PAGE FOUR Ihe Morning After Taking Carters Utile liver Plfk Whifflets From The Waterfront and other northern points. She Ij throats. expected here late tonight or early V : tomorrow morning southbound. I Making her final call of the ser. .son at this port, C. P. R. steamer I Princess Charlotte. Capt. William Palmer, was in port from 3:30 t 5:30 Saturday afternoon south Delayed for some five hours In bound from Skazwav to Vancouver leaving Vancouver Friday night. The vessel had cm board 254 pas. having had heavy freights for.sengers of whom six disembarked waypoints and losing another !here wlth clSht 6in8 aboard heic for tne south' three hours through having had to return to Butedale to pick up passengers who had been left behind there, Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, did not arrive In port until 10:30 yesterday morn- 1 A Labor Day holiday week-end jangling party consisting of M. M Stephens, C. P. Balagno, S. J. Hun- Her and Bill Hunter returned lait 'night from a successful trip to 'iLeverson Lake on Wrk Hannl tag, sailing at 2 p.m. for Stewart got g0od bags of nlce cu,. Bald-Headed Man Is Wounded But Wins Battle Over Bald-Headed Eagle At Smithers SMITHERS, Sept. 5. Jim Porteous, an employee of the Canadian National Railways at Smithers, had a private battle of his own in the railway yards here recently when he locked claws with a bald-headed eagle and succeeded in subduing the bird but not until he had himself suffered several cuts and wounds from the encounter. It appears that the eagle had been flying low and collided with the telegraph wires, breaking one wing. Porteous set out to capture the bird barehanded and a fight ensued. The eagle got hold of one of Jim's legs with one claw and one of his hands with another and was powerful enough to cause several lacerations. Porteous eventually got him by the neck and a few sharp twists settled the case for the bald-headed eagle which was no match for the bald-headed man. Jim retired to the nearest dressing station and had his wounds attended to and then proceeded to display his victim which measured seven feet from tip to tip of his wing spread. Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment with a McCLARY RANGE FOR COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop in an see the new Mc-Clary Ranges Inspect for yourself their many (features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption. A.vMpClary Range with oil burner Installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service It can be Changed back for use with coal or wood In a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET Phone 311 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chcmi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Hrand Metals (Joltl Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur (iencral Office and Works Trail, B.C. GOING BACK TO SCHOOL 2,250,000 children from playit fields, beaches, rural lanes and city streets for another school year. Behind the children are two months of the simple Joys ot .LIIJ1 1 .1 I . l i . . TBS DAILY NEWS Tuwdiy, September; jj., EVENTS IN EUROPE (Continued from Page One) tier. Late dispatches from Berlin; today reported the capture of twoi rich Polish Industrial centres! a i i n i n.iMr.n n:.v t,, a. fuuwice aim unorzow near in Of Former Years ucrmnn ironuer m siiesia. ' The British Air Force got Into I action in the objective of block- nn K Tnvior CanadUn Pre Jtaf Writer C??1 . minister of information rpnortlna hafen and Brunsbuttel at the entrance of Kiel Canal had been carried out. large German naval vessels beln? disabled. An official German broadcast cnuunuua ancaa ui mem eigun,.. .... . . . . , . ., . . last night said, that two ot six months of balanced education, i,i.i.k . . , . , nk i '.British planes were shot down by tertalnment program of todays,-" " " school system. ' . ... . . . ,.,.. The children of the Dominion hurrying schoolwards for the bu.v3 and excitement of the first day are bigger, stronger and healthier than the children of the same agct were 10, 20, or " 30 u Lea" years ago up battle stations to enforce the blockade of Germany. A French General staff cont iTurrrn IM iNf. MERP I UnilLU 111 'iw iuuiu MARRIAGE HUSBAND i Ml.. niordU Skoland Become! I'rd Ator Helped Nancy To lie- ' One of Britain I ore- I Bride of Allan Morton Kenin come Davits num nunicn The marrlace took place quietly1 LONDON. 