"Aty objection lo thttt on a motfh?' "Not if tKyi St Cop." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES TAr put ttl farm in huh lohtto fan if tmoVtd." dmiral Bvrd At Havana Ilia rnlnrailnn Khln Long Trip To Antarctica al Richard E. Djrrd arrived here yesterday aboard the freighter Havana to Join his exploration ship I North 8tar (or the Antarctic ex ploration expedition to claim polar 'jreiloru for the Unltto State. The (second Byrd ship, Bear. U due at vivaua nov m near Aamir- ramms urrrmrwr a. For night cases. Size 29x20x9, a long trip, case for man or woman. $18.00 In additioil to the baggage have arrived large number of twin sets for your choice. Come early and lay away. A small deposit will hold until Christmas. Native Tribal History Recalled In Death Of Kitsumkalum Chief; Broom Gull, had seen me etc the coast to re-establish themselves on Kalen Island across the steam ship channel from Dlgby Island. At Na-A they had lived side by side with the folk of the Wolf Tot em. A dispute arose and the Eagle people moved south. At Na-A their totems had been of GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Please look over our list of lovely pieces of furniture that will last, for the Mother, Dad and Sister Our assortment of fine gifts larger than ever before. Quality and prices right. For your best chpice come early while the stock is complete. Lay away! A small deposit will hold until Christmas Lnvplv Codaiv Cheat L 1- . fit t t it . . i3iitr win rememocr lor an lime 30 35 $39 Occasional Chairs Dad will take it easy in his leisure tame 59 10 $12 m Spring Filled Mattresses For Mother's rest for life 518 $24 $39.50 $42 Tricycles Boy will enjoy owning tricycle, new design, sarnigent spoke, ball-bearing pedal, free running, bicycle style. $8 $10.50 $13 Doll Prams The little girl will like a doll buggy for her doll. 55 $6.50 $8 $10 Luggage Smokers' Stands $2 $3 $4 Glass Table Lamp 1 5 n ft ft ! fa ft Exceptional value. In variety of de- ft signs, colors red, white, green, shades ft to match. srh. mm i r C Just Arrived New Shipment of Floor Coverings Congoleums, Linoleums of all descriptions, patterns and sizes for the the best choice. Hundreds ft I ft I carpets to choose from, possibly the lowest prices. 300 square yards of ft iVUinilllUU lllliWU UlllUICUMI, OIA ItCt Vji wide, square yard, Special $1.26 I Z Axminster Carpet Sale j Seamless Axminster carpet. Size x 9x12. $38.50 $50 $62.50 Size OxlO'r CQi Size6'-9x22.50an(l$80 3-piece Chesterfield Suite In tapestry cover, reversible cushions it Sale- ft $75.00 - ft EUO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT $ PAGE Tr THE DAILY NTWS Forbears Dwelt On Kaien Island I By WILL ROBINSON Fnrlv nn the mornine of November 18 Chief Samuel the Kalum Indians Dassed away at the Kitse- laa Reserve; His passing marked the loss of one of the few remaining Native links with the time when white men were few on the Skeena River. Eighty years old at the time of his passing the Chief, whose native name was dence of many of the old customs The Large Flying Eagle had ,of his people and the disturbance tf)fA th. ,dae of a cUff. The brought to the native 101 ry ine yyn Eagle had been the impact oi wrme civilization, i lymboi uvd m many ceremonies. Chief of the Flying Eagle totem. Wncrj they moved they found the his name snoom uuiss -cany Daylight" was a remembrance of the origins of bis clan that several ! centuries ago migrated from Na-A. "Known now as Loring Alaska and on a series of rafts made of canoes lashed together moved down Large Eagle too heavy to carry away. Lest It fall into the hands ft of unauthorized people the big carving was thrown from the cliff and lies In deen water at Its base. aoshlp of the ancient relic has rested with the ranking chief of ach generation. They stayed at Kaien Island for anany generations. They became istabllshed and strong and, once more, disputes arose between them selves and. other people and again hey moved. This time they travel- Ted north to find a home on the ower reaches of the Naas River Here, for generations they lived In prosperity until, again, the'pres sure of another clan led them to xek quieter hunting grounds. Young men scouting for new ter rltory climbed the mountain range 'hat flanks the south bank of the Vaas. Across the divide they came to the headwaters ot the Beaver River. They followed downstream and came to where the South Pork ioined the stream. South along 'his valley they travelled, following he river upstream. Well towards the headwaters they turned east crossed another range and came to he Kalum River where it pours through a canyon. Here they found the people of mother Eagle Totem. Here they were made welcome. They were in vited to bring their people and as sume supreme rulershlp of the area. ancestral home of Na-a. He has told how, frem a boat, he has looked down at low tide and seen the Big Stone Eagle resting on the bottom of the salt chuck. TndHton Invoked Now be has gone and his passing was marked with all due ceremony Ancient tradition were Invoked. His nephew, who will take his place, did hU part Skoom Ouiss had said to Oeorge Wright: "When any thing happens I want you to stanJ over me." At the funeral feast this nephew was able to say: "I have done my first duty." Oeorge, In keeping with the ancient ritual of his people, had seen to all arrange ments for the funeraL Chlfes from up-river, had gather ed to pay their respect! to their lost brother. From Kltwanga came OOH OarU Chief Matthias Bright, and OIL-A-Wau, Chief Robert Harris. He was borne to his last resting place by men of rank. Chief Mat thias Bright, Joteph Hudson of the The Small Flying Eagle was car- won jroiem, ueorge iumer ana Hed outh. Since then the cuslod- Samuel Turner of the Grizzly Bear folk. Solomon Bevan of the Wolves, and John Sebasta who came from Maurieetown. Sa in the pallbear-i srs was carried out the tradition of; the amity of the phratrles living lni lose fellowship. I Formal precedence marked all; steps, of the proceedings. The honor of opening the grave was given to Gordon Nelson of the Kalum People and Ben Seymour of the people of MDeek. the Orizzly Bear. And when the aged chief hid ran nitron n1 larf roctfner Y1n A the chief and the people gathered 3i we nouse or uruei waiter Wright Here at the house of Neas- D-Hoc. ranking chief of the MDeek people the funeral feast was given by Mrs. Oeorge Turner, daughter of Neas-D.-Hoc. and sister of George Wright. The funeral had been conducted by another chief. Adjutant Mark McKay, ranking chief of the Ki tee- las Eagle folk, who centuries ago came from the Haida lands, com mitted his brother to the ground. And in the feast that followed the ancient symbolism and law of succession was marked by the giver. Mrs. Turner, sister of, the chief-to- be, gave the feast and, In so doing So. after centuries of wandering, I marked the next stage of the people the people of the Flytng Eagle found of the Flying Eagle. For a son of aDtrmanent home . jj. Kit-sum a sister or George will, in years Aalam "The Dwellers on the Edge that lie ahead, when his turn comes, of the Canyon." assume the rank of chief of this Stage by stage inn these wander- people and. In turn, becomes the. Ings the Small Firing Eagle moved guardian of the stone of anUquity with the people. It came to the the small stone eagle that has its canyon banks and since .then has wings outspread for flight, been Jealously guarded by .the Flowers mark the grave of the chiefs. In ea:h generation only two chief who has passed. A mingling men have known where It .reposed of ancient custom and that of the the Chief, and the Chief's ner ne- : ohew. who. in due course'-Quld rome to the chieftainship, t So it came to pass that years ago Skoom Ouiss undertook to keep safely the ancient emblem bf his people's history and tradition So, until his death soon after that Sunday morning started and the. Chief entered Into his last sleep, he. has kept his trust Now It passes to his successor to his nephew. Oeorge Wright, who, In due course will take a "Name" that will signify his accession to- "The Power" of his people. Skoom Ouiss was born at Kalum on the Indian Reserve In the days when white men were few along the Skeena. Most of his life was soent 'beside its fast flowing waters, For while, during his early manhood, he lived at Ketchikan, close by his BACKACHE? Why go on suffering with luggiih, cScgged up Vklnt? Geo Puis help relieve the condition that givs you-those stabbing back pains. In the ' Unit.! States ask for "Gino PiII". Spills! J tin In Canada anf tb. UA-Rnlr "d nmt I art Economy tt A SILVER TEA SET FOR CHRISTMAS Every wife wants a Silver Tea Set and Christmas is an appropriate time to present It. We have some very beautiful patterns this year. f! One plain set we have sells for as low as $10.00. Several sell for as low as $13.00 and have black ebony handles to prevent getting too hot. However pricey range all the way to $59.09. Also We Have Sterling Silver Sets at $75.00 John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLERS 40 or- i -a m im mi 25'A oz. Scotland produces no finer whisky and in its original bottle it comes to Canada with the flavor, bouquet and strength which bis established Old Parr as "supreme" among fine Scotch Whiskies. llary of St. Paul's Church lay side by side with those sent by Mrs. Flora Sampare who is of the "house" of Chief Legale of Porti Simpson. Chief Charles Smith of' Kltwanga sent his rememDrancer. j So did Mrs. Sarah Benson and Jo seph Williams. The chief has passed. A new :hlef will rise to his place. But sorrow still remains. Mrs. Kennedy, of the royal blood of Shief McKay's totem, mourns the loss of her husband and their son, Percy, grieves for the father who: Sulded him from Infancy to man-! hood. Old Parr SCOTCH WHISKY MAC DONALD CRtCNlCCS LTD-. tCITH. SCOTLAND This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . at 4V white man was seen in the tributes Ted Kergm. aner spenamg. that came from Kltwanga. past week here following a trip to Flowers from the Women's Aux- Vancouver left by tne mn:e ttupen on his return to Premier. Advertising is atv unrsunenti FRESH SHRIMPS Boat W.S.L. ; Daily at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK QUALITY Counts in Coal For Furnace Or Heater Radiator Or Circulator Buy Bulkley Valley COAL UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT Qfi flft From Port Simpson $39.75 (Reduced Rates Fare and one hall also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) 'f Children (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1939 to Febrary 29th, 1940 Good to return up to March 31st 1940 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m., Monday a.m.;, Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. phone 568 1 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank EJdg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE 637 , it i t . 1 , j ".i:c V: Hi f