Family shoe store ltD. DAILY EDITION The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week - Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau or Circulation!! 98 86 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 J02 .25 Monday, August 7.1 1939. EDITORIALS JUST A VILLAGE There's a place town in New England-with five, thousand popu-1 lation and they call it a village. Prince Rupert has slightly over ; six thousand and we call It a ' city. And yet Prince Rupert has most of the characteristics of a village. One of these is that we know most of our fellow villagers. We may not know them all personally but we know them by reputation. Some of them are much better than their reputations and some of them are nothing like as good. Another attribute of a country village is that it usually turns out a number of people who become prominent. That is what Is happening already in Prince Rupert. Young men have gone to live In many parts of the United States and are doing welL Very soon it will be difficult to keep a roster of prominent former citizens of Prince Rupert. -However, it's great to live in a village like this. Some would prefer to live in a town like Terrace or Stewart or Massett but a village Is good enough for most of us. They "say that Smithers Is getting a little uppish for a town and pretty soon will blossom forth as a city. Then some years later it will become a village with five or six thousand people, all neighbors, most of them well known citizens, many of them with skeletons in their, cupboards, others with fancied skeletons. They say that Telkwa is getting to be quite a town since it established a creamery. .However, it is quite a distance from being a lty. In about twenty years 1t, will also discover it Is really only a village. Perhaps it will have a newspaper, toe, like New Haz-elton. THINGS OF VALUE Brazil is a country of which the average person knows little but the people there seem to know the value of ideas. One of them came up to the United States to attend a convention and made the wise remark that, if you loan-anoher person one hundred dollars and later that man paid the debt, you were both in the position from which you started. If you gave some person an idea and he gave you an idea you both had two ideas and both benefited. COURTESY Last week the members of the Rotary Club heard a talk on salesmanship in which the speaker urged that every salesman should ask for the order at least four times before giving up. Then we come to George McCulIagh, author of the leadership cam-paig, the brains behind the Toronto Globe and Empire and one of the trustees of the Toronto L'n-iverstiy. He was a securities salesman and he wanted to interest Bill Wright, millionaire gold miner, in something he had to sell Wright became impatient and cut him off short. McCulIagh had the good sense to stop and leave. When they met again McCullagh was recognized as the talesman who had enough sense to quite at the right time. He and Wright became great friends and it is Wright's money combined with the brains of the other that has made McCullagh famous. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.B. CATALA EVER! TUES' T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dua Vancouver, Thnri, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday sun. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK I. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone S6S BIG CROWD IS RECORD Seventy-Six Thousand New York Fans See Yankees Humbled by Cleveland in Double-Header NEW YORK, August 7: CP -The largest crowd In the history of Dig League baseball thronged the Yankee Stadium yesterday and siw the league-leading Yankees defeated by the Cleveland Indians In Cincinnati 62 34 St. Louis 55 42 Chicago 53 46 Pittsburg 49 46 New York 48 48 Brooklyn 48 48 Boston , 43 53 Philadelphia .26 C7 .646) American League New York 69 30 .697 Boston ... 60 37 .619 Chicago 55 46 .545 Cleveland " 51 47 .520 Detroit 52 48 .520 Washington! 45 57 .441 Philadelphia .26 63 .364, St. Louis .29 69 .296 CUsMiED CLAPP BOCK FOR SALE Building cost 116,000 owner will sell equity $500 cash. Terms can possibly be had on back tax. H. O. Bobby Riggs Is Tourney Winner Takes Title In York Important Event LOST THREE New BALL GAMES Prince Rupert nave Poor Account of Itself at Smlthers In Week-End Series Prince Rupert did not do so well Chicago at Detroit, Philadelphia at In the week-end baseball series at. Boston. 1 Smlthers, losing losing the the first first 9 9 to to 3.1 3.1 Week-end Big League scores: SATURDAY American League Cleveland 1, New York 6. Detroit 16, Boston 4. St. Louts 7. Philadelphia 10. Chicago 1. Washington 10. National League New York 4, Pittsburg 3. Brooklyn 10, Cincinnati 4. Boston 2, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 5. SUNDAY American League Cleveland 5-7. New York 4-1. Detroit 10-3, Boston 1-8. Chicago 3, Washington 4. St. Louis 11-8, Philadelphia 4-6. National League Brooklyn 5-6, Cincinnati 0-8. Philadelphia 0-3, St. Louis 11-8. Boston 9, Chicago 8. New York 9-0, Pittsburg 5-6. The standings to date: National League nnpen wnue i-exourneau, Arney and George Howe were all on the mound In the third. Herb Morgan was probably the best player for Prince Rupert. He played .variously as catcher, first baseman and centre fielder. All the local team returned home last night except Don Arney who will be back Tuesday night. There Is a possibility of a returr 567' series in Prince Rupert In about 35 two weeks. .516 .500 300 .448 .277 Further Games In Rail Tennis A Number of Matches Are Played At Week-end Results of week-end play In the Canadian National Tennis Club's annual tournament were as follows: Edith Miller and Bob Houston defeated E, Rlvett and J. O'Neill. 6-4, 6-2. R. Fulton defeated Jurmaln 6-4 1-2. Mrs. Lowan and jurmaln defeated Mrs. Walton and" Blake, 2-0, 6-4. 6-3. i R. Fulton defeated Blake, 7-5 '7-5. CONNECTIONS WANTED B defeated H. Llndsetl '6-3. 6.3 WEST African Importers and ex porters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited, The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benyiwah House, Win neba, Oold Africa, FOIt SALE O'Neill defeated Lowan, 6-0, 6-2. A. MacPhee defeated O'Neill. 8-6; 6-4. Edith Bolhwell and MacPhee defeated 8. Olafson and Jolllffe, 6-1. 6-2, Schedule for tonight: 6:30 p.m. Jurmaln and Jolllffe Coast, British West vs. Llndseth and Lowan. Houston tf.Jand vs. Blake and Ful- I Further games will be played FOR SALE - Bargain, modern inu -evening n possinie. Tour room house, two lota, harbor view. Phone Green 505. 1185) RAIN POSTPONES TENNIS RYE, N. Y., August 7: The Eastern grass court tennis championships at the Westche-stei Country Club were postponed when yesterday's rains made the courts Helgerson Ltd, (188) unplayable Fish Production Is Lower and Mure Boats Are Fishing. Making Unit Earning Low Conservation Measures Reports on the season's opera tion; to date together with a number of proposed Mxtwrvatiun constituted live main Items of business a' the sen SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y., Aujust ,econd veneral hig of the 7:-Bobby Riggs of Chicago. Am- Nortn Islarid Trollera Coopertttv erica's top amateur player, won A,wjauon held hut week at the the singles championship U the oreayiizatWaits Seven Mile Camp. Meadow Club Invitation tennis mY Point Queen Charlotte U-'oumament when he "defeated land "Idnev Wood of New York 10-8, handled bv the both ends of a bouble-header, their 6"- It was the third straight . operative to the end of July of t"1 R1SBS had won the title and margin supremacy being there- tnts year )jras lightly over 1.000.000 by cut to eight games over the Bos- ne k permanent possession of pnds. a decrease of 480.000 from ton Red Sox who were breaking tne trophy which is worth aroun.t tne nreVj0U, season's flgnre. Wh even with 'the Detroit Tigers at $,00- a larger number of boat on the Boston. As a result of the play, the - T . ground this year. It Is estimated mujuns ana ngers are now on Sntthall NrhoHlllo 1)131 production and Income ner even terms for fourth place In the. UUilUall UltlCUUlC m average about lialf last standing. yMr-r jjure and trotters are an- The New York crowd consisted of Autnist 7 Acropolis vs. 32; Moose tlcloatlng a hard winter wtth re-seventy-six thousand persons. Bob vs. Ljpsetts, lief in prospect for many. Average Feller nltched the first victory for August 11 Moose vs. 32; Acrh- selling prices are runnlnt about the Indians and Mel Harder the noils vs flrnttn half a rwit ner nounri under those second. Auenst 14 -Uiwtts vs Moose: of a vear aeo. In the National League the lead- 32 vs. Acropolis. i Turnover in the Associations two Ing Cincinnati Reds broke even with Aunust 18 Grotto vs. Llosetts ' stores remain substantially at the Brooklyn Dodgers In a double- Moose vs. Acropolis, I same level as last year but service header and their margin was re- August 2132 vs. 'Grotto; Aero-.station business shows a marked duced to seven and a half gamas polls vs. Llpsetts. Increase. Final payments made over the St. Louis Cardinals who August 25 Grotto vs. Moose: this searon on the narkers "Ihckey" took three week-end games from Llpsetts vs. 32 the long-suffering Phillies. Only one Big League game is scheduled for today a night engagement tetween Boston and Brooklyn at Brooklyn. Tomorrow's schedule will be as follows: National League Brooklyn at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Chica go. Boston at New York. Pittsburg at St. Louis. American League New York at Washington, St. Louis at Cleveland, ,and "Kanawaka" have cleared off the last of the Co-op's outside indebtedness and a healthy financial position is Indicated. The president. L. H. C. Phillips. occupied the chair at the meeting No changes were made In the personnel of the Board of Directors and It Is anticipated that the present members will carry on until Jnu,am"uun un " r""ce nu-,lvlng first aid to the injured and , . " ,ZJi 'u L..i taking off pert Co-ODeratlve is competed. .v,. tonHn,H8" .Measures