WHITE SOFT SAFE STRONG' The Letter Box QVESTIO.V or COUUTKSY L r Dally News: A attending last night's r addressed by the Hon-i ... T D Pattullo and noticing henrtrd. lukewarm pat-r Uown by our citizens, wc t fay the least, disgusted. 1 K r. ber got up noisily and left tx fore the singing of our Anthem. tVime of thnnt Ci stay did not think enough, a Kn and country to ex-i rr nvseivev or stand at at-, t hfjrd and read time ar.d again, that our modern youthi are not as nationally minded as they used to be and that we regard patriotism as old-fashioned We would not say the youths of today are extremely nationalistic but we do bear a love for our country and an honor for our King which we are not ashamed to stand up and expre. We were two of the youths present and we were, not without reason, disgusted with the example set us by our elders. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, la your valuable time and space. TWO YOUTHS. PROUD OF CANADA MODEL AIRCRAFT Complete iNcw Shipment Just Arrived Solid Models 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c Flying Models 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 81.00 and 81.50 .Make Your Selection Now While Slo1t 1 Complete Said Mrs. M. to Mrs. N. When stormy winds do clash Just buy your coal from B.V.C And Save yourself some Cash BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES LTD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" 11 tt- SI. On up 50 Rooms Hot ti told Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 2X1 P.O. Rnj 19 A Dependable Companion Western Electric Ortho-Terlinlc Hearing Aid New principles, faithful sound reproduction, economical, twin circuit operation, bone or air conduction, complete hearing aid senlre, literature on request Wallace Electric Ltd. 127 SEYMOUR STREET Vancouver, B.C. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFK fliune 51 For Best Household Cl MRS. C. E. BLACK DRESSMAKING f Tailoring and Remodelling J KTMl UYEDE riione Uliie 916 203 3rd Ave 35 Taxi Offers You a 1939 Heated 7-Pas.senger Car at Your SerVIce Phone 35 TAXI .jvcky February 28. 1939. TBI DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE PUREX is sterilized PURGE OF WORLD ON The anti-Christian movement talcing place Jn the world today arc no accidental outbreaks limited to temperamental peoples," de clared Rev. E. E. Brandt before' his congregation at First Baptist churches. Mr. Brandt felt, had too churches. Mr. Brandt, felt, had too long compromised with the wprld, the Jlesh and the devil. A mort complex civilization which had grown up In this day denied the Christian concept of Ood and the worth of man. While this was going on the churches had stood to one side and had not concerned themselves with the issues when human welfare was at stake. In some lands an atheistic social philosophy had gained the as ! LOCALS Come to St. David's Tea at home to the Chapter by one of Its form-i . er members will be raffled. The Dally rw u an A. B. C, Daoer. FOR SALE - - 0 , FOR SALE Beach circulator heat- ' sir Pvnllofit fsV A It rn Phnna Blue 104, 49) FOR RENT FOR RENT Nice flat in Louise Apartments, Fifth Avenue West Newly renovated throughout and la first class condition. Phone. 75C. (49 1 WORK WANTED CAPABLE Girl desires work. Phone Blue 931. 