PAGE SIX i I Each S2.00 NEW Shirt Arrivals We plv, host to the man who wan .3 a shirt that's Individ tal. Our ARROW and FORSYTH plain color and patterned shirti allow j on to pat forward a front that's original without being outlandish. Unmatched tailoring, guarantee for perfect fit, exclusive collars, style leadership mean something to the man who wants .to look well drersed as well as feel iu TO BE SURE . . . For the Largest and Finest Selection of . . . . . . Arrow and Forsyth Shirts S1.55 S2.50 532. 3rd. Ave. W. ;nev central hotel annex Second Avenue lioukeenlnc Apartments (Hot Water Heated Mrs. C "E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) or 2 for $3.00 $3.50 Visit the Men's Wear Mecca Of Prince Rupert Brya Phone 237 nt Company Limited News is sure to suits Christmas Cards That Are Really Personal Now is the t'me to order your Christmas cards if x'nti wan hem really personal Place your order early an') ha" vmr own name imnrinted on your ChrUtmas messaze. We offer a wide assortment of attractively illustrated greet I n e s, expressing your sentiment fn cleverly written and sincere messages. Order today for that personal touch. Gift Wrappine, Tajs and Seals, Fancy Boxed Stationery, Fintain Pen Sets P.O. Bos (22 For wilful damage in breaking The Prince Rupert Rod it Oun a window, John Slatta was fined C vb w 'n xecutive srsslon las it anil rfam.ipps hv Magistrate nigm, wim me president, a. i Thomas MeCiymont in city police court this morning. Bacon in th; chair, the date fori bring DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block,- Third Street '-5.?'J. Smoked "Rupert Brand" ! Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches oi Hors d'ocuvre . One Package Serves Four People v j- j . Klcps, for Weeks In Refrigerator . ! Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlnre Itupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia THE DAILY Wednesday PREMIER DANDIER VISITS THE MAGINGT LINE pnivrc FOR IfS Premier Daiadier. closely followed by Mayor Frey of Strasbourg, is shown leading an inspection party through barbed wire defences before the Maginot Line, during the recent inspection of the French front line by the French premier. NEWS OF THE MINES Unicorn Property, Adjoining Big Missouri, Looks Good Year Active in Stikinc River District Opening Up Coal Mine Near Smithers purpol? of paralleling and per mitting 'the cross-cutting of the AfCTlOX MIX Tlmbfr Mle XJStfJI There will be oKerrt f-r mJe t Pub- "OOVKKXMKXT l-HllOlt .tCT'' (Mllon 2.) Not lie Of .tppllratlnn Thomas Campbell and Eric J. Jones are developing a coal property at Tatlow. between Smithers and Telkwa, from which they Intend to place domestic and black- ! lie Auction. t noon on the &th dy ot fmlth coal on the market at an unmnc" tw. m we nce or uie Mr1tr M.ia ,,!, i. ., DWtrtot Forester. Uarlne Bulklinj. Vifl- " ' " " t,vv pourer. the Licence X2S874. to cut p-ttlon of permanent camp buidlngs proi!mtij iioooooo t. b mof pruce'-n the nrcperty including housing " cedar nd hemlock, on mrt of UU Tli .. . , . . rxi as. norta ide ot oumhe in- ccmoatt?n for a crew of eight or let. Queen, charlotte iind Lnj di- ' ten rrcn. a power house and also lr&ree year, win be .Howed for f1? h,andje rrmovU ot timber 'loads ot coal. The blacksmith coal Provided anyriK unable to attend lis said In hp of ho verv hlshMt the Auction In pernon may submU ten- ntit u.,i.Kt ,, oowlnabie and the Oer to fce evened n uv hour of aue-.luaIlw owners w stva tr-tm m on bid." ay mat a market is waiting tor a Further Particular, may bs obtained large SUDDlv from the Chief Forwter. Victoria. B.C.; ly. , the Dixtrtat Vomer Pr1rw nurrt " b.c . or the restrict roreMer. Marine , As a part of the program of ex- Bulldln VancouTfr, B. C. edltlna lh nmHnotlnn nf HHtUh p a w h v w .Columbia war minerals, the De-j partment of. Mines has prepared a list of buyers In Great Britain and iln 1't.r t'onxnt TV , . . Tnn.fer Club l.lrrme To )ther fance OI SUCn minerals as mOiy iTemiwn ibdenum. maneanese. antimony. co- Notice u htby given tht on the balt mercury and tungsten. It is expiation of uu drttmnt. the pointed out ' that Inquiries should raivrferTauu ;icenc No. 1233. uut m ,ess owners of property are prepar-retvot fii'.otiUin premiaeir ttutt on ed to guarantee . tonnage ahd, S3 1112SFS!ZA'. K"d"- Most war mlnerals'ltre pur-tion Dwuict to certain premue ntu-. chased by Individual buyers on t at the.ccnier of Second Anu and contra:t and soeflcatlons vary ac-Thlrd Street, upon land dekcrlbfd ...ji ... . . . lou No. and aof Block 20. Section i cordln8 to the production made by Map 923.. Prince Rupert. Load Eejptra-, them. Uon DUtrlct ln the Province cf BrttU'ii Oaumbla. J xStSSSSTt'wS: Mpropie rcaa tn, classified PRINCE RUPERT CLUB UVUTKD dS. DO you? Ethnologist City Visitor Miss Amelia Susman Here On Way To Tort Simpson To Study Tsimpsean Languate " ; ; ; u Ameua susman Ph. D., a John Hovland, well known pioneer mining man of the I recent graduate from Columbia Portland Canal district, left Stewart last week on his re-iUnlverur Ncw Yor cy. ared the annual dinner belne set for turn rrvSpntt f utter snenrtinrr n rnunlP nf wpoks nftt mr ' '"'vc "utl w " rugnia December 13 with f. a: MacCai-i over the Unicorn property, adjoining the Big Missouri XJ?lutoi which he was one of the original locators and in which! train and tomorrow will proceed to Port Simpson where she plans on spending three or four months one of the members of the Board? "e ls neaviiy inieresiea. ine purpose Ot Mr. HOV- w etnnotogicai work, parol Game Commissioners will b?iIand's was to rcTlew rr hUn' fticularly the study of the Tslmp- here to show pictures and give aa"1' vork during the past few a shipment of high grade gold ore sean native language. Miss Sus-address - . 4 years on- .the property which for rm both the Gold Boulder and man was a caller at the Indian hears has attracted attention not Dr?P properties for shipment; Office this morning and was being r-r Jonly because of its own mlneraliz-, to the ore sampling plant at Prince guided by William Beynon of this Ually adferWtaH- the Dail4atlon b?tdae to thc (act tnat "??ut clly" daily re aPPeax w an extension oi " "um nc ..; the Big Missouri deposits. During which U owned by Joe Moran and; " ,.,.. ' - the past summer Louis Watklns,iAlbt ey. The ore jWpped hasj TJ. .' who is Interested with Mr. Hov-:w both fflses been extracted In the t in m. imf onj,r ren. .vlland In the property, extended the north in such nice material and encountered an eastward blind vein of some seven to eight feet width carrying commercial values in gold. The object of this drift, now in 450 feet, has the double jourse of deTeiopment. I""" ui. Muhinzton, t. a. . 1 WHEREAS Wwf met otani otlf Thing, have been looking well Trl from a mining standpoint up the J' t the stmr Mo i. sur Ko a. Btu Stiklne River in the Cassiar dUtrict j J:.? 8T "? . , , , o. mr No. 7. (yr No a. Btw No. 9 during the past season. This is par- uid sr No 10 utomi CMew ut tleularly so of the Boulder Creek nru m ot- Ttnhrt iund Muntrv Muniry. The ine Bouldep twuiaer Creek urees; mine mine ?L camar Pf."! bK MO to umin has at least two years' work block- txvMon. ttavuxw of Bmth txumbin: ed out and should show a good pro- TAF ?PCT uolw" w a Unit rone and the cutting at a t eventually. Jack Wheaton did ' TW u .!ir M wT vertical depth of about 153 feet very weu cn ovuatz crecr wJin ppcponteo or v- vipmtturt rqutr4 the Intersection of this zone with "A" yelh. striking across it in an east - west direction and showing on the surface a width of about fifty feet with encouraging values. The Unity zone, which has a hand mining and the nickel prop ter toe )wi 1937. iss uul 1839 by Rt-n nA r4 UlrMi t-i ft m erty of Jack Davis and Frank Bob- b c. aour isi. toniiMT ttn ner show real promise, having at- 4,1 en no'-Jc' u uwjt-tracted the Interest of the Interna- Tti t tion Nickel Co. whose representa- uiorU chom b, forfitd m tlve.pald a visit and took samples. 