Entertainment For Troops The Sunday evening BEHAVE! given for (he benefit f the of the serrfees, at the Canadian Legion HaH tart Swtdar was well attended ad aaa the direction of M J. S who arranged a very attractive pro-rata. Those THIS WEEK ONLY WJmM HQ THIRD AVENUE and SIXTH STREET I- Ilome Rcmtidies, Toiletries Rubber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Store Sundries AT ILALFPRICEl McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY MAtK Don't conffh in nuMi" riim ' Carrw 5m!fk Rmrhm Crnivh 0 i o Drop with you. They vootbe 2nd check irritation. (Blade or Menthol, 10 ) n SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS :h evening and the ladles of Queen Mary Chapter, I. O. D. E., served coffee, cake and sandwiches after the eoncert. 7h- troom are keenly anticipat ing the retarn of the Operatic Society next Sraday evening. The weather has been so mild of late that fa aaany gardens roses have been to Moora. Two nice roses were in Moon (Ms week in the police gardens at the Ctty Hail and a usiuU.i of reaMeats bare picked assiattog were little Jean blooms for decorative noma. MsrroSd and Ann Stevens, dane- tag. IGss Nellie Lawrence. vMtais. The Prince Rupert Rotary Chib New as Tomorrow DUO - THERM Introduces Power-Forced Circulation The mst beautiful and practical oil burner on the market now equipped with forced circulation Warmer floors Less wasted ceiling heat Mart heat at the living leveL IS Months to Pay at Gordon & Anderson Prince Rupert KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Earthen, Mixing Bowls AssortcibSizes"' 15c t0 85c EGG BEATERS ROLLING PINS 'WIRE STRAINERS FLOUR SIFTERS joooooaoaoflaoootxioooDOisoaooooooo THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Hanson. eeij Adpns LOCAL NEWS NOTES For procpt and courteous vice Pbone 13 TuL morninr from a trio L Vtamm 1 on the Prince Rupert this moraing; from a trip to Vancouver. Bedroom slippers make Christmas gifts. Large assort ment of men Vs. women's and eWM-ren's at Fashion Footwear. U. Thomas UcVcekfei retwned to the city on the Prince Rnpert this morning from a brief baste ess trip to VaneeuTer. Miwu iuuuw u2u xa- a - Ljk. rw wuu nave a jxjwhvh pracr U- m wwwim nou- falUU and R. Kins, mmrin&. morrow at it rcvlar weekly kin- toedquartm In Prince while assisting troops iwe Messrs. cheon in the person of Harold Nor- or?f- arrtred to the city on last Vtt m - m . . . . ..... nUkt'. s ... otu, uavies ana iuuer. vocaasu. aaa wno wiu detrver an appeal for inxn ine interior and w ai"iw. tioi- sujjc.-rt of uh Aiste iay canvass inists. Mrs. Black accompanied in next Saturday and will also tell her usual fine style. of some Boy Scout activities Ln Jack Preece was chairman for Prta e Rupert. Dont fotsei the Red Ciwh Dance. Friday. Dec 1. Unas H.n Floor Show and lots of fun. Admission 25c. i27Si Harry Bowman, acent for tn 'colonization and industrial depart ment or Canadian National Rail. wffl be here for a few days on offi cial bustneac. R Hotel Arrivals Central j J Nelson. A. Khho ru j.v' Koh. city: H. Weleenuk Rkrrro- Ounner O'Brien. Barret Point: Os- a' Edwards Norrray. R. H. Sew- "H. Frederick Point: Mr an) Mr 1 McKay Pacific: L, A. Gralf. C N ' Prince Rupert J B. Barclav. BHhnor r p CouUon. Toulev: A JaPAhwn RUrtc: J H. Ward. Harelton: B ' C Johnston UT I. P ro.u w K Frter and E. J. Carrathers Vancouver; Mrs. A. Winthers. Seat- n Ma s Tindill and Bowman Prince George; OJof.neaa; citv:; Amelia Susman. IBro klyn I lent. CoL and Mrs Ts-affe. Victoria; Kathleen (Castley. Duncan. Shelled Walnuts Per lb. Shelled Almonds-Per lb Glace Cherries Per lb. Mixed Peel Per lb. Smith's Grapefruit Juice 50-oz, tins Bluebird Match Per carton Llbbys Tomato Juice 14V2-oz. tins ser- Bowling afternoons and evening! tl JJii"j AHrys. ' tf. William llBier retarned to the Canadian Legion Bridge. city ob the Prise Reoert this Cross mad, Friday f379 F. mJ ! "tfener r N. R.: C. S Pari. Tor. 11 25c 30c 50c 40c 25c 25c 25c 8c IP. M. Crosby, who has been on a trip sooth, returned to the dty from Vanesarer on the Prinze Rupert this morning. I Olaf Hanson. M. P. for Skeena, arrived ln the city on last night's train from Smithers and win be here r a few days. Mrs. H. L. Landry, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere te the south, retsrned to the efiy on the- Prince Raoert this 'mornfcis. For swearing in a pttbHe place. J. P. Roch was fined $5. with 00- tion of three days Imprisonment. in cKy ponre ceart rrsterdsT. Offieial recetpU for donations in the recent Red Cioss crite here At the Cilo 1 53v ' - Quick ute this xpoiafized medication far the nose . . here most colds start, lieips pmtnl CoUt developing. VlCKS to Mr and ifn n ,,ltu, . lranfrred there Reagh. Vancouver W H Maikin Co Brentwood Beans 2 .'. Per tin Llbby's Ketchup Per bottle Royal City Bantam Corn -Per tin Royal City Tomalo SoupPer tin Bleach or Amonia Per bottle Country KUt Pears or Peaches 2 tins Cha&e Si Sand borne CoffeePer lb. 1 Va-tronol O W Laidler. generai sales man--vr for tne W H Maikin Co . arrived tn the city on the Prince Rupert into morning from Vaneou- Harrviver. beinc here an enmmnt htui. Mr and Mrs. J. A Barry and im and daughter, who have be". Mr anri Mrs. B-vls. Stewart: jpast ten years, will sail on the W. C. Hudson. V. ranTlmr ant W . - . . . Civ Larrv Warner,.. . ... . ... 1 victoria 10 lane up juiure resi dence. Mr Barry having bee ' in the scrtire if SERVICE SPECIALS AT VERY LOW PRICES NOVEMBER 29th to DECEMBER Gth Scott's Grade 'A Eggs OOp OQv Large. Per doz. First Grade Batter Q7 3 lbs. Sujar 10 lbs. Nabob Spices Per tin Seedless Raisi 2 lbs. Currants 2 lbs. 69c Nabob Baking Powder QAp 12-oz tin Nabob Extracti 1 A5Jl Qp 2 oz. Per bottle 7c 25c 10c 16c 8c 8c 10c 25c 40c 5 Bars Colgates Soap OQp and 1 Bowl All for Terrace Iets 7lbs Terrace Carrots , id ibs. ,.. . Royal City; Pork and Beans 11-oz. tins ,Patry Flour B. it K. lo-lb.aack .... Nabob Plum Jam 4-lb. tins ... 25c 23c "Terrace Turnips OCTo lo'lbs. 6c 39c 39c We Have a Large Variety of Peak TreahV Fancy Assorted Biscuit, In One Pound and Two Pound TlnsTSoltable (or Xmas Presents Delivery Free to Any Part of the City Ranee &Kardy Phone 55 and 56 Shower For Miss Venetia Feero Mms Isabel Conncrv Is ntew At lUme of Mrs. F. M. Rayner Mto Isabel Connery was hoMess last evening, at the home of Mrs. P. M. Ravner at a deMghtful mis- ceftaneoes shower In honor of Miss Venetia Feero wtMse marriage to Sergeant George Mad ill wW take place Saturday The room was tastefully decorat ed to pink streamers and the eve ning was spent playing the ever popular Chinese Checkers, prtae-winners being Miss Ctev Arm strong and Mtes Geraldtne Feero. At afdntght deUeJous refresh- menta were served by the hostess. Later a prettily decorated tea- wagon was wheeled in laden vnh many beautiful and useful gifts. Those present besides the guests of honor and hostess were th Misses Vivian WrathalL Jean Mo Lean. Thetraa Davis. EMe Davis. GeraMine Feero. Margaret