1 --fsday. November 29. 1939. PAG THUEZ THE DAILY NEWS THE "KYES" OF THE IHUTISH FLEET ON PATROL WORK IN THE NORTH SEA MINE CAMP The Oldest Name in IS OPENED Resumption of Operation on Ba bine Silver King Employed With Seven-teen Hahj Flying dare to their mothcrship, planes ol the RAF are pir tired Hying over II.MB, Glorious, one of Great Britain's aircraft carrier, in the North Sea, where these planes are engaged in anuabmarir.e patrol work. This nature was passed by the British censor. NEW VOUK LOITER KKW YORK. Nov. MJ: Copper unchanged to 2 higher on the , s York metal market yesterday March closing at 11.49c per .!id Oflt CllltlSTMAS ASSORTMENT OF CHOCOLATES Boscd by Lowner. Patterson, Molrs ami fianongi have arrived Each Wax 1 Attractively Tacked and Triced Moderately Low MussallemV CONFECTIONEKY LEASERS ON LEAFS LEAD .Leaving Prince DUTHIE mine; in BOWLING ?uPert.T,i!ve 8MITHKRS. Nov. 29.-Messrs Kel-1 ley and Herman, who have had the Duthle Mine under lease for the Is in charge or mis transportation dean and the concentrates wtii CiAr Hin Cun Vlrfnrv flTr Hangers In Ladies' League Last Night past few weeks, are In the process: of having a carload of concentrates MaPic Leafs assumed exclusive brought down the hill for shipment leadership of the Ladles" Bowling to the smelter at Trail. W. R. Leach I League last night by scoring a sweeD three names to nil ward immediately. who had been tied with Maple These men are experienced m In- Leafs for the leadership, were f n I A I I A II I It t . T - Til., a. ln capital uiy Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Vlgar, after twenty-two years' residence here, will sail Friday night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria where thev will make their future home ror the time Deing ai least. i. . i. .1 i r iT.i.i k.i. i.ti. th pariure ana a U1U'. . vvllm.rlV: " r 1 r..",eu... r-..4". have been held in their honor as snow OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOfcMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'JOOOOOOOOOOOO ? 8 o See Our Selection.vEirst. , Christmas Cards Choose your cards now and avoid disappointment. Let us hold them for you. Come to us after eating Green Apples Hut you won't need to after Scout Apple Day" 'Hoy SATURDAY DKCKMHKIt 2nd OrmesLtd. ZTiiA Pioneer Drtuz9 tats The Iteiall Store Thones. 81 & (lrii Daily from 8 a.m. till It p.m. Sundays and llolldaya from 13 noon till Z p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DODOOOOaOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOCKKJOaooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo, mm I (tTIMWI I I COMMNtCAriOMft 1 WVr J I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-l'acific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th S.S. "PRINCESS" NORAIt" November 6th, 16th, 27th Winter Kvcurslon Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1039 to Feb. 58th 1940 QO Qf) Final Return Limit-March 31st 1940 VW,U Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATHS. C.cneral Agent. ' Prince Rupert, U.C. Rastman 110 Wetch 141 Croxford 159 Handicap . 109 Total 917 !C Sisters 1 B. Dickens 170 E Bond ...116 M. Bond 118 E Rothwell 147 V. Alexander 142 Mrs Dickens Handicap 55 Total . .. .748 Maple Leafs 1 McLeod 165 Smith 220 Arncy 136 Intram ....170 LaBeUe 183 Handicap 74 Total 918 Itan;crs 1 Petersen 163 Yapjr --205 Wharton 89 Dalrymple 97 Asemlssen 142 Woodslde , Handicap ....145 Total -816 Annette's 1 Baso-Bert 168 Stone 189 Cameron 138 Selvlg 123 Dlckcn P. - 19 Handicap 53 Total 818 Merchantcttes 1 Moss .-.134 Madlll 89 Morrison - 115 Johnson -102 Hunt ' 104 Handicap 100 Total .6 Knox Hotel 1 McKeQwn 103 Scharff 108 Taylor -131 Fritz 87 Brasell 167 Handicap . Total .. Bluebirds Pierce Turgertn Boulter Hartwlg Keep up to date 'larly. 134 .730 1 105 ..:lil32 ...137 Kcron - 225 Blaln ; Handicap 47 Total 819 Merch- ante tie's two games to one. High average scorer for the evening was Ethel Bury of Rex with 211. Individual scores were as fol lows: Rex 1 2 Ethel Bury ...248 181 Ammle Bury .. , .150,165 126 154 229 109 961 2 205 166 114 167 76 85 813 166 128 179 99 208 74 851 2 154 238 105 101 105 145 818 2 200 194 177 103 125 53 853 2 103 117 118 74 127 100 639 2 129 190 149 112 157 134 871 2 132 .208 153 133 60 907 3 I 201 163 170 109 993 3 159 145 176 C42 180 55 957 3 163 220 171 140. 212 74 983 3 ' 137 163 61 89 137 145 733 3 149 176 122 51. 200 53 751 3 169 114 149 79 159 100 770 3 188 125 128 162 137 j 134. 872 3 168 j 152 '228 205 137 47 937 AQv-MiUe re?u r s SMITHERS, Nov. 29. There Is some revival of mining activity In (the Babine Mountains lust now. ' About three weeks ago Frank Mess- Iner arrived in town with some out side caoltal for development of the Babine Silver King property and with several reDresentatlves of '. those newly Interested. They pro-j ceeded Immediately to the hills and , have been transporting lumber and j J other material there with which toi build a camp and carrying on their; development work. At.the present I time there are seventeen men en-' gaged in the work that is going on. ''A camo has been established Just below timber line and a short distance from the workings and It Is Intended to go steadily ahead with; ; work on this property. A large bunk bouse was completed last week and the manage- j ment decided on a "house-warm- j lng" to celebrate the occasion. A general Invitation was extended to all those who wished to make the Journey from Smithers to participate In the hospitality of the miners. Several trunk loads of young .people left Smithers early on Sat urday evening and, when they had driven as far as they could go with motor trucks, they were met with sleighs and horses and drawn the remaining three miles to the camp. They were welcomed at the camp by several volleys of rifle shots and their hosts overlooked no efforts In : providing entertainments for their! Mr. ! guests. The new building was dec-1 Ul tJUrwl141iJg AfcCli, v wc xv o " - o lan Fish & Cold Storage Co.. He the evening. land Mrs. Vlear are being honored The party was quite enthralled era irom urana ruiu ana uiey owen wiree 10 uu oj xvc. ojuc ,..,,. tn Aa uh the ironrlerful xrenr effect of to be well pleased with the birds also won a clean sweep with . ,uJ VL """. number of functions the high mountains covered with hop earlti 1 FOR ' Llcetriil Htrt'i a ffUt to male cm y woman happy and U whoU lanuly will b thrilled too. with a gUain-Ing. whit. sUctric rtlrigerator. Easy termi. cl cour. and ip. dal Chriitmai Et dtllTtriti can b arrangtd. Every on in tha family will tnjoy toatt mad in th.li completely automatic, attractive toaUr the toast popi up when it U done; adjuit-able to light medium or dark. v. .v. OtSTIUIO. tlllDIt t IIITlfD II U0U of the scene. The party arrived back In town on Sunday morning, having enjoyed their outing very much. Winter Is Very Late This Year Unusual Weather Conditions pre vailing All Along Line , Canadian National Of Unusually mild weather condl- " ""r ?e.m . T'.' 10 :M I0.m wf "C well as several oresentations. bright moonUght which made ev-aU along the line of the Canadian ing properly. towering over them in the'tions for this time of year prevail & Haig w m am - m m vjmvjmKVjmvjmvi I This advertisement Is not publLsnea oi displayed by the' Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. ervthine as brleht as day. It was! National something that hardly any of them had experienced before and they were much impressed by the beauty Railways between Prince Rupert arid Red Pass junction, says W. H. Tobey, 'divisional' sup erintendent. Usually- winter Jakes Its grip on the interior earftr in October with considerable 'snow centering In the territory east of Prince George. Today, however, there was no snow anywhere on the line and rain was general Even In the mountains snow -was above tlmberline. Temperatim along the line are ranging from 25 to 48 above. NEW YORK WHEAT NEW YORK, Nov. 29: Wheat was lc to Hie higher on the Ht f York market yesterday, May closing at 87 Vic - A fifty cent ciassineo ad. often make you many dollars. . . . give PLEASURE that will last the whole year through There are many different kinds of electrical gifts to choose from. Each is sure to give real lasting pleasure, not just on Christmas morning but throughout the year and for many years after that. Just a few of the useful and practical electrical gifts are illustrated here. Come in and see how many more there are. An electric clock makei an excellent gilt Attrac-tirely ilniihed in diileteat colours, luitabl lor any room. No need to wind it you merely let and itart th dock and electricity doei the rest An electric grill a boon to the hostess for impromptu parties or snacks. Toasts sandwiches, fries eggs, bacon or small steaks.. Every housewife would lore an electric mixer. In the kitchen it becomes many extra pairs of hands to make her work easier and quicker. Good eyesight U a gilt that as on can giro but here i a gift that will be appreciated. - . cause the lamps gir correct light make reading knitting or studying easier, and help preserre the precious gilt of sight This electric roaster is a complete and compact electric' oren occupying very little shell space. Fully insulated and easy to clean, it cooks an eatire'mial for sis. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED will