a-5 Buy at the Family and repeive the utmost in StyleComfort & Value Shoes that are a pleasure to wear at a modest price 00 oooo oo o ooooooa Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Paid in advance, per week .. 12 Paid in advance, per month .50 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire .and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 News Department Telephone , 8C Member, of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Tuesday, February 28, 1939. REFUGEES AND INDUSTRIES Sir Samuel Hoare recently told the House of Commons in London that 11,000 German refugees who .settled in Great Britain were already employing. 15,000 British workmen in new trades. This is somewhat along the line of the migration of Flemish refugees to England when they took with them the arts of weaving which kept the country to the fore industrially for many years. At a later date England learned to make silk, lace, linen, glass and other materials from French Huguenots who came to the country because they were persecuted in France. When the Jews were banished from Austria in 1671 Vnany of them went to Germany where they were welcomed at that time. Now they are being turned, out. , This is not to advocate the opening of Canada to a large number of refugees. Yet it is possible that a limited number may be admitted, particularly men who are able to introduce new industries to the country, ar yvho aro willing to take up wild land and convert it into farms. It would not be proper to bring in numbers of men who would flood the labor market and possibly replace men now employed. That would only add to our troubles and be unfair to the present unemployed. COMPLETE' CRAWL DOWN The .Tananese have crawled down completely on the little bombing expedition they made a week ago at Kow- loon in the mainland section of the crown colony of Hong Kong, Not only did the authorities at Tokip apolooiV but also the Japanese at Canton and they have promised to pay the damafes which are assessed against them bv the British. This Satisfies the British but the incident tends to make the British less likely to take further incidents of that kind as calmly as they did this one. RECOGNITION OP FRANCO The formal recognition of General Franco by Britain as the ruler of Spain changes those fighting in opposition to Jiim into rebels. No longer can we speak of the republicans as the government. The recognition will be received by the people of the Empire with mixed feelings. It was inevitable. The former government forces put up a good fight and many of them will be martyrs to a lost cause. The result of the Spanish civil war may be looked upon as a warning against trying to bring about reforms too rapidly, When the opposition becomes exasperated they are apt to try drastic measures. Public sympathy seems to have been very generally against Franco. Here in Prince Rupert .the Francoites had a very considerable sympathetic support but the ma-pority were against him. It is to be hoped that fighting will end now. .Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY FIinNS 417 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. in" In Portland 29 Seattle , 20 Spokane 13 Vancouver 12 7 9 161 112 6 19 153 161 8 24 134 148 8 22 119 171 CANADIAN TEAM WON five goals to one in ice hockey TAK' A PEG O' JOHN BECC M PORTETO OLD SCOTCH WHISKY n 00 avs i si w Th to dvflMmeici u out published nr t.iply4 by i Urjuor Control Board or by Wi OovmuM-at oi British Columbia TiTE PAILT NEWS h , . . fell CiJ Jj 4 VANCOUVER ; BADMINTON MOVING UP Have Still Chance Fur Third Flari In Pacific IVisl Hockey League VANCOUVER. Feb. 28: CP Spokane Clippers are still in third Dlace In the Pacific Coas UNDER WAY Prince Opens The Prince Rupert Badminton Club started its annual tourna- League standing and are ftsttUlninient on Sunday with a large turn- hard for a play-off berth. The out witnessing the? first seven Vancouver Uons are trying to guaiatcJi' -P continued out of the cellar and last night ; tonight scored a wild 10 to 6 victory over , Sunday's results were as fol-Seattle Sea Hawks to cut thi Iows: ( Spokane margin to two potnts. j Walter Cross beat Johnny Mur- The best out of three game 152. 