PUNISH PROFITEERS K 1! ALrv UN I Mesbcr of Parliament Has Cic.Uc Remarks To Make i V.. tntlll-l Mout I V !! - h 4 (CP Ar-Liberal member Ontario, delivered k in the House of 1 ' i W D. Herridte announced his pruKtressive poiitl-i '.-nbed HerrWge r ' id the political wn ey Par-was taken to rment that old ..' unite to form ment CRD MANY r n ii i mi I 'J (arler Was Long In III- IWcame Robutt 'hr sturdlness with I . yptologUt he faced and hardships of ,itp Howard Carter, here, had an early j marked by long-' health. Because of ibiiged to obtain his from private tutors ' as his condition b for him to study.' was born at Swaff-J "f England, In 1873,' " r"n of Samuel John, u :mal painter. In his' tWe loped considerable, r, painter and for a time' . . j i fin n wa rn in nnar hrrs profession. pend several weeks In where he was a member 13 constitutional and Bur-1 fPQ I IrHavc hsis " viuvio a vi Bulletins 4 4 4 II Honesty Of I Small B.oy 1 Inni f'nntrard IVIII A lully Investigated, rrime a nne example of honesty 4 Minister Says ,4- on the part of a small boy 4 Is reported at the city police 4 - T'! Mji -h 4: (CP The station. Eight-year-old Keg- 4 not permit any Kle Andrew Ronald found $19 i Canadian arms con- In cah near the Church of the - Annunciation. He immediately 4 t make an example of 1 .and sulltv of such ran down to the police station 4 Pncne Minister W. L. told the House of rt.ua tnai me evv- and turned it in. There was no clue as to the identity of 4 the owner of the currency. 4 bimg the fullest in- Accordingly, the police put it any questioned i away and waited lor a claim- i was confident ant. Next day George Oeddes 4 i wdence of wrong- K reoorted the loss of $19 and 4 A. 4 of the police that the found 41 14 money was his. The lad ad who who found the money was 4 cash reward and he also ilso 4 elvd eoneratulatlons from nilVllLIVji and hU friends for hU spon- 4' taneous honesty. 4 FINALS OF BADMINTON Semi-finals in the Prince Rupert Badminton Club's champion competition were played last nlsht and the finals will be run " off tomorrow afternoon. CIVIL WAR PROLONGED MADRID While both tides at present report a lull In the fight- j log, many signs poini 10 ine in- lentlon of the Madrid govern ! ment to prolong the Spanish civil war. General Franco has announced plans to bring on a general orfrniive against Madrid unless there l Immediate unconditional surrender. SUDETEN'S FOR B.C. ' VICTORIA Premier T. D. Pat- lullo staled yesterday that he had ' had some knowledge In advance of the projected migration or Sudeten German ttlfni to Canada. He expected that some of them would be coming to British Columbia. The Premier did not Indicate, however, whether the reserve recently placed by Department of Lands on an area of land northwest of Prince George had any connection with the migration. MRS. PATRICK DIES VANCOUVER Mrs. Joseph Patrick, mother of the famous hockey brothers Lester, Guy, Frank and Stanley died yesterday. Her husband was once a Victoria alderman. tM.rarted lo archeology, O Cw r.d choosing that as his oquare Lieal ror f . .I md for it under Lord .,. t Hacknev. Prof. L. Qrlf- All I n nnnrinnc I In ' nit vaiiauiuiw " m, MinHrt TA,rl n..:.r r,f Tmf was 17 years old, Mr. fed most of his life at L'jsor Upper Egypt. He Radio Is Policy OTTAWA. March 4.-Leonard W. Hrocklngton told the House raaio a P.aai,e of returning each broadcast cornmlttee tlut In radio ing there should be no preference for any Canadian over his Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure has risen over the Interior of British Columbia and remains low to the South. Clear colder weather pre vails In all parts of this province. Prlnco Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Fresh south to soutn cast winds, becoming strong, part announce a lv cloudv. mild with showers. ' etLUlpment order for two, West Coast of Vancouver Island box cars to h( mnnnfnp.tPrpsh went tn northwest Wlnd3, Plants at Hamilton, New 'partly cloudy, cold at night with and Montreal. llght rain or sleet. OLYMPICS IN LONDON : British Metropolis Expected To Be 1911 Venue Winter Games In .Montreal or Oslo OTTAWA. March 4. -Simuel R. Littlewood. London. England, dramatic critic has been elected as adjudicator' 'of Dominion Drama i Festival final at Lon&on Ont. Apple Exports Of I Nova Scotia Up Sent to Overtcas Markets Shown This Year HALIFAX, NJS.. March 4.-Apple exports from Nova Scotia, chlelly to overseas markets, reached a total of 1.725,277 barrels as compared with last years' total of 1.265.186. President Back In Washington Roosevelt Returns To National Capital After Caribbean Cruise To Witness Naval Maneouvres I WASHINGTON. D. C March 4: President Vranklln D. Roosevelt returned to the national capital today following his cruise to the the 'Caribbean Sea to witness naval manoeuvres. He landed at tnanes-ton, South Carolina, yesterday from the battleship Houston. March Building Is Expected To Be More Active the permit for the new icoerai building was taken out. Four Men Are Bury 1. Burnley 0. 1 Election On 11? Old Country Soccer English Cup. Sixth Round Chelsea 0, Orlmsby 1. Wolverhampton 2, Everton 0. Huddersfleld 1. Blackburn 1. Portsmouth 1. Preston Northend Scottish Cup. fourth Round Motherwell 3. Celtic 1. Aberdeen 2, Queen of Souh 0. Hibernians 3. Alloa 1. Clyde 1. Third Lanark 0. t'ntlith Iajue First DitWon Arsenal 3. Bolton 1. Aston llla 5. Blrmtngharn'One. Brentford 1. Charlton 0. UrxV IncrtiM- ln Amonnt nf rrnlt" Bradford ft Newcastle-'U Chesterfield 3, Coventry City 0. Fulhara 1. Plymouth Argle 2. Manchester City 3, West Brom-wtch Albion 3. Mil wall 6, Norwich City 0. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Sheffield United 0. . Swansea Town 1. Nottingham '. Forest 0. ! Tranmere Rovers 1, Southamp ton 1. Westham United Hotspurs 2. Sleto Tomorrow s I taes 141 tS' OM ajn. 22.0 ft. 13:06 pjn. 23.1 It. 7:05 ajn. 3.8 ft. 7 19:28 pm. ,16 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Iv'III No-32. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1939. PRICE: S CENTS II c. Sam Is Against Persecution LONDON. March 4: (CP) Brl- LONDON. March 4: CP) The tiah officials are already maklnj 4 ed to go to the country early in 4 conference between representatives preliminary preparations for the September, probably Septem- 4 0, Arai,s and Jews over the Pales-holding of the 1944 Olympic ber 11. Returning officers Jme 4 tine situation remains in deadlock. Oame8 in London although the already been warned, 'it is 4 Tne Arab3 naTC refiTed undertak- relection ef a venue has not as yet 4" stated, to prepare for election. 4 lnj;s pUrported to have been made been deflntely made. Detroit and ' Rome are also after the games 44444444444 but It is not thought they wlh . - give London much competition. The 1944 Winter Games are txpected to be held either at established n 1 ( - V. mA to the U. satUf ..(lif.iIUn action A. t Montreal or Oslo, 4 ' f ry , rp given a 4 London Lntic lo re- 41 . 'Judge hnals In Canadian Drama 4- OTTAWA. March 4. It la reported that the federal gov- ernment ernment has has tentatively tentatively decid- aecia- 4 4 : LAWRENCE Palestine. PROMISES Undertakings Purported to Hare Been Made By British Govern-ment Revived by Arabs by "Lawrence of Arabia" on behalf of the British government in regard MONEY IS DISCUSSED Fascist Sway On Prairies Warning is Sounded by C.CF. Menv bers in Saskatchewan Legislature REGINA, March 4. T. Johnston. 0. Tottenham C.CF. member for Touchwood, and Joseph Burton, C.CF. member for Third nlvLinn souihrm Section Humboldt warned me aassawiie- Aldershot 3. Walsall 3. wan Legislature against Fascist Bristol City 2. Mansfield Town 0. sway on the prairies. They referr-Clapton Orient 1. Reading 2. ed to a Fascist parade which had Crystal Palace 0, Queen's Park taken place at Raymore near York-Rangers 1. ton at 1116 tlme 01 the Europe" Newport County 2. Bristol Rovers crisis. 0. . Northampton Town 1, Brighton t t 1 and Hove Albion 4. , NeW Ifr WIS WICK Notts County 0. Bournemouth and Boscombe Athletic i. Finanrps finnfi Port Vale 3. Exter City 2. 1 lllalllXa VJUUU Swindon Town 4. Cardiff City 1. Torquay United 1. Ipswich Town Rudget Reports Surplus With 1. i New Taxes Being Imposed Watford 3, Southend United 0. Tl.l-.l : -1 , t V.. CAi.Hnn 3. No FREDERICTON, New Brunswick.' . Carlisle United 6. Accrington, is:' I n n (Hon. C. T. Richard, provincial sec-l l m. . 1 t . I I 1 l V j n.,Wlnrr nprmlbs in PrinCC RU- r. r, n Tlnllfav noiioweo DUSmess puCl. uc pert in March are expected to be 0. commented given a flllp with the official re- Gateshead 2, Hull City 2. cording at the city engineers of- HarUepools United 2, Lincoln City , -i r J i 1 I flee of the new Dybhavn & Hanson L , I fQW KeSCUeCl And Block on Third Avenue and import- Rochdale 2, Barrow 2. ant extensions to the Royal Hotel, R0therham United 0, New BrlSh alVlg r v)l r bealCr O 1 Permits issued here In February southport 0, Oldham Athletic O.i f D!, AHrnnnfoJ amounted to $1575 compared withj Vrexham 1. Bradford City 1. i IS Ddnff Alienipiea $4UO av jcui. .w - xorK uuy 2, cnestcr t. year to date Is but $2875 in com-1 Scottish League First Division parlson with suo.au; m mc iuij Albion Rovers 5, Hamilton Aca- two months oi two aurmg which, demlcals 0. Acquitted On Murder Charge Yorkton, Sask.. March 4.-Four men, charged with murder of John nihv 51. faUlly Injured during a wedding brawl, were acquitted by; jury In King's Bencn uoun, mte, Arbroath 1. Falkirk 2. Hearts 8, Queen's Park 3. Partlck Thistle 2, Ayr United 3. Ralth Rovers 0, Rangers 2. Scottish League, Second Division Alloa vs. Brechin City unplayed. 3. Dundee United 6, Forfar Athletic Dunfermline Athletic 4, Montrose East Stirling 3, Dundee 5. Edinburgh City 1, Alrdrleonlans 2 King's Park 5, St. Bernards 0. Lelth Athletic .1. East Fife H , Morton 2, Cowdenbeath 4. r Stenhousemulr 2, Dumbarton 0. HALIFAX, March 4: (CP Des pite heavy gale and high seas, the steamships Newfoundland and Im-ogene have been successful In rescuing 132 members of the crew of the sealer Ranger as she rolled in mountainous waves off the south east Newfoundland coast. East Coast Radio reports. The Newfoundland and Imogene were still standing by the waterlogged sealer In the hope of towing her Into shelter under the nearest land. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Portland 1, Vancouver 1. Will Exercise Peaceful Means For Preservation Of Individual Freedom Important Statement of Policy Made by Chief Executive at 150th Anniversary of First Session of Congress WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4: (CP)- President to their rights of sovereignty in Franklin D. Roosevelt served notice today that the United Mates would not be passive and silent about persecution of religion in lands where democracy has been snuffed out. Instead, he told Congress and a host of representatives of foreign powers, that the United States would seek, by every peaceful means, "to keep religious and personal free dom alive." Addrtfseinz a Joint session of the Biir Refunding Bill Introduced Senate and Home In commemora-! Social Credit Member Proposes t,on of the jon of Congress! Inflation 1M years a0 today( President Rnnwrflt Hpnotinrivl thp rptiirn in I OTTAWA. March 4: CPt The worW ta recent years ef -forms i Member of New Brunswick Legisla- House of Commons talked money f aQT.TnTr.fnt hich for two thous matters yesterday after Horu and yea have pr0Ted thelr tyr Charles A. Dunning, minister of ra instability" finance, itroduced his $75Oj000j0CO refunding bill. J. C. Danderyou. Social credit Sunderland 5, Manchester United member for Cahrary East, proposed 2 the issuance of new money to Liverpool 1. Leicester 1. FnrlUh League Second DivMon Blackburn Rovers vs. Luton Town unptayed Red- 444444444 psy off the national debt but this Pva P VlQlTIO" was ruled out of order. 1 1 aiAMlUg Mr. Dunnirw condemned tne suggestion which would constitute . dangerous JntUUo Witchcraft , 4 Practice of witchcraft is said 4 to be the motive of a nocturn- 41 nude nrowler who has been 4 4 ferrorizlnz some of the native 4 4 wwnan in the neighboring na- 4 4 tlve village of Port Simpson. 4 Dominion police are moving to 4 4 put a stoo to the man's antics 4 4 and will shortly be leaving for 4 4 Port Simpson to apprehend 4 4 him if possible. Such occur- 4 4 rences are said to be not un- 4 common in the native villages 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TO DAY 'b iOounrT R D 4 4 4 STOCKS JohnMoo Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, 20. Bralorne. 11.00. Carllxfcf Quartz. 2.26. Dentonia, .043 ack. Falrvlew. .05. Gold Belt, 37. Hedley Mascot, 1.40. Mlnto .02. Noble Five. Mi. Pacific Nickel .16. Pend Oreille. 1 .55. Pioneer, 250. Premier, 2.20. Privateer, 1.12. Reeves McDonald, .30 ask. Reno, .24 Ji. Relief Arlington, .13 Vi ask. Reward. .04. Salmon Gold, .10. Sheep Creek, 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, .35. Oils A. P. Con., .17. Calmont, .42. C. & E .'20. Freehold, Home Oil, 2.60. Pacalta. .06. Royal Canadian, .17. Toronto Aldermac, .39.- Beattle, 1.36. Central Pat.. 2.60. Con. Smelters, 57.00. East Malartlc, 2.38. Francoeur, .22. Gods Lake, 21. Hardrock, 1.41. Int Nickel. 53.25. Kerr Addison, 1.93. Little Long Lac, 3.25. McLeod Cockshutt 230. Madsen Red Lake, .42. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.19. Moneta, 1.17. UNION OF MARITIMES ture Urges That Three Provinces Join Together FREDERICTON New Brunswick, March 4: CP) Union of the three Maritime Provinces was advocated in the Legislature by O. W. Perry, Conservative member for Carleton. He declared that lack of unity of the Maritimes was enabling Ontar io and Quebec to clock everything proposed by the Maritimes. -j ! ii ii i im. mASAmm :'AP0L0GY, INDEMNITY Japan Settles With Great Britain For Hong Kong Bombing Incident of February 31 TOKYO, March 4. It is officially announced that payment of $20,000 and an apology have brought 4 and no particular concern Is 41 friendly setUement of the Kong felt by the authorities. j bombing incident of February 21 . with the British government. Standard Oil Finances Home Agreement Reached Between Two Companies On Operations In Turner Valley Field ' VANCOUVER. March 4:.(CP) J The Standard Oil Co. of California and the Home Oil Col Ltd. havs I reached an agreement whereby Standard assumes drilling obllga-j tlons on ' Home holdings in the north Turner Valley field. The first f well to be financed by Standard i will be spudded In sixty days. Air Developments At Ketchikan Are Now Being Sought KETCHIKAN, March 4: The possibility of an airport belne es tablished at Mile 11 or 12 on the ITongass Highway Is being discussed by the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce. Basing of a coastguard seaplane here is also to be asked. The Jones Bill Is also under discussion with a view to ensuring regulations which are to tho best interests of southeastern Alaska;. Noranda, 80.75. Pickle Crow, 5.35. San Antonio, 1.53. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.16. Stadacona, .85. Uchl Gold, 1.35. Bouscadljlac, .06. Mosher, .21, Oklend, .17. Smelters Gold, .02. Dominion Bridge, 34.00.