chool Shoes Girls and Children's Jack and Jill Little Pal Hewston Make BOY'S AND YOUTHS . . - Greb Sisman & Valentine Make These Shoes Have Stood the Test Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue 1L F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mail to all other countries, per year - 9 00 ' Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion SS2 Local readers, per line, per Insertion -25 i Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 I Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations NOTE OF JOY Tuesday. September 5, 1939. NOTE OF SADNESS There was a note of sadness in the speech of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain when he told how his ef forts for peace had failed. emn requiem as they leave. The bands play stirring, joyful tunes. Even the Highlanders play their old battle songs, stirring notes that fill the air with the joy of life. "We have heard Chamberlain's lament. It had its place but it must be forgotten. Our forefathers fought and died for the cause they felt to be just. Remembering this we are happy to think this spirit that built the British Empire is not dead but that it reacts immediately to the call, for the suppression. of violence and for right to a life of freedom. THE CANADIAN PREMIER We must all have been proud of our Canadian Prime Minister Sunday when we heard his speech pledging the backing of the people of Canada in the war against aggression going on in Europe. This speech was rebroad-cast throughput the United States later in the day and must have been heard by millions of people. As he spoke we felt a glow of satisfaction that the Canadian people, through her, members of Parliament, were backing the Prime Minister m the stand he is taking. We know that our own member telegraphed to Ottawa his personal backing as representing .this constituency. There have been times when we felt and said that our Premier did not lead sufficiently. On this great occasion he has given a splendid lead and we are proud of him. I truMSMirs jCOMMUNIOWieNt CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB. PRINCESS, ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m, To Vancouver Direct SB. PRINCESS, LOUISE SB. PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 16th, 26th, Sept. 6th Aug. 9th, 19th SB. PRINCESS CHAIU.OTTE-Aug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, Sept. 2nd Direct ConnecUons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Late War News (Continued from Page One) Japanese neutrality in the present war. The Fvreign Secretary alsa stressed Die need for the elitninatian ( nntunard incidents in China. I DUBLIN Eiref noUllhstand-; iug a previous announcement of i neuttality, today ordered general i mobilization to assist the Mother-' land. has gone into full pusitien along Uie frontier to protect its cued neutrality. ISTANBUL 'i:te reports just received state that Turkey has ordered general mobilization. Turkey has already announced that it will support Great Britain and France. WASHINGTON One hundred and sixteen American destroyers, out of service at Philadelphia and 'San Diego, will be recommisslon-ed for enforcement of neutrality laws. WASHINGTON The United States today proclaimed an embargo on the shipment of arms and implements of war tit Belligerent European nations. There will also be limitation of American travel to Europe except liy special permit for business. LONDON King George has sent messages of cheer and confidence to President Moscicki of Poland and Premier Daladier of France. j OTTAWA An stir raid precau-I tions committee under the De-i partment of Health has been set up at Ottawa. Particular at-! tention will be given to the I Martime Provinces. OTTAWA Canadian and British naval vessels will co-operate in convoying shipping between A similar tone Was reflected British Columbia ports and Pan iL, e iL V i Wmniw TVint ia nnet ama. in uie cuiuress in me ' juihc xhc, jnv. We must forget to be sad. We must feel glad that it is given to us to do something for the world by subduing thisrwild brigand, Hitler. We cannot win if we are to be forever sad. We must learn the joy of victory. We must cheer the boys with the thought that they are to fight in a just cause and that by doing so they are showing their real manhood. We should not be proud of them if they were afraid to fight. BERLIN Hitler visited German headquarters on German-Polish, frontier. . , PARIS