15-11. series between Seattle and Srxk- Frances Th.oms.oi beat Joan ane in the second-third place team Cross 11-2. 11-3 play-offs will get under way March 11 with the best out of M. Montesano D. Blake R Franks D. Montesano Total HEX 133 159 147 180 174 792 160 157 156 150 171 791 Bowling Alley For Health and a 811m Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 Smoked "Rupert Brand" j iJiiumrii iimtri iithiiii Mild Cured Salmon I5c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People " Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator t 113 23 736 3 lft6 201 ICO 194 171 912 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage h Co. Lid. I JL Prince Rupert British Columbia i WAS SUPER- SALESMAN Frauk P. Jne Hart Personality of Stalciman. It Was Often Said MONTREAL. Feb. : -CP- It ""TZ tilZ was Jones' career came almost together. He was called on to personally handle the case of his company against the corporation whlh supplied it with coal He had done Uits jt uje ugaestton of Premier Ocorue Murray of Nova BroUa. though co.n-yie:e: unused io tht ways 'f MMusa. He Aid know the steel in- Oftt-O SOW W F r. MAM, uniii.- travlllnr farmer president of the Beauharo-ols Power Co . whe is dead here, that, if be bad not been a sileanan. he wovld hare made a V-atauaoa. " He had what E. W Beatty. KJJ.. W UKU lK w. - m back to Montreal la connection with the litigation one day. he fell in with ancthtr agucnlre Muni man, Max Altkcn. though neither Rupert J Club', Toun.am.nt Jdent oF the Canadian PaeiUc kw noUMi Mtrf Cl?" Sunday and WUI r. EV!J22 Uon ASken. whp SUlraately MW -uld -kee tinue Tonight Railway once nnd a man of mediocre talents a sue- . . . . cess in btaremn Mr rnd ouTwIo iuTmpan Jones was. however not an ordtn- Mr ar- salesman BaekoX hta talk. JfM1 wHmd th roapateoh.p with buyer, nt a and pra- Company found knowledge of what he was whether It was Iran or J $ handling n ;j stetl . cemnt. or a power JJJ abkn con$ict a whs a supcr-Miesffnn. o jn oorj.000 Seventeen years Janes was born on a farm near )at(r Mr JpWi dJoi f th nrorlrftie, Ont. hi IM9 He wi tir Wt,OCO.0O0. H ahMild sent to tthe public schools in Brock hvw mf)r. but Is he Tiini-!' VYnrioos rrrt and Walter Cross v,Be and fterward to the Royal M. ..t 0.riaoked the LiUanslble beat Elsie Darts and Fred DavU Military OoHefe at Klngaton. At IS. organisation I had buil I seven games final between th "-U. 15-10. 7Z7A?nZ tZr IIOWwr -Mr Jn Qia Diaa' I ... . . nut K.t d.,oM in n a factory at O&nononue for five u .v.. r,t ... m winners ana tne ioruana ucr. ,. w ' aroos starting Immediately after. y default. , J!!. T" he, U Canada by the deal and at (fee uaw The league standing to date: Ble Thompson and Harry ,n ,rranee. HU next stp was nl, fortun WM esUmaM at be w n t. p a Pit ward beat Joan cross ana jonnny "- tween twenty ana iruriv mill:"; 65 Murray 15-10. 15-11. wor ,or Canadian doUar. 46 Creddie Morgan boat Frances y ueciric company. He Mr. Joneft came agajn inu, the 34 Cioss 11-4, 9-11. 11-3. learned that selling things, not eyf4 0f tne financial publle by hH 32 Percy Mcintosh beat Harry Ward ""king them, was going to bring ataocUUon wlUi the Beauharnols 9-15, 15-9. 