaying woollen underwear for men and women at bargain DAYTIME BLACKOUT P8 are crowded with people SOUTH MIMMS. Eng . Dec. 22: kytng In stocks for the future. CP-Neon lights In the daytime Practical gifts are popular this are banned here, and Arthur Big- Christmas with stockings and shoe5 foremost. Prices In shoe hell, garage owner, was fined five are ihlinngi Ml 111 for lighting a ii foot neon sign at midday. HICOTIIEK IN ACTION 8HAUNAV0N. Sask.. Dec. 22: (f!Pk A rlenr camera thnt of a rising rapidly for shoe stores are full of women and their friends choosing them for presents. Wool-lined fur-edged all-weather boots are favorite buy for England's temperamental weather and are sensible wear for women who have be ' doors ral" or tae-Western French soldier "somewhere on the ,ut Fronf In a news reel here Prlcf fo' ")ls type of feotwear astonished Leon Rion. The soldier e from -73. Stockings are being wm Paul Plnet. hit brother-in -law. ughi In half-doren. Prices have I) EN 111 01 1 DIES not Increased, a great deal yet but are expected to rise sharply before long. SUNNINODALE, Eng.. Dec. 22: , sn,ks I)Mrcf s,lk I1""1' m a lllt,e CP-Promlnent Roman CathoUc At"tT J but not and noticeably so peer and for 40 years commanding officer of the Honorable Artillery "U" ,unrT!ar,stft and ,ch,,on Mles In the loveliest of colors Company, the Earl of Denbigh died stlu attract the here, ' aged 80. ' feminine buyer. Another gift popular with women - - - - - - is a handbag fitted comDletely farming and agricultural econ- with a famous beauty specialist's omlcs was built up by Premier or'naratlons. This costs $5. Bracken from 1919 t ol920 when he Resumption of cheap day-Uckets lectured In the University of Sask- on the railways between 10 a.m. alchewan as professor of field, and 4 pm. enables honwwlves to $5.60 - SlsillMailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMSillllllllllllllllllllllllllll REG IN A R C A. F TRAINING BASE. Dec. 22: CP -A lot of young Royal Canadian Air Force recruits are paying into the fund of the Rumble Club these days as they learn to pilot a plane during their elemental? training at this huge prairie airfield. Student fliers automatically become members of the club when they start training at Reglna air port and payments are made to the fund for sundry flying achievements and mistakes. When the treasury Is sufficiently large, the club, founded by Manager Bert Langdon of Reglna airport, j throws a party. Or when a member solos, hej buys a "dozen large" and the club I Increases the liquid refreshment, J adds cheese and crackers. 1 J The smallest' fine levied is a I .nickel for a corrected landing I bounce hi a training plane. An' .uncorrected bounce costs twice as' .much and a bad bounce and a , bad landing together cost money I Failing to hook up a safety belt I careless taxiing, side slipping In .bad visibility, -offering an alibi or I getting on's name In the local' ; papers Is worth 10c to the club. A t I picture In the papers Is assessed I at 25 cents. , When a pilot falls to "give her' the gun" on overshooting a landing It costs film 25 cents, but he can sneak his plane into the airport Just over the fence for a dime. In the 15-cent category are CIllMrla trlfrifncr tnma H..MV e,. ...... 0 ..... ..... . To flunk a test costs a flier $l and breaking a windshield or gas guage tops the money list at $3.50 1 a fine. But making a pancake, landing with a drift Is the worst offence of all. The Rumble Club, doesn't even levy a fine for It but, husbandry before going to Manl- do their shonoln earlv and be hands out toba University. home before the blackout. which reads a sarcastic "Go Home." H"SpecialLioueur',I Special Liqueur I I 1 7ka lha Finest Finest ScotcA Scotch Musky Musky p j fifgrat age. .ibhnDewar & Sons, n. . . LlnM 'VorKMSf, (Perth, h J( k by thn the nauot Uquof Control ooniroi uua Board u or by , the Government of British Columbia. This advertisement Is not publlshea ur displayed penalty Canada At War 25 Years Ago By The Canadian Press , I Dec. 22,. laU: Russian cam-ipaign In Armenia slowed up by wintry weather but Turkish at? tacks were reported repulsed with heavy losses. Indian expeditionary force advanced In Tigris Valley. A fifty cent ad. often make you many dollars. EIll 111 K.EIMiaKEBmSIllllllllMa III! 1 a nm ti 11 ti m HI v '"id I) 26 OUNCE BOTTLE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MixeraL act Notice T: ItHlnqurnt Co-wnrs To John W: Alilnr anil Gundrr Rlrkt- Und or Rrattlf, Washlnjton. U. S. A. whereas tNPre ars owntrs oUier than mywlf to th extent of more th&n one quarter intrreet In eacb and all of the Star No. 1, Star No. 3. 6 tar No. 3. Star No. 4. Star No. 5. Star N'k S, Star No. 7, Star No. 8. Star No. 9 and Star No. 10 Mineral Claim aituuta on the north EWr of FVrcJwr Uland tit Chlamore Taseaee about SCO fret tnm the brach In the Skrena Xts!3 t-roT y( uriu&n uoiuinoia: TAKE NOTICE haw vrJeea rou do iLUTiaion, pay wlUUn 90 days from the date here of the sum of 11537.50 being your .proportion of the evendlture required for the years 1937, 1939 and 1939 by Section 38 of the Mineral Act. R. a B. C. 1936. Chapter HI. together Witt j it CI UUP MUVUt MC UUUCT3 (Slg-ned. the registered owner of aald :MUwrar ciaima, your interect on aald MUvrral Claims ahaii ta lorreltea and beoome vested In the undersigned vrno hoa made'ttve required expenditures. DATED at Mure Rupert, B C. i!a 8th day of July. 1939. E. B. BERNET, ! MOHTOS Dec. 22: (CP Eng,. . bafcfr potatoes, 'Uflflheold' wemih who lived batter puddtnj, greerS. jei:y and In a shoe," Mrs. May Welch doe Kit custarcL B know what to do but the children f bu&r TeaBread and izm or who make her feel that way arenltmarmalade cake or benlts. hen-they are 14 boys evacuated , .4 and eo- from a London slum. ' n coa I Mrs. Welch was hailed to court' ,for showing a libt In her hous. Worse, said Mrs. Wei;h. ws the jduring blackout hours. She burst I -ffect on her furnttuxi of 14 ef-lnto tears, tld the magistrate the ! ferveicent youn?sters "They are .wan had ruined her financially not reaUy bad hx they rJ And that one of the boys had 1 -,,. toi"Iy arf a$ rh? ishowed the light The magistrate 'J1 ?en. jiwnLwed th charge a crash resounded from in- Later Mrs. Welch told reporters talrs. "Another chairgone." M s. that with two children of her own Welch muttered. Sh; as right GIFT SUGGESTIONS Carvinff Sets Pocket Knives Cups and Saucers Gasoline Lamps Twenty-Two Rifles Waffle Iroes Sandwich Sets Gosoline Irons Electric Irons Covered Roasters Pyrex Oven JVarc THOMPSON HARDWARE CoHtd. Phone 101 255 THIRD AVENUE aooooooooo 000000 oo-o 00a oow utotm&aeoooooo&a ooooo ocuroaa NOTICE Boyo and Girls Prize Contest Ormes ltd. Zfftf Pioneer Druqefiats The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 aan. till 10 y.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 9 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ia to & ia us itii Bulkky Valley Turkeys Direct From The Farm !f yes tvani a good Turkey frexn the Bulkley Valley place youf order now. The supply is limited but the price is rltht. First Class Number 1 birds at 38c a pound. Bulkley Market THIRD AVENUE Phone 178 a Closes Saturday night Dec. I 23, at 10 p.m. Distribution I Of prizes Christmas Day