Artificial fog wan dropped on Paris last night as the city went Into dugouts for three and a half hours against air raid which did not materialize. LIVERPOOL The Cunard Line annniinrM th tfriimthln ltnn!i w " - .. i. ,1 , ' 11 - a? Is it not a splendid thing to tninK mat in me nme oi sunk by a torped from a sub- i.i i ii T ; 1 i . xl 1 II i ' . . need trie vouncr men 01 me umpire leap to ine cuiurs aim t nunuc. me crew oi iwemy clamor to be allowed to do their part? What a wonder-fur thing it is to have that sense of justice to such an extent as to be willing to fight for it. We do not play a sol three was reseued with one death reported. LONDON Information received in London is that the German ship Carl Fritzen was sunk. The crew was saved. SHANGHAI Empress of Japan and Empress of Asia, Canadian Pacific liners, reportedly ordered to remain here indefinitely. LONDON It is officially announced that the foet ball league ordered suspension of all football. Survivors (Continued from Page One) certainty as to the fate of the passengers but later the reassuring news that, except for some who had been, killed, by the Oermsn rpedo, all persons on board had been sav ed and had been picked up by other vessels, eight hundred being on a Norwegian ship, and two hundred on a Swedlsh-Of the 1400 pas sengers aboard the Athenia 1200 were Canadians, and 200 Americans, It was estimated. They were practically all refugees hastening home from abroad and the majority of them were women. Great Britain claims that the torpedoing of the Athenia was a direct violation, of. international, law as the vessel was not carrying contraband, was headed away from the war zone and did not attempt to resist but was torpedoed without warning. Germany categorically denied responsibility of a German submar- : ine for the torpedo attack, suggest" lng that It might have been a mine, a bomb, an Internal explosion or a conspiracy by Great Britain to win United States sympathy. The British Admiralty announced there were no British mines In that area. No. baseball: team went to Ketchikan with the Labor Day excursion1 owing to players being under call for war eervlce. t ,1.4. I Profiteering To Be Halted : OTTAWA. Sept 5: CP- t- under existing laws. Baseball Scores SATURDAY'S SCORES National League Chicago 6. Cincinnati I. Boston 2, Philadelphia 3. Mmiklsn 6-7 New York Detroit 1-7. Chicago 8-2. Philadelphia 1. Washington 3 St. Louis 3. Cleveland 6. MONDAY'S SCORES National League Pittsburg 2-6. Chicago -3. Boston 4-5. Brooklyn 5-2. Philadelphia 0-6. New York 10-7. Cln:lnnati 0-6. St. Louis 4-6 (sec-nd game called in ninth on ac-tount of darkness). American League New York 7-2. PhUadelphla 6-0. Chicago-Cleveland, rain. Washington 7-6. Boston 6-4. St. Louis 3-5. Detroit 2-5 second same called In eighth on account if darkness). ENDS TOUR HALIFAX, Sept. 5: (CPI Dry-leaning his way across the Dom-nlon. Ernest Champoux of Vancouver arrived here on hhj second '.ranscontinental bicycle trip. He aras his way by dry-cleaning and pressing FOR SALE LARGE dolible desk, Laren's Music Store. oak. Mc n LAND tor Sale. Right near school. 10.63 acres. Apply to Joe Bright, Cedar vale. B. C. (200) 2ENIOR Matrlc Books for sale. Phone Red 390. (208) 300D business connection fr sale, apply to Box 276 or William Oalr, Florist, Nurseryman, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. (211) FOR RENT FOR RENT 6 room flat. Reasonable rent. Oood location. Apply 733 5th Ave. W. (207) FOR RENT 8 room flat above Prince Rupert Feed 8tore, 2nd. Avenue. . Phone 58 (208 ' AaENTgrvVrANTEn" PREMIER Art Guild, the largest personal greeting card company In-Oanada, with branches from coast, to. coast, Invite you to at)-ply for an agency to, sell printed to order Christmas Cards, Sample book supplied without charge Most complete line of boxed asr sortments which pay our sales staff up to 50 commission. Experience unnecessary. Write Premier Art Guild, 570 Seymour Si., Vancouver. tf. WANTED FURNISHED Bedroom wanted, by r- young man In private home. Inquire Daily News. (203) HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED girl for houseworl: Apply Mrs. II. O, Johnsen, 446 4th Avenue East. (208) Old Country Soccer Engliih League First Division Arsenal 5. Sunderland 2 English League SecwAd Fulham 1. Luton Town 1.. Nottingham Forest 2, County 1. tgwnprehetisrve measures to Scottish League Second OIvM.mi protecv the consuming pub- Alrdrieonlans 2, Bast Flic 1. Ik- will be announced shortly. 