8ept 2: (CP To the at the home of the bride's' mother, uninformed. It might appear that, School bells across Canada . ........ n cir.rf vtfth Avenu:u'airinrf Aator. fabulously wealUiv liuib u suirirrssiui BLiacK on vrvsrn mio. " - i - L'r"1 ,thC U.nS ot the German fleet at Wllhelms-1 East. Saturday night at 8 o'clock 159-ywr old head of the DrltUh when Miss HJordls Skaiand wai'Aitora, U merely "Lady Astora united In marriage to Allan Mor-1 husband" as he Is sometimes lr-ton Kergin Davles, son of Francis jtroduced. t rvtvie Onlv relatives and a I a elanee at the record will show few Immediate friends were prea-fthat's not correct. It Is true thct' ent. The bride was a beautiful plctuie In her white wedding dress with veil and bousuet of roses. Bridesmaids were Miss Ounvor Skaiand. In blue, and Miss Aslaug Skaiand. in pink. The bride was given In marriage by Arthur Beale Robert pepper - tongucd Virginia - born Nancy Astor has far surpassed the, viscount in me pumic eye since she succeeded him In the House of Commons 19 years ago. But she got there with his help and bidding. The Hon. Waldorf Astor. M. P.. muninue annnnnrort that "mnf ari Armtrong was groomsman. I was launched on a promising poll has been made on the front" with Following the ceremony a toast lttcal career when his father dl-rd a.g0- German forrM it artnVrt that s proposed to the bride by them 1919. leaving him the title o.' officiating clergyman Dean Gib-. viscount. He had an Intense desire rances aval forces "have taken Dr J T Phalr savs children are iml ltil' force has Proceeded t do th. - the rfP; accepting a title would mean belnt tne sameage in previous dewdes e scouting." on at headquarters of the Royal -kicked upstairs" from the Houk :'p1:Z TIC; ! Polish radio announces that a Canadian Naval Volunteer Rescrve 0f Common, to the House of Lords. , add, chlldTen'i : health Is r;lEe of Polish cavalry crossed Jg nuptials were ruting.y . .IntnKast Pniesla n9r Vnm Unn CeieDraiCO.. lUJlyJuCTsi TONinilT and WEDNiu? t Shoos Nightly, 7 op ,,, ,. Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers In THE STORY Of Vernon And Irene Castle" With Edna May oiirrr Walter Itrrnnan (At 7:30 and 9 ADDED "DIVINO RHYTHM -DUDE RANCH' TORKVS rirwr INSECT PLAOL'E CHARLOTTETOWN I rT I nrnukio.... bSm drivlnS the ene droops back In The happy couple both of whom, lnto having hU career for him ir4 areord:.. neater greater medical meaicai aid aia. uriusn toi., . . .e'..... h9v nave llved vM hjrii tt tnri since rh chlldhoo lldhn.iJ.cK. i. she k,,. became ik the first Cannon, Cannon, in in charse charge nf of n umbia's compulsory health and disorder. In otner sectors, German utlmiul troops iroops are are continuing continuing ontlnulne Finally he save the world start by talking beautiful Nancy a mena to grain rroi however,. woman mew-, r?- f and w,n hav? the har'y .1 congratu- L ber of the wu""'- Commons. Under wuuri urn hU.101"1 laboratory at th. . rrpaxlnp nhvsleal ZZ eduratlnn nhv!wi nhvslrnl pniiru nnrt n!f nro men'ol In. S; helr advances into Poland with aons and . . of . many astute guidance, she ha made farm , here. The ; health amnntr sturtpnt, th heavy "ehtlng and large casual- Provincial Rolls Prince Edward Island, 18200. These students, Judging by rc- tcent trends, will stay In schoc! longer and get more diversified training than their predecessors. ties A survey by The Canadian War Were Made Press indicates the all-Canada school attendance this September Great Britain declared war on probably will be higher than in Germany at 2:16 Pacific Standard 1938. Five provinces forecast lowerTime Sunday at the expiration of attendance, Saskatchewan, Nova(an ultimatum to the Reich to call Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba and New advancing armies from invaded Brunswick, a combined reduction -Poland. Franco's declaration of war of about 7,000. Quebec expected a came at 8 ajn. Pacific Standard 10,000 Increase in attendance, Al- Time after a similar ultimatum berta about 1,000, British Columbia had expired, about 500. Prince- Edward Island Germany later announced that did not expect any change. It had rejected both ultimatums The roll-calls, by provinces, are .and Hitler said he was leaving for Indicating something like this: I the Front. Poland, already In a Quebec, 700,000; Ontario, 666,000: state of war. was being struck at Saskatchewan, 210,000; Albertajon three fronts. The Poles at that 167.350; Manitoba. 