Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Ctrenuun Telephone 98 News Department Telephone .. , is . Member of Andit Boreas, ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 02 -25 uqrM. Wednesday. November 29. 1939. EDITORIALS PEACE OR WAR The moral rearmament people are about to put on another moral rearmament campaign in which seems to be two opposingjdeas. In one sentence we are told that moral rearmament teaches us to sacrifice for our country. In the next we ire told that the immediate aim is a hundred million peop!e4hobUized m the battle for peace. We mildly sugjcest that the present method of mobilizing for peaces to endeavour to-subdue the enemies of peace. It seems to us that the people generally vho tall; about moral rearmament are the people vho think fighting is wicked. We do not think fighting is wicked. We believe it to be the noble?! thinqr in life when the cr'-e v-just The man vho won't fiiht to defend the fiM fc not much of a man. Usually women make better fighters than men. What we have to do now is to support our men. the first contingent of whom has arrived in Euron. W-must support them by sending food and war supnlies. We may also support them by prayers for their welfare, by letters of cheer and assurance that others will follow as needed. We can support them by doing our part right here and now at home. There is a feeling among many that we are not fighting the G?rman people but only Hitler. Speaking in tr 1 House of Commons at London yesterday Lord Milne mid ; it ouite clpar that the German people were out to detrov the British Empire and France if they could possiblv dr so. In order to do this they were prepared to break all the laws of humanity, to wr-riffo? neutral non-combatant including y-omen and children to satisfy their overwhelming ambition. Hitlerism has been adopted as the moral code, yes, even the relieion. of the German people and it is silly to; assume that the Germans are full of love and sweet sentiments toward the British people. Germany is today the flltl thforces of evil! .....uwiuiig nci must ue aesiroyea. SENSE OF HUMOR The Tommies in the army seem to differ from the average Englishman in Canada in that he has a powerful sense of humor and carries it into the trenches.and even into battle. This 'is a God-given sense which is helpful in any warn of life. It is a o-rpnr jmtifiMt. tr, f S recognized its value and gave H to many' yji. m tjiiiiaciCTsxo use in times oi stress. The Scottish people consider it so valuable that the city of Aberdeen makes a specialty of manufacturing jokes about Scottish people and especially about Aberdon"-ians. Jam?s Lee of thia city tells one of the latest from Aberdeen. It seems there was an air raid over that city but the people who. were in the restaurants or at the theatre refused to heed it until the meal was finished or the show was dver. WEAKER THAN AT BEGINNING Hitler is weaker than; at the beginning of the war, according to Sir Samuel .Hoare. When the war commenced the German plan was to stake everything on a big drive morrow morning. i Dr. L. W. Kertn and hunting party inehidin: Td Kergin of Premier Arnold Flaten and Cant. J- R. Reirf returned on the miner Aledor Mondav nitfht from a hunting trip to Kitkatla InM. Fxtre-v?)v stormy weather mitigated attain' sueeessfu! hunting. GET THIS BARGAIN TODAY! ASPIRIN at jess than ONE cent a tablet! rVo point now in taking thances with strong dtvgs...Saitit fast pain relief featured by Canadian druggists everywhere. 3! 