II' s If &41 i azis. DAILY EDITION Boys' Bowling Alpha High Scorer Teday Beta Second Gamma Third Scores in High School Boyi' Bowling this morning were: BEAUTY !ll I III rmmk VALUE ytfEffaBBCl build HSb wrinonnj '3k,jr For a Demonstration in Your Home THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. FULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid in advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mail to aH parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . By mall to all other countries, per year '. ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone , Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations xinvivr. Tnivinn cnrtii icxi SS 98 5jOO .12 .58 Saturday. March 4, 1839 Alpha. 2509, Beta. 2473. Gamma, 2343. Winners of theatre tickets were Landrey, 240; Good, 230: Brown.1 191. John Good had a high single score of 294. Try a Dally rewt caiosmed ad. CONCERT BY ! BOY SCOUTS flood Crowd Enjoys Excellent Variety Entertainment in Angli- , can Cathedral Hall St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral 3.00 Hall was well filled with an audi-8.00 ence of some 150 persons last night when an excellent and In .02 teresting variety concert wan .25 staged by the First Prince Ruper t Troop of Boy Scouts. The entertainment was of diversified character which enabled all the mem- bers of the troop to participate feature ox tne program was a wefl executed one-act playlet entitled The Tenderfoot' with ar TUT DAILY NEWS Wouldn't We But you can be sure to HEAR all the elaborate programs HERALDING A RADIO that will be broadcast during the Royal Visit if you own a UNSURPASSED IN . . . PERFORMANCE REGISTERED JULYJI 190 7j CANADA'S FINEST It A 1)10 The I'honola 1939 Royalty Series is a supreme achievement in radio history During March We Offer Extra large trade-in allowances Low monthly payment No Interest EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. In the Ord County it is customary for the radical 2S? nVtSSS parties to advocate reiorms and the tonservative party old Nordan, David Jones. Ray to na3 legislation chaninnir the advocated policies into Hougan, George Hankinson, Hew , - ... " t . -- i . - Jaws. In Canada there is a political party pledged to socialism and another party, the present party in power, is passing legislation which is an important socialism. After announcing that the government would po ".longer continue the fixed price for wheat to prairie farm- ard Hougan. ir. Allan McKeown and Hemsby King. Step toward Hemsby King. Marvin Caravan. part, also proved of interest as did a series of shadow plays depicting various subjects with Scouts sen ers, the minister of agriculture stated that a new policy eraiiy parudpaung. The shootin i J l i a. - J a ; a t . 1 wouia De auopieu guaranteeing tne larmers a price equal or Dan McGrew" was presented as to the cost of production or thereabouts, whether they a recitative sketch by Robert Yer-have any crop or not This covers not only the field of JjJgJ- DaTld Jones and Harok1 crop insurance but aLso the price of the crop and, so far as tn.- .m..i HOOP TEAM TO TRAVEL Lcal Cagers To PUy At Ketchikan And New Metlakatla Next Week Premier Later In Month i Next Tuesday the Standard Of. .basketball team of Prince Ruper. .will leave aboard the Jedway fo. I Ketchikan and New Metlakatla. ' Alas with a possible can at Port Simpson enroute. If the- eaJ is nude at Port Simpson, a game At Ketebikan games nil! be played Wednesday and Thursday events??! and at New Metlakatla on Friday and Sunday The players are due heme on the Sunday ".fSeverlno Domlnato. Angus Mac- Phee-, Herbie Morgan. Sonny Bey-non. Jack Campbell. Arthur Murray. Johnny Obuchlna and Bob Houston. On March 23 and 24 the lowl team wtll Journey to Premier where they will play games In a series for the Northern British ran Ha ncpprtnlnpH it is in Kp nnnnnirihiitnt-v c . Columbia championship. The Pre- . - " . iuc in -a. j ocuut mere vamp was;i- , , Of course, all other basic industries in the country community singing by the boys'a by aether Sr "f Will Want the same thing and their claims will be quite jus- u1th Jnes playing har- Uames in Prince Rupert BeH three tified. In Prince Rupert we shall expect the price of hali- n'c, "'"" Drummoncl and Benny oar- of four w totaJ poinU but will be insured by the state and possibly the catch. On riStVon habltant ia the event of an even gam the same basis, as trie proposed wheat crop insurance, we a piano soi6 -Berceuse- was giv-ip"11 p1'1 decldiLlhe Premler" could ask that every boat be guaranteed an average catch by Hemsby King. nee upert seriea. with Compensation for every trip that proves a loss. ""ie conrt opened with a seen -R6grt Baruett and Peter Bird Already a million people are being kept by thetate T,w,!f,?0,ut ctfp l" th or,e Thurs- ahd they now look to it as a right instead of a gift Money 0f triors by spctiighwi'S ,day l?ht or &oulmu is being loaned by the state for housing and two"per. cent the singing of the scout son3i1 !lla!'enr l?11! . At money is being offered municipalities for special purpos- to the End of .'SSiSSSL with es. The government is controlling the credit of the coun- l uay- them try through the central bank. Through the provincial an?ouriS ' iTSS j : ' j governments group marketing has became an accepted burgh was piano accompanist for1 Try a Daily nws cwired ,d. policy of both old political parties and farmers are not the evening. even allowed to sell their own crops except in the manner prescribed by the marketing board. All these are socialistic measures passed and put into operation by parties that do not advocate socialism. Many more socialistic measures are in operation but the greatest of all is the wheat policy, not yet complete but in process of incubation. It is worth watching because it is the one outstanding problem of the present day and age, the beginning of ii new socialistic policy. B- I II JiEFUGEE SETTLERS f If it is true that a larc;e number of refugee settlers from Sudetenland are coming to Canada to take un land in the Peace River country, there should be little objection,, to providing of the land and welcoming the settlers as ourl share of the nurchase of peace at Munich. Evidently war! was averted at that time and these people paid the priced What could we do hut lpt. thpm rnmp? TVipv m-iv ho AoJ Mp'rf JiRSPf in trip fnnntrv At nnv vato tVintr mII tin " - .WM.av. w. V V 1 T i MWV 1.1 1 V. V f . , 1 llVi. J ' T l Buy at the Family and receive the utmost in Style, Comfort & Value Shoes that are a pleasure to wear at a modest price 0000000000600000 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes jjjj DAIRY IN LEAD NOW Weekly Bridge League results last night were as follows: Brackman ii Ker. 12380: Canadian National Recreation Association. 15570 Prince Rupert Dairy. M419; Musketeers. 8100. OroUo. 13JJ6; RamUm. 13080 Canadian Lacdoa. lMW; Sons of Norway. 15040. The league aUrxtiRf : Fter AsaicMt Pt P. R. Dairy 111070 83740 121070 O rot to 1004M MB0 100429 Ramblers 94 7340 99410 C. N. R. A. 97100 01930 97180 B. At K. 8&090 102310 8ASO0 S O. N 8M0 193210 858? Can. Legion SttM 109930 83630 Maaketeers 77000 100970 77000 35 Tail Offers You a 1119 Heated 7-Pasenjer Car at Your Service Phone 35 TAXI IMIOXB 93 NO OIIUGATIOX MARKSMEN ARE BUSY C, N. It. A. Rifle Club cUvitlrt In Dominion Marksmen Match Indoor aettvtttes of the Cana dian National Recreation RKki Clab are nw drawing to a ckn. The ratio as postal maufrm art n earing com pie lion and the end of Uuth vIM ee ttw last target duty shot and turned in. Individuals, teams. uUs and mixed doubles were entered in the Ca-. nadian small Bore Rifle Amocui-tion. the Dosnlniun of Canada Rifle Association and the Dominion Marksmen as well as the Canadian National HeereaUon AsseetaUor. Also there were a number ef revolver ocsopetiUons so the local marksmen have had a busy season Tost season, as in previous years, the local club has made a sirens; bid for the western district cham. pionsalp In the Dominion Marks-j urn vermin wgg( vi wvrn men wun five highest scores to count earh month for th three months of January. February and March 1939 In January the team aaored 498 There's no other tobacco just like Old Chum Good Fellows Chum up with Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rUONE 7 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rsnk Bldg. In Februai y t j 19a. re akin? jlnree tmnu. j several year hum has be? match but hi; champioruhip f .-trlct which w slioot-off W.T ml ral. Maritime :i'jfI (dUtrieu fur t: I 1 Those rur. , Brass OVe It tuur, Mrs W Lamb. PKn U: W, Brass i j straight po.s.b: this snatch shoot off f psonship Er. i be ea UiM Pheme T A i dy nieht or r o a haUday u. Soda Fonnlaia Tea snd Ceflee not Jf Can din. Tcbsc-rs, firltl and Cma Mussallem'j Confectioner) w.w.iju.m.'bW.'WMW 1 Opening of New 1 J Serine and uepm"-i $ Phone 1 13 Ta il PAT MAM" A 6 ELITE l Beauty ParW Intrwducint th Zotos Permanent By an amar!;' ".ar c fl anent Is complex TUPl '51 cislon timing vssm - j I life, greater depth J5 lovelier curl R Phene 499 l Appol""1" A Hot Tim t. What You W.M winter . tei' You can gel u - .jl famous Won, HulW or Kanalmo-Wriltart PRINCK KLW FEB I) tu. nt. Mm K Of 9"