137.500; Bri-,tlme said that German planes had tlsh Columbia, 121.000; Nova Scotla.lmade nearly one hundred bomb. 116.000; New Brunswick, 87,000; ins raids, including several on Warsaw. Since that time the air raids have been becoming more In tense. Great Britain- took up the fight aiter tne breakdown of the last 'The trend throughout Canada, ex- sllm hope for peace a proposal friends, will reside in James Aparl ments. The groom is a member of the Post Office staff. Halibut Sales American Yakutat, 40.000, Royal, 8.5c and 8c. Dorlc.40,000. Pacific, 85c and 8c. Llndy, 39,000 Cold Storage 7.5c and 5.5c. 6c. Pacific 40.000. Atlln. 7.6 and SXc. Seymour. 40,000, Cold Storage. IJSc and 55c. Thor, 39.000. Booth. 7.6c and 55c. Sitka, 40.000, Royal. 75c and 5.8c. Betty. 19500, Cold Storage, 85c and 5c. Sherman, 18.000, Atlln, 85c andj icepi i-nnce tawara island, where I "j premier Benito Mussolini that1 Dally advertising in ;lt Is unchanged. Is for lengthier scnooi attendance. I In Ontario, where the minimum age for leaving school is 16, the number of students registered who industrial training. DRAMATICS FOR ADULTS FBEDERICTON, Sept. 5: (CD-Announcement was nude here that dramatics would be among adult education subjects taught in New-Brunswick starting In September.' The plan is in keeping with the, policy of the department of edu-' cation to widen adult education In ' the province. . FLOOD DAMAGE TRURO, N. C., Sept. 5: (CP) -Damage caused by the highest August tides in 20 years pouring through dykes has caused farmers loss of several thousands of dollars. Acres of marsh hay, ready for harvesting, have been ruined. WORLD'S RECORDS "WEDOEPORT, N. S., Sept. 5: (CP) When Mrs. Gordon Gibbs of Marlon, Majjs., caught a 575-pound tuna with a 24-thread line she broke a world's record, The next day her, husband wentout and repeated the ie'at by catching a 577-pound tuna. . - ..,c-WCi tumcreiice oe sum-. News Is sure to bring ...umu m i.uuiucr mc issues. The Prime Minister told the Empire of the expiration of the ultimatum In a radio address at 2:15 are more than 17 years of age hasiim- Pacific Standard Time. "Wc more than doubled since 1930 and have done all that any country tne percentage of students of morclCOUJa w esiawisn peace," he said than 17 in the secondary schools "Dut the situation In which no has Increased from 17.4 percent, word Blver by Germany's ruler In 1930 to 31.7 percent. I0311 be trusted and no people or Quebec, where there Is n0 mlnl-'country can endure has become In-mum age, and Nova Scotia, where tolerable. Now that we have re lit Is 14 In rural areas,. and New'Solved to finish It, I know that iBrunxwirlr whpro If ! li all ,.VOU will all do vnnr nart ullh port more pupils beyond these' calmness and courage." Mr. Cham-1 I ages. iDenam assured . the people of Technical Classes .Great Britain that he had done ! Most provinces expect technical "tmost to arrange a "peaceful and vocational training classes and honorable settlement" but will be chosen by an lncrcasJng : "Herr Hitler woujd not have it. number of students. Alberta re Consequently we are at war with ports an "amazing development" Geanj." Later the Premier of these classes. Quebec and Nova sPke to the House of Commons In Fcotia classes may be increased i slmllar vela this year. ' The British and French diplo- Ontario, where classes have been ma? leave ot Ber"n l vir-established for years, expects little Y the same time as the new change. Out of every 100 students, Russlan ambassador was being ac-64 will take academic courses. IB "?d by HltIer business courses and anothpr ia . ine uerman ambassador took leave of London and the French (ambassador left Paris but was bc-Jing held last night