Pierce (Douglas. Alaka. Broth Johnson. Clsaie Armstrong. Phyllis Hambttn. ww te lamed as soon as the forms EHeen HsmMtn u titmkui arrive from headquarter? :t is an- IBfoekway. Mrs. Cliff MadiM. Mr, nonnced. This will rmhhiv fv p v tw .i im n i tj... I - - -.W BMW . .14. IMJ?BC. about the middle of December I It's the eemuatn erttct of advertising that counts. MANY MORE i SEA CADETSj Strentth of Loeal Corps Has Been Increased To Sixty -Fire The strength of the Sea Cadet Corps cf the Prince Rupert Branch j of the Navy League of Canada has Ibeen increased to sixty-rive, it was j reported lan night at a meeting or the executive of the loeal Nary League over which W H Tobey presided In the abser.re of the IWdonDryGMj EBnnnnEnnnH t This sdrnltemeat U not pablUhed or displayed by U Uooor Control Uoard or by the Goverameet of OrlUtb Colunbl Announcements AQ advertlsernenU In thu cor dmn will be charged for a fuD month at 25c a wont. Eagles BrldRe November 29. St. Andrews Dance, Nov. 30. Catholic Tea. Mrs. HanWnaonv (November 30. j Varden Entertainment Deo. . 1 United Bazaarv December - . j Lutheran Circle bazaar. De- cember 9. I High School Plays. Dec. 13. ! Annual Oame Dinner. Dec. 13. ' Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Dec 14. , Moose Christmas Tree. Dec. 21. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree December 23. BOB'S Beauty Parlor Nest to q. Si S. Grocery Phone 318 Bob Ritchie NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZariHI Proprietor "A IIO.MH AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 I 'chairman. R. M. Wkukrr. Cadets f Gordon Caldenro!. Witttam Baker and J ark DavU are bete recom-i mended for warrant instructors' rank to the local corps which eon- Unoes under the able supervision of Chief Petty Officer Instructor 'A. O. Bird of the Royal Canadian I Natal Votenteer Resenre. Kew wmm cqapment, fceesaiu. the tncmaae b nren f wucrea lor thr corp. Alex Mtru. . tn seefotory-ir. Nay Leapj- Br cession to W. O vur , ' pending removal fr,, necesattated his tru?- a. TTS rf-plew ADC. The oaf you fcwy the ncktc we'wir - afent to deliver it with your cassphaous . . . g,v- n . trturnut! on mm tune., etc. . . . ttwrwr tkepng requirej 'u, rrrrxJ rf y.m hke) . . . advnc trn nit,.. , tUy fxuty left, vAttn thry vi meet them. It' amrr home f Ciirutaus by trwn' mm 1 wm 1 1 1 I I 1 V 1 I J HI Tor Information. Call or Wnt CITY TICKET OFFICE SIS 3rd Ate Frinre !t nc V 102 39 SMART - NEW WRAPPINGS for a Merrier Xmas DennUon's Newest Gift Wrapplng-Plcg. 1 Protectofoil-Roll 16c Flrured Tranparo Wrap 13c Cellophane Wrap Roll ICe Tiue-Laffe pkg lie Ribbons In Great Variety . lr. IJc New Seal, Tag. Label Asorted pkg of I Of u- lx Otitic 6 DECORATIONS Tor Every Location Spread the Chrhtma. Spirit with Deco radon. Red, Green Ropinr 10 yards 10c Crepe Paper-Red, green, fancy, pkg! 15c Icicles Streamers Garlands Xmas Tree Uht Candles Keep your fuel cot down to minimum this Wlnler by uInr. heat-tested coal that elves you more heat and less wate. We're P lalists In picking coal that gives the most heat for the money. We'll gladly lielp jou pick a grade that will burn efficiently in your furnace, kitchen ranee or heater, give you more heat-and save you money. Just phone 116 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd The Daily News is a member ot the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Cirtii1ntlnn. Tr. is the nnlv naner north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations.