Coastal Vessel Hits Big Whale SPEU. IT BACKWARDS r Thoe On Hoard Nova Scotia Ve. wl Thought They Had Hit Hock JIAHONE HAY. Nfl.. Sept. 5 icy when the eraw of the motor ,. , f.f & L Coaster were Jarred !uir bunks one morning ulu the 100-ton vessel : :. ,i ground. Hut a teaman or. deck discovered the : 'truck a whale. 1 Ride Tickets Crrtcent Shows MM every t ASH ITKCIIASt: ( ONE HOLLAR Olt MORE Made at Ml'SSALLEMS KCONOMY STOKE Available Now 1 i i:i adi.iii Legion KLIM U-purr. frub. whole milk with JI the cream Irft n, powdered by removinc the nturl moittura cunteot Simply mid KKot to cold wtrr wluilc with a beater and you have an uwtant upply of creamy pattrur-Ul whole milk I ,.aj. i reoanmtmi anything better lor baby, hotoe or oamp .:;. Silver, a seaman, tatd rse s bow reared In the (ruck some object. "Run-ex k we thought that : r. ,, shoal." he said. "Yo-t our surprise when . . j . ,i bis fish." ,: know what kind of fbh v . the captain told me It wa. j, whale 1 he related. It was . . 5o feet ions ad abou: m le ntci: HtfcK ' KLiM "IfU't fiorcWs It't COT to U good" The Finest of Antacid Powders IS feet across We had hit It aboaf idwid centre It only stayed on thfl surface for a rew minutes and then threshed its tall and disappeared. It was certainly the blg-jgest fkh I have ever seen " I Four In Field For : 'Frisco Mayoralty SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 5: Four candidates. including the present 'incumbent. Angelo Kossl. who 1 seeking re-election, are in the field , for the mayoralty of San Francisco. FINOS SNAKE YARMOUTH. N. S., Sept. 5: (CP Mrs. BerruKl Deveou itot a f riht when she went to tend her baby as It slept in the baekyard. She found a 24-inch snake sleeping under the carriage Although harmless, the snake was killed. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY MIOM HOME lUle I LOS up 60 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prlnee Itupert. B.C Phone 2X1 P.O. Hi IM MacKenzie's Furniture Kapok 1 ,L lurtafn Hod 45c 15c Curtain Uod -Flat, extends to f .iiriici - Pbone 775 Feather Plllowt Eaeh Cuhtn Form From ISM A - RE 95c 50c 15c 3:7 Tlllltn AVENUE Woooooooooooo00oooooooioootooooooaooaoooooooooooo ? 0 The Very Latent for the Hair HALO SHAMPOO Neither a soap nor an oil. Ideal for the whole family. A Colgate product Price 60c A preparation backed by the Rexall Guarantee. We are sole Prince Rupert Agents. Koval Bank Bldg. Price 75c Ormes Ltd. 31m Pioneer Druqgt'ats The Itetall store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally from a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundaya and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pun. 7 D.m. till 9 ivm. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Fresh Locnl Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONK M7 t LOCAL LADY DIED SUNDAY .lira. George Fritz Pae Away At Tranqallle The death occurred at Tranqullle Sanitarium Sunday of Mrs. Oeorge Fritz, for the pasr 25 years a resident of Prince Rupert. She was 42 years of age. She leaves the widower and one daughter. Margaret Two brothers live In Norway. Mrs Fritz, who was well known and highly respected, had been 111 for some time and for a year past had been at the sanitarium at Tranfuille Her demise will be very much regretted. Party Candidate Has War Record Clarie Giltis One Of Few Soldiers Who Brought Plane Down With Machine Gun OLACE BAY. NJ3V September 5: (CP) Clarie Olllls, who 'has been selected to represent the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation party in the Cape Breton South constituency in the next Dominion election. Is one of the few soldiers j known to have brought down en tairplane with a machine gun dur ing the Oreat War. An enemy machine was straflnj Canadian front line trenches. The airman made several trips down the line pouring bullets into the soldiers. Q tills swuag a machine gun on the approaching plane on the third trip and brought it down He was mentioned in dispatches, given a J10O0 pound reward and a Teriod of leave In "Blighty." GHHs. who handles a pan shovel in Dominion Coal Company's No. 2 colliery here, presented the re-okiUon urging aftiMaMon of TJni-ed Mine Workers in District 245 with the C. C. F. party when the union made the political move at Truro. N. 8.. last year. Five thousand ... Rupert oeople read the Dally News. It oays to lei them know what yn ave to sell Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Mrs. Oeonre- Fritr will take place from :n tngncan isiinearai rnoay ai-ternoon at 2:30. KINDERGARTEN Children Arcs 4U(. Inexoensive Valuable Commencing September 11th Auspices of THE JAPANESE MISSION Phone BLUE 997 Announcements All. advertisements in this col-tmn will be charged for a full month at 33v a word. Catholic Tea September 14. Eagles Bridge September 20. Queen Mary Tea Mr. Llneham's September 21. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar. October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Country Fair November 24. MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 7S7 FRASER ST. COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and SS8 tta daily imrB WMilMWSSSMMMIMHiiHMMIMIMIlilllllMlfllllIBSMSHIiaiMIIMIMMiailMaHMIB SHSSSSSSS LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Mrs. R. O. Vandersluys, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Catala yesterday. S. O. N. Dance Oddfellows' Uall Thursday, Sept. 7. Collussl's Orch Refreshments. Adm. 50c. Everybody Welcome. (207) William D. Jones, school principal at Port Esslngton, arrived In the city on the Catala- yesterday on his way back to the Skeena River after having spent the summer vacation visiting at Victoria. Miss How and Miss Schwartz, school teachers at Port Simpson, Jconunulng to reside In the Yukon after his retirement a few years ago. arrived In the city on the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon from the north and proceeded by last evening's train to Fln-moore In the Vanderhoof district to pay a visit with a brother. Roland K. Finlaison, who Is engaged in farming there. Advertising ts ai- arrestment. No Wonder You are Constipated What do vou eat for breakfast' Coifee. toast, maybe some ew? What do vou eat for lunch and dinner? Bread, meat, potatoes' No wonder vou're constloated . . . due to lack of "bulk. " And. "bulk" doesn't mean the amount vou eat. It means the kind of food that forms a soft, bulky mas? in the bowels. It's this mass that helps your bowels move. The common sense thing to do about It Is to eat Kelloua- All-Bran for breakfast. This ready-to-eat cereal will give you just the "bulk" you need. And It gives you, hi addition. Nature's intestinal-tonic, vitamin Bi. Eat a generous portion of All-Bran every day, drink plenty of water: and. life will be brighter for youf All-Bran Is made by Keiloxx In London, Canada. Sold by every Rrocer MUSIC Venctia Feero A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 rhone BLUE 633 DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept, 1 SpecializingBallet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Alton returned, to the city on the Catala yesterday from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Showboat Dance Orchestra, Wednesday and Saturday nights. Boston Hall, First 10 ladles admitted free. Prize spot dance. Admission 33. 208 Miss E. D. Priestley R. N.. public health nurse here. and. her .mother, Mrs. Priestley, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after spending the past month holiday ing in Vancouver. Miss Irene Bruggy and Miss Jean Cameron, school teachers at Stewart, were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday returning north were passengers aboard the Catala alter spending the summer vaca-J yesterday returning north after tlon In Vancouver. spending the summer vacation In Vancouver. , Kenneth Johnston, son of CoL and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, returned Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman home on the Catala yesterday af-were passengers aboard the Catala ter spending the summer vacation yesterday going through from Vic- at Victoria visiting with his grand- toria to Port Simpson where Mr.imother. Mrs. Joshua Klngham. cneeseman, lormeny scnooi teaen-er at Haysport. wilt take up new teaching duties. with her mother. Mrs. X D. Fraser, sailed by the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon on her return to Vancouver to resume her school teaching duties. Dr. H. C. Fixott of Portland, district governor of Rotary, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon returning south after a visit to the erabs at Ketchikan and Juneau. On the way north he had visited Prince Rupert. The gathering of the Prince Ru- pert Rotary Club this week will 'take the form of a dinner dance on Wednesday night In honor of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergin who arei leaving the city for the south soon to take up future residence. Alex McRae Is the convener for the affair. E. O. Finlaison. who went to the iu&on in uoia Kusn oays as (manager of the Bank of BritlsV1 North America and later became manager of the Bank of Montreal. W. II. Tobey, C. N. R, divisional superintendent, returned to the - -city on the Catala yesterday after l Miss Jean Fraser, after spending Unending Ms annual vacation in' the summer vacation here visiting j Vancouver. Penticton and else- wnere in tne sou in. Mrs. xooey wiu be returning later. Thomas Yctmj of Arrandale Cannery was a passenger aboard the- Catala yesterday afternoon returning to his duties at the Naas River packing plant for the winter after spending the summer in Vancouver. J. W. McAuley, assistant super Intendent. Canadian National Rail ways, arrived In the city on Sat- urday night's train from the Interior for a brief visit on official business, returning to Prince Oeorge on Monday evening's train. Local school teachers arriving from the south on the Catala yesterday Included Miss S. A. Mills principal of Borden Street School, Miss Margaret Shlel, Miss E. r Orassie. Miss Irene Mitchell, Misj. Kate McKay. Miss Mary Easthope. Mrs. B. Walker. Miss Mary Sim, Miss Florence Wilson. Miss Ruth Hind and J B, Wilkinson. Dr.. L.W.. Kergin Takes Over Real Estate Dr. L. W Kergin has purchased the office building on Second Av-nue and the residence on Fourth Avenue West of his brother. Dr. W. T Kergin. who Is leaving the city.j or L. w. Kergin, wno carries on nis own as well as his brother's practice, will move residence. His house on. Fourth Avenue Is being taken by D. O. Borland who is moving in from Westview. PILGRIMAGE CANTERBURY. N. B.. Sept. 5: (CP) Hundreds of persons took part In the annual pilgrimage to tne snnne qi a. r ran as oi assisi at Skiff Lake. A new grotto with a life size figure of the Good Shep- herd has been added to the shrine. II E PAwtt-rfTHREft MORE WORK 'New Salvation IN CANADA, Army Comaniler Further Improvement In Caullanl Briadi W. J. Carruthers Tran-Industrial Employment Shown ! ferred To RgIn - BjiS-"J' Last Jlonth uiiunmam lominc OTTAWA, September 5: CPf A fartheT rncrease tn Industrtaf employment in Canada at the beginning of August Is noted by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics lit Its monthly employment survey. DID QUICK JOR NEW YORK. Sept. 5: (CP) It took W-year old Mario Marion oniy two minutes to slnrrup his way through an 18-inch section of watermelon and- win the watermelon crown at a picnic hen. Eleven-year oh! Iloa Dano. ham -pered by long hair and giggles, took six minutes. Transferred to Reglna- to tak over command of the Saskatchewan division after having been in (charge of Northern British Colum bia and Alaska for several years. Brigadier W. J. Carruthers. Salvation Army, was here aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon southbound from Wrangell to Vancouver, accompanied by hU wife, son and daughter. Three other children will be going south from Wrangell later. 1 Brigadier Carruthers' successor will be Briga- idler John T. Ollllngham from Brandon who will be arriving about September 11 or 12, accompanied by Mrs. Oillingham, to assume his post. Thrift Cash & Carry Offers You Food Savings that Defy Competition IN THE SCHOOL DAY SPECIALS Jewel Shortening, Silver Leaf LanU" 10c Lb. packets AVV Nlttlets Del Maiz. 12-oz. cans. 2 for Eureka Bleach-Quart bottle Libby's Medium Prunes 2-lb. pkt. Libby's Tomat J alee-Small tin Large tins. 2 for Pearl White Naptha Soap 5 bars 25c 9c 19c 5c 15c 19c 10c New- Potatoes Freshly 1 Q p dug. 10 lbs. Italian Prunes For .canning. Selected quality QQp 16-Ib. crate .5'' No-Thrift Butter-First grade. 3 lbs. Grapefruit Juice-Large. 50-oz. tin 79c 20c By the dozen KL29 Buy now and save The new price Is much higher Blotters Free To Children Making a Purchase LIBBY'S FINE FOODS AT LOWER PRICES Libby's Spinach 17-oz. tin Libby's Tomatoes-Large. 28-oz. tin 12c 12c Libby's Grapefruit Juice 13- T,T 25c Libby's Bartlett Pears 18-oz. tins Libby's Ripe Olives 9-oz. tins Quart Bottle Shopping Bags Free to Customers Licorice All Sorts I -lb. cello bag 25c Marsh mallow Snow White. 1-lb. cello 22C Gaiety Toffee 1-lb. cello bag Scotch Mints 1-lb. cello bag THRIFT BLEND TEA and COFFEE 18c 17c Libby's Happy-Yale Pickles Sweet or Mustard QCn 25c 19c 45c c'"ee- 29c A Ruled Scribbler Free With Each Pound Collates Cashmere 91 p Bou suet Soap 4 bars SPECIAL No. 1 TOMATOES Firm, Ripe. 5-lb. basket 9p OK, While Stock Lasts Carrots Large young bunches. 3 for TERRACE PRODUCE Cabbage Crisp and green. 2 lbs B. C. FURNITURE 1 MrrCIary Kitchen Ranct USED FURNITURE 1 Reconditioned Range Q99 A A real buy $28.50 2 Reconditioned Chesterfields Tap-Fromanl VelUn. $39.00 9c Green Cooking Apples For pies or sauce. QCn 6 lbs -31 No. I Canning Peaches At their best this week. Lowest prices. 1 Dresser With large Q ()Q mirror P J.7vJ 2 Washing Machines From $35.00 t0 $47.50 7-Piece Dining Room Q-f Q CA Suite-Square table V Remington and Underwood Typewriters In excellent condition. 30 00 From, up PHONE BLACK 324 3rd. Ave NEXT DOOR TO B. G. CLOTHIERS