1 ISESEJ ho north - south strike, has been vern ona" wno Pul namseii a own dated t Pnnc, Ruprrt. b c. thu broken Into from the drlft'at three In historical records of the country , or of 1 points and In each discloses a111"1 a few ears a8o he and his width of some twenty-two feet with ifc found a fifty-three ounce ' - spotty goia values, it is the inten- " "'c uic ucic uit tion to keep on driving as much as!mlne ls now located, are spending porsible of this drift this year. Jack Rennie of Stewart during the past week has been using five head of pack horses In packing out the winter in the United States. The past season was an Unusually rainy one in the Cassiar district COAL Cram Feed Seeds nnd Fertilizer PklNTE UUPEKT FEED CO. Phones 5 and 5!t THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Itupert o o o o 0 o o a- o o o 0 o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o g o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o o s o o o 0 o a a o n DECEMBER List of Pictures For Coming .Month At Local Theatre Are Announced j Following is the film list for th, month of December at the Capi-! tol Theatre here: Nor. 30. Dec. 1 "Taraan Finds a Son" with Maureen O'Sulllvan. Dec. 2 "Indianapolis Speedway" with Ann Sheridan. Oale Page, Pat O'Brien. John Payne. Dec 4. 5 and -"Invitation Ta Happlnness" with Irene Dunne, i Dec. 7. 8 "Drarntlc School'' with LuUe Ralner. Pauiette Ooddard ind TheV All Came Out" with Rita J3i;on. Tom Neat. Dec 9 "I'm From Missouri" with Bob Burns. Olsdys George rlu "Grand Jury Secret with John Howard Oale Patrick. Dec. 10 (Sunday) at S pjn. Stag Shew by Troops of Prtnce Rupert Oarrtaon. Dec. 11. 12 and lJ-"Ftfth At-enue OUT with Olnger Rogers. Dec 14. 15 "Cafe Society" with Madeletn Carroll ntus "Disbarred- with Robert Preston. Oall Patrick. Dec. 1 "Naughty But Nice" with Ann Sheridan. Dick Powell. Dec. 18. 20 "IU a Wonderful World" wMh Ctaudette Colbert. James Stewart. Dec. 21. 22 Open. 1 Dec 23 "Oracle Alien Murder Case with Oracle Allen plus "Sunset Trail" with William Boyd. Dec. 25, .iSSS" LAST TI.MI3 2 Showg, 7 u A New lllrk i- tertalnm j Stranjest Storr tTff jJ "Wurthering With bint lAt 7:21 and I U) Also CAItTOOV and NOVUr, rllvr Tin-.. I III HX. .Maureen OSB!!in TAHAZAX HXDS A wrl Stock Market Has Weak Day Turned Downwa.-d YeMijj tirm Openin( NEW YORK. firm opening mark i4. 4umrd i . and ekMBd t the day wu 620 x. tndisstrUi arr:.-. 2 "Susannah of thd m i imii ra Mountne" with Shirley TempleaBd ' attlltit 0rf 'os -Randolph Soott. Dec 27. 2S and 23 "U Boat 29". with Conrad Veldt, Valerie lleb son. ON.IL TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pin. From the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pxo. Lltwt C4 rrir.k 4tWhed t thr Vi Uljr DUtrlct S rartc(s v,v., CRT ) the Pr - ' mofnltM from ::, tery dittos and .. south tanormv : . wbofclweOkn doibsof trad' his wife. And Mails Won't Wait it . . . Not Even For Santa Claus CHlm Gifts that go arro the ea shouH on be way. have many auitable Ut for gentlemen frlrid 0r-Make jour selection now. We'll be Klad to attend to mailing routine. rtlitTint J bothet ot filling out custom form, etc. U f nelter not delay If jou Uh your glfU to arrive in time Merry Christmas. Watts & Nickerson USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN FOR SALE 2 Winton Marine Deisel Engines 100 h.p. EACH Complete. Guaranteed in first class condition. Hfn used very littjc ATLAS BOILER WORKS if