15-11. n'm money Through hia job with poWer Company. capltaMred at - Tonight's riay tne General Electric he came to $iwjcoo.000 He was lit first presl The draw for toniaht is as fol- know a traveler for the Nova Scotta nH niiniH nwuirv . BRUSSELS. Feb 23: -The Trail Iows: - ?el fComPn- ho recomraondwl ures through the legislature at Que 7 Creddle Morsan and ' "e PP0lntd bee and at Ottawa. Mr Smoke Eaters of Canada last night Pm- J f , parliament defeated the American team here Frances Cross vs. Bessie Thomp- Que?"C Ontario representative jon out hU holdings to the son and Frances Thomson. ",r was in me sweesey Interests and received '7:30 p.m. Bob Tobey vs. L. S. 'nineties and before the days of $780jD00. He had put Into Beauhar Hope. ,xed nc pabJUhed rates on the noit only $190 ,000. : 8 p.m .Johnny Murray ana U'y. Mr. Jones generally found Mr Jone married the daughter Walter Cross vs. Bill Murray ar.d wntn ne couId not sell to a nan 0f S. A. Stephen of BroikfUle and Percy Mcintosh. freight had a lot to do with it resided in Montreal. 8:30 pjn. Nellie Lawrence vs. and ne nd a number of reports , Bessie Thompson. to hu principals exposing the dts- 9 pjn Bob Tobey and Harry criminatory rates existing The Ward vs W. L. Stamford and F. data Mr- Jon collected was mod M. Davis by Thomas Oantley. at that time 9:30 Dm. Creddie Monian vs. 8neral manager af Jonr" com- Frances Thomson. Pny- to foree better rates from the Completion Of Bowling Play Is Postponed , Neither of last evening s schedul- five years an annual def; i of .sio ;ed fixtures in the Commercial Bowl- 000 to a prr,nt of $7 500,000 . ing League were completed. Gyro Club played Its end of one match with Electrical Workers postponing its play. Royal Lunch rolled its games with Rupert Motors defer- 'rlng play. ' The Individual scores were: Gyro 1 2 3 'Bulger 174 170 i71 Brocklesby 119 164 155 Large 142 14(5 153 Pugsley' 125 111 . Stamford , :127 141 Kllpatrlck , 95 Handicap : 23 30 t Total : 719 746 i Royal Lunch 1 2 iD. Houston . Two major deve jprrrt! in Mr Mail Schedule For m I'jrl Monday. WedneMtay. and 10 pm Bob Tobey or L. S. Hope railways. Mr. Jones next turned Friday Friday S pm. Hope vs. Cecil Fitzgerald. his attention to tariffs and he was From the Fait one of the first to demand the Tuesday. Thursday and abotltton of rebates. Mr Jones next Saturday H;00 pm. joined irte Dominion Iron and Steel Company as a traveler ami In 1903. when only 32. he became Its general sales agent. He rsoidly passed through the position of atettiant to the president and on general manager Hp For Vancouver Tuedaj . Thursday PHd-y February 13 and 23 to that of From Vancouver rrun red in Sunday Wednesday Frirtay February 9 and 19 4 tt 1280. noon ..... 10 pm. . 0:30 pjr 5 pm. . . 4 pm 10:30 am 4 pro am UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUr.ERT 3gQQ RETURN. Meals FROM PORT SIMPSON 39 RETURN. Berths Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and February 28th, 1939, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1939 Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.. Thursday, a.m S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m.- Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 5C8' If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office Tuwdiy ru PUNCH GWtSXOU SMOKING 11 r rvi i "Richer Smoother Refreshin, more men. tnoy mo newdep peou" totjoy. AOc 15c 1 iM I llillil,'! Soda Founlain Tea and Coffee lid 5H Candles. Tobac or. Ttr Ml and ttt'- Mussallem's Confectionery V.W.V.V.V.'.V.' .VAV.' nun n. r vr Miraoa r Service and If jndiVWi i Phone I 13 Taxi i PAT MA.ir. ..... itf-m ilk St 1 4tisi.:sit'H": l ELITE Jj Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland Inlroduclne Ihe N Zotos Permanent Dy an amailivj j. r ct-jj the cuardlan eye jr. & n ..... -w,, '- cct m insvant una r4u. r D anent Is complete TT r " clslon tlmlns u 1 , ', life, greater dru':' B lovelier cxlrte, J rhone 4DD for Appo,,m",, A Hot Time Is What Yon Want Tb" Wlntrr Vou can (tt U by fanwus Edson, Uulkley i ..llln.lAll C, or wanaimoHci"-- PRINC1C KtTEBT vv.v.n CO. rhones 58 or L