100 tablets 98 No reason now why anyone should run the risk of taking dangerous, strong drugs for coldt. headaches and muscular pains and aches. Get Aspirin, rated by physicians the safest fast relief you can we, at any drug gist today m the 100 tablet bottle for less than Ha tablet! But remember, get Aspirin. Even used frequently. Aspirin does not harm the heart Aspirin is made in Canada and is the trademark of The Bayer Co., Ltd. fie sure it's ASPIRIN! roie mis cross carefully. If the word "Bayer"is not stamped on every tablet, it's not Aspirin. Don't let anybody tell you it is. FOR ALIi TOR SALE-Petter dlessl engine, stationery 12 to 14 h p. 500.00. A. Robertson, MassetC 281) FOR SALE Two waterfront lots, Digby Island, want offers. Mrs. M. Letness, phone Black 482. (281) work wanted EXPERIENCE! woman deslrefl work, Apply Dally New. (278) WANTED WANTED Two rooms or suite furnished, before Dec. 3. Apply Box 25, Dally News. (278) FOR RENT I FOR RENT Large rooming house. mostly furnlriied, central loca tlpn. Apply Helgerson's Ltd, (282) eitner on land or in ine air. weitner oi tnese had taken KOUND nlnce. Now she is resortinc to horrihle ilWnl nrnpfippa n - try .to win. The British are stronger today than at thevTorXTavt'by of the beginning War. paylng ,or thta advertisement f. i I I PAGE TWQ ft-. , ..THST DAILY w IJU , ...mM'-IiiIIIII"- .. WtwMAtyt. KovmUi a . Igg- '' m Clearance t:;;:: Broken Line's1 to be Cleared Out at Greatly Reduced Prices in Every Department of the Store. Now is Your Opportunity for a Real Bargain Ladies' broken lines in pumps and straps, in leather and suedes. QO AlZ Clearance Qf0 Men'Broken1 lines in caK Oxfords, QA Iff high grades. Clearance t?T:TCJ Misses and Childs' calf Oxfords Qj Real&Ipes........: f?X.VO AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home pf Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRIXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunaay, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. T. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor Whiffiets From The Woterlrcnt y- The setneboat W N. 7. Capt i Chris Jensen, fishing for the Por. ' Edward reduction plant, got sixty tons of fine quality hcrrtn? fro..( Prince Rupert Harbor yesterday i This- was the first catch of an , slie since the Good Partner. Capt jNordhus. took about sixteen tan; .last Friday night. The herring are In the harbor but are swimming and are difficult to seme for jdeep I With a fair-steed list of msvi-'gers. C N. R. sfamer Prince Rupert, Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived In port at 9:30 this morn in c from Vancouver. Powen River an Ocean Falls and sail at ? ; rl this afternoon for Ketchikan arr: Stewart whence she will rUir here tomorrow evening sauth bound. Coming north from V- via the Queen CharkKt Il"nd C. N. R. steamer Pi" ' J 1 Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in Mas-isett Inlet at 9:30 this morning and is making her calls there today. She is expected to arrive here to "4. IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE FRONT FIVE PINS COMMENCE! Another Bowline League to Into Action Tonight Oet The Fire Pin Bowling League, with four teaaM ta play. vtV go tn-tr action tonight with aehedole as follows: November 39 Home Oil va. Mal-kins: Bankers vt. DDS. & T.O. December 6 Home Oil vs. Bankers; Malkim vs. DD5. & TO. December 11 Home Oil v. DDS. St TO ; Malkiqx vs Bankers. December 27 Home Oil vs. Bankers Malkiru vs DDS. & T.O. Januarv 4 Home Oil vs. ODS li TO.; MalkWjf vs. Bankers. Twenty -Five v Years Ago November 29, 1911 Oermajjslfaunched heavy attack near Arras in effort to break throueh Allied lines in northern France. Allies gained ground in Eerjium in Yores sector. .Big Aust-trlar fcrci reported repulsed by Montenegrin at Vsthegrad. BDsnia. OeorgRFftezell brought in a shipment of thirty-seven head of cat-tit from the Wakh ranch on Graham Island. They were slaughtered in an Improvised abattoir on Eleventh Avenue. Alex McRte left tbday for a visit to hi eld home ntar Sarnia. On-f ario. It will be his" first trip home tlnce he left fourteen years ago. His eighty-two year old father Is ill. r a?9W?BHpVai. 