before crossing I the frontier pending the safe arrival of the French ambassador from Berlin. Most people rtao the classified ads. Do you? MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher pf Violin Theory Classes Commencing Sept. 1 PHONE 580 'JET' STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All B.C. Stores 5c, herself one of the most promln-!roncrntrtfd on the sou i ent women of the age. the Island he eald Ever In the background of her brilliant speeches, her election victories her widespread phllanthro-' pies, have been the brains and money of the spare-built man ol1 slightly more than medium height who has a shy smile, a military moustache and close-cropped hair towns and better milk supply. I TEETH PLUNGE . .! i GLACE BAY. 8ept. 5: CCP - Atll. 8.500, Cold Storage, 7c and mer as ne WJU WOrklng In No. 2 suits. the Dallj dally re- CENTRAL HOTEL' ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Rett Household Coal MRS. C E. BLACK Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience In Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now! At the News lAlt ACT Nothe of Intention to Apply to l'urdiae Ijnd In Vancouver Land Recording Dlt riot, ami altuwte on the Atntrto Rlrer. above Atnarko, in the uppti Belli Coola Vallty. Tako notle that ftrtram Oeorga Rotwon ot ttella Coola, oocupatlon. Can nttj Employee, Uvtand to apply foi pmnlMilon to purchaa the following dvxcrlbrd land:-- Commencing at a pant planted at tht North Eat Comer of Lot 310 thence 22 chain Eat. thence IB chalna South, thenre 23 chalna Weat, thiee 19 chalnj Nortli, and containing forty acrea,' more or lem bEnTKAM OEOROE TMDBSON Name of Applicant. Dated July 21ft, 1039. IN Till: HlTHKMi: ( Ol IIT Ol' IIKITl-ll i Ol.l.MIIIA IX I'ltOIIATK In the Matter of I lie "AdmitiUtratlnn Arf AikI In the Matter nf Ihe (Male of Krliecra Krllh, Knra.rd TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th d4? of July 1939 I u appotnted Adinlnu-trator In BrttUh Columbia with Hie Will annexed of the Etle of the late Rebrcca Kertih, ot-ul, formerly it Belbut, Northern Ireland, and rTtnce Rupert. Drttlah Columbia. All pero having claim hxnliwt the natd Etate are rexrulrrd to file them with, ire profierly verified before the 30Uj dv of September 1939 .nd all perwna ir dented to the Mid Eirtate are required o pny the amount of their Indebtednev forthwith to me. DATED ia Prince Rupert, IJ C thu 28th day of Awut 1939. T. W. BROWN . Box 05". Prlnre Riipert, n. O, j colliery he accidentally hit a com-Ipanlon, Albert Chlpman. Chlpman gasped and his false teeth plunged 800 feet down the mine shaft Workers retrieved the ivories later unharmed In the muck at the shaft bottom. -Build II. C Pairolls" now graying. -Although his wife's career Is hU I OU LlKC ursi consideration, he has found time for other things. He has taken an active role in the House -of Lords where his record Is punc tuated by campaigns for liquor, restrictions, health reform, cleaner' Why Pacific Milk U Jus' fresh milk from one ' dairying rftetHctx : r Only water evapora?-1 1L True. It is Irraduted t er vitamin cont'!. teeth and bone u ' biAloally Pacific MUk because nature U r our country and Hi T. "t p. , F It ttr it ef ill Pacific 42 I, i r t: PACIFIC MILK irrBaiaira ana ituum rictra Elio's Furniture PKINCK RUPERT Come Look Over Our Larjrc Stock Of BATTLESHIP LINOLEUM, CORK. INLAiU PELT BASE FLOOR COVERING Now on Display HEATERS, STOVES, ETC. Sec Our Used Furniture Department Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunrh on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvrc One Package Scrvea Four Peopl Keps for Weeks in Kefrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Ki.pert (Jq DrHllh CoumbU UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer LeaT rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TOES T.8.S. CAItllENA FKIDATi DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:10 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thun. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday m- " ConTen,ent. rieaie Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From HCANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. TLIrd Ave. Phone 5GJ