52) Plione 872 Canadian Cheese Lb. Bulk Macaroni 4 lbs. 23c 25c Aylmer's Jelly 12 oz. JJ PARTY FOR joe scon?, ft .nstrument but had lxn discarded, Several recent cash contribu- lVn,1,t of. Pns Trvxl fell-; because of disobedience the churches today were being Judged ,by pagan force. "God will not use a corrupt and -Let us bear no-resentment to he chasUser oc to the Instrument st-rving his purpose." exhorted the ipusfcrf- "but conieas our sins and failure. We have brought much of 'this upon ourselves bv our sin tlons to the Enockson fund, the lu " proceeds of which have already j leaves Thursday night on the been forwarded, include RebekAli' Prince Rupert for Vancouver Lodge. $5: Deep Sea Fishermen's 'where Jue wedding wjll take place compromising church to extend 'Union. $10: Northern B. C. Resl-lon Saturday afternoon. Ills Kingdom fcuu,., today vuvu an anv itiuic more thanldentlal uiiui Fishermen's Association i .v, . I 11m .... k. t.U iews and the formallstlc Pharisees f Jesus' Ume." declared the pastor. "Rather will He let the pagan forces of unbelief and destruction come to purge His people and. through a remnant, bring forth new life and light nearer His heart's desire. "Ihwe was a refining quality in tribulation, said Mr. Brandt, that S3. Mrs. Moore Is Named Regent Tne regular mommy meeting oil Hill CO Chapter. Imperial Order." Daughters of the Empire, took IjouW wrk .redemption for those. Pc I1 'ek at the home of Mrs. !wh could see God's Judgment andlwUUni McLeod. Election of offl- wnuld accept it as the way to ilr resulted as follows: j finer life. To some- men Ood's. Honorary Regent, Mrs. J. Man-, 'udfmeut was the way to victory.! son-It might be Ihe way for the Regent. Mrs. O. E. Moore. t churches today if they would take rst Vice-Regent, Mrs. W. Mc 'the chasUsement and learn th Leod. lesson. i Second Vice-Regent. Mrs. H. A. tof omission and lack of vision. iHart,n- iWith us lies very largely the an-1 Ecnoes Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Mac- swer or wltat tomorrow shall b" ir- Try a Dally Nws eijlfd ad rttvmrtit fnr best renult Breen. Secretary'. Mrs. J. Frew. I Assistant Secretary Mrs. J. Fore-1 man. Treasurer. Mrs. R J. Keron. Educational Secretary. Miss M. Standard Bearer. Mrs. J. Allan. Plans were made to hold a tea on March 25 at which time a patchwork quilt which has been donated The committee in charge of the party consisted of ,W. F. Stone, 'Gib Taylor, J. H. Macey. Sam Joy and Ov J. Dawes, and others talc-, I Ing part ere Premier t. D. PattuUo, Capt. W. P. Armour. William Bacon, O. W. Abbott, M. P. Mc-JCaffery. B. J. Bacon. Llbero 'Basso-Bert, D. O. Borland, William Announcements All advertisements in this col-emn will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. Women of the Moose Bridge, .February 23. March 1st Tea, Mrs. Bert Legion Women's Auxiliary Bridge March 2. Scout Concert March" 3. Eagles' Bridge March 8. S. O. N. Springtime Dance March 1 Rod and Gun Annual Meeting March 13. 16. Orange Bridge arid Dance March Presbyterian Shamrock Tea March 17. St. Patrick's Supper, Cathol'e Hall March 17. United TeaMrs. W. T. Kerglr.'s March 23. Hill 60 Tea March 25. High School Spring Plays March H, 25. Prince Rupert Operatic Society presents The Mikado" April 12, 13 Capitol Theatre. 20. Anglican Spring Sale Anrtl 13. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April St. Peter's Sale May 4. Pure Rice 4 lbs. FREE DELIVERY Copland's Fruit Market Cheerio Crackers Pkt 17c Vegetable Special 10 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lhs. Carrots, 10 lbs. Turnips, Northern Spy Appl a lbs. 3 lbs. Beats. 3 lbs. Onions, THE LOT 3 lbs. Parsnips. 25c 40-lb. box lie 21c Juicy Oranges One Cent Each Roiling Onions 5 lbs. 17c 95c $1.79 Bremner, M. C Brook, T. W. f Brown, James Bryant, Mike 'Bud-J mien, jonn BMjer, Richard Bury,) nam R. O Large Dr. Bernard, the Prinee RuDert Club was the. undanl p- A- MacCallum. WH- Annual general meeting. Prince ne night of an. enjoyable 7 27?' Rupert Rowing 'and Yacht Club, P"ty. occasion- being toMWjftJ. M,lU' George Mltchel!, Bert Mor- .ax- o.u-.T.- - - taken tj mark the fnrthrnmlnff ,,J'" marriage of Mr. Scott to Mta J?0? Morrls.1 .3 4 oi. bottle 75 Jesf JOnd OcoaI evrrninect. 7 Notice B. Church, ' William Crulct-i Trt , . ... w w EST l beeTapSnW J rtT:.r:S?llwe?: "l1' ?uw.aent in Prince Ruoert. as from of Mrs. Bert Morgan. Wednesday. Popular Young Business Man Hon- ?'S March 1st, 1930. ored by .Many Local Friends nemey ivKiorai. 5 3 to W 8 ' (la, Prlor To Marriage Bn Dodda w Drake- Robert Mr. 8. Beaud.n. who arrived in JgJ fLLri the city a few day. .go from Ter- In honor of Joe Scott, one of T roner- a J- Hunter. Jack Joy.! JLh.a .M..ft.rt , Prince RuDerfs most m-omlnent laic, ntutu wf.v.wi - jj. cataia ior a inp to Vancouver. . , ..., REWARD MININO CO., LTD.. Poreher Island Mines, Ltd. nOTRL ARRIVALS Royal Car) Smith, city; Mrs. J. Horner and A. J. York. Stewart. Prince Rupert R. J. Carson, Blllmor; R. Moore. Smlthsrs. rvrn,hv "f V""""""- wmeyIMt neecc, "eg. ALEX Secretory MeflAE. Mature of the evening was the!"ou; Prison, Sam Becretary. Qf & ntatU)n Jurmaln. H. B. Stiles, A. W. New- Robert Lloyd-Jones, A. J. Prud- esteem'man' w u Watts. Carl. Zarelll. hpmme, T. A, McWaters, J. J Mrs Cavanaueh who has been to Mr Scott as a token of ln?lt:i2'l2blnd well wishing. A novel -en. vsTSalr &tSri t.i.-j ., I ' bearlne the names of all nresent Mart'n van. Cooten.-Tomhiy FrasPT, St. -Clalrr Bud Bud SkatteboU Reginald CaTanau-h 'h numbered nearly one hund-Owrse Peters. Lee Gordon, T. j.iKebey. Arthur Phillips. H. F. Pulton, son Wll am sailed ' wmiam avanaugn, saueu ,!, . . Hen. Ounnar Anderson. William rendeV and w oalr .,y. increas-thls ,ncrea . afternoon by the Catala on whom were Premier, Wlllbms, Ross Ingram, O. I.i811"1' A.i iur Jonn McLe6d. 1T?0 Robert bert T Mc- T T. - D D. - PattuUo. Pattulla - wss wis - aLsn also .presented nreintti TJ"' J Jlf.,n.. Hunter, m;i Neil Cameron; - r Howard! u.8 .v. no.a mrougnoui tne world. "" .-..wu.rr. r4"', M. Wright. Thomas Khvj, L W".t0 bc'oun! . SnTthe Matheson. George dc- rr ws ol old who were once God's . - ft ... i ... I V. . , , 1. . . w Mvsaa MIM LUlir jlllU W CS.L.SL. Lillrl SET. "amiin mat prociaimeni iter, rauicr c. ao. utjiuv oj hr absolute stat and made men 'Dawson will be the speaker at the PntaUon - which placs lv an IneidenUl of the Ute In'regular weejely luncheon of the whl,e. Ireu . eW rerved in the main of IlouriiWng. Undoubtedly, thesel Prince Rupert Gyro Club tomor were evidence of Judgment upon! row. His subject will be Th h- Christian world. Like the Heb- Yukon." sitting room the club. The evening was informally enjoyed in yarious forms ot diversion, all taking the oppor- MacKenzie s Furniture Chesterfield Sale 3 DAYS ONLY 13- piete Chesterfield Suite Very massive. In tapestry with reverse cushion. Regular $163. Cl19 A Sale "Price ?JLl&oJ 1 3-piece Suite Langham Chesterfield Suite In Q4 an g A tapestry. Regular $145. Sale Price JJ.a0.uV 1 3-pleee Luxury Suite In velour. Reg. $125. 61 1 1 0 Sale Priee- ... .... . r. ...... OxXXOU 1 3-piece Suite In tapestry, roll arms, reverse QR7 ft cushions. Regular $98.00. Sale Price iJO I t)U Several Other Suites Also Reduced to Sell at Once Every Suite A-l Construction Phone ;;s 327 THIRD AVENUE Old Kins Coal Is a clever old gink He works pure magic In a wink Hell Cheer your moping, drooping soul With a ton of Phllpott Evltt Coal. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. The Best Coal in Town J00O0000J00O00000O000D03a0WOOOO00000-0O0a0CH3O000000O 0 2 As Advertised on the Air BISMA-REX St Antacid omach Powder 1G ni. bottle $1.50 Ormes Ltd. "3fus JHonter Drta&ists The Resall Store, Phones: 81 & 82 . Open Dally from 8 a.m.. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. . 7, p.m. til 9 p.m. a s a o g 0 8 io)jooooHCKiOCrpoi$aoiooooooocHoPcoooooooooooooaoooaoa -s v tf you loS4i Anything, advertise lor it.