'aaFBa-"TSMpS5W TgBBBKsaBBSar? - ;.. jls bs -kca . k , i it-,?, so these Bi.:.- : . i'tftv fj.... ?i Cs .-xfl ui:c -auno- datu-r. ;o; I v. Viu- tuui. however, only un pails and the od wooden tab-, were available, so they make the bet of it. This photo waa passed by the British censor. SPORT CHAT An Australian horse holds a re- xrd for hardiness. Now in his thlr-; teenth year of raelng, FUWr Press. who befan as a two-year old. has started in 234 race. Eleven different Indian tribes-Cherokee. Cree. Bemirtoie. Ollbway. Chortaw. Chlesaw. Siouk. Sae and Fox. Psnca. Kickapoo. and Sioux Ores Ventre are- represented on the Baeone Indian School rugby team at Muskogee. Oklahoma. . Colonel Howard Wilkinson of Birmingham, who contributed 11. -663 annually t the National Rlfl Association, left S4.4&0 to the Association in his wtU. He was S3- Shortly aft a hrat r tn Melbourne it was found the winners runner-up won. One woman who hac thrown away her ticket on the "cood horse found someone eUe's $1 11 and cashed In. Bcb Haack. Colorado State University footballer, should be a hard man to push over Five fet nine inrhe tall, h wear a 134 shoe. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Ycm'll Jump O.t of Bd in lk Marniaf Raria'U C Tk Btff abouU rout M twm noatM mt IkiaM WtU. lata rami bowrl 4aUy. It till IW xt Suwtn trty. fmtr find tml 4 (C It M aWar In tba kovrla. Cm MuaU a t9w tUmuuh. Yua rrt MtftjpilW. Ilamf al twkoat m Into U bMf. aa4 rev M amir. tank and l world luaaa Bunk. A nr bow- mavtmrst dw't alwiyt f H at tn raaaa. Ya nod aomrtnini that wart on Uw llvrr aa wrO, It ukra thfaa rood, atd Carur'a I.ltOa Ur.r f-Ula to tn Urn twa imiada al alia Aowlac frarir and mat Too Mv aad aD".HarmWa and imtia, Uvy maka tn bite flow frrrly. Thnr da In work f nlunwl t nar na aaknnW or mrmrj la tha. Atk for Cartra UtU IJr PUia hf nam f Btabaural ilm aainhlad afe. IS. SHINGLES We have just received a shipment of exceptionally fine shingles manufactured on the Queen Charlotte Islands which is the home of the finest cedar on the Pacific Coast Also In Slock a Complete Line of Local and Fir Finishing Lumber SAND GRAVEL CILMr.NT Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. i n one ij Phone 632 MacKenzie's Furniture CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT LAST IlMAUTYHEST MATTRESS All sizes $12,50 BEEP SLEEP MATTRESS Covered In green Tweed I39.0 SLUMBER KiJs'o SPRING $14.25 No Advanre In Price Known Every Plate Hulll for Sleep Call and See Them r Phone 775 Just Received! IJijr Shipment of FURNITUR Tht latest models and designs In ( he tc fi'l'.s. Dinclle Ormera, Cabinet. Etc. v0 wiii f;nj ow. prlcei re ff cnabl. and H( r.ill Ulr inn mnno i ... "tl ej. . ; 3 - juu ujf i rem m tM first befor you buy eUesthere. $SJ.OO J-Plece CHESTERFIELD- For S65.00 3-Picce CHESTERFIELD -Sagl eoftStOMtf4i. ree and color. Value $200XK) Q-fO1 en Price, easy terms 1 vJ.u4.50 I -I) RASTER CHEST ' OA n- Special I 00.95 USED KITCHEN IUNGI.S At . . RADIOS 81J?htly Bcd. Only OXO.50 3-Piece OPflCi: r WIN OUTllT-Oi wsAaot. lit iiu cuiriru value J 13, We . .v SMOKING STANDS Up . AP Klndf f CAKPETS atU STItirU. t SUfhtly used, ttxa LOOKS of all AbIIio Eah . BAHO.IINS OALdUr. S17.00 75c 95c 10c B. C. Furniture Co. Phone BLACK l TmKn m '.Nest Door ti R. C Clothleni) JUST ARRIVED NEW BIITIIORE HATS IN Tyroleans Hombergs Gayboys and Snapbrims IN LATEST POKEST-TOXES Drop In and Select the Xmas Hat With a Lift William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllint it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert everj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trafng leave Prince Rupert for the East Mondaj, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For faret, etc., call or tcrltt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. VI4 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the wune