thl, lhe mf.Ung inMruct- Flsh traps again came in for at- Us that a letter be snt her e. tentlon when It was reported that the Co-operative has Joined with the second 6 to 5 and the third 15 1 other fishing co-operative and to 4. In the first game Prince Rupert was leading 3 to 2 at the end of the fifth but the coast fielders then blew up behind Nick Chenoskl who was by no means to blame for the . ions called for defeat The second game was a creditable one but the locals were unable to get their batting eyes. The third match was Just a rout for Prince Rupert. Andre Letourneau and Don Ar- ney pitched the second game for traps. A number of conservation resolu- A round table conference of those ngaged in the fishing Industry to formulate a comprehensive policy of conservation for application to British Columbia. Prohibition of seining of herring j tor reduction purposes. Prohibition of collection of herring eggs for commercial purposes. Measures to protect the spawning 5eds which. It Is claimed, are be ing washed out and silted uo bv' Irainage from cut-over timber! lands: j A "work and wages" resolution , ailed on the Provincial and Dom-1 tnlon governments to assure some' assistance In the form of work to' l&hermen earnings this season are not adequate to enable them to purchase the necessities of life luring the coming winter and following spring. Tiny Ketch On World Cruise tfr. and Mrs. Seattle Are Paul Now Itritton At Sea Of SAN FRANCISCO. August 7: At sea today was the 32-foot ketch Manene and its crew Mr. andi Mrs. Paul Britton of Seattle--cm-barked on world cruise ther ex-1 sect to complete In "four or five i ears." Their first stop they said wuuiu ue at los Angeies, then cn '.o Honolulu, New Zealand and Australia. Their purpose Is to concentrate on writing and Unusually late on account of having had heavy freights to discharge at waypolnts, Union steamer Ca-tala, Capt. James Flndlay. did not arrive In port until 8 o'clock this morning 'from the south, ..She sailed later In the morning for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence ahe will return here tomorrow evening southbound. There were fifty round trippers on the Catala, SOFTBALL TONIGHT 6:30 Acropolis vs. Three Two Moose vs. Llpsetts North Island Trollers Are Appreciative Mrs. Bemie Redpalh X. N. was prewHrnt the thanks of the fish, amen of the area. VALUE f 12 oz. 95c 25 oz. 1.80 40 oz. '2.65 This famous fin, known the worUJ over for Its supreme quality, is now obtainable at prices which make It more than rm a sensational value. hono!t4 " "t?1 Pan-Amerten mmmi oi uie norui uuno irun-iti Co-operative Aatatkm when a vot of thanks was passed 1 appreciation of her service tit Monday Aug? tPAQE TWO THE DAILY inCW i L I1 MERMEN .e. We Are Sole Agents For HARTT SHOES 1 BADLY OFF , THIS YEAR THIS WORLD FAMOUS GIN For Men Onyx Archgrip Shoes Perths Plio-Pedic Shoes Jack & Jill Shoes Penman's Hosiery rmw BURNETT $ UJ yOr uv u H H m Distilled and Bottled by Distillers Corporation Limit 1. Marttml Passenger Plane !Had Mag Trouble California Clipper Ila4 T. It 8AN Kick T Guam unions In nrMentlne evidence tnin.-. - j ... .. . aj IQ Uf I1USU t l r ---- lvsujjb.. unu .Tii a. juiin naan oi iJL' from .,, v. juppori or the strenuous light nli- Queen Charlotte Cttv 5he re. ermen have been making against j ceived her training in the Prlrne l Rupert Oeneral Hospital and lor the Mvfng Koom 3-Plece Chestrrrield Suite At - Seamed Asmlnster Carpet-Size xlOW 1 Seamed Axtnlnler Carpet Size 69x9, of better oualltv Like new I HAAWAV 1 I STtAMIMM I I COMMTMKAIlOllt I MOTTtU I SSSS-J,' I BKi4til f FRANCISCO A. Aj-w.! tannomccd that It s r-a r"x fornla CWpper. one 'A frying boats, had brr turn ba-k to Ouj T..: cped magneto trout.- four motors the trr tnade port at Ou motors. JO 't! IJt The mUhap caused a H tf Hong Kong T.? to resume Its fligV noon. At no time tr? niuuuairu some wree years aL .. wnfnU, " v She is well known In the northern district and has a wide circle cf friends. Advertising Is an .nvestment William Stone Li. tala this mnrnin, trip to Stewart USED FURNITURE ror5 i $36.00 $15.00 $11.50 For the Dining Koom 8-PJece Oak Dining lUwm Suite-Consisting of Bi." ' f--34 table wUh three leaves and 6 upholstered 35,00 For the Kitchen 2 Monarrh Kitchen Ranges In fine condition $25.00 and $32.50 1 Kitchen table ?n 1 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Trine RoPrt CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic TranB-Pclfi To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCE88 ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct BE. PRINCESS LOUISE BE PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 16th, 26th, Sept, 6th Aug. 9th- Wh . SB. PRINCES8 CHARLOTTEAug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, Srpt 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific BtflW Tickets and Reservations from W. L. CPATE8, General Agent. prince Rupert, B& J. H. BULGER Optometrist. Royal Bank Bldg. d Fresh Local Kavv Pasteurized VALENTIN DAIBY PHONE 6J7