i T i t it 7, 1939. TH1 DAILY mn nthony Eden Attends Graduation Ceremonies ! I velvet cap and academic town Anthony Eden, former L ! minister for foreign if fairs, is pictured with Sir John A . wt ex-ftrvernor of Bengal, during graduation ceremonies mbrtdge university, when honorary degrees were awarded cm? of Uritalna "greats." Prince Rupert Basks In Fine Summer Weather Rupert is glorying in the : Jirmer weather of the year c are prospect of a eon-WorWrtg hours are be-. hort a possible so that j: ".irs and outdoor Hfe gen- j rr.av be enjoyed while con-! ; i h a these exist The Weather Doesn't Mean A Thing Hot - Cold Wet Dry Wet-Cold Hot Dry Had Weather or Good Weather Its Always Changeable COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 38 and 83a Put Thlnjs Illlht and Keep Them Right With Kelvinator The choicer the food the sooner it spoils. Save your money by saving your food with KELVINATOR. Large and Small models of Kelvinator with many special features and advantages make it easy for you to en-Joy better living without extra cost. Investigate KELVINATOR and Live Better t NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" IUtes 11.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Ph.. 281 P.O. Bos 198 LOCAL NEWS NOTES i MUx Agnes Turgeor. sailed on For prompt and courteous Mr-the Prince George for Vancouver.! vice Phone IS Taxi, it. ! Victoria and Ban Francisco. I Mr A. M. Dowther tailed on the Prince George Saturday evening for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. MUs Marjorie Eby was a aboard the Prince George Saturday evening leaving for a Visit in Vancouver. Miss Juanita Hawklnson of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Prince George Saturday 'evening going through to Vancouver. "r Dennis Horlwill of Doreen blue skies, blazing sunshine i iv,. 4. c. ........ n people oi me cuy 10 me water yes- Vancouver, terday and ail means of aquatic tmnimrttMnn wr In demand . t i -.- . -i.u . " -- ... . . , jinn) vunic. aiirr uiiet ui It's the cumulative effect of ad- Cloud- vertising that counts. MacKenzie's Furniture AUGUST FUltMTUUK SALE M DltOOM l)lti:ssi:itK Round and oval mirrors, waterfall de--it;n oriental walnut facing with beautiful matched wood. Ttif se will probably match your suite and they QOQ 75 sow at a bargain. Sale Price I'hone ;;s D. G. Borland, manager of the Capital Theatre here, who has been ! at Niagara Falls attending a con- Announcements All advertisements u this col-emn will be charged for a full month at 1W a word. Hospital Bazaar. October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar. October 7. "Crescent Canadian Shows ger and Better. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY The Pioneer Store In town carrying a large and up-to-date stock of Box Chocolates Chocolate Bars Candles Ice Cream Soft Drinks and Mixers Kresh Milk and Cream-Cakes and Cookies all kinds Fresh Frulis in season Serving Coffee Tea Toast Sandwiches and Fancy Ire Cream Dishes Sodas and Milk Shakes Open 8:00 aon. to 11:00 pjn. MISS YURI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Trice rhone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST. LEE HUNG CHUNG Chop Suey House Open Day and Night Second Avenue Dr. Stanley Mills and son of Terrace arrived In the city on Ratur- Mah Chen, charged with keeping P w Guernsey came north from liquor for sale at the King George Vancouver to Port Evangton on the Hotel, appeared in city police court cardena at the end of the week, his morning and was remanded belng on his way to visit the North-for eight days. ern pyrites mining property. II. E. Alton. B. and B. master for the Canadian National Railways returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip up the line on official duties. Howard Frizzell sailed Saturday night by the Prince George for Vancouver enroute back to Chicago after a visit of several weeks here and on the Skeena River. Charles Graham, Inspector of and a refreshing westerly breeze n-, traln Irom the lntCT,or and lnes "l Louise 'f attracts a large proportion oi me Mled on the prince George for Princess Saturday afternoon from a trip to the Atlln and Tulse- jquah districts on official business. Goldstein and Mrs. Isadore The maximum reading yesterday, town, sailed by the Cardena Satur-t nHl'LX Min. th. nrfiH.i TnrA '. wi. . .J Juneau were passengers lger for the Hudson Bay Co. aboard 'thf Princess Louise af M not a hlh as the 73 retarded r,....,. .v,. , Saturday ; .-"". " u""! , ternoon Rolng through to San week. Fine, settled weather was all along the coast thk morning. Fishing Co. T. ' J. Williams, who sailed Satur Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crisn were aboard the Princess j , .w- o-i passenger! r . .... . w "-i v. i i . attend the Oolden Oate Interna- ' 0 nr""- ,w cated at Telegraph Creek as man- tlonal Exnosltion. Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn sailed Friday night by the Princess Ade- ,a'de m r to vention of the Famous Players- "J T"08 lslt h' 1th "r Canadian Corporation, is expected Dunn s brother. Josenh Dunn Mr. back in the city early next week, He U returning via Vancouver. I coma for fifty years, being one of th real 01 Mrs. 11. Mist and daughter. Miss Thelma Mist, who are moving from . Terrace to Nelson, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Oeorge for( Vanoouver enroute to their hew home In the Kootenay district Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert R. Bartlett, city; Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Switzer, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. JSwttter. J. McEweyn, D. C. Scott, Dr. M. W. Thomas. Dr. Roy Hug-gard. Dr. D. E. H. Cleveland, C. P. Leckie. William Grant, L. O. West and Fred Clarke. Vancouver; D. W. Webster. Victoria; R. H. Lamont, Seattle; Oraham Reld, Georgetown; W. E. Austin, Hazelton Frank Barber, Smithers; Dr. Stanley Mills and Mister Parker Mills, Terrace; Catholic Bazaar October 11, 11. jDr. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong and D. Fitch. Port Esslngton; O. T. Blg-lschofleld. Rochester, New York; D. 8. McDonald, Blllmor; Dr. and Mrs. IE. Gill Hall, Baltimore, Maryland; Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar .Freda Mueller and Joseph Bagnulo, November 3. iNewwark, New Jersey: L. J. Farrell JPort Simpson; Dr. Gordon Wilson Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. MeCabe. Toronto; William A. Horner. W. A. Klrkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. W. Asplnall and G. W. Clifford, Winnipeg: R. Bowes, Edmonton; Robert Sears, Springfield, Mass.; E. E, Cox and H. H. Mehadyl, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Soholt,' Ketchikan; A. J. Kernack, Edmon-j ton; A. Jones. R. Johnson and A. P. MacMlllan, Casslar. Central F. B. Goodall, Vancouver; James I Doyle, II. Closter. A. 6tevens and Wm. Smedlln, Blllmor; H. Glanzer. , Shirley, S. Anderson, Oscar Berg, T. Steinberg, A. Sandstrom, J. OGorman, H. Leighton, Mrs. Pet erson, Elde Ronald Crossley. Arne Arneson and S. Dickson, city; Mrs W. Bertelson and family, 8outh Fort Georee; C Woods. North Pa 'clflc Cannery; J. Noltes, Oslo, Nor way; William Steinberg, Saskatoon; W. Campbell, Jasper; J. Litcheo, C.N.R.; S. Shenker. Surf Inlet. Royal W. Carpenter. Barrett Point; S I Milton Haley. San Francisco; A. 'Plitchta, C.N.R.: R. Cummlngs, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. A. Horton I James C. Kipp, Oceanic; F. Gul ting, city; A. J. Kervack, Edmonton 'Dally advertising m the Dallj News is sure to bring dally re suits. Thro Collart returned to the city, on the Catala this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon, provincial police, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to the Namu district on official duties. Cecil Ryan. Indian, and Harry day aftemoOT'i train, for a brW oj, hJte, both on drunken "It. tness charges, were remanded for Wednesday's I eight days on appearing in elty po aj regular weekly I ii lice court court .ku this morning. momlne. luncheon pf the Prince Rupert Oy ro Club will be the monthly business session. Mrs. W. II. Tobey sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Robert forj a vi a i m Vancouver ana we ui tanagan. M. A. Burbank, divisional engln-. ur. nnh of vi-tiria arrived eer for the Canadian National Rail- ,n dty m Saturday afternoon's' ways, returned to the city on Sat- lraln to pay a visit with her son-ln-urday afternoon's train from a trlp.iaw and danghter. Rev. and Mrs. E. over the line on, official duties. 'w. slater. 3. J. Connors, collector of cust oms for Alaska, and Mrs. Connors and VI. S, Bides arrived in the city on the North Sea this morning from Juneau and sailed on the Catala for a trip to Hyder. Thomas McGregor of Winnipeg, general chairman cf the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees, is leaving by the Prince Rupert this afternoon "for Vaneourer after spending the week-end in the city. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle left New Hazel ton the latter part of last week for a vacation trip to Vancou ver and Victoria, their first trip In many years. They travelled vial Jasper Park on the railway. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Lemon, who have been on a holiday trip' to Van-. couver and Vancouver Island, re turned to the clOr from the south on the Princess Charlotte this morning. Peter Lakle. CJJJt. divisional freight and passenger agent, re turned -to the city on last night's train from a trip to Smlthers and other interior points on official business. uar riming uti uic nunc utvuti, I cess for Vancouver on vacation, will go h?Ul ""J ,lm?00" lnchlkan. m far aouth a San FrancLsco tfll" r,rB.uu.. v-.cttk v Mrs. Bailey of Vancouver and daughter. Miss Margaret Bailey, who are spending the summer here with Mrs. Bailey's son, Basil Ball-el, sailed this morning on the Prin- Icess Charlotte for a visit to Ket- J. W. McAuley. assistant superln endent for Canadian National Railways at Prince Oeorge, arrived 1n the city on last night's train from Prince George, being here on ifficlal duties. He Is returning to the interior on this evening's train Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCann of Ketchikan arrived in the city on he Prince Rupert this morning from the north and will leave by train this evening for Hazelton. Mn McCann Is a well know Ketchikan musician. Col. Philip Edenshaw of Ottawa, director of signals for the Department of National Defence, was a oassenger aboard the Princess Charlotte this morning going through on a trip to Whltehorse and elsewhere In the Yukon on official business. Mrs. Nell McLean, wife of the master of the steamer Prince Rupert, and daughter are spending a couple of weeks visiting witn friends at Stewart. Later they wul spend a week In Prince Rupert re turning to Vancouver via tne vueen Charlotte Islands. W. A. Paterson, manager of the Whitehorte branch of the.Canadian Bank of Commerce and located In' Prince Rupert ulth the localV branch before the War, was a pas-i seneer aboard the Princess Char-' lotte this morning "op his way. back to the Yukon after a holiday trip to Vancouver and the Ftaser Valley. Visiting Doctors Conducting ic Three Prominent Vancouver Medi rat Men Are Visitors In Prince Rupert To conduct clinics for doctors of. this city and district over the week end, Dr. D, E. H. Cleveland, presi dent of the British Columbia Medical Association; Dr. Roy Huggard, chairman of the British Columbia section of the Department of Cancer Control, Canadian Medical As sociation, and Dr. M. W. Thomas, executive secretary treasurer of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, arrived In the city on Saturday afternoon's trajn from Prince George and are leaving by this evening's train on their re-. iurn io ujc uhcuvh. mi nun; molting doctors come from Vancouver They held clinics yeeieroay ana 10-day at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. District medical practloners in town for the clinics included Dr. C. A. Armstrong of Port Simpson and Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace, ORIENTALS Vancouver V AN COUVER, Augtirt 7- Cam palgn to arouse British Colum through jietfiods. blaiis against Oriental penetration jrent- ' ' "'" - dear?" 'Wliot art yog thinking, ThaM'll mow.you down if you don't get me a Stt Capl SWEET CAPO RAL CIGARETTES . T purut farm in kkk tobacco can It tmoitJ." Cf0OOCKHKHCKJCKCfOOOOC'O FREE TV? SVtLL IT BACKWARDS Is "And you get the word MILK", point out Elsie, the Borden Cow. "And that's Jnrt what KUM is pure, frrth, whole milk with all the cream left in, powdered by removing the natural moisture content. Simply add KHm to cold water whiilc with a beater and you have an instant supply of creamy patteur-ired whole milk. I can't recommend anything better for baby, home or camp.'' KLlM Hi fWk'i Ionian's It's GOT fo be good" WOULD CURB entirely constitutional Independent of Parties "We are absolutely independent of political party affiliations,- Mr. Page-Wilson said. "We welcome White Canada Ctdiade launching 'JL!.$ less of Anti-Japanese HoftmtDt In party membership, who be-Deve in our aims and objects. "As individuals we are confident that our members will support those men who will advocate a strocf white Canada policy In Parlla- oecause oi current Japanese a?- Follwino. aHantinn nf n rnnrti- velopments h Jeen launched by b executlve organia. the WhHe Cada Crusade: ijon plana caU for a central aJ!. J am confident that the cru- . ,i saoe wisweep the province." sa:d tive detennlne poUcy and W. R. Page-Wilson, leader of the general admmistratlon. and a ceh- m Avomonr T n f r r sr ra AAMinrv I ..... """"'V -- .s " trai cxecuuve staff to handle 'de-every day from all over British t&lls of organlzatlon cordlria-Columbia pledging enthusiasyc u In addition, each branch wtfl support. The response Is splendid. have ,u executlve council -to in the course of the next few admmuter local affairs. There are weeks branches will be In parted no membership fees, the move-many Important centres. fflent M supported enUrely bj The - voluntary donations. policy; the barring of all further Oriental Immigration; controlling of Oriental economic penetration; i Professor F. E. Buck, lecturer In dispersion of Oriental groups In floriculture at the University of British Columbia; opposition to British Columbia. Is being sent to the enfranchisement uof Orientals, Prince Rupert by the provincial and compulsory registration of all Department of Agriculture to Orientals In Canada. The crusade Judge the gardens on August 23-plans no violent demonstrations and the flowers at the flower shoyr and ' Intends to achieve Its aims on August 30. 15c Pbrids Cold Cream When you buy 35c boltle Dretie Shampoo Both For 35c Ormes Ltd Vhe Pionter Drtu&ists Tht KexaU Store Phones: II ft 12 Ofn Dailyfrom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. .Saadaya-and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ''V X tail 1 mm ' m m I