3. Dumbarton 3. Edinburgh Ottjr 1 1 1 Hon. Norman Rogers, minister Dundee United 0. Lelth Athletl i ; of labor, said Saturday as he ,v disclosed that complaints, bad Dunfermline Athletic 5. Brechin already been received. If for city 2. u...,cCt-.c 7 , , . ny unluAtllud price la- King's park 2, East StlrUn X BRUSSELS The Belgian Army . t cnases lo the publ, delrlr Montrose 4. Forfar Athletic 1. i ment arise, steps will be taken, Morton. 1. Dundee 1. ( r Immediately to deal with tbeta.' Halth Rovers 1. StenhouMmtitr 8t. Bernards 0, Queen's Park 0. mine home runs by New York In Jy " P" llrst game). Pittsburg 11. St. Louis 3. American League New York 7. Boston 12. St. Louis 3. CteveteBft 9. Philadelphia 3. Washington 0. Detroit 0. Chisago 2. SUNDAY SCORES National Lea toe Chicago 0, Cincinnati 5. Boston 4-8. Philadelphia 3-2. Brooklyn 1. New York 7. i Pittsburg 6-0. St. Louis H-3. American League New York 12-9. Boston 11 -0 tsec MAJORITY PASS FREDERICTON. Sept 5: (CP - Out of 18 candidates who wrote the 1930 High S:heol-leavlng matriculation examination conducted by the New Brunswick department of education. 993 passed and 300 jO.2 tolled or wrote the examinations The leader was Don ald Metcalfe. St. Vincent's Hlah School. Sain John. Oeneral Synopsis Pressure a low ov-r the Interior of British Columbia and relatively high wes' of Vancouver Island. Unsettled weather has been general throughout this province. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh west northwest wlndV ond game called at end of eighth .cloudy and coot with showers cn account of curfew law. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char- unsettled and cool with oee&siofMi' oooooooooooooooooooooooooo I ELSIE F. HEAPS g A.T.OM. H II 1 icuiu and Theory ALL GRADES Private or Class Instruction Beginners from pre-schoolag also Teachers' Training Clasi Twelve Years' Experience Phone BLUE 997 3 00000000000000000040000000 SWANA OLAFSON A.T.CM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 813 ... THE SEAL " QUALITY GOLD SEAL Faney Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only jalnton canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Yacht Race Postponed lotle Islands Moderate to fresh r,iul Sprint for Tip Top Tallora kwest winds, shifting to southeast. , Cup On Sunday sir "Par" in any smoker's Pipe I iSES" ' Oil Cliuui ha lrn i Imidj(i for )rar and now. with imcr uJm) in rvrry potkaxe at no at Ira nt auJ Ike H U- tin rediMwl to Wf, Old Cbum ba beaten lln mwrd for value. You jul can't ltler il core either tut uarx- foe Hm- pip or cut fine I t rolUu vjur una, Traly liw s w. vlbcf U Amcj jtjj. like Old lium. TMcco rain. Owing to Inclement weather the OlaK stvenWi j model yacht races planned for th- TV trophy. dJi i AUSTRALIA WINNER PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 5: ad-.:rJ ? , - i ' . he Tl!' T"t '! j, At prfM-nt 8 H with A J Croxl t:,f. 11 CttWtfejr MarKenzir to frur-fifth Mil OBI La:: weeK-ea were cauea orr .v a rr t rsvetto ,n xn Stilt of the delav it now Planned f Uu- Tip Top T .to have one final raoe This will the cauae f m' ICI III.. . O 1 f . I .,! , -Australia regained the Davts Cup , J , ' T77 I vesterdsv wh.n ahh, o,,uT - p. the last rac- of the season has lven a d. Jack Ztd lnU Mmwl ftl wUl patUW Bromwich won the singles matches from Bobby Rlggs. " ana rranx rarner. The Australians grabbed victory out of defeat, three matches to two after the Unltl States liad won the two opentnu matches. It Is twenty-elght yeani since Australia has held the Davis Cup. A fifty cent ciassined ad. often make you many dollars. wMI R I -Jit :: t is BOOKS & SUPPLIES FOR ALL SCHOLARS We Have the Largest and .Most Complete Stock Get All Your School Requirements From Us Covernmenl Prices on Text Hooks Lowest Prices on Supplies PLENTY OF HOOKS PLENEY OF ROOM and BETTER SERVICE Compare Our Prices Huy Here and Save Money Printed Price List on Request .JJd SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at OCEAN FALLS and. POWELL RIVER Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, fi p.m. Steamer Leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11:15 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONK" SLEEPING CAK For fares, etc call or writ" City Ticket Office, 528 r fJ If yoti lose niiytlitnjr. advertise for It. It's interesting to know when reading the WJJ-j, that